Multiplex Sex

By S H

Published on Nov 23, 2023


[As much as I'd like to say otherwise, this story is entirely fictitious. If this offends you or if you are not of legal age to read this story, then please do not read any further. This story contains possibly graphic descriptions of consensual sex and masturbatory fantasies between males. None of this is based on any living person and any similarity to my actual job at a movie theatre is completely coincidental. Really, I mean that.]

Chapter 10 -

I waved goodbye to Craig as he drove away from the front my

house and down the street. I made my way to the backyard

trying my best not to make a sound. I quietly slipped the

key into the backdoor lock and turned the knob. All the lights were off inside and my parents were sure to be asleep

at this hour. I tiptoed through the kitchen and into the

dining room when the ceiling fan light flipped on without

warning. My dad was sitting at the table in his robe with the remote. I used to think that remote was so damn cool, I

fucking hated it now.

I paused.

"Goodnight dad," I said hurriedly and started to head for the next room when he interrupted me.

"Hold on just a second there bucko," he said as I skidded to a halt. "Care to explain what happened at school today?"

"Um...I dunno what you're talking about."

"Don't play dumb with me, your mother got a phone call this morning, tell me what happened."

I froze.

Do I just give him the basics? The crowd, the fight, the bolting out the emergency exit, the setting off the fire alarm, and the general disappearing. Do I go into specifics?

Do I just tell him?

"Is that Chad," my mom asked coming down the stairs. "Oh God you're home, is everything alright? What happened?" She rushed up and hugged me, good to know at least one parent is aware of my potential shattered emotional state.

Right, now, do I just tell THEM?

"Hey mom, sorry. All this stuff just happened, and before I knew it I had to be at work so I never called and-"

"Quit stalling son," my dad interrupted me. "Tell us what's up."

I thought about Craig's advice on not caring, just fessing up and not giving a shit about what they thought. But these were my parents, and my dad could flip out on me, maybe even kick me out of the house. I never even thought about Craig's family, how they might react. How his brother was yelling when I talked to Shelly.

Then I just realized it was all inevitable anyways. I know I'm not straight, and I know my parents will have to find out sometime. Not only for my own good, but for their own good too.

So I just told them.

Saturday had finally come, both Craig and I were ready to go to prom. We both had to work that morning in different areas, I was selling tickets at the box office, smirking and giggling to myself every few minutes. My co workers could tell something was up as I was never this giddy, for any reason. Craig was off at the concession stand slinging popcorn and filling drinks like nobody's business. Work ended and we both met in the locker room by the lone shower stall. Now don't go getting any ideas.

Not to say I didn't already have ideas, but that's beside the point.

Craig and I chatted while we peeled off our uniforms. Our discussion still floated around how my parents took the news, how surprised we both were. I got down to my skivvies first so I headed for the shower. Craig just sat on one of the benches, in his boxers only, and talked to my while I rinsed off.

"I wish you were taking that shower with me," he called out over the curtain. I chuckled. I happened to be soaping up my balls at the time and the thought of Craig in there with me, naked, made my cock spasm.

"I thought you wanted to take it slow or something?"

"Yeah, yeah, I know, that doesn't mean I still don't want to be in there with you." I laughed and finished rinsing the soap off my body. My dick was semi-erect and sort of pointing straight out at the moment. I pointed the water away towards the wall, stuck my hand through the curtain, and grabbed my towel. I wrapped it around my waste and looked down to see if my dick was showing. It was tenting it a bit, so I reached under and point my dick up so it would stay there and be less obvious.

"She's all yours," I said pulling the curtain to the side only to find Craig standing there in front of me. I walked around the corner to my locker, then remembered my boxers were still on the ground by the curtain. I walked back just as Craig was pulling his boxer-briefs down and I caught a quick glimpse of his ass before he closed the curtains.

"No fair," he shouted while giggling. "I didn't get to see you, why do you get the peepshow?"

"I just needed my boxers there boyo, I wasn't trying to sneak a peek, I promise." I started to put on my tuxedo as he showered. He was soon done and doing the same as me.

We got matching black tuxedos with red vests and matching red bowties. We went for the traditional route with the bowties. At first we thought they were too gay, then realized that's exactly why we should get them. We both stood in front of the mirror fixing our hair and tweaking out fancy little bowties. Sorry, I just love that word for some reason.

"You ready," he asked me putting his hand in his pockets.

"Yup, just one last stop," I said grabbing his hand, bringing him in for a quick kiss, and leading him out the door and into the mall.

I can't decide who looked more odd. The poor saps working at the Hot Dog on a Stick stand, or the two guys in tuxedos getting their prom dinner there. This eatery had grown some sentimental value for us.

We walked to the parking lot eating our dogs on a stick, talking like crazy about the night about to unfold. Craig wasn't the least bit nervous, which I couldn't understand. I may be outing myself to these people, but I don't know any of them. These are his classmates, his peers.

I had one last surprise for Craig in the parking lot, which I hope he liked.

"Holy crap! It's a fucking limo," he exclaimed as he saw the new Lincoln stretch limo parked in front of him. It was white on the outside, black as night on the inside with all the luxuries they were willing to rent out to two teenagers. "How'd you afford this?"

"Well, I was as surprised as you were with the way my parents took it. They were so cool with the whole idea of us going to prom that they offered to get us a limo for the night. I wasn't expecting," I said before he interrupted me with a big fat kiss on the lips which surprised the driver standing at the passenger door. He thanked me as we piled into our limo and headed downtown.

As we pulled in front of the posh Biltmore hotel we saw other limos emptying with other clusters of kids all dressed up. Boys leading their girls by their arms inside, giggling all the way. Craig was nervous now, I could see it in his eyes. I grabbed his hand and he squeezed it tight.

"I'm ready when you are boyo." He took a deep breath.

"Alright, let's go," he announced and opened the door. One of the boys spotted him get out of the limo.

"Craig," he shouted. Then he saw me get out behind him and us interlock arms. "Craig?"

[Thoughts? Ideas? Gripes? Suggestions? I can also add you to my mailing list for every time a chapter is added]

Next: Chapter 11

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