Mtv Crossroads

By Grant Colby

Published on Feb 4, 2000


This is FICTION. It NEVER happend, at least not to my knowledge. This story is not intended to imply anything about the sexuality of Carson Daly, James Van Der Beek, or any member of N Sync.

"Great show! Thanks for being here," Carson said, smiling. James looked back into Carson's eyes, wondering just what was going on in his mind. Carson Daly's smiles always seemed more like knowing leers than friendly grins.

"No problem, I had fun," James lied with a smile. He hated things like this, but it came with the territory of being a teen idol.

"Good. Hey, next time you're in town, we definetly gotta have you on TRL," Carson said. James nodded and gave another fake smile as they reached his dressing room door.

"Sure thing. I'll see you around," the blond said, closing the door behind him before Carson could say anything more. Walking over to the sofa in the corner, James Van Der Beek sank down with a heavy thud and closed his eyes.

"How do I let myself get talked into these things?" He wondered out loud. He'd just finished co-hosting the farce that was MTV's TRL Super Bowl special. He'd been no more than a footnote to the show, though, overshadowed by that boy band, N Sync.

A small smile crossed James' face when he recalled how he'd managed to show up the boys in the group by tossing the football through a ring when the five of them consistently missed. "It's a good thing they can sing!" He'd joked to Carson, on the air.

Heaving himself off the sofa, James walked across to the mirror and sat down at the table in front of it. He stared at his reflection for a few minutes, turning his head slowly from one side to the other as he did so, to get the complete picture.

This was the face that made girls scream. This was the face that graced so many teen magazines and that was featured every single week on the Dawson's Creek. He was famous. He was a star. He was wanted by girls all over the world, and probably a lot of guys, too.

Guys. The thought of guys wanting him always gave James pause. It gave him a strange feeling inside, much like Carson's insinuating smiles did. It certainly wasn't something he wanted to contemplate, though. He wasn't a fag, after all. He did it with women all the time. Lots of them. What did it matter if sometimes, every once in awhile, a guy's face would pop into his head while he was sliding his cock in and out of some woman? It didn't mean anything.

Unbidden, the thought of a few of those lame N Sync guys popped into his head and he felt a slight stirring in his pants. He quickly focused his mind on Christina Aguilera, who'd put in a cameo on the show, and drove the thought of the grinding and thrusting that the five guys had done on the stage right in front of him just a few minutes before.

James glanced at his watch and then at the growing bulge that was tenting out the front of his pants. He needed to get laid, but he didn't have much time. It would be easy to find a willing girl near at hand, the audience had been crawling with them and they hadn't all been underage. He considered the prospect for a few seconds and then decided against it.

Moving back across the room, the young tv star sank back onto the sofa and quickly undid his pants. His right hand slid inside, pushing past the waistband of his black boxer-briefs, and wrapping itself around the warm pole it encountered within.

Leaning his blond head against the back of the sofa, James pulled his cock through the open fly of his pants and began to run his fist up and down the shaft. He started slowly, taking a few moments to savor the rhythm and the sweet sensations it was creating within him while he thought of Christina in her short, rather slutty outfit.

After a minute or so of this, though, James began to pick up the pace and soon he was pounding up and down on his cock like the world was about to end and he had only moments left in which to cum.

Rolling his head from side to side and biting his lip to stifle his moans, James brought his free hand up inside of his shirt and began to pinch his nipples one at a time. He ectasy growing beyond control, the image of Christina faded completely from his conciousness and was suddenly replaced by and image of one of the N Sync guys, Justin Timberlake.

His eyes firmly closed, James imagined Justin slowly pulling off his shirt, reveling a toned and smooth chest that was glistening with sweat from his performance. Justin ran his hands seductively up his chest, eyes locked onto James as he did so. Suddenly, Justin was joined from behind by his band mate, JC, who was completly naked. His hard on was standing at attention, nestled among a trimmed nest of black hair, and rubbing against Justin's hip.

As James watched in the total agony of desire and lust, JC reached down to the front of Justin's pants and began to stroke his hard cock through the fabric. Justin leaned back into his friend, letting his desires boil over as he groaned loudly, his eyes still open and locked on James's face.

An explosion of delight rocked James's sweaty body and he felt the warmth of his own cum hit the side of his face. Breathing heavily, he opened his eyes and looked down at his pants and shirt, which were splattered with his own juices.

After taking a few moments to catch his breath, James stood up and quickly stripped off the soiled clothing and changed into his every day clothes to leave the studio.

"C'mon, let's get out of here before Carson comes back and starts hitting on us again," Justin Timberlake pleaded with his fellow band mates, all of whom seemed to be taking an enormous amount of time to change.

"He seems to like you best, Curly!" Joey grinned from across the room.

"That's what I'm afraid of!" Justin shouted, only half kidding.

"C'mon, you know that you're dying to get it on with him," JC laughed, slapping his friend on the arm.

"Yeah, sure. You were the one making eyes at Mr. Dawson's Creek," Justin joked, punching JC back playfully.

There were a few moments of general laughter before the topic was changed, but Justin's mind remained where it had been since that afternoon during rehearsals- on James Van Der Beek.

It was one thing to joke with the guys about Carson Daly, and to tease JC about checking out the teen star they'd met that day, but Justin knew deep down that he would indeed like to get to know James better, a LOT better, in fact.

When he stopped to consider his sexuality at all, which wasn't often, Justin had to classify himself as bisexual. He loved women, loved the attention they showered upon him. But he was also very attracted to other guys, too. At various times in the past few years, he'd even had a few discreet encounters with guys he'd met on tour, mostly in Europe.

The other guys had no clue, of course, and it wasn't really any of their business anyway. Justin had no doubt that Lance was gay, because anyone with two eyes could see that. It was a subject that wasn't discussed among the five of them, and certainly not by Lance himself. The others were all straight as arrows, of course.

Was James straight? Justin wondered. He'd never been with another celebrity before, it might be nice for once not to have to worry about the person he was with selling the story to the tabloids and ruining the squeaky clean image of the band. James had to be staying in town tonight, maybe he'd find out where and give him a call...

'Shit. Did Justin really notice me checking out James? Or was he just kidding?? I thought I was being really careful. He must have just been kidding. But what if he wasn't? What if he's trying to judge my reaction right now? Damn it, I've got to stay cool.' JC thought as he finished changing into his street clothes.

James WAS really hot, though. JC wondered if maybe there was a chance that the two of them could hook up. They'd both be in town that night with nothing to do, after all. James had seemed really stand offish during rehearsals and taping, but maybe it was just because everyone else was around. It wouldn't hurt to find out where he was staying and give him a call that night, when he was away from the other guys, JC decided.

Lance could feel himself blushing, as he always did when the subject of anyone being gay came up. Do they know?? He always wondered. Half the time he was sure that he managed to hide it from everyone, but the rest of the time he had the sinking feeling that everyone knew. The rest of the guys always teased each other about being 'homos', like all straight guys seemed to do, but they'd never teased him that way. To Lance, that seemed a dead give away.

After a few seconds, though, the hot feeling that seemed to be glowing around his head faded away and he finished putting on his clothes in silence. JC hadn't really been checking out James, of course, any more than Carson was really interested in Justin. Things like that just didn't really happen. Sure, there were other gay guys out there, but they were all really feminine and you could spot them easily. Guys who looked and acted like JC, and Justin, and James could never really be gay. As for Carson, he'd dated Jennifer Love Hewitt. That said it all.

Sighing, Lance looked around, feeling as alone as he always did and wishing that he had someone to be with that night. All the other guys would probably find a woman and he'd be left alone as always, watching tv or writing some lyrics.

Across the hall, in his own dressing room, Carson Daly was on his knees in front of one of the show's college interns, his mouth sliding up and down his impressive cock.

"MMM. I can't believe I'm doing this," the intern moaned. He was twenty years old, with shoulder length brown hair and a perfectly sculpted muscular body. Both of his hands rested on the back of Carson's head, guiding it along his cock. "I'm not gay, I've never even been with a dude before."

Carson wondered briefly if that was true, or just something that was being said for his benefit. He really didn't care. He'd had his eyes on this particular intern for the past three weeks since he'd started working on the show, and he'd finally got him right where he wanted him.

"Dude, I'm really close," he groaned. Carson picked up the pace and increased the suction. After another minute or two, there was a sudden salty explosion in his mouth and he began to swallow quickly. He savored the final few shots, holding the warm cum in his mouth for several seconds before swallowing.

"You taste great," Carson smiled up at the younger man and sat back on his haunches, admiring the hard, naked body in front of him.

"Oh, God. What did we just do?" He looked suddenly panicked know that his orgasm had subsided, a look that Carson was familar with in situations like this.

"I gave you a blow job. You enjoyed it, I loved it. No big deal."

"But I'm not gay! I've got a girlfriend!" The boy protested bending over and pulling on his white briefs and looking around for the rest of his discarded clothes.

"Look, this doesn't mean you're gay. You'd be surprised at how many straight guys experiment. It's okay. You had fun, you got off. Leave it at that, all right?" Carson said.

The boy stared at him for a few moments and then finished putting on the rest of his clothes. "I'm going to quit. I can't be around you after this."

Carson shrugged his shoulders as the door closed behind his latest conquest. It didn't really matter. Carson lived for these breif encounters with hot guys. He very rarely ever got it on twice with the same guy. There were just too many hot guys around to waste his time on one.

And now, tonight, he was going to have one of the guys from N Sync. He hadn't quite decided which one yet, but they were all going to be in Atlanta over night, and open prey for his advances. Which one would it be? Lance would be the easiest to seduce, but Carson was up for more of a challenge. The thought of James Van Der Beek suddenly popped into his mind and he hesitated. Maybe he should make a move in that direction instead. After all, he'd have plenty of time around N Sync. He did work on TRL, after all.

"No worries," Carson said aloud to himself. He'd be getting it on with some hot celebrity before the night was over, of that he was sure.

TO BE CONTINUED, maybe. Write me at

Next: Chapter 2

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