Mrs Elliott

By Dave Elliott

Published on Mar 4, 2005


Please note. The content of this document is suitable for adult only. If you are offended by explicit sexual reading material please read no further.

Mrs. Elliott part 2 "The wedding"

I'd been instructed by Bull to be at his cabin by seven pm. There was no way I was going to be late. I'd caved in to his wishes. I'd tried to dissuade him in his intentions for me to become his wife, well ships wife that is. It was to take place tonight, in his cabin, a phoney "Ships Marriage" ceremony, which would bind me to him, I would be locked in to his every whim, and he was the kind of guy that stood no nonsense. Having that signed document meant all power to him.

I'd already been subject to his bullying and threatening tactics. Eventually having me surrender to his ways rather than suffer any more of his abuse and threats. I knew not what lay ahead for me. All I did know was that if I did not consent to his wishes I was more than likely going to be shark bate. Just how bad could being fucked up the arse on a regular basis be?

It had all come to a head that afternoon in the pump room, when he and his cronies had helped him make his final assault on me. Was it only a few hours ago that I bent over those hot hand rails held onto the valves whilst they took in turns to screw me. I'd been giving it serious thought. I just couldn't fight him anymore. It was always going to be a question of time, and now was the time.

The ship was passing through the tropics and the heat was intense, being in a hot engine room only added to the already overbearing temperatures.

Taking a shower at the end of duty period after being down below was sheer luxury, even though it was hard to get cold water, you never needed to put the shower to hot or warm, just turn to cold, which was hot enough.

I let the water cascade over my naked body, washing the day's accumulated sweat with it, helping me feel good again After stepping from the shower I was still hot, but felt a little cleaner and fresher.

As I towelled my self, another person (Who was to make a play for me later down the track, namely the second engineer came into the showers. He had his own agenda and way of approach) We engaged in small talk whilst he stripped off ready for the shower. When he was standing before me naked. As usual in these circumstances, I could not help but look at his cock. I did this automatically when a guy took off his clothes in front of me.

He caught me peeking and smiled "He's a little bit redundant at present" Indicating to his penis. "I guess he'll have to wait until he gets home again" Meaning to his wife.

The second (Eddie) was married and I'd learned that they had, had a baby son whilst he had been home. I would think his cock had been redundant for quite some time. If what he told me was true. I quickly looked away and continued to dry off. I heard the shower start up in the stall as he stood beneath the cascading water. My eyes ran over his naked body, down the torso to what was dangling between his legs. My thoughts running wild again He was humming to himself when suddenly the soap flew out of the cubical, and skidded across the floor, landing under the hand basin, opposite the shower.

"Oh shit" I heard him say. "Heh Dave! Be a good guy and pass the soap please" I went to where the soap had landed. In order to reach it I had to get down on all fours and stretch to retrieve it, still naked my bare bum was pointing up in his line of vision. I grabbed the soap and returned it to him. Perhaps seeing me bent over showing my bare arse gave him ideas, but looking back I believe he already had "Ideas" He thanked me and continued to shower, humming as he did so. Now I was all dried and feeling better if not cooler.

Mealtime came and went. I declined the invitation for a few beers with some of the other engineers and went straight to my cabin. The clock ticked on toward seven. I sat at my desk, the fan churning out more hot air as I played solitaire, and listened to some overseas radio station that kept coming and going, at the same time keeping an eye on the clock. My hands were shaking and my stomach churned from the thoughts of what I was getting into with regard to tonight's meeting. It must be bridal nerves.

Ten to seven, I should make a move. Putting on a clean pair of overalls, and nothing else, I remained naked underneath. I left my cabin

I kept clear of the engine room even though it was the shortest route to my destination. I went down the two decks I needed to travel in order to reach Bull's cabin, keeping to the shadows. I felt like some fugitive, frightened of being caught. I should not be going there, it was against regulations that I should be mixing with crewmembers of the lower deck. (Firemen stokers etc)

Making sure no one had seen or followed me I entered the passage leading to Bull's cabin. As I approached his cabin, I could see there was a light on and I could hear raucous laughter and voices coming from within.

It would take a few more steps or mere seconds and I would be entering into my New World. I froze. Even though I'd gone over everything before in my mind, and finally coming to the decision I had. There were still nagging doubts. I felt uncomfortable with Bull Elliott and what he could do to me and make of me.

Well it was rather late in the peace to change my mind. If I'd been a real man I would have stood up to him, told him to piss off, and then reported him to a senior officer, but then I was not a real man and fear of this guy took complete control over me. I made my move.

My world was about to change. This was one of those crossroads in life. Once I'd decided on the path, I would have to follow it to its final conclusion.

The door was already open. I stood there looking at the three people who were to make up the wedding guests and witnesses. My husband to be, his best man Trevor, and the other of the trio Arthur.

The chatter and laughter suddenly stopped, and I felt most uncomfortable as they stared at me. Bull was the first to speak. "Well, well here's the bride and right on time. I told you guys she was keen to get wed" Which brought sniggers from the other two.

"Likes your big cock Bull, that's what it is" More laughter.

Bull said "Well don't just stand there come on in and let's get on with it"

I could see they had been drinking quite heavely by the empty bottles that were scattered around the place. The cabin was hot humid and full of smoke, the ash trays were overflowing with cigarette butts, already I was starting to perspire and the fan in his cabin was no better than mine, just circulating the hot smoke filled air.

This was not going to be a wedding in the traditional sense. The bride in her beautiful gown, surrounded by her bridesmaids and the handsome groom by her side.

All three were scantily dressed. No one ever got dressed up at sea unless attending formal functions such as meal times. In your own cabin or quarters it was easier sometimes just to loaf around in underpants or just a towel draped around you, for the sake of modesty

That is how they were attired. Bull slouching in his chair, a towel around his middle. Seeing him for the first time with next to nothing on. He definitely should have been called "Bear Elliott" I'd never seen such a hairy person. His chest, arms over his shoulders and no doubt all the way down his back, also his thick tree trunk like legs were all covered with dark hair. The towel was parted along one leg, revealing part of his thick hairy thigh all the way up to where the towel just covered his crotch. I knew what was under that part as I'd had the privilege of viewing and sampling it early in the day.

Trevor likewise with a towel around his middle, sitting on the bunk. While Arthur his skinny frame covered only by a pair of underpants was on the daybed. The cabin was smaller than mine, but then I suppose I had a certain amount of officer privilege.

Bull having a certain amount of seniority, had a cabin to himself, most others would have to share.

This was the scene that I encountered as I entered the cabin.

"Give Mrs Elliott a beer Arthur" Said Bull.

He grabbed one of the bottles on the desktop and with the bottle opener removed the top. There was a "Fssst" as he did so, some of the contents spraying out over the cabin. It was always the same with warm beer, and this beer had lost its coldness some time before. I wasn't offered any glass and took a deep gulp of the warm liquid straight from the bottle.

"Well this is nice isn't it" remarked Bull "We're all assembled now eh!"

I stood before them; I had not been offered a seat. I was still feeling uncomfortable and a little embarrassed, knowing what must be going through their minds right now, it had only been a short time ago when they had sampled my wares. Perhaps they were reliving it in their imagination.

"We're going to hold a ceremony, take our vows, and sign the marriage certificate. Followed by a toast"

"From then on Mrs Elliott we will enjoy our honeymoon night together, which I'm sure you're longing to get on with eh?" He said with a broad grin on his face. I did not answer him straight away. I heard him saying "You are looking forward to it aren't you" "Oh yes! Yes!" I stammered

"Good then let's get on with it eh?"

He stood, and at the same time removed the towel from his waist before replacing it again and securely tucking it in. As he did so I could not help but see it "My Master" dangling between his legs. At present it was slack, and even then it was impressive, pointing in a southerly direction but I was only too aware that not too many minutes from now it would be larger and pointing north.

They tried to make it into a serious ceremony. Trevor took the head position whilst Bull and I stood side by side. Arthur played no real part and continued to lay back on the daybed, his hand tucked down his jockey shorts obviously playing with himself.

Holding the Bible in front of him Trevor said "Now place your right hand on the Bible and repeat after me...!"

"I David Walker do take Arthur James Elliott ..."

There was a piece written in to it, saying that I had not been intimidated or forced into this situation, and that I had entered into it voluntarily. As he spoke I repeated the words that had been decided and written before hand. It occurred to me that the wording had been loaded very heavily in favour of Bull.

Then it was Bulls turn "I Arthur James Elliott do take David Walker to be my wedded wife ...!"

[If anybody would like a copy of the "Marriage document" e-mail me and I will forward one for you]

Both Bull and I having finished the vows heard Trevor saying "I now pronounce you husband and wife you may fuck the bride" Raucous laughter.

Oh god I'd gone and done it. It was over and but I was a little excited thinking about what was to come.

Now it was time for the "Marriage Certificate". Which I was asked to sign

I gazed at the document. It looked impressive, all neatly set out and the places where each of us had to sign.

I took a deep breath and tried to control my shaking hand long enough to place my signature.

Then Bull did the same, followed by Trevor as witness. Now it was complete. The piece of paper giving Bull the power that he had strived to get from day one. The die was cast.

"Let's have a toast to the now Mrs Elliott guys"

Bull filled the glasses with whiskey and held his high saying "To Mrs Elliott"

"To Mrs Elliot" Was the reply. God I felt embarrassed as they tilted their glasses and drank my health.

"Now my friends I know you would like to stay all night, but Mrs Elliott is keen to be bedded so I must ask you to depart so that she may have my undivided attention"

There were smiles and winks from the other two as they drank up. "Don't do anything we wouldn't do" Laughing as they departed.

There were obviously more crude jokes as they strode down the corridor. I could hear the dirty laughter as they went.

Now it was Bull and me. The cabin seemed quiet without them. The fan still ping, ping, pinged, as I faced him.

A smile broke over his face "Well at long last Mrs Elliott ... why did you resist so long"

"I... well..." I was lost for words "Come on tell me" "I just didn't want to become a poofta" I lied "God you worry too much... so far you've enjoyed it have you not" "Yes it's just that I don't want anyone to find out that's all" I replied "I won't make any difference to me and I doubt it will make little difference to anyone else, besides I won't tell the world will I" "God I hope not" "Heh give it a few weeks and you've had a few dozen cocks up you, you won't really care, trust me your going to love it. I've got some fun times all organised for you" I wasn't too sure about that. "Now my love let's get down to business" He remove the towel and I was now gazing at a very large erection, as we had been talking, he must have been thinking about other things.

"Take your overall off sweetheart" I did as instructed letting it fall to the deck, I was also naked and standing two steps away from "My Master" "Come here love" He said I stood real close to him, face to face. I could feel his stiff member gently press against my stomach. A wonderful feeling swept through my loins

His powerful arms encircled me, now I could feel his erection pressed into me, his hands sliding to my buttocks. His coarse hands squeezing them, and at the same time he pressed his lips onto mine. There was a further stirring in my own loins as I placed my hands behind his head pulling him and pressing my own lips hard against his, returning the passion.

Our tongues were wrestling, delving into each others mouths.

His thick fingers were working between the cheeks of my bum, as one of them sought to penetrate my tight pussy arse. I let my legs part, allowing him access

"Ohhhhh" I gasped at it made its way in. "Like that my love" He asked "Oh yes, yes, yes!" I replied "Yeh! You just love this don't you?" Again I was gasping a definite "Yes, yes, yes" His finger, working me up, making me feel good. My body quivering.

He now had me on the go as I was gasping and panting for more.

"Here, down on your knees... give you Master a big kiss" I slid down his body onto my knees, my hands now grasping his buttocks, as he fed his warm pulsating cock into my mouth.

"Mmmmmm" Was all you could hear from me as I sucked and worked my way around the large erection, at the same time squeezing his ample buttocks.

His eyes were closed, his head tilted to the ceiling as he relished in having his cock worked over by my mouth. Up and down the stiff shaft, then down and suckle his balls, before returning his cock to my mouth.

Oh god this felt so good. I just loved sucking cock

"Come on Margaret lets get on the bunk" He said excitedly.

I watched his large backside as he climbed in first, the bunk creaking as he heaved himself in. I joined him, lying by his side Now on his back and his erection pointing straight up he instructed me to continue.

I placed myself between his razed legs, which he had parted knees bent.

My mouth once again encased the warm shaft trying to suck the juice out of him.

"Errrrrg!" I heard the throaty response to my action. His hands clasped behind my neck, he pulled me onto to the hard pulsating cock. At the same time my hands ran over and explored his hairy torso.

All that could be heard was the ping, ping, ping, of the fan, our own love making sounds, and the hum of the ships engines.

I may have been a reluctant participant earlier, but right now all that was forgotten. I wanted to keep on side with this guy, not be seen to put a foot wrong. I'd made the decision to be his ships wife and I was going to try and make the most of it.

This love action was not going to be over in quick time, after half an hour my jaw was aching and to my relief he withdrew form my mouth. We now reversed our positions, I was on my back and he was on top of me. I could feel his full weight as he pressed me into the mattress.

His arms wrapped around me, squeezing me. I could feel the warm hard shaft against my stomach, pressing into me. His hard facial features were now masked in a smile as he looked at me. "Margaret, you are glad we are together now aren't you" I wasn't going to say no. In fact there was a certain amount of truth in my response it was automatic, and what I thought he would want to hear. "Oh yes Bull, I love you and I have no love" Oh god, had I said too much, maybe that was a bit over the top. He'd been working his hard shaft against me, his arse rising and falling in mock intercourse. Oh if only I'd had a proper cunt, this guy would be inside me, fucking me for real. A tingle rippled through my body as I thought about it

"I knew you'd come round to my way of thinking Margaret, I took to you the first time I saw you" Then his lips were upon mine and another passionate tingle went through me. I could not help but respond. I could taste the alcohol and nicotine on his tongue as it filled my mouth. I felt his hairy back as I flung my arms around his middle holding him as tight as I could.

Now he was at my neck, I could feel his rough unshaved whiskers, his teeth biting, his mouth sucking. "No, no, no!" I was saying, but it was too late, the damage was done. There was another joyous tingle. It was inevitable a love bight was going to be visible. How the hell do you explain that to a ship full of men? Right now I did not care. I was enjoying being bedded by this man.

I wrapped my legs around his torso. Now I could feel the hard end against my bum. He kept running it up and down the crevice between the cheeks of my arse. Teasing me. Oh my, that felt good. My hand grabbed the warm hard shaft, trying to guide him in, as I tried to force my way on.

"Oh! You really do want it don't you" He asked as his mouth kissed my neck. "God yes please" I begged him in a low whisper. "No not yet. I know you want it, but not yet" Now I was getting real worked up and frustrated. "You've got to beg me for it" "Oh please, please Mr Elliott fuck me please I beg you" I said "Hee, Hee," He was laughing at me "Come on now, beg to your master, and tell him you want him" "Oh master, master. Please, please, please, fuck me; oh for god sake fuck me" I screamed. My whole body was in a state of excited pleasure. "Now you're sure you want the master are you" He said teasing me even further.

"Yes, yes I want it" The perspiration was pouring from me, being locked together like this. I felt like I had a hairy blanket on top of me.

"Turn over on your stomach, get ready; I'm going to fuck you" Oh yes, yes, yes. I thought.

I turned on my stomach. I watched as he went to the medicine cabinet. A great hairy hulk. Standing at the cabinet as he searched for the gel, I gazed upon his thick proud erection. Oh my god another few minutes and I'm going to get fucked by that thing. The thought thrilled me even more. I positioned my arse up higher, so that he would have easier access He returned to the bunk, standing along side me he unscrewed the top and spread the soft gel on his finger, and then feeling between my legs thrust his finger inside me.

"Ohhhh" I gasped, as he worked in the gel, he repeated the operation again, this time with two fingers; I worked my arse around fingers as he did so.

I watched as he now spread it over the hard shaft, making it shiny like a polished piece of glass.

The bunk creaked as he hauled himself back on. He kneeled behind me his hands positioned my arse where he felt was best. "Ohhhh!" I felt it touch, and that familiar thrill running through my body. My heart pounded inside my chest.

With both hands I reached behind me and pulled my cheeks apart as wide as I could go. The gel making it difficult as my fingers kept slipping.

The contact was made, it was at the entrance, all I had to do was entice and ease it in to place. One hand grabbed the slippery shaft and guided it. I relaxed as Bull pushed forward. His hips swayed back, and then gently thrust forward again, and again.

"Ohhhh, yes I could feel it entering, the head now expanding my ring piece. Yes I could definitely feel entry. Oh yes now it was in, making its way up my love tube, expanding it as it went.

There was a satisfied groan from Bull. "Oh fuck"

Now his hips swayed back and forth with greater pace, as his cock slid in and out.

Oh god it felt so very good as his thick pulsating cock stimulated me with its movement. Now he pushed me flat as his body covered mine, his weight pushing me hard into the mattress. He could now feel the contours of my arse pressing into his loins with every downward stroke. "Uh, uh, uh!" was all I could hear from him as he grunted with each thrust. The perspiration causing a squelching sound as our bodies parted then came together again.

I felt his rough chin and hot breath on the back of my neck as he humped away. Then, a sharp pain, as he bit the back of my neck and started sucking on it. "No, no, for god's sake no Mr Elliott" I screamed trying to free myself from sucking mouth. He took no notice and besides it was too late the mark was made.

I settled back to enjoy the pounding cock. "Oh I think I'm coming" He said It had been one of the best fucks I'd ever had and was sorry it was coming to a conclusion.

His sperm was starting to peculate. With each inward thrust it was boiling just a little bit more. Then "Ohhhhh!" One last thrust and he could not hold on to the warm liquid any more, it reached boiling point and the hot lava shot up the hard shaft, spewing deep inside me. He collapsed and lay still. Breathing heavily after the marathon effort. Whilst the last dregs of his sperm freed itself.

"Oh Mrs Elliot you were just too much, that was fantastic" "Well Mr Elliott I really enjoyed it myself" "I told you, you would like it, you're made for it... believe me I'm going to organise some good times for you... you're going to have all the cock you could wish for... Even women will be jealous of the amount your going to get... sounds great eh?"

"Mmmmm! I can't wait Mr Elliot...especially if it's all like that"

"Oh it's going to be fun just you wait and see"

It was now midnight; we'd been at it for some time. I didn't want to leave just then and I stayed in the bunk with him, even though it was so hot. Eventually I went to sleep, only to be awakened a couple of hours later. It took me a little time to realize where I was. Hands were exploring my body and then I realized it was Bull. He'd woken up with another raging fat on. He pushed me over on to my stomach and I felt his warm hard cock enter me again.

I left his cabin early, trying to get back to my own without being seen. Mornings were always a good time, as the temperature had dropped during the night. Bulls' cabin had been hot, with the smell of stale beer, cigarettes, sweaty socks, and come still lingering in my nostrils. I stepped out onto the deck and took a lung full of good clean sea air.

Then I saw a figure leaning against the rail, watching me, a smirk covering his face. "Well good morning Mrs Elliott...I trust you had a good night with your husband...I was going to say I trust you slept well, but of course that would be incorrect, he! he! he! I can see by your neck you had a very good night" My hand went to my neck as I went to pass him, but he blocked my exit. "Well you are a sour bitch in the morning aren't you ...Bull not satisfy you eh?" "I bet I could" "No it's not that at all I'm just tired and need some breakfast" I made my way around him and as I passed his hand grabbed my ass and squeezed it. "We'll have to get together sometime eh... I'm sure you'd enjoy what I've got for you honey"

"You forget Arthur I've got a husband now" I retorted as I walked away. "He! he! he! so you have"

When I reached the stairs leading to the next deck I looked back and he was still watching me, he grabbed his crotch and made a lurid gesture before I moved on. I knew what it meant.

It was about six am and the deck crew were washing down the decks as I made it to the final landing. I turned the collar of my overalls up to hide the love bights I'd acquired from the night before. Once in my cabin I relaxed a little, at least it was clean and smelled fresh. I quickly stripped, wrapped a towel around myself and went to the shower. I managed to grab an hours rest then down for breakfast and coffee which helped revive me.

The start of another day on duty. It was inevitable that I would run into Bull, I'd seen him with the third engineer when I'd entered the engine room, but not since then.

Mid morning readings in the gauge room and when I heard someone coming. I knew it was going to be Bull; sure enough it was, beaming all over his face. "Well my little darling how are you this morning?" "Great, just great" I replied "Yeh me to we had a ball last night eh?" "Yes we did" I replied As we spoke he had come up close and his hand grabbed my buttock and squeezed it. "God Margaret you make me horny" I wasn't going to move or protest, I knew I had to let him have his pleasures from now on and just go along with it, as long as it wasn't in front of others.

I could see the bulge in his trousers. He undid his fly and removed his erection from within. "I think a nice blow job will go down well about now...I want to come in your mouth" He said

My hand was eager to grip the hard shaft, working it up and down. "Keep an eye out just in case" I said and knelt in front of him.

He was leaning back against the hand rail as my mouth devoured the hard throbbing cock. I doubt if he was taking any notice of other persons coming in as his eyes were closed, head tilted back, as he concentrated on the shear pleasure I was administering right now. The warm sperm spread quickly into my mouth, as his pulsing cock released the warm sticky liquid.

"Ohhhhh!" Was all I could hear? The fluid always had that sharp taste to it, as I took a big gulp and swallowed.

"God Margaret you're so good for relief" "When you come to my cabin tonight I've got something lined up for you" "Do I have to be at your cabin tonight again" I asked The look on his face was sufficient to tell me I'd said the wrong thing "Listen Mrs Elliot, you're now my wife and wives should be with their husbands, from now on you'll always be in my cabin unless I say otherwise, ok" "Yes! Yes! I just wanted to make sure" I replied rather meekly.

"What have you got organised Mr Elliott?" I asked "Wait and see...I promised to look after you and so I will" Was his reply to my question.

The engine room was still a hot place to work, and I was relieved when I had finished for the day, a shower was always welcome. I through off the sweaty saturated overalls, wrapped a towel around my waist and headed for the showers. I was surprised to see the second engineer just about to step out of the shower. I had to admit, not only was he pretty good looking, but he also had a nice looking tool dangling between his legs.

He again caught me peeking at his cock; I quickly averted my gaze, removed my towel and set the shower in motion. As he towelled himself he asked how the day had gone, and also how the various running repairs were getting on.

The water felt good as it cascaded over my hot clammy body. I answered his questions as I showered. He positioned himself at the sink opposite the shower I was using. With his back to me I could see the fine contour of his body and the full frontal reflection in the mirror. As he towelled I watched his cock swing back and forth. Again he looked up and caught me looking at it.

I turned my back to him and continued to shower. Eventually he was dried off, and with a bath robe draped around him he left. Why on earth does the second want to shower in here. I thought. He has a perfectly good shower in his own cabin

I shrugged it off and continued showering.

This evening was much like the one the day before, hell was it twenty four hours since I'd been waiting here for the time to reach seven o'clock waiting to make a vow to Mr Elliott? I reflected on the fact that this was going to be the way of it for, well how long? Every night at Bulls place, seven. I'd signed up to him for as long as we were both employed on this ship.

I tried to keep cool, sitting in front of the fan as it swirled the warm air around the cabin. Even with the port open it was still humid.

Time to go, once more putting my overalls on, and make my way to his cabin, careful not to be seen as I made my way down through the decks. It was a little de-ja-vu, as I approached the cabin, coarse laughter, someone belching, then more laughter.

Standing at the door looking in, I could see two other guys, other than Arthur and Trevor from the night before. Which surprised me, I thought it was going to be them tonight.

"Ah, come in, come in Margaret" I heard Bull say I was a little mad at him calling me Margaret in front of these two. He must have seen the look of disapproval on my face. "Oh don't worry about these two, the name Margaret only adds a bit of spice to the game"

"He! he! he! Yeh take a look at dis mon" I heard the black guy say, he was Jamaican. At the same time he'd thrown of the towel that had been covering him, and he was holding in his hand a very large, throbbing black cock. My thoughts went back to my apprenticeship years, when I'd gone to the black guy's cabin to earn myself 200 cigarettes. I stood there gaping, open mouthed as I took in the view. "Heh Mrs Elliott is that impressive or is that impressive" Said Bull "Didn't I tell you I was going to look after you?" "My god yes you did but I wasn't thinking along these lines" I replied. "I'm sure your mouth will fit nicely around it" Then as a after thought "And your arse" This was the little something he'd had organised for me. The other guy was a big coarse scouse. A mean looking bastard, I didn't want to get on his wrong side. He had a sly, mean smile as he eyed me up, not saying or making any comment. Bull finished off his beer, stubbed another cigarette in the already overflowing ashtray and said "Well I'll leave you love birds together" and left

Jamaica told me to get out of my overalls, and then remarked how I had a nice mouth. When I'd discarded my overalls, I was facing toward Jamaica and my back to scouse. For the first time I heard him say "Yeh and a nice arse to match"

"Come on Margaret suck this big black cock of mine" He was sitting on the day bunk and I slid between his parted legs. My mouth covered the black bulbous head; I tried to swallow as much of the shaft as I could before I started to gag. Suddenly a pair of strong hands grabbed my hips and lifted them in the air. I was taken by surprise and had to grab hold of Jamaica's legs to retain balance.

Now I was bent over Jamaica sucking his big cock and my arse was up in the air. I felt a hard object against my entrance as he pushed into me. It hurt like hell as I tried to scream with a mouth full of cock.

"Shut up you fucking slag" Said scouse as he continued to try and force his cock inside me. "Heh mon put some lube on dat ting, help it along better" "Don't go all soft on this fucking poofta...besides they love it rough" He must have given it more thought, then I heard him howk some spittle and spat it on to the end of his cock.

He tried again and this time had more success, even though it brought tears to my eyes. "Ahhhhhh!" I cried as it swiftly vanished inside me. His hips started to sway making the hard shaft move in and out of my cunt. I let him get into the fucking motion and as my love tunnel became accustomed to its new size and the pain subsided I returned my attention to Jamaica's hard cock. "Oh man dats so good" He said and lay back enjoying my mouth sucking at his stiff prick

Meanwhile scouse was still swaying back and forth behind me, thrusting up as far as his balls, they would slap against my arse with each inward thrust.

That infernal fan still pinged, and I was determined, if I was going to be a resident here then I needed to do something about it.

I felt a slap on my backside as scouse's hand came down on my rump. "Yeh hu!" He cried "Ride em cowboy" as he continued to thrust into me. Another slap another Yeh hu ride em cowboy not breaking his stride.

In the mean time I was still head down mouth sucking on Jamaica's black cock. "Oh fuck here comes the mother load whore; your arse is going to love this" Now he kept slapping me, like a jockey whips his horse over the final few metres. Then with both hands on my hips he pulled my arse hard against him as he put his final thrust into me.

There was a growl from his throat as the final pleasurable feeling ran through his body, sperm spewing from his vomiting rod, straight inside me.

"Errrrrr" Was all I could hear, as I felt his cock pulsing, sperm pumping. I thought this was it and that Jamaica would now have his turn. No he remained close behind, and still connected. For a while his hands still held my hips tight, then running them over my body. "Did you like that whore eh?" "You like having a real man fuck you eh?" All I could manage was "Mmmmm" as my mouth was still sucking the piece of black liquorice. There was still no movement from scouse he just stood there connected to me. He reached over to the desk top and retrieved a beer he had been drinking before getting it up me. He just stood there, one hand on my hip and his other holding up the bottle as he took a deep swig from it.

"Heh! Go on suck that black cock you whore" Said scouse Why did he have to keep calling me a slag and a whore? I wondered.

Slap! Slap! Slap! With his free hand. "You've got a nice arse full of my come whore. I bet you just love that eh?"

"Mmmmmm" Was all I could mumble.

He flung the empty bottle onto the floor; his hand slapped my behind again. "Yeh ha! Scouse rides again...come on you slack bitch...let's give your arse another load of come" As his hips once more started to sway back and forth. Hump! Hump! Hump! His once more hard cock sliding back and forth. I'd suspected his rod was starting to firm up again; the softness that had only lasted a few minutes was suddenly reversed. I could definitely feel it hardening up and then...Slap, slap...Yeh ha! And he was back in the saddle.

Scouse was thrusting harder than ever, thrust! thrust! thrust! His big balls slung under his hard cock going, slap, slap, slap, with each thrust.

I could hear him breathing hard and mumbling quietly. "Take that you fucking bitch".

The cabin was hot and smelly, beer and cigarette fumes saturating the area. Perspiration was pouring from all three of us.

I heard Jamaica say "When ya gona come scouse, a wana fuck the slut now"

Why did they have to call me whore and slut? I guess I already knew the answer. It was in keeping with this type of guy to do just that, call everyone that got fucked by them a whore or slut.

"Shift off the bed (daybed). Let me get her stretched out so I can give her a real good fuck"

The piece of liquorice was withdrawn as he made room. I was pushed roughly face down onto the bunk, scouse on top.

"Now I'm going to fuck you for real bitch"

Now his thrusts were hard, as his arse rose and fell, the hard shaft sliding in and out. "Uh, uh, uh," With each thrust. His hot liquor laden breath on my neck

He was breathing harder now, sweat pouring out of the pair of us. The strokes were getting quicker.

"Uh, uh, uh, uh." Her it comes bitch. With one final thrust it was "Ahhhhhg!" His cock pulsated and throbbed as it spewed more warm sperm deep inside.

"How did you enjoy that whore...I bet you just loved it"

I felt him disengage, my love tunnel feeling the sudden void as he left.

I lay there sweating on the daybed. There was no time to relax. I felt Jamaica on top of me as he spread my legs apart with his knee. I felt his black cock searching for my entrance, pushing upward. "Ohhhh" I gasped as it filled my love tunnel to capacity again. I'd already been opened up so that this time it was quick and easy. He would now feel the contour of my buttocks as he bounced up and down on top of me.

I heard scouse say he was going tom take a shower as he picked up his discarded towel from the floor and left Jamaica to finish off his turn.

"Oh mon you're a lovely bitch to gona have more of you again" He said

Hard black shaft sliding, and balls slapping, his pace started to quicken. I could hear the sounds in his throat indicating he was almost there.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck" He shouted, then the black cock like the other hard cock spewed out its love juice.

I was too exhausted to move I just lay there as he to, like scouse, picked up the discarded towel and left.

"Heh mon I look forward to fucking you again sometime eh!" He said as he departed.

I felt between my legs, my arse was all wet and sticky, hell I could do with a shower and a cool off. I thought as I lay there.

In spite of the intense heat in the cabin I must have dosed off, I'd looked at the clock on the desk it was just after nine. It was the last thing I saw then I was fast asleep.

I felt someone shaking me, it was Bull. He was gazing down at me with a big grin on his face.

"Well what did you think of those two big cocks good enjoy them" He asked I looked at the clock it was just after ten pm. "Yeh but scouse was a bit rough and they kept calling me whore, bitch and slut" I said complaining to him.

"Oh don't take any notice it's just their way...the main thing is its cock and I promised I would look after you on that score did I not?"

I nodded my head half heartedly in agreement. "Come on let's go to the bunk...I've been waiting for them to go so that I could give you a good fuck"

I dragged myself of the day bed, onto the bunk and lay down on my stomach and bit the pillow.

In part three of Mrs Elliott

We find out the seconds hidden agenda.

Is the guy leaning against the rail there to push me over the side.

Plus, plus.

Next: Chapter 3: Mrs Elliot 3

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