Mudds Back

Published on Oct 9, 1997



anthol13.txt - anthology of Star Trek and other Space Legend themes put to ------------ a cromexx theme.

MUDDS BACK by Cleo Kraft ------------- Chapter One: War and Negotiations for Escape

------------------------------------------ The battle waged on outside. I could hear the rumble of explosions off in the distance. The Federation was having no part in this little skirmish between the Mezepods and the Frerlians. I wanted out of this war and there weren't many places left to hide on this shambles of a planet. There was an underground escape route that was rumored to be in this old dusty schoolhouse. I didn't have much choice. Either join up with the resistance movemnet on the Frerlians side, or surrender to the Mezepods, or seek some sort of escape. I preferred the latter. I was going to try for escape. The schoolhouse was dusty but you could tell people had been here recently because of all the footprints left on the otherwised dust covered floor. I made my way to the back of the big room past rows and rows of overturned desks and chairs. The chalkboard slid to one side revealing a passageway as well as a fat man who was about five feet tall from my judgement. He had a curly mustache and greasy hair, from what was left on his balding scalp. "Hello," he said to me. "This way, man, this way! And do be quick about it. I don't want my head getting blown off again. It was difficult enough last time to repair it. Now come along." I stepped through the hole in the wall and the chalkboard slid back in place behind me, closing me into a dimly lit tunnel. "My name is Mudd," the fat man said to me shaking my hand. "Harry Mudd." "Gill Landers," I said shaking his hand. We broke off of the handshake. "What brings you to the underground, Mister Landers?" Harry asked. "Escape, of course," I said. "Ah, they all want to leave," Harry said. "Nobody much wants to stay. Well, well. Let's see. You know the laws. As far as civilians go, only women and children can leave this planet as it's in a state of war." I nodded. "So," Harry said to me looking me straight in the eye. "What's your choice? Woman or child?" I stared back at him in disbelief at his question. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Do you want me to dress up in disguise then in order to escape?" Harry shook his head,"No. The checkpoints between here and Plexil IV are too strict for that little game anymore. No, I'm afraid, Mr. Landers, that only a real woman or real child would ever be able to make the journey off this world. You could, of course, wait it out. See who wins. Then you wouldn't need to bother with escape." "That's not why I came here," I said. "I told you before that I came here to escape. I don't fancy waiting around for this war to end because both you and I know very well that our side is doomed." Harry shook his head and said,"Tsk, tsk! That's no way for a countryman to be talking. Where's your patriotic spirit?" "Back outside getting pummelled by bombs," I said. We approached an elevator shaft and both stepped inside a small mining elevator. With the pull of a lever, we began to slowly descend downward into darkness. "What do you expect me to do about your desire to escape then?" Harry asked me calmly. "I don't perform miracles. At least not anymore." I shrugged, though Harry could not see the shrug in this darkness. "I don't know," I said. "I just want out of this world even if I have to hide out down here with you. At least it's better than dying or being captured by the Mezepods." "I meant to say," Harry said and went on,"that I don't NORMALLY perform miracles. I will perform quite an astounding miracle and help you escape this world but it will cost you plenty." The elevator stopped and we both walked off into another dimly lit tunnel. "What?" I asked perking up. "Name your price. Just name it. I'll do anything to get off this planet." "I can put you on a most wonderful planet at least three light years distance from here," Harry said to me. "It's called Crillar. It's very habitable and compares in luxury to Romulus along with the comforts of Earth. A very nice place indeed." "Sounds great! What's your price?" I asked again. "Your bank account for one," Harry told me. I shrugged. "I AM a very wealthy man," I said. "But wealth is useless in this world where death is lurking around every corner. Okay, I'll turn over my account to you." "ALL your accounts," Harry said to me. "They're of no use on Crillar anyway." I didn't like what he was saying but I did want off this rotten planet. "Okay, done," I said handing him over my wallet. "Gill, I see you mean business," Harry said as we walked down the tunnel,"But there's more I need than just money." "Name it," I said. "I want you to seriously consider what you're asking for," Harry told me looking concerned. "I don't want you to do anything you're not prepared to do without thouroughly considering the consequences of your actions." "I'm ready," I said. He looked at me as we stopped before a closed metal door. "Are you really?" he asked. He pressed his hand up to a plate beside the door and a small buzzer sounded. The door wisked open and I followed him inside into a brightly lit room. The room had rows and rows of cots along each wall and on nearly all the cots lay scantilly clad women who had their ankles chained to their beds. Most of the women were asleep but the one's who were awake stared up at the ceiling as if drugged. "What's with them?" I asked. "They looked all doped up." Harry looked back at me and said,"They are." "Haarrrrry," a woman nearby called. "Please let me go. I've change my mind." Harry ignored her and kept walking. "Haarrrrry," the woman said again. "Won't you reconsider? I want out of the deal. Please let me go." We left the room and were in another dimly lit corridor. When the door was closed behind us, Harry thought it safe to talk. "They're cargo," he told me. "My most precious cargo. Women always are, you know. Anyway, they're all waiting to get out of here like you are but then, there's only one ship that travels between here and Crillar and it can get pretty boreing so I've had them drugged to make it seem like things are speeding right along." We came to another door and Harry once again placed his hand on a sensor panel nearby and the door slid open for us. We entered into another room quite like the last one only the figures on the cots were little boys and girls and a few infants, in fact. "More cargo," Harry said as we walked through the room and out another door. We were now walking across a huge underground parking area for spacecraft. Several vessels were lying on the floor with their landing gear supporting them. "My own little spaceport under the world," Harry said proudly gesturing to all the ships down here. "Gateway to freedom, my friend. Doorway to the stars." "Are you really sure you want to escape this world as badly as you say you do?" Harry asked me. "Yes," I said. He seemed pleased enough with the answer. "Woman or child?" he asked. "Huh? What?" I said. "Woman or child?" he repeated. "Which shall it be?" He paused before another door to place his hand on another metal plate. The door slid open and we walked inside and started across another corridor. "What exactly are you asking?" I said as we walked along. "As I said before," Harry explained. "I can perform some miracles but at a price." "And?" I asked. "And the price is your accounts, which you've so generously given me, and which my secretary will shortly confirm," Harry said. "AND you loose your freedom in order to gain it." "What do you mean by that?" I asked not liking the sound of this at all. We stopped again at another door and soon entered another room. This room was setup like a lounge. There were sofas and coffee tables everywhere. "Where are we?" I asked, forgetting my previous question for the moment. We walked up to a desk and a nurse who sat behind it greeted Harry. "Hello big fella," she said standing up and kissing Harry on the cheek. "What have you brought me today?" Harry returned her kiss on her cheek and then took her hand and gently gave it a kiss as well. Then Harry straightened up and said,"An escape request." The nurse looked me over up and down. "Woman or child?" she asked Harry. Harry shrugged. The nurse looked over at me and asked,"Come on. I haven't got all day you know. Woman or child?" I looked at Harry with an open mouth and shrugged my shoulders,"That's what I've been meaning to find out. What do you mean by ~Woman or Child~?" The nurse sat down and let Harry answer. "It's part of the deal," he said simply. "You choose child and you leave here as a child. Choose woman and you go away from this place as a woman. Those are the choices." I looked appalled. "Sorry, chap," Harry said patting me on the shoulder. "But there just isn't any other way. The spaceways are swarming with export police and they're sure to kill any unauthorized MAN who leaves this world." "Then make me an authorized man," I said. "Surely you can forge me a pass out of here can't you?" Harry shrugged,"I don't do that here. I run a clean operation. You leave according to the laws and I get your money. Simple as that. Otherwise we'd have both armies bombing this place like mad. Don't think both sides aren't aware of my little spaceport. You can hide for only so long but they know the takeoffs and landings have to come from somewhere. I WILL get caught eventually. I always do. This time when I do, it will look like nothing illegal is going on." "What about those women and children back there who are drugged and cuffed to their cots?" I pointed out. "Bah," Harry said. "Can't be perfect. I have backup routes and emergency rooms to hide those bunch in if this place ever gets invaded. Anyway that's of no concern of yours. Just make a choice. Woman or child. Which shall it be?" "Will I loose all my years of knowledge if I choose child?" I asked. Harry shrugged,"What the hell difference does it make? You'd be off this planet. That's what you wanted right?" "Yeah but that doesn't answer my question," I said. "You loose SOME memory," Harry told me. "If you're so afraid of loosing memory then why not choose woman?" I shrugged and said,"Why not?" The nurse scribbled something on a paper, attached it to a clipboard and handed me a pen and the clipboard. "Please sign here and here," the nurse asked me. I signed. There was an awful lot of small print on that contract though. I handed back the clipboard and pen. "Congratulations," the nurse said. I thought she was talking to me but instead she reached out and shook Harry's hand. "Looks like you've got another woman for your cargo," the nurse said. Harry kissed her hand and then turned and walked away. He paused at the door and said,"I always get my man and I always keep my women. Have a safe journey Gill." Then he walked out.

Chapter two: Mudd's Woman

----------------------- I was taken by another nurse into another room and stripped of all my clothes. I didn't mind so much being naked in front of a beautiful woman but this nurse seemed not to notice my erection or if she did she was being awfully casual about not noticing it. "Bend over," she said taking a needle off of a tray and filling the syrige with some sort of drug. She hit me with the hypo right on my left bun and it stung briefly. "There," she said putting the hypo down. "That oughta start things out." "What was that you gave me?" I asked. "Estrogens," she said but I didn't know what she meant. I shrugged. "Lay down on your back," she told me. "On the table there." I did as she asked. Now it was quite improbable that she could avoid looking at my erection. This time she seemed to notice it and raised an eyebrow at me. "You'd better calm down or you'll bleed to death during the operation," she said to me. I lay there feeling the tingly sensation of whatever that drug was she gave me. I felt very odd indeed. She strapped my wrists and ankles to the table as I lay there gazing up at the ceiling lamps. She gave me another shot, this time, quite unexpectedly and quite painfully on the side of my penis. "Yow! That hurts! What's that for?" I asked in tears. I nearly bit my tongue off trying to talk with all the pain going on down there between my legs. "Pain killer," she said. "Well," I said still aching. "Why does your pain killer have to be so painful?" She gave me some more shots, this time on my chest. "Outch!" I yelled. "Now what?" "More estrogens," she said to me. "Mixed with a decent mixture of breast growth inhibiters although normally the estrogens should be enough but we want to make this a fast job." I shrugged uselessly. "So you really are gonna give it your best shot and try and make me a woman?" I asked. She nodded,"Em-hmm." I felt my breasts tingle all over and I thought I could feel them swelling a little. She brought a little black box over to the table and rested it below my chin. I heard a switch being turne on and the black box hummed and buzzed, sending a warm, tickly sensation through my neck and into my throat. "Say ahhhh," she said to me. "Ahhhhhhh," I said. My voice sounded irregularly high in pitch. She adjusted a dial on the black box and I heard another buzzing noise. "Again," she said. "Say ahhhh." "Ahhhhhhhh!" I said in a much softer and even higher pitched voice. "Perfect!" the nurse said shutting off the black box and setting it down on a tray nearby. "What have you done to my voice?" I asked listening to the soft, higher pitched voice that eminated from my mouth. "I womanized it," the nurse said. "Now you've got a womans voice." "I," I said. "I don't think I like this." "Hush," she said to me. "You can't back out now. You've already signed the contract." "But," I said. "I changed my mind. Call Harry. Tell him I changed my mind." The pain killer that had been injected into my penis had completely numbed up my whole crotch area. She moved her hand down there. "Feel this?" she asked. I couldn't feel a thing. "Nah, ah," I said shaking my head. "You're ready then," she said to me. My nipples on my flat, hairy chest started to dribble some moist, milky watery liquid. The nurse wiped the liquid with a soft cloth. "What's happening to my chest?" I asked. She looked down at my face and for a moment there I thought she actually felt sorry for me. "You're growing boobies," she said. "Mammary glands are developing fully now. Hopefully it won't be too much longer for you." She brought over a strange machine that rolled across the floor on wheels. A long metal appendage stuck out of the machine and on it's end was a complex metal box with clamps, needles, gears, and hinges. "What is THAT?!?" I yelled. The nurse patted me on the chest. "Calm down," she said to me. "It's a revolutionary device that performs the whole sex change operation down there between your legs in a quick, efficient manner. All automated. It's a vagina maker but we tend to call it the Girlmaker." She guided the metal boxlike device so that it was stuck right up between my legs. I could numbly sense contact with the thing as the needles and clamps did whatever they were doing down there. The nurse patted me on the chest again. "This may feel a little weird," she warned me. "But it'll all be over soon dear." Then she pressed a buton on the machine. I heard flesh being torn and saw blood squirt out from between my legs. I almost fainted. The machine pressed into my abdomen and I could hear clamps twisting inside out and gears churning. I couldn't actually feel any pain but I could sense things. Terrible things. My dick-flesh down there was being stretched out. My balls were either cut out or made into something else, I couldn't exactly tell. There was some sort of drilling action going on down there. Was the machine making a hole in my abdomen? I heard several clamps snap open and shut then everything pressed up snugly against me and I heard the familiar sound of laser. Laser sewing my flesh up. I was in tears from the experience. Not tears of pain but tears of loss. I knew that I was no longer a man at this point, at least not down THERE where it mattered the most. Then a metal mask came down over my face. "Hold still dear," the nurse said. I heard the hum of ultrasonic devices burining out every hair follicle on my face except I sensed that my eyebrows were slightly spared by this process. Then there was the sound of laser again. "Ah...." I tried to say but my sound was muffled under the mask. "My nose!" The mask was giving me a nose job! I felt my nose being remolded by laser under the confines of the mask that pressed so closely against my face. Then my chin felt the same barrage of laser work but this wasn't all. My cheekbones were also being remolded. Nothing was to be overlooked. Not being able to see made it even more freightful when I felt similar jolts of laser on my hands and feet and knees. Then there was some sort of liquid washing over my face, hands, feet, and knees. The mask was removed and I saw the nurse remove similar covers from my hands and feet and knees. "Oh doctor," I said. "I feel strange." A pair of metal domes came down from an overhanging machine and rested tightly against my chest. "Breath in," the nurse said. "and do try and hold your breath." I did as she asked. The machine on my chest was activated and I felt a violent tingly sensation in my chest. Then I felt as if the skin on my chest was ready to tear apart. My chest was expanding upward to fill up the metal cones. "Ohhhhh," I cried. "You're not holding your breath." the nurse scolded me. "Now I've got to reapply the suction." I tried to hold my breath. Really I did but I kept feeling a mixture of pain and pleasure as my breasts stretched and grew under all that suction of the machine. In the end the nurse had to reapply the machine at least seven times before the process was complete. Before I passed out I thought I heard Harry Mudd laughing in the background.

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