Multiplex Sex

By S H

Published on Aug 21, 2004


[As much as I'd like to say otherwise, this story is entirely fictitious. If this offends you or if you are not of legal age to read this story, then please do not read any further. This story contains possibly graphic descriptions of consensual sex and masturbatory fantasies between males. None of this is based on any living person and any similarity to my actual job at a movie theatre is completely coincidental. Really, I mean that. I apologize for the large delay between chapters. But life got rather hectic, to put it lightly, and I just got some free time again. Also, ignore that promise I made at the end of the last chapter, decided it was better for the story to wait some more.]

Chapter 3 -

Wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute. Woah. Wait.


So, Craig tells me he's going to another high school nearby, but his little brother tells me he's going to the local community college. Which one is right? Am I fantasizing about a upper-classman or a college man? Junior college man that is. I am so conflicted.

Oh the things I think of while riding my bike.

I'm speeding down one of the many major streets here in the valley, dodging pedestrians and hobos, and I can see the mall on the horizon up ahead. I stop at a red light, lean back on my back, and wipe the sweat off my brow. Another scorching hot day in the valley and I was putting far too much energy into my bike ride to work. I suddenly hear a car honk twice to my right. To very brief and friendly sounding honks. I've always found it funny how well you can convey your meaning in a honk. It's always the same tone, but there's a big difference between a friendly honk and an angry one. So I look to my right to see why someone is honking to find Craig's head poking out of the window of a Jetta. Oh my God, he drives a Jetta. One of the gayest cars around.

"Hey Chad, how's it going?"

"Oh, it goes. You going to work?" Why did I just say that? Of course he's going to work, we work at the same place at the same time.

"Um, yeah. We are scheduled at the same time tonight."

"Yeah, duh. Well, I'd race you there but I'm afraid I'd die or something," I said as I wiped the sweat off my brow again.

"Nah, I know CPR, I could help you," he said as his car started to roll forward. The light had turned green.

"Good to know," I shouted as he drove off. No, seriously, it is good to know. That's a guaranteed way to get his lips against mine. I biked across the street and down towards the mall, into the parking structure and to the bike rack. Much to my surprise, Craig was standing there leaning against it. My eyes widened, I smiled, raised my hand to waive, and promptly lost control of my bike and fell to the ground.

"Oh, dude!" Craig shouted and chuckled as he jogged over to me. "Are you alright man? That looked painful." He leaned down and helped me up.

Mark your calendars. That would be the first physical contact of any kind. Inside my head I was screaming.

"It was painful. Thanks," I said as I struggled (on purpose) to get up. I wiped my hands and checked for cuts.

"I think you're good. No blood. Your pants, on the other hand," he said pointing at giant dirt stains down the front of my khakis.

"Oh shit! They're not gonna let me work on the floor tonight if my pants are like this!" I ripped my helmet off, dropped it, squatted, and put my hands to my head. "Crap! What am I gonna do?"

"Uh, Chad, this is a mall," he said as he picked up my helmet.

"Oh yeah," I stood up, "but I don't have enough cash to buy pants."

"Don't worry about it guy, I'll help you out. Just pay me back later. Goods or services," he said as I stood up. I blushed. Dare I ask what that was supposed to mean?

This mall was king back in the 80's, when it was built. Nowadays it's kind of run down and really only busy at Christmas time. They added the multiplex recently with the vain hopes of getting more potential customers to walk through. It hasn't helped much, but I guess it's the thought that counts. I'm not about to complain though, I love movies and they provided me with a great job. The mall just feels like the 80's too, at least to me. It reminds of how everything was back when I was five or six years old. What little memories I have, that is. The movie theatre is up on the third floor, along with the food court, but Craig and I entered on the bottom floor. I stopped at a bench, took of my backpack, and started shoving my helmet inside.

"So, what store should we go to? Old Navy has some good prices."

"Nah, let's head to the Gap, they're having a sale," he said as he pointed up to the second floor. "Besides, I might want to shop for a thing or two. How much time do we have?" I looked at my watch, shocked at how early we both were.

"We've got about 45 minutes before we need to head to work," I said while putting my backpack on. I could hear a baby screaming from somewhere in the mall and the smell of pretzels wafting down from the food court. "I could probably stand to get some food too."

"Not a problem, let's go," he said as he headed towards the escalators.

For a weekday afternoon the Gap was fairly busy, probably because of the sale they were having. I was never a big fan of the Gap. In fact, I had never shopped there before at all, mostly Target (pronounce it like it's a French word, it never feels as cheap if you say it like that) or Ross or something. Whatever is cheap and can pass for fashionable. There were mostly women there today leaving the men's side of the store relatively empty. I headed towards the khakis and Craig headed to the t-shirts. I found the style the would fulfill the uniform requirements and grabbed my size.

"Hey Chad," Craig shouted from the t-shirt section. "What do you think of this one?" He held up a black t-shirt with some white ribbing and a picture of a cowboy on a horse in front of a sunset.

"Cool. I like the graphics."

"The graphics huh?" he said holding in front of him. "Yeah, I guess it is pretty cool." He held it and grabbed some other shirts. "You ready to go?"

"No man, I gotta try these on," I held up my newfound khakis.

"That's what I meant Chad, come on," he said leading me to the changing rooms. They were all full with women busy trying on countless pairs of pants and whatnot. "I hope this doesn't take too long," he said leaning against the doorway. The door to the handicapped stall opened a few seconds later and a short woman walked out with a handful of pants. Craig walked into the stall, turned around, and stared at me. "What are you waiting for?"

"Another empty stall," I said, giving him a "no duh" expression on my face.

"Don't worry about it, this will be faster. It's the handicapped stall, plenty of space," he said spreading his arms, motioning to the vast expanse of changing space behind him. I looked around to make sure no one was watching, ran inside, and shut the door.

"You sure this is cool? I don't want to get in trouble or anything," I said, taking off my back backpack and hanging it on the door. He put his small pile of t-shirts on the bench, brought his hands to his waist, and pulled his shirt off, and turned around. Activity immediately began in my pants.

"Don't worry about it man, no one will care," he said while I blinked in disbelief of what I was seeing. His pecs were much more developed than I had previously thought. His happy trail, that I had only gotten a peek of before, ran up his belly to a small patch of chest hair. I was now at full attention down below. I sputtered for a second, looked down, and unfolded the pair of pants I had brought in.

"Um, I'm just going to um, turn around while I try these on," I said as I slowly rotated around undoing my belt and kicking off my shoes. Craig had already put his first shirt on and was checking it out in the mirror. He grunted, though I couldn't tell if he was approving of my turning around or of his t-shirt. My stained pants fell to the floor and I stepped out of them. My dick was tenting my boxers again.

"What do you think of this one?" he asked as I, without thinking, turned around to look. I checked out his t-shirt and he fairly quickly checked out the tent I had pitched. He smiled for a second and chuckled. "Nice man." My face turned beet red and I spun around as fast as possible, leaned down, and pulled up my new pants.

"Oh, um, I'm sorry." I buttoned the pants and pulled up the fly. Still tenting I bit I repositioned myself in order to minimize its appearance. "You know how it is."

"Don't worry about it Chad, it happens. And hey, we have the same boxers," he said folding down the front of his pants revealing the same blue and green plaid boxers I was wearing. He shortly folded his pants back up and checked his t-shirt in the mirror. My dick twitched a bit. "You're, what, seventeen?" he said as I heard another changing room door slam and someone walk quickly out into the store.

"No, I just turned 18 a few weeks ago." I said turning around again and putting my belt on.

"Cool, I turn nineteen in a month or so," taking off his shirt again and grabbing his original one from off the floor. "The pants look good, let's get them," he leaned over, still shirtless, and ripped the tag off from the side.

"What're you doing? We're not gonna steal these are we?" Craig just chuckled.

"No five finger discount, we'll pay for them," he said as he put his original shirt back on and picked up three of the shirts he brought in. "You ready?" I put my shoes back on, checked my pockets, and shoved my stained pants into my backpack. "Let's roll," he said and opened the door. We headed to the counter and waited in the short line. Once Craig and I got up to the front the lady at the next open register smiled and waived us over.

"Hey Craig, how's it going? How's the new job?" She started scanning the shirts and made some small talk. Craig soon handed her the tag from off my new pants.

"Here, don't forget these. He's wearing them right now," he said and turned to me with a smile. She scanned them and Craig paid for everything with a credit card, I was impressed. "You ready to grab some food?"

"Sure thing," I checked my watch. "We've got some time," I said as he grabbed the bag and we headed out the door.

"You like those khakis? I think they look better on you," he said as we got on the escalator to the top floor of the mall. "Hell, you just look good period," he said as he took a few steps up and walked off the escalator. I just stood there and my jaw dropped. I shook my head, walked off the escalator, and went to catch up with Craig.

[Next chapter soon, I think I'll be doing these in chunks of two. Please forgive any spelling or grammatical errors as I'm not the best proofreader in the world, though I did try. And, again, please send me any feedback you might have:]

Next: Chapter 4

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