Mrs Elliott

By Dave Elliott

Published on Mar 9, 2005


Please note. The content of this document is suitable for adult only. If you are not of adult age you should seek parental advice on the subject matter If you are offended by explicit sexual reading material please read no further.

Document IV (Part3)

God it was hot lying there in my bunk. It was just one hot day after another as the ship cut a path across the ocean, heading to our next port of call. Once we reached Hong Kong, I would get some reprieve from the horny sailors whose insatiable appetite for sex would be diverted to other outlets. I would be deemed superfluous to requirement. That is until the ship left port again and there was no other alternative.

I lay in my bunk listening to the noise of the fan whirring, not doing anything really, just stirring up the hot air and blowing in around the hot cabin.

Earlier, I had gone to Bulls cabin; where I was requested to bend over for another three horny frustrated sailors who had found pleasure and satisfaction from screwing the ass off me.

I had thought that when I'd conceded to being his wife, I would be spending most of my time being screwed by him, but it had not turned out so. After the first week, it started to be quite different.

The night after the "Wedding" he said he had organised a little something that I would enjoy.

The little something had been Jamaica and Scouse. They were there waiting for me, they had been rough and liked to call me names like slag, whore and bitch. Complaining to Bull had little effect, he just shrugged it off, said it was just their way and that I should be grateful that they had nice big cocks.

The request came more frequent and before long, a great deal of my time was spent naked, face down bum up, in his bunk, with some guy humping up and down on top of me. If I wasn't in his cabin I was in the gauge room either giving them a blowjob or bent over the handrail, with legs spread apart.

I'd lost count of the number of guys I'd been fucked by. Bull was less and less involved and I'd noticed he was now wearing a condom whenever we had sex.

I'd looked forward to the showers after being involved with those guys. I wasn't complaining, I'd done well since becoming involved with Bull, he'd promised me plenty of fun and he had delivered. I was always ready for the action; I just couldn't get enough of it. Rough or otherwise.

The shower hadn't done a great deal to cool my body temperature, and the evening's activity was still fresh in my mind. I was always on a high after being fucked and right now I was still on that high as I lay there trying to get to sleep. The whirring fan was starting to get to me and it was just adding to my frustrations. I could hear the humming of the ships turbines, the gentle swaying of the ship as it pushed on toward our next port of call. With both portholes fully open I could hear the sea as the ship cut a furrow, leaving a phosphorous wake.

"God this was no good" I said to myself, I may as well go out on deck for a while and get some fresh air; at least it would be a little cooler by the hand rail.

I threw the single sheet aside and went to grab a towel, being naked on deck might not look too good. With the towel tucked around me I went out onto the deck. Even now the timber deck still felt warm to the touch even though the heat of the day had long gone. There was a nice piece of space between the two davits, the left one was one of a pair supporting number three lifeboat and the one on the right helping support number four lifeboat.

Leaning over the rail I could feel the cool breeze being created by the ships forward movement. I thrilled as it blew between my legs giving me a sensual feeling. Overhead pinholes of light in the night sky as the stars twinkled, was there really anything out there in that great void. Perhaps there was someone just like me a million light years away.

As I gazed down into the blackness below, I could see the ships lights shining on the surface as we passed by. I thought of Bull's threat to throw me overboard if I had not decided to meet with his requests. Well I guess it had been better to succumb to him than become a meal for the fish.

A small red glow to my right caught my attention, then I realised that further down there was another person leaning over the side and the red glow was coming from a cigarette he was smoking.

I could vaguely make out his outline in the shadows. I returned to my own thoughts. Then there was an explosion of sparks arching out from the rail as he flicked the cigarette over the side. I watched as it curved outward then fell toward the sea before being extinguished. It was like a fighter plane having just been shot down by its enemy.

I paid no further attention. I just continued to enjoy the cool air as it passed over my body and between my legs, continuing with that sensual feeling.

Suddenly I was aware that someone was watching me, I turned my head slowly, looking over my right shoulder, there in the shadow of the doorway was the outline of a person looking over in my direction.

It was a strange feeling, I was unsure what to do, hell! Was this someone who had been sent to push me over the side? My mouth felt dry, there was a knot in my stomach, and my heart was pounding. I heard his footsteps on the deck, and then he was standing right alongside me leaning over the rail.

I turned to see who it was. I'd seen him before, but not one of the engine room crew, a deckhand, yes that's who he was one of the deck hands. I'd seen him a few times.

"Whew! It's a hot one ain't it" He said "Mm! That's for real ... I couldn't sleep, it was just too hot, thought I'd come out here" I replied. "I'll be glad to get to Hong Kong, it may not be as hot, and I can get rid of all this frustration...a guy needs to have a good fuck on a regular basis...don't you think"

"Yes I guess you're right, got to be better that the Old Portuguese Hand pump" "Yeh got to be" He said

We gazed out into the blackness, and then he took in a deep lung full of air. "Oh that's so good" He said I felt a hand on my buttock, very gently massaging and moving over it .

I didn't move; I just let him hold his hand in position. His hand now squeezing it. I turned my head toward him, but he was just looking out to sea, expressionless.

I was unsure of what I should do, perhaps I should tell him to stop, if Bull found out I'd be in big trouble. But I did kind of liked his touch; I was getting a feeling in my loins. I twisted my hips toward him, like a bitch on heat offering herself to a dog's hard cock.

He was getting the message as his hand continued to explore, moving it under the towel so that he could feel it's warmth on my bare flesh.

My heart was starting to pound, and a shudder and tingle ran through my body. At that moment a strong breeze hit the ship, whipping the towel from around my waist and sending it into the scuppers. I watched as the breeze flipped it over.

Now I was naked and I bent to pick up the discarded towel. His hand had remained in position, I realised I'd made a mistake, as he took advantage of the situation and with both hands firmly on my hips moved behind me. Pressing himself against my rear end. There were no doubts; I could feel his hard member against my cheeks even through the material

He kept rubbing and manoeuvring himself with mock fucking action, his arse and hips going back and forth, sending me a message. I heard the zip on his fly zzzzzp being pulled down. His pulsating cock swung free. He started to tease me with it, running it up and down between my cheeks, and pressing it, but not going in.

"Oh god no please don't do that" I pleaded "Why not I know you like it" He replied. "I can't, if Bull Elliott finds out I'm in trouble" I said "You'd better talk to him first" "Give over; if I talk to Bull, he's going to charge me for the privilege"

"Eh! What do you mean; he'll charge you for it?" "Ha as if you don't know" "No, what are you talking about, charge for it?"

"If anyone wishes to fuck you, they have to pay for the privilege" "No that can't be, he's never charged for it" "He obviously doesn't tell you, but it's a fact. Bottles of spirits, cigarettes, and money, anything that is worth trading......didn't you know, not only are you his bitch but you are also his whore?"

God that's why some of the guys were calling me names, I was a whore and didn't realise it. The bastard, wait till I get to see him. I was real angry "Well you won't have to pay for this one mate, it's free" I said

"Mmmmm that's what I like to hear"

I was so wrapped up in the situation I forget we were on the deck; admittedly we were somewhat out of view, but what happens if anyone were to walk past.

"We can't do it here" I said "Yes we can no one will se us"

All the time, he'd been rubbing up against me. I was all worked up and ready for it, I did not argue, like him I wanted it and I wanted it now.

He pulled me away from the rail slightly, forcing me into having to reach out to the rail for support, my body bent at ninety degrees.

He pressed hard up against me; his hands left my hips as he now undid the belt on his trousers, pulling trousers and shorts to his knees.

I heard him howk up some spittle, getting it to drop onto the end of his bulbous end.

He howk again, spitting into his hand, then pressed it inside my hole, working it in.

I could now feel him manoeuvring his hard cock to line it up for entry. With both hands I reached round, grabbed my cheeks and pulled the apart as far as I could.

I kept telling myself to relax, just relax, as I felt the bulbous end make contact, and with little or no effort I felt it sliding inside, just like that. Oh god that was so smooth.

His hips were swaying back and forth slowly allowing my love tunnel time to become accustomed to it's new size, setting into motion his cock which was now moving in and out.

Oh man this was good, real good; feeling the firm rod moving in and out like that was giving me real pleasure, god I how I loved being fucked. I'd do just about anything for a hard male penis inside of me.

"Man this is better than lying in a hot sweaty cabin wanking myself" He said, as his hard shaft continued its inward, outward motion. I was completely lost in the action, right now nothing else mattered, I would confront Bull tomorrow with regard to me being his whore. Hell what it really meant was that I had a pimp looking after me.

The growl from his throat told me he was almost there.

"Ohhhhhhharrrr!" One final thrust, the hard shaft throbbing, his sperm flowing, he held me tight, as his cock dispensed the warm sticky fluid.

We remained connected long enough to see that every drop of come made its way inside. Then he withdrew, saying how much he enjoyed it. He pulled up his trousers, then tucking his now limp cock back inside, pulling up his zip.

"Heh thanks....we must do it again eh" He said then departed, leaving me with an arse full of come.

I could not help thinking about what he had told me. God! Bull had me doing tricks for him, all those guys I'd had in the last few weeks were clients. Him saying it was all for me, helping me feed my addiction. Being fucked had not helped me sleep. I kept thinking God I'm a whore and Bull is my pimp hiring me out for monitory return, if not monitory then some other form of payment that no doubt he would convert into money. Sleep eventually came but it was a restless sleep.

When I reached the engine room, the first thing I did was search for Bull. On finding him as usual he was with his two cronies, Trevor and Arthur the latter as always with that look in his eyes and smirk on his face.

No doubt he was thinking of the night he had crept up the two decks from his quarters to mine. Whereupon he quietly opened the cabin door stepping inside closed and bolted it.

It was a night I'd managed to get to sleep relatively easy. He quickly undressed. Allowing his discarded clothing to fall on the deck As I slept I was unaware that this was going on

Removing the sheet that covered my naked body, he climbed in to bed beside me. I was coming out of a sound sleep, slowly becoming aware that there was someone in the bed with me. He was rubbing his hard penis on my body, at first I thought it was all a dream, until I realised it was for real.

"Heh what....?" I started to say, but his hand covered my mouth, preventing the rest. "Mmmmm" "Shhhh!" I heard the voice say, not recognising who it was. "Just keep quiet, it's Arthur your favourite man" He whispered licking my ear at the same time. I struggled, and tried to get his hand away from my mouth, but for a skinny runt of a man he was very strong. Mind any man was stronger that I was.

"Shhhh! Easy all I want to do is fuck you, then I'll leave. Keep still"

I stopped struggling and relaxed. "That's better, as I've said I only want to fuck you. I'm real randy tonight and I had to come and pay you a visit"

"Hell if you get caught up here you'll be in big trouble" I said "As well you will be also...if anyone catches me in bed with you, you're going to find it hard to explain aren't you....just let me get on with it" "God what if Bull finds out" "You going to tell I don't think so" His hands had been roaming and exploring my body as he talked. His finger was inside me, getting me excited.

"For gods sake don't tell Bull will you" "Do you think I'm a complete idiot" He said as he pushed me on my stomach, then climbed on top.

"Get those legs of yours spread open" He said I spread them as wide as I could, then reaching behind pulled my cheeks apart. Using spit he spread it on the bulbous end, then searched for the entrance, using my hand I guided him in. "Ahhhhhh" As he slipped inside. Once he'd made a sperm deposit he was satisfied and left saying "We must get together again sweetheart" and left.

"Mr Elliott can I have a word please, in private" "Oh this sounds serious fellahs....the wife wants a word" Said Bull. We moved to another area where I addressed him. "God I've just found out that you're charging the guys who are fucking me....that makes me a whore and you my pimp....this is not on, when I agreed to become your wife I thought it was between you and me and that was it....I let you coerce me into a marriage and then you sell me don't screw me as much and when you do you now use a condom" He put his hand in the air stopping any further conversation. "Let's get a few things straight here Mrs Elliott...yes we had a ships marriage which I did not coerce you into, I've got a piece of paper and witnesses to back me up. It also states that you will do all things that I tell you to do, and letting other guys fuck you is one of them because it's what I say. If I choose to make a charge for that service that is also up to me. I wear a condom every time now because you have become a slut and a whore, how many guys have you been with in the last few weeks"

"A few...I don't know how many" I said trying to get the conversation back, but I knew I was going to loose out in the end. "Yes quite a few" He continued "Now most of those guys when they get ashore head straight for a brothel and a whore, who have a big chance of having pox. Now I don't want to get a dose of clap, so I use a condom. Finally I've kept my side of the bargain by supplying you with all the cock you can handle and more, so where is your problem"

I just stood there trying to find a flaw in his logic. "Well if you are wearing a condom, I should be also" "Right, so what you do is you get yourself some and get your clients to wear them. Tell me are you mad because your not receiving any of the take is that what it is?"

"No I well...I was just mad for not being told I..." Once more he held his hand up "I'll make it easy I'll give you a percentage of the take, will that satisfy see I'm not the monster everyone thinks I am...will you be happy with that"

"Well...I suppose so but...' "Good then we have deal...even if it was not in the original contract" "What about condoms...where do I get them from" I asked. "Go see the purser...he'll have some for you" "I can't very well get any here in the middle of no where he's bound to want to know why I need them now...and with a ship full of men; he'll only come to one conclusion" "Yep he might just do that and he might want a date with you you could get free condoms" He said laughing. "The alternative is to wait until you get to Hong Kong then buy a few dozen to get you back to're going to need them...always play safe Margaret always play safe"

When He'd left I thought. Well I sure put him in his place

The second engineer Eddie had continued to make a point to use the showers at the same time that I was there. It appeared to me, he was trying to show himself more and more.

The conversation became increasingly more intimate. Talking about how frustrated it was being married and being at sea without a woman to help relieve those frustrating nights, lying in bed just thinking all those lustful thoughts and not being able to do a thing about it. "The thing is Dave the Portuguese Hand pump is a poor substitute...don't you think?" Was he making a statement or asking a question. "Er... yes I guess it is second" I replied "You got a girl friend back home Dave?" "Well kind of... we've been seeing each other for some time but I don't think she is a proper girl friend...although she does write to me pretty regular"

"Yeh well when you've been married and have been used to getting a fuck on a regular basis it's a bit hard on the system when you are deprived of it" "Well Hong Kong is only a few days away, we'll be there for a week or so perhaps a Chinese girl could help you" I said "Huh no bloody fear...could pick up a dose of the pox, can you imagine going home to the wife with my balls all swollen up saying hello darling it's me I'm home...I don't think so".

"Ah well I guess it's the old hand pump till then eh?" I said "Not unless I can find an alternative" Was his reply I looked at him. Was there a hint in there, should I follow it up with a cleverly phrased message. Perhaps some one has told him about Bull Elliott and me but doesn't want to get involved with Bull.

I decided to let it drop. "Yeh well I hope you do.... Let me know if you do find an alternative" I thought that should keep him thinking it over.

Another thing that I'd noticed over the period he had been using the showers, was the number of times he had managed to lose his soap, it always seemed to finish up under the hand basin, and every time I had to get down on my hands and knees to reach for it and recover it.

Another indicator was, whilst doing a repair job in the engine room we had to reach into an area that was hard to get to. A set of ladders might well have helped, but as the faulty valve was a little more than the average person's height, trying to reach it was most awkward. "Here Dave grab the spanners and I'll hoist you up whilst you tighten the gland, it may be all it needs until we reach Hong Kong"

Hoisting me up onto his shoulder then making a support with his open hand he held me there whilst I carried out the repair. He could not help but feel the contours of my bum as I sat on his open palm.

I think this may have given him the extra incentive to make his play. On the Sunday, after finishing duty early, I went to my cabin, threw off the wet sweaty overalls, grabbed a towel and headed for the showers. I'd only just got in when the second turned up, removed his bathrobe. I was already in the shower letting the refreshing water cascade over my hot sweaty body, the relief and feeling was immense. I saw him standing staring at me as I spread the soapy lather over my bum and between my legs.

He suddenly seemed to break the trance and went into the shower next to mine. When I'd finished, I stepped out and started to dry myself. Then the old soap trick, out it flew and with pinpoint accuracy it skidded between my legs and came to rest under the hand basin. Again I was down on hands and knees retrieving his soap.

"God I must be the clumsiest person, the bloody soap always seems hard to hold on to" "Oh that's alright second I don't mind" I replied "Really, well that's good, Ill try to be more careful"

I finished drying and returned to my cabin.

Shortly after there was a light knocking at the door. "If you're a virgin come in" I said. It was one of those remarks that was oft said when someone knocked. It was the second. "Sorry I'm not a virgin, can I come in anyway' He said

"Shit sorry second I wasn't expecting it to be you" "Weren't you, then I'm disappointed, perhaps I should go" He replied

"No, no please stay, how can I help you" There was a serious look on his face. "Well I've wanted to approach you on a personal and intimate subject for some time" Oh man here it comes. "You want me to bend over so that you can fuck me is that it' I thought to myself.

"Well if you feel offended in any way please tell me and I'll drop the subject" He said

"You see Dave as you may be aware Margaret and I have just had a baby son and I've got to decide as to whether we circumcise him or not?" Well that's not what I expected, and I very nearly made a blunder by saying "Hey that's my name as well" instead it came out "Hey that's my.....aunts name"

He smiled acknowledgement and continued "I couldn't help but notice in the showers that you haven't been I'd like to be certain before I make that decision"

"Well how can I help...I really know nothing about circumcision." I replied "I was er... sort of hoping that I may be able to compare the differences" "Oh I see" "If you don't mind, could I take a close look at yours" He asked

"Er well I suppose so" I replied a little embarrassed, not that I was embarrassed to get undressed in front of a guy, previous experiences had seen to that. It was strange having the second ask me, why it should be so, I was unsure.

I stood up and let the towel drop to the floor. He peered at it and for a while just stared at it then said, "Yes I see...there is a difference" "You seem some what small in regard to size, do you think it may be because your not circumcised Dave" "I don't think so, whether I was or not I don't think my penis would be any larger" "How big an erection can you get?" "Er...well...not too big" "Roughly how big" He asked "Well I'd say around four and a half to five inches I think" "God that's tiny don't you think" "Yes well it's as big as I can get it" I replied feeling embarrassed and ashamed to admit to its length. "You won't have too many women lining up to sample your wares eh?" He said Yes well I make up for it in other ways.... I can always enjoy a guy's big dick when it's offered to me. I thought

"See take a look at mine" He opened his bath robe wide and held his penis in front of me.

"It's about six inches on the slack, gets bigger than that when aroused" I knew how big it was I'd looked at it plenty of times in the shower.

"Can I examine it" He said indicating my drooping poor excuse for a penis. "Yes.... Yes" I stammered I felt his warm hand fondle me gently....oh god I'm going to get a hard on, even if it is a small one.

I was trying hard to control myself. "Yes it feels different.... Here take hold of mine," He said.

My hand closed around the slack shaft, even without it being hard it felt good to the touch. Suddenly I wanted to have him there and then.

He was looking down at what the two of us were doing. "Oh god I think I'm going to get a hard on" Breaking away and releasing mine at the same time. "Look it's nearly time for lunch...could we meet up after lunch say around two o'clock...I need to know some more yet before I make up my mind....that's if you don't you?" " that will be fine around two o'clock it is" I replied "Oh and let's make it in my cabin all right" "Right two o'clock in your cabin...look forward to it" Oh shit why did I say that. He smiled, nodded and said "Yeh me to" Then left

Now my thoughts were racing, I think the second has taken a fancy to me, he must want to fuck me, think back Dave all those little things that had been happening were starting to come together. All those times in the shower, the soap under the hand basin, the number of times I'd bent down showing him my bare bum. He'd been putting this together all that time. Oh I hope he does make a play for me, he's real nice. I could do things for this guy, now I would really love to be this guy's wife, and her name is Margaret as well, it must be fete I thought. Although I did think her name was Daphne. My mind was continually being filled with lustful thoughts. The stirring in my loins, just thinking about it. I was now getting worked up and frustrated.

Two o'clock could not come quick enough. It was like watching a kettle boil, reading and listening to the radio would not make the time pass any quicker. I couldn't concentrate on the book or take in the tunes blaring on the radio. Just visualizing Eddie's cock in my mouth or being inserted into my love tunnel was all I could think about.

I was in this state at two `clock when I donned a pair of white overalls and made my way to his cabin. I decided that I would wear nothing underneath, as I wanted to be ready for him if I was privileged to be asked to perform. My heart was pounding; my stomach was in a tight knot, I was unsure if my legs would carry me to his cabin. God I was ligke a teenager going on his or her first date. Such was my feelings as I set out. Reaching his door I took a deep breath and knocked.

I would say he was in the same state of mind as I, the door was opened immediately. "Come in, come in" He said, his voice sounded like he'd been running as was out of breath. I heard the bolt being slipped into place after I'd entered. "Just a precaution" He said as I turned toward him. "Well I guess we should continue where we left off" He was obviously trying to control his feelings by the way he was speaking, if his heart was racing just half the speed of mine, it was enough.

"I've placed some engineering books on the table, just in case we get any visitors, that way it looks like I'd teaching you engineering"

This time he was the one with the towel wrapped around his middle, whilst I had overalls on.

"Perhaps you'd like to get comfortable and get out of your overalls" He suggested My hands were shaking as I fumbled with the buttons, discarding them on to the cabin floor.

I stood naked before him ready for his examination. Oh please, please I hope its sex he wants me for. I thought to myself. Removing his towel he moved closer. "Yes Dave I'm not too sure yet with regard to this circumcise thing, I'm pretty convinced that the size of your penis is largely due to you not being circumcised, and I think any bloke would want to have a good size weapon on him, don't you think"

"Well yes I suppose you may be right, but as I've said I'm not convinced that that is the case, I think it was just the way nature made it"

His warm hand closed around my cock as he fondled it. He could hear the intake of my breath as I inhaled. "Sounds like you liked that Dave....did you?" "Oh er...well it was... well it did feel alright I guess" I stammered, shit what should I have said I thought. His hand very slowly works the shaft. Oh god I'm going to get a hard on, stop getting excited Dave I was saying to myself.

"Here just feel the end of mine will you; you'll feel the difference between our penises." He said.

Likewise my hand closed around his soft penis, and then I ever so gently squeezed it. "Oh Dave I think I'm going hard" He did not have to tell me that, I could feel it swelling up in my closed hand, until it was big, and rock hard.

"Oh god sorry Dave it just seemed to swell, I didn't mean for this to happen" Oh Yeh! I'll bet. I thought. He did not shy away from what we were doing, just looked at me then down at to where our hands were holding each others cocks. I'd come this far I might as well go for the jack pot I thought. I made my hand work the shaft, very gently and slowly. It was his turn to suck in his breath as a tingle ran through his body.

"Here let us go into the bathroom" I led the way. Standing beside the hand basin, I quickly took hold of his hard throbbing shaft, I did not want to give him time to have any second thoughts on the matter, I'd come this far I did not want to falter now.

As I stroked him he'd forgot all about my cock and just closed his eyes and wallowed in the shear ecstasy that he was now feeling.

"Dave tell you ever have different type fantasies?" "What do you mean different type fantasies?" I asked. "Well just different to what is considered the norm" "Well maybe...but I don't know if I should tell anyone" Playing the innocent. "Oh god we shouldn't be doing this" He said but that was he did not pull away. "I've had different dreams and fantasies....don't tell anyone will you" "No I won't....In fact I'll reveal mine also" I replied "Well I've had dreams where I've been with another bloke and well you know.... I've been doing things to he was my wife and I was in bed fucking him...god that sounds must think I'm a pervert"

"No not really second, I was going to say a similar thing....please don't think to badly of me....but I hesitate to tell you this"

"No, no, please go on I won't think any less of you and I won't tell a soul"

"Well the truth is I've thought quite a lot about you, I've imagined being a woman and you had me in bed and this monster I'm playing with is inside me, fucking me"

"Oh Dave god that sounds wonderful I'd really like that, It's all I've thought about in recent weeks. I've been wanting to do things to you all that time, every time you bent over to retrieve my soap, just seeing that bare arse of yours got me a hard on. After the first time it happened I wanted to see it more and more and I thought the soap was a great way to get you to do it"

"I was hoping you'd get the message" I replied. "Oh why didn't you say so, I've been so frustrated" His hand was now on my buttock, softly feeling it, his open palm roving over it's smooth surface.

"Oh Dave that feels so good, will you let me fuck you please?" He asked At last, now the time is near. "Oh second you have no idea how much I've wanted to hear you say and to do just that" I replied His finger was between the crack of my arse searching for the entrance. I let my legs part a little pushing my bum toward him not wanting to impede progress.

"Ohhhh! Ohhhh! I cried as it forced it's way inside. His finger was now fucking me much to my delight. I was watching my hand wanking his cock when suddenly a stream of white fluid shot from the end, squirt, squirt, squirt. Oh no I thought as I watched his come make its way over the sink and splatter against the far side of the basin and start to trickle down like rain on a window pane. Oh what waist I thought as it slowly ran down the white porcelain toward the drain. Hurriedly my finger shot to the side and scooped up the thick creamy mixture, then quickly transferred it to my mouth as I sucked the fluid, momentarily tasting the nectar before thirstily gulping it down.

"Oh shit, oh god what have we done...we're not real men...this is terrible" I heard the second saying, trying to control himself.

I'd seen it all before, some who had thoughts about screwing a bloke and then having carried out the action suddenly got remorse. Now he was feeling guilty, shocked and embarrassed at what we had done. The lust and frustration was now passed, and the realisation of what had happened was upon him. This is what the second was feeling right now.

"I don't think we should condemn ourselves second, nothing really happened and if anything it was I who was not the man, after all I was going to take the part of the women"

"Yes, yes I know but I should not have let it happen all the same" he said

"Perhaps I should go now" I said "Yes, yes perhaps you should, I'm sorry it happened Dave" "As I said don't reproach yourself....any way I'm glad it happened I enjoyed it" He looked at me for a moment then said "Did you, did you really" "Yes, yes I did"

After donning my overalls he let me out and I made my way back to my cabin. I smiled to myself as I went. I knew he would be back, we'd broken the ice, we both knew where we stood after sharing our intermit innermost thoughts. Once the remorse and guilt were gone, he'd be back to thinking of what we could do together, it was just a question of time. I'd, play wife to him as well as Bull, I'd see to that after all I was now in love. I had a new dream, a new desire.

Right now I was left feeling very frustrated. I wanted so much to be fucked, I thought I was going to get it; we'd been well on the road to doing it when he got too excited and wham. I licked my fingers again trying to get the taste of his come in my mouth, but it was small reward to what I'd wanted.

Frustration continued to build. God I wanted a bit of cock and I wanted it now. I even gave thought to the banana that was in my cabin, I could always get some satisfaction from that, it wouldn't be the first time. No, no I needed the real thing, feel the living throbbing hard flesh. I would have to go and see Bull, after all he was my husband, I've always put my arse up for him when he's needed it, now he can give me a length of his cock when I need it.

It was broad daylight only three in the afternoon, what would happen if I got caught going to his cabin, it's not like going under the cover of darkness.

I'd have to take the chance I wanted it so much I just didn't care. The good thing was that it was still the afternoon rest period, when most of the off watch crew would be taking a knap.

I quickly made my way down the decks, I kept thinking if Bull won't fuck me maybe Arthur will. He always welcomed the opportunity he'd be willing to fuck me. I must be real desperate to be thinking that, but desperate I was.

The alleyways were quiet apart from the humming from the ships turbines nothing. Hell what if Bull is asleep do I wake him up. Luck was with me as I arrived at his open door.

He was lying on his bunk reading, sensing there was someone there he dropped the book far enough to peer over it, a grin spread over his face. "God Margaret what are you doing here during the day" "I thought you might be glad to see me" I replied "Oh I always am, it's just a surprise that's all...but a very pleasant surprise I must add...come in...take the load off those lovely legs of yours and park that lovely ass"

I slumped on the daybed lying back against its padded side.

He put the book away and turned on his side to face me, his arm supporting his head. "Now what is the purpose of this visit Mrs Elliott, pray do tell me?" "Oh god I've felt real frustrated, I just couldn't wait for tonight, I needed to be fucked and I came to see you, which of the guys would be willing to pay for a fuck right now" I asked

"Oh well, well you are on heat aren't you. You can't get enough cock these days can you?" "No and its all your fault, if you hadn't forced me into it I wouldn't be feeling the way I do now" I lied

"Well don't get your knickers in a twist, as it happens I'll give you a fuck now. I've got Jamaica and Scouse lined up this evening".

"Oh god not those two, Scouse is so rough with me, treats me like dirt, I don't mind Jamaica now, he's been pretty good with me of late"

"Hey I thought you wanted some cock, don't get too picky, they both have good cocks and they pay real quick"

"Yeh well that may be but he does hurt me, I think he does it on purpose" I replied Ignoring my remarks. He said "Hey I was just thinking the other night, you know what, I can just imagine you in a dress, stockings and suspenders"

"Well you will just have to imagine my love, I left all my dresses and skirts at home along with my suspenders and silk stockings, didn't pack any this trip" I replied jokingly.

"Oh I wouldn't let that bother you" Not getting the joke. "I was just thinking, we could get you a full wardrobe. A couple of dresses, some skirts, fancy knickers, a nice suspender belt, I just love to see a women in suspenders sends me crazy, everything we need can be bought in Hong Kong"

"You are joking...who's going to pay for all this" I said

"You can afford to take it out of your earnings from the clients...just think; this is going to send them fucking wild" "That's what I'm scared I can't do it...I won't do it' I said "Oh yes you will, you really don't have any choice...don't forget the vow you took....and how much do you want to be fucked this afternoon"

I looked at him as he removed his towel, there it was "My Master" stiff and proud, oh god I wanted it so much.

As he stoked it up and down tormenting me he asked "Well do we have a deal" I nodded agreement and quietly said "Yes"

"Good girl now lock the door, get the gel out of the cabinet and a condom from the top drawer, and you can start by sucking on this.

Lying on my stomach, feeling Bull's full weight bearing down and pressing me into the mattress, his arse rising and falling on top of mine, making his hard cock work inside me, made the whole world seem all right.

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