Multiplex Sex

By S H

Published on Sep 3, 2004


[As much as I'd like to say otherwise, this story is entirely fictitious. If this offends you or if you are not of legal age to read this story, then please do not read any further. This story contains possibly graphic descriptions of consensual sex and masturbatory fantasies between males. None of this is based on any living person and any similarity to my actual job at a movie theatre is completely coincidental. Really, I mean that.]

Chapter 5 -

Working at a movie theatre is far from glamorous. Unless it's in Hollywood or Beverly Hills or something. Wherever the beautiful and famous flock to be entertained. I'm sure it's glamorous there. My point is, people, would it kill you to simply take your empty popcorn tubs and drinks to the trash can on your way out? You'd make my life ten thousand times easier, not to mention less sticky. Oh, shit, don't even get me started on sticky things. Spilt soda is a bitch and half to really clean, especially when you have a bunch of people waiting outside the theatre to be let in for the next show. Sometimes I think you people deserve the sticky floors, I really do.

I'm sorry I vented there, I didn't mean to. It's just that while putting Craig and I on cleaning duty sounded like a good wasn't. Not on a busy Friday night at least. Not to mention we were the only guys on cleaning duty that night. Instead of having time to bond and hang out and shoot the shit we spend nearly all the night running from theatre to theatre with brooms and trash bags in hand, sweating furiously. When they were all clean it was time to hit up the bathrooms and snack bars. Just when you think it's time to break for dinner the theatres let out again and the vicious cycle repeats. I mean, hell, I was so concentrated on getting everything clean in a timely fashion that checking out Craig as he bent over or walked around wasn't even an option.

At the end of the night we walked out of theatre fourteen, and decided to call it a night. Our hair was disheveled, we were sweaty as all hell, tired, and probably smelled.

"Good job boys, I knew you'd do well at this. I'll make it up to you and let you two work ticket taking tomorrow night," our supervisor said surprising us as he walked up from behind us. "Go ahead and head home, have a good night, and see you tomorrow." He slapped us on our backs and continued down the hall. Ticket-taking is the most lax position at the theatre. You stand in one spot all night, tear tickets, and point. On weekend nights they always schedule two ticket-takers to help with the crowd so we'd have plenty of time to talk. Craig looked at me, I looked back at him, we smiled and threw our brooms into the closet next to us. We sluggishly made our way back to the time-clock and locker room, shed our work shirts, and got back into our street clothes.

"That wasn't so bad," I said putting on my backpack and heading towards the door behind Craig.

"Yeah, I had fun tonight," Craig said holding the door open for me.

"I don't know if I'd call it fun," I chuckled and rolled my eyes.

"No, I meant, like, overall. Before work and stuff, hanging out You know?" He sounded almost nervous, something I'd yet to encounter from him. I could feel the blood rush to my face, warming it, though Craig couldn't see it as he was walking behind me. "We should hang out again sometime soon, I'd like that," he blurted and then coughed. I could feel the warm blood rush elsewhere this time, warming that oh-so certain member. We continued down to the parking garage and to the bike rack with me making sure I stayed just in front of Craig.

"Well I guess I'll see you tomorrow night?" I said buckling the strap of my helmet under my chin and unlocking the chain.

"Why not earlier? You feel a movie before our shift or something? Maybe that new Matt Damon flick?" He was blushing this time.

Yeah, he was nervous. I think Craig might play for my proverbial team. More importantly, I think he might like me.

"Yeah, definitely, sure. Sounds good," I exclaimed, perhaps sounding a bit too enthusiastic. "Meet back here around three or so," I asked.

"At the bike rack?"

"Yeah, why not. It's as good a place as any," I said climbing onto my bike. He agreed and we set our date for the next day. Elated, I sped off out of the structure as Craig got into his car.

I was speeding through town, towards my house a few miles away, with a massive grin on my face. My boner, still freshly sprung from Craig's remarks earlier, was at a hundred percent. The bumping and vibrating of the bike seat against my balls and just the general movement of my legs did nothing the stop it either. I let one hand off the handlebar and brought it to my crotch and started rubbing my cock through my pants. The more I rubbed it the more I needed to get off then and there.

I pulled into a park in the residential area near my house and biked to a back corner by some trees and near an embankment leading up to the Sepulveda basin. I came to a screeching halt, flew off my bike, and jogged to a small clearing behind the trees. I looked around to make sure the coast was clear. I didn't expect anyone to be in the park at this hour, but I wasn't about to risk it.

Helmet still on, I sat down at the base of the tree and rested my back against it. I unzipped my fly and unbuttoned my pants. The head of my cock just poked out the top of my boxers leaking a bit of clear, sticky pre-cum at the top. I adjusted my boxers and pants a bit in order to let my dick out. I was much harder than usual and I could almost see it pulsing, though I could definitely feel it.

Through the moonlight I could see it curving up against my belly and resting on my t-shirt. I slipped out my balls, which were still resting under the band of my boxers and starting teasing them with my left hand. I brought my right hand down and started to move the pre-cum around the head of my dick. Soon I was stroking it at a medium pace along with my breathing. A light breeze rushed through the park and chilled my balls which tightened them up and brought them closer to my body. I started to alternate between a slow, sensual pace and a fast, furious pace, my heaving chest and erect nipples poking out through my shirt were more noticeable as I started to breath harder. Another breeze blew by and I shivered a bit, then spit on my hand and continued jerking off some more. I stopped for a second, opened my eyes back up, and looked back down at my dick. It was glistening just a bit from the spit and my balls were very tight up against my body. I started to jerk off some more and noticed my boxers. I remembered Craig showing me his boxers and how he wore the same kind. That quick flash of his abs and just the thought of exactly what his boxers housed sent me off at a furious pace. I pounded my cock, up and down and up and down, flexing my anal muscles to enhance it all and I could feel the sensation of orgasm coming.

I started panting, like I had just run a mile, and stroked my dick faster and faster. I could feel the head of my cock start to swell as my cum started to rush through the shaft and explode out the top. I moaned, loudly, as my first shot flew into the air and landed near the top of my t- shirt. I moaned again as another, stiffer breeze blew by and tickled the head of my dick as it fired of its second round into the air and onto my bicycle helmet. I smirked and continued to pound as the orgasm waved through my body two or three more times until I shuddered, dropped my hands to my sides, and closed my eyes. I lay there, under that tree, for another few seconds trying my best to recover from the exhaustive process of cumming.

Another breeze blew by against my cock and I shuddered again. My dick was in that post-orgasm mode where it's so sensitive that the slightest touch can even become painful. Hell, sometimes looking at it makes me shudder.

I pulled my pants up and buckled them. I decided to take my shirt off, as it was covered in jizz, and wadded it up in my backpack. I hopped on my bike and headed the last few blocks home.

I leaned by bike against the shed in the back yard and quietly came in the back door. It was late and my parents were most likely in bed. I walked through the kitchen and started to undo my helmet when I almost ran into my dad walking through the doorway.

"Oh, hi guy, how was work," he asked as he maneuvered around me and towards the refrigerator.

"Good. It was good, I had a good time. A good night," I said surprised that he was still up at this hour.

"Good," he mumbled and opened the door of the freezer. "Why aren't you wearing a shirt?" I had almost forgot I was coming into the house, just past midnight, and not fully clothed.

"Oh, I got all hot and sweaty and stuff at work, so I though it'd be nice to bike home without my shirt since it's all cool out and stuff," I said and nervously chuckled. He looked over at me, towards my head, and then back into the freezer.

"What's that gunk on your helmet," he asked pushing some stuff around inside the freezer. I furrowed my brow and wondered the hell he was talking about. I pulled the helmet off my head and turned it around to find some of my jizz still splayed on the front. My eyes widened and I quickly grabbed some paper towels from off the counter.

"Oh, I dunno what the heck it is," I said sheepishly and wiping it off as fast as I could.

"Looks like bird shit."

"Oh, yeah, that's probably what it was," I started to laugh until he interrupted me.

"Where the hell did your mother put the ice cream? Did she even buy any," he exclaimed, slamming the door and looked at me.

"I have no idea. I don't think she got any this week. She keeps saying you need to drop a few pounds," I said quickly realizing I probably shouldn't have. Before he could respond I chimed up again. "Well, it's been a long day, I'm gonna go crash. Good night dad," I said and jogged out of the kitchen and up the stairs to my room.

"Good night son, see you tomorrow," he shouted behind me. I dropped my stuff into the corner, ditched my pants, and climbed into bed. Despite embarrassing myself beyond belief just a second ago I fell to sleep pretty easily just thinking about my movie date the next day.

[Hope you all like it and please don't hesitate to send me any feedback or comments you might have. I have a sneaking suspicion that you'll like the next chapter. Just trust me:]

Next: Chapter 6

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