Muddy Work story revised

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on May 28, 2006




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM



The sound of the big cat dying down was like a tubercular patient having a coughing fit. It wheezed, gagged, choked, and was silent, leaving Don's ears ringing. "Aw, fuck, not again!" he griped to the gods of air and water.

There was lots of water. It had been raining for three days out of the last four, and while today was clear, there was a hell of a lot of mud to deal with. The only way for them to get the project back on track was to keep the big cat, their bulldozer, running all day today, and the cat was not only bogging down on a regular basis, but the water seemed to have gotten into the machinery, ergo, the big caterpillar was dying on them every couple of minutes.

Edwin crawled down out of the cat and met Don as he walked up. "It's got to be water in the fucking tank." he declared.

"Yeah," Don said. "But what the hell we going to do about it?"

"Got to flush the damned tanks." Edwin said. "Then the lines, blow them out with compressed air, change the filter, and then re-fill the tank again with diesel. Maybe then we can keep the damned cat running."

Don groaned. "You know what that means, don't you?"

"Yep." Edwin said. "You and me get to crawl under the cat."

"I'll see if I can find some clean cardboard to lay down." Don said.

But there wasn't much, and the mud was deep enough to defeat the small amount they did. Don and Edwin got muddy as hell. Not clean mud, but mud soaked with diesel and oil and grease from the underbody of the bulldozer.

"What time is it?" Don asked as he hooked the diesel hose to the gas tank. It took time to fill up a bulldozer of this size, the gas tank held some one hundred-fifty gallons of diesel.

"Eleven-fifty." Edwin said after scraping the muck off his watch.

"Close enough to lunch." Don agreed. "Let the fucking cat fill up and we'll fill up, too."

"Fucking fine by me." Edwin agreed.

Don turned to walk toward the pickup where they'd put their lunches and damned if he didn't slip and fucking fall into the mud! Not surprising, this mud was composed mostly of the clay they had been digging through. The foundation for this place had to be dug down to a depth of nearly eighty feet, and they were near that depth. All they had to accomplish this day was the remaining ten feet, and they could start tomorrow to laying down the bedding for the concrete. The iron rods and the plastic sheeting wouldn't care about a bit of mud.

But damn it, he did! This fall was the last fucking straw! He just lay there in the mud and groaned. "Shit! Fuck! Hell!"

Edwin was laughing, damn his ass! "You have a nice trip?" He asked, not very original or funny.

"Stop laughing and help me up." Don stuck up a hand. Edwin took it and Don pulled hard!

Edwin came down, landing on his face in the sticky mud. Now Don was laughing. "Serve you right, fucker!"

"Ah, kiss my ass!" Edwin said as he spat mud out of his mouth, flicking his too-pink tongue back and forth to try to get rid of it all.

"Better your ass than your face. It's probably the cleanest part of your body." Don said.

"You got that right." Edwin said as he sat upright. Don did, too, two men covered thickly with reddish-brown mud, laughing like jackasses...or like two men who were stuck doing a nasty, filthy, unforgiving job.

"Ah, hell!" Don said. "Aren't we a couple of fuck-ups, anyway! Why the fuck are we even out here, anyway?"

"Job has to get done." Edwin pointed out needlessly. It was true, until the foundation was dug, the rest of the crew couldn't do anything but get in the way. They would be here tomorrow and the place would start to hum...finally, but for now, they were two men, one bulldozer operator, and one supervisor cum truckdriver, to haul the muck out of the way and dump it out again nearby, to be hauled later to a landfill.

"But why couldn't they have picked two other men for this job?" Don was saying this mostly to himself.

But Edwin answered. "Fuck, you and me are the two who go the least to go home to, don't we?"

"Yeah." Don had to admit, the rest of the crew had wives, children, family. He and Edwin were the local bachelors. If you had to pick two men to ruin a perfectly good Sunday on, why not him and Edwin? "And why is that?"

Edwin just sort of shrugged. "Why is that for you?" he asked instead.

Don kind of grimaced. "I had someone, once...but you know how that is."

"So what was her name?"

"Name? Uh...." Shit, he couldn't say "Charles" now, could he? "It was...uh...."

"Can't remember her name?" Edwin asked.

Don tapered off. "Hell, man, who cares now, anyhow."

"Yeah." Edwin said.

Don got to his feet and said, "Fuck this, let's get our chow." And he held out his hand.

Edwin took it, but only got up as far as his knees, and said, "I know what I'd like to chow down on just now." And his face was right at Don's crotch.

"The hell you say." Don was dubious.

"The hell I say." Edwin agreed. "You saying you got an objection?"

"Uh...." Don didn't actually, but hell. "We're on a project, damn it."

"On a Sunday in the middle of a fucking deep, muddy hole." Edwin completed. "Now open that up for me. Or you want me to do it for you?"

"I don't know."

"I know." Edwin said. "I know you couldn't give me the name of your last girlfriend. I'm figuring it was because her name was George or Tom or something. Tell me I'm wrong and I'll apologize."

"No." Don said slowly.

"Then whip that fucker out." Edwin said. "I got a hankering for some sweaty stud cock soaked with sweat from a day on the job. How about you?"

Don didn't say anything. But after a few second's freeze, he reached down and opened the buttons on his jeans. Wiped his hand on one of the few dry patches on his shirt and peeled his cock out of the wet-but-clean briefs underneath.

"Yeah, the cleanest part of your body, ain't it?" was Edwin's observation as his mouth slipped open Don's glans, which bounced off one side and then buried itself into the central, warm depths.

"Ahhh, shit!" Don moaned as he felt those velvet-soft lips close upon his shaft and milk upwards. A shudder wracked his body as Edwin's mouth raised his cock's skin up and over his cockhead, sending a flutter of pleasure down into his body. "Ahh, hell, yeah, man, suck that meat for me, hell, yeah, shit!"

"Ummmm!" was Edwin's only comment, his sound muffled by the thick dong buried in his throat. That sound flapped like the wings of a hummingbird up and around Don's prick, and that was added to his diving back down and pulling once more on Don's cock, and another wave of delight swept over Don's central body.

"God, yeah, uhhhh!" Don murmured. "You fucking bastard, come on, suck me, you big, hairy stud, you God-damned bulldozer driver, suck my dick, uhhhh, ahhhh, uhhhhh!"

Edwin moved up and down Don's rod a dozen times or so, then pulled off, not in disgust or discomfort, but rather, savoring the flavor of Don's man-pole, he licked the bottom of Don's shaft and said, "Yeah, that's the kind of cock worth sucking on, 'stead of some pampered and powdered little faggot in a bar. Steamed in its own juices, yeah, God, I'd like to take you down and lick you from cock to asshole and back again, get all that salty funk out of you!"

"Ooooh, Go-o-o-o-o-d!" Don moaned. The thought of that was turning him on! If they had any place at all to lie down clean and neat, he would have stripped naked! But they were in a world of mud, he couldn't do anything but stand as he was and let this bull-stud of a man worship his prick. Except maybe... "Shit, man, finish me off so I can do you! We got to get back to work here 'fore long if we're going to be done by the end of the day."

"Don't interrupt a man while he's having lunch." Edwin said and he went back over it, one long slurp and off again. "I going to enjoy mine!" And he went back down, taking it deep, taking every last sweat-stained inch of Don's prod, not flinching from the taste of a man who worked hard for a living, loving the flavor, loving the man!

"Ooohhh, ahhh, ughhhh, gguuuhh!" Don moaned as Edwin's mouth milked him down with expert, well-rehearsed motions. Edwin was no tentative virgin, no curious hunk, he was a well-oiled machine like he was behind the controls of his big cat, moving over Don's prick like a smoothly operating machine, and Don could only hang on and let the pleasure wash over him with ever-increasing intensity amid the pressure that was building up in his balls!

Oh, God, he had to release that load, soon! "Oh, God, man, I'm going to come!" he gasped out. "Motherfucking bastard, you're going to get a huge fucking load, you better be ready for it, shit, God, uh, yeah, uhhhh!"

And Edwin's hand gripped the base of Don's shaft and his hand milked in time to Edwin's mouth, helping that moist, silken mouth to move him faster, smoother, warmer, warm, warm, hot, hot, oh, God, hot! "Oh, God, oh, God, oh, oh, OH, OH, OHHH-GUHH-AH-GAHHHH!"

And Don creamed hard into Edwin's mouth, Edwin sucking him down like a pork-rib dinner special at Maisie's, his lips were greasy with his saliva and he was getting every last morsel out of Don's spurting tool, gulping down the hot salty stud-milk and pumping for more, more, more!

And Edwin wrung every last drop of ecstasy from Don's loins, left his boss in a weakened, bent-knee stupor, panting, sweating, mouth gulping for air.

And Edwin rose from his knees at last, and took Don in his arms and kissed, and Don tasted the hot salty love-juice on Edwin's lips and he kissed them dry, the lingering taste of his own sperm only heightening his desire for more!

"My turn now!" he gasped and let his knees buckle to lower him down. Edwin's pants were filthy with mud from his face-first fall of before, but by now, Don was past caring about that! He fought the filthy trousers open and underneath was a brown-sodden mass of briefs, but when he tugged that down he was presented with a cock that was wet but otherwise clean. He couldn't shove it into his face fast enough, and he fought that huge pud down his gullet, wanting all of it at one time, all right now, right now, God, he had to get all this construction worker's dong inside himself! It had been too long, damn it, too fucking long!

"Ahh, yeah, boss-man, suck my cock." Edwin murmured. "Give this man-sausage of mine all you got, fucker, take it all, I bet you can't swallow all of it, let's see you try."

Edwin had some proof for his conceit, for he was packing a powerful rod in his pants, Don had over nine inches of solid, thick cock that was stretching out his lips. He got half or more of it down, and his throat rebelled, and he had to gag, let go of it.

"Yeah, choke on it, stud, you can't do it, can you?" Edwin taunted him.

Don's eyebrows moved, not in anger but in intensity, and he went for it again, this time he ignored his throat's anguish and kept on worming that huge man-tool down deeper, more, more, he wanted it all this time, he couldn't give Edwin less than Edwin had given him, and Edwin had been giving him a complete deep-throat job! Not only that, he was sucking on bona fide blue-collar cock, and he wasn't letting go of it that easily!

He made it! He had the whole fucking rod, he had Edwin's balls snuggling on his chin, and Edwin grunting above him, and he kept that massive column of man-flesh inside himself for as long as he could, and then the raw need for air forced him to relinquish his conquest, he retreated over the long plain of human meat and at long last, only the cockhead remained in his mouth, his last foothold upon his once-mighty empire!

"Damn, man, you took the whole fucker, didn't you?" Edwin said incredulously. "I haven't had it all the way down since I let that little twinkie fairy back in Pittsburgh go down on it. If he hadn't been such a damned sissy-boy, I might have gone back to him just for that. Hell, man, you are fucking grade-A cocksucker!"

Don dove back down and he attempted to recapture his territory, but the raw massive amount of it defeated him on this second attempt. He had to settle for most of it, nearly all, only an enticing inch or so was left for his clutching, questing lips to yearn for, and then he had to grip tight and pull back upwards again, this time, he took the cockskin with him and Edwin yodeled his joy above him.

"Ah, uh, ah, uh, yeah, uh, ah, uh!" he gasped as Don pulled up high and moved back down again. "Yeah, boss-man, do a wrecking job on this big fucking hard-on I got! Shit, you big, horny bastard, I should have fed you this monster a long fucking time ago! I would have if I'd known, just walked over while you were studying your papers and whipped it out and told you to suck it! Shit, man, gah, take it, man, there's a big, thick load in there and it's all yours if you'll just keep this up another couple'a minutes for me! Ah, shit, yeah, damn, uh, yeah!"

Edwin's filthy hands moved and knocked Don's hard hat off his head and buried their silt-soaked fingers in his hair. That grip let Edwin hunch at Don's mouth and he did, hard and fast, the huge tool now a plundering monster assaulting Don's tonsils.

"Oh, God, damn, fuck, yeah, uh!" Edwin panted above him while he mauled Don's mouth. "Shit, fuck, damn, oh, shit, uh, uh, gah, uh, uh, uh!" and he dopplered down into panting, and this panting was frantic, hard, loud, and the panting got longer, louder, melted together into a moan and with that moan, Edwin erupted into Don's mouth, and that promised heavy, thick, salty load was dumped onto Don's tongue and throat in thick, cloying clumps! Don choked, swallowed hard, held on as best he could, for Edwin was still man-handling his head, force-fucking him with that huge dong, and with Edwin lost in his rapture, there was no hope of mercy for now, he could only hang on and drink the heady mead of worker-come that was flooding into his mouth, like so much molten lava it burned his mouth from its heat and he swallowed it and met with more and more and more, he swallowed until his entire throat from top to stomach was one long shaft of flame!

And Edwin was done now, his cock draining rapidly and shrinking in size as he did, and Don could finish swallowing and he did, and his stomach was warmed with the lusty load of hot stud-tonic, and he finished it and looked up at Edwin. Ever the stalwart worker, Edwin seemed only lightly winded from his exertions, he grinned down at his boss at his knees, cock in his mouth, and said, "Nice job, boss."

Don spit out the wilted prick and said, "You, too, fucker. Now let's get some real food on top of this little appetizer and then get back on the job. If you can chew up the last ten feet the way you chewed up my cock, we might get out of here before dark."

"Sounds good to me." Edwin agreed.

Don put his arm around Edwin's shoulders, in a just-buddies kind of way, and they walked to the pickup to get their lunchboxes.

A construction job was often long hours, six or seven days a week in fair weather such as the summer promised to be (ignoring the spate of rain just past). But Don was sanguine about that, for after the day was done, he would have Edwin to go home with, and Edwin to spend the lazy days until the next job came along.

He didn't even care about the mud just now. Hell, if it hadn't been for the mud, he might never have discovered what was right underneath his nose all along!


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM



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