Multiplex Sex

By S H

Published on Jun 5, 2004


[As much as I'd like to say otherwise, this story is entirely fictitious. If this offends you or if you are not of legal age to read this story, then please do not read any further. This story contains possibly graphic descriptions of consensual sex and masturbatory fantasies between males. None of this is based on any living person and any similarity to my actual job at a movie theatre is completely coincidental. Really, I mean that.]

Chapter 2

I woke up this morning, still thinking about Craig, and still plenty hard. Blame it on morning wood if you want, either way it was something that had to be taken care of. I lay on my back in bed, stared at the ceiling, and just thought about Craig again. My dick was tenting the sheets on my bed and I would flex my anal muscles a little bit every so often to get it to move it up and down. I don't know why, but watching my hard dick move the sheets like that and get taller made me even hornier. My mind started to drift away from my tented sheets and back towards Craig. I started thinking about his cute little bubble butt as he would walk down the hallways during my first night at work the night before. I started to tweak my nipple with my left hand as my right hand ventured downstairs to the good stuff. I wrapped my hand around my dick through my boxers and moved the fabric around a bit around the head. I was just about to slip my hand through when.

"Craig, honey, are you up yet?" My eyes shot open and I quickly rolled around onto my side and brought my hands up over the sheets.

"Um, yeah mom, I'm working on it."

"Ok dear, you better hurry it up. Carpool will be here in twenty minutes and I don't want you being late again," she said while closing the door. I sighed and rolled back on my back. As much as my cock needed my attention, I really didn't need to be late for carpool again. Besides, it's not like a raging boner like that is a rarity for me. Hello, I'm a teenager. All it takes is a good stiff breeze. No pun intended.

Later, at school, I ran into some friends during my lunch period. I sat down with Greg, David and Shelly, my usual lunch partners. A couple of sophomores had joined us, none of which I knew too well.

Greg and David are so close they're like brothers. Greg is kind of short, around five feet four, and really skinny. He's got curly brown hair and these piercing brown eyes that just demand your attention. I've known him for years, ever since kindergarten, and he's probably the only person I'd ever tell about my more gay feelings. Though, not at this point in time, I'm still not quite ready to face it. David is a couple of inches taller, though definitely not skinny, which is cool. He's a blast to be around, definitely the class clown. His girlfriend Shelly is pretty much always by his side and it's kind of disgusting. They're that couple that you could always find around campus making out in some disgusting way. It's starting to get disturbing.

"So, Chad, what's with the khaki pants? You never wear those, what gives?" Greg asks after popping open his can of Pepsi.

"Oh, they're for work later tonight. All the employees down at the multiplex have to wear khaki pants and these black polo shirt things. I'm just glad we don't have to wear hairnets or something," I said opening my can of Fresca. I'm still surprised my preference for Fresca hasn't triggered anyone's gaydar.

"That's cool I guess. Any cute girls on the staff there?" Greg asks all wide-eyed.

"No, not really. Shannon is there though."

"That gossiping whore?" You now see I'm not alone in thinking this.

"Wait, your name is Chad and you work down at the multiplex?" one of the sophomore boys chimed in. "My brother Craig just started working over there too. Do you know him?" My friends will just have to wait while all my attention shifts to this little runt who happens to be related to the boy whose body I've been creaming over all night.

"Uh.yeah, I think so," I said trying to play it cool. "You're his little brother?"

"Yeah, I'm Brandon," he said. "Nice to meet you." This Brandon kid looked nothing like Craig. He was short with blond hair and blue eyes and kind of wiry compared to his Craig's bulky build. Though, he still was kind of cute.

"Nice to meet you too," I said. Lunch continued on as normal with discussion bouncing around from girls, to movies, to video games, to music, and eventually back to girls again. According to Brandon, Craig went to the junior college a few miles away and was studying biology. He didn't have a girlfriend or anything. In fact, he's never had a girlfriend.

While sitting in Spanish class my mind once again drifted to, you guessed it, Craig. My cock sprang to life underneath my baggy khakis and boxers, so I had to shift in my seat a little bit. I was sitting in the back row as usual while each member of the class gave a presentation. I had given mine first, so I essentially had another hour or so to tune out. I rested my feet up on the empty desk in front of me positioning my pants just right so my cock would lie up against my belly and still not show.

I started to rub the head through my pants a little bit, which felt a lot better then I had expected. I kept rubbing the head of my cock and I looked around the classroom to make sure no one could see what I was doing. Luckily the fabric wasn't making a lot of noise and the desk was covering enough so that someone would actually have to lean down to see what my hand was doing.

I kept rubbing the head of my cock and started to imagine Craig changing out of his tight green shirt into his uniform. He lifted up his shirt from his waist and slowly brought it up over his head while slightly leaning to the side. I followed his cute little happy trail up his hard abs to his well-defined pecs. With his arms above his head I could get a good look at his armpit hair and the muscles on his arms. He sighed and put his arms back down to his sides and started to undo his belt. This entire time I massaged the head of my dick faster and faster through my pants until I was seconds away from cumming. Craig undid his belt and unbuttoned his khakis and slowly undid his zipper. I started to breathe harder, closed my eyes, and my jizz started to shoot out into my boxers. I breathed in and in and in and stopped rubbing myself as I could feel my warm cum on my skin and soaked into my boxers.

When I opened my eyes a second later I found the entire classroom staring at me in confusion, including my teacher.

"I, um, was about to sneeze," I said as put both of my hands on the top of my desk. Some of the girls in the room chuckled while the closest person sitting nearby started to scoot his desk away. "Sorry about that." The remainder of class was spent trying to avoid eye contact and hoping the wet spot on my khakis would be dry enough as to not be noticed. When the bell rang I pulled my shirt down a bit and bolted for the door and to my bike. It was time for work and my last night of training. Not to mention the beginning of the weekend

[Yeah, I know. No sex yet. But I'm getting there. Next Chapter to be exact. Don't loose hope in Chad and Craig hooking up just yet. Thanks for all the feedback and I'd love it if you'd all keep writing me with what you think.]

Next: Chapter 3

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