Mr Smith and Mr Jones

Published on Oct 10, 2021


Mr. Smith and Mr. Jones 3 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to

Wallace was the only son of a millionaire's third marriage with Margo De La Tour. She was a bimbo who was after his money. Locals claimed that marriage to her exempted you from hell, since she was hell on earth. She smoked and drank continuously during pregnancy and Wallace had problems at birth. He had trouble walking.

Margo's husband died and left his money in trust to Wallace. Margo got a monthly allowance. She was bitter and mean, but the trustees protected the infant. Margo spent most of her time in Europe. Wallace was raised by the housekeeper. She was Bob's maiden aunt, and she also cared for Bob when his father was working. Bob and Wallace were raised together. Wallace went to public schools and had a problem with bullies, but Bob was at school with him. Bob hated bullies and he came to Wallace's defense.

Wallace overcame his problems, but most people thought he wasn't quite right. He wasn't the sort of man you wanted to marry your daughter. As he got older, he was pleasant and generous to charities. Wallace was tall and plump. Bob brought him by to meet me. Bob wanted to give him more sexual experience. We went to my bedroom and stripped. Wallace had a bald, shaved head, and a hairy chest and back. He was not my type, until I saw his cock. I am a gay man, but a big cock makes me very gay. His cock was a world's-fair exhibit, and his balls must have dragged on the floor. Bob was with him.

"It's shower time. Let's clean up and see how things go," I suggested. We agreed on that. Once we were in the shower all was well. "Three cocks in a small place seems to inspire me," I said as I dropped to my knees and sucked both men.

"I told Wally that you and I had some fun," Bob said. "I had a feeling that you might be a size queen. Forgive me if I guessed wrong."

"I am not a size queen, but I do like big ones," I said.

"Bob is the only guy who sucks me usually," Wally said.

"Am I doing it right?" I asked.

"You sure are. It's good, good. I'm afraid I might shoot off," he said.

"You get to know a man when you take his load. You are oozing precum. I love the stuff," I said.

"It makes a mess," he said.

"It tastes good. I like the thick, creamy stuff when you ejaculate too," I said. We got out of the shower, dried off and went to my bedroom.

Wally sat on the edge of the bed, so I got on my hands and knees to suck him. I had my legs spread just in case Bob forgot where my ass was located. When I felt Bob's cock at my ass it was already lubricated.

"Now you see it," he said. A second later he pushed it into me. "Now you don't." I moaned as he went deep. I stopped sucking as I made that remark. When I returned to Wally's precum was flowing freely from his knob. He was close to shooting.

"I think Wally's getting close," Bob said.

"Would you like to see if Wally's cock will fit in my ass?" I asked.

"I'd like to see if it fits too," Bob said. They switched places.

"Just push it in slowly, Dick will let you know if there is a problem," Bob said to Wally. "He's a good sport." There was no need to worry about Wally going too fast. He was worried his cock was too big and it would hurt. I didn't tell them anything smaller than the Empire State Building would fit in my ass. He was good and once he popped past my sphincter all was well

"I'm embarrassed," he whispered. "I keep on thinking that you will do something to make me look like a fool."

"Dick isn't that kind of a guy," Bob said.

"I do have one question. If your load is a big as your cock, will it fit in my ass?" I asked. Wally laughed.

"If that's a problem I will use my cock to push it all back into you," Bob said.

"Do you want me to shoot in him?" Wally asked. He was thrusting into me at a steady rate.

"I'd like you to shoot in me, but you don't need to rush. What you are doing now feels great," I said. "Take your time." Wally turned out to be an imaginative man. His cock had never been in an ass before, and he explored every inch of it. He discovered my prostate was extra sensitive. His bloated cock head seemed to enjoy rubbing it. He pulled out twice to let Bob take a turn massaging my ass.

Bob flipped me on my back so he could fuck me with my legs spread eagled and ass wide open. Fucking as ass is not the focus of romantic literature. I came to enjoy the variation between their fucking styles. Bob was into sprints and Wally was into marathons. At first, they were just visitors to my ass. Eventually it was more than that.

I used to joke about my cock having a mind of its own. My cock was happy and soon my prostate was even happier. When Wally finally lost it and flooded my ass with his seed. It was just as good as I hoped.

He pulled out as Bob's cock slipped into my sperm filled ass effortlessly. Wally's cum was the perfect lubricant. Bob soon added his seed to the sexual stew in my ass. It was beautiful for them and for me. We all showered again, and they went home.

Two days later Wally came by to see me. I asked him in for coffee. "Was what we did the other day good for you?" he asked. "Did Bob ask you to take my cock?"

I smiled. "Wally, I am a self-starter when it comes to sex. You have a prize-winning cock, and that was enough for me to get me interested. I hope that doesn't insult you," I said. "I know it's tacky to get to know a guy's cock and later get to know the man, but that happens."

"I'm not sure I am doing things right," he said. "What seems to be natural for most men, I don't seem to understand."

"Well, I can assure you that your balls and cock are in perfect working order," I said.

"It all strange to me. I don't know what's normal," he said. "Bob is good, but we've been doing the same thing since we were teenagers. We never talk about it, we do it."

Ten minutes later we were naked, and I was teaching him the Man Sex 101 course. I asked him to suck me he was fine with that.

"If a guy isn't hard yet, he will get hard. I usually concentrate on the cock head. It's the most sensitive part of the cock, especially the flared edge. My cock wants to shoot off. All cocks want to shoot off. Think of a cock as being a loaded gun that might shoot off at any time." I said, "When it is hard it turns off the urine connection and connects to the balls. It will ooze precum telling you it's excited."

"You are excited now?" Wally asked.

"Can you taste the precum?"

"I sure can," he replied.

"I may not know I'm oozing. You can slow down your sucking or let nature take it course. Some men pull off at the first twitch of the orgasm. Some guys like to have him shoot on his face. Some men like to eat the sperm while cleaning up the sucker's face. Some men pull away. I like to take the load in my mouth. I can swallow it or save it to share with the sucker. That depends on how turned on I am. Have you ever taken a load straight from the cock?" I asked.

"No, I've never done that," he said.

"Do you think you could take mine?" I asked. He nodded. "Bill's your oldest friend, would you like for him to provide the first load?"

"That would be nice. I'm afraid I might spit it out and insult him. Could I take yours and see if I like it? He couldn't tell I did it, can he?"

I smiled and said, "Don't worry, he couldn't tell, and I won't tell him."

Wally sucked me energetically and I shot off. He loved it and took every drop.

"Unless you are a cannibal, you have just eaten the only edible thing a man can produce," I said.

"I liked it. The taste was okay, but the spurts tickled my mouth. That was exciting," he said. "Was it good for you? Could you take mine?"

"Normally a guy doesn't want to suck just after his cock has popped, but I'd like to take you load. Do you promise not to pull away when you shoot?" I asked. That was fine for him.

Since his cock was oversized, I worked his cock head for about ten minutes. I played with his balls and worked a finger towards his ass.

"That's too much!" he cried.

"Too much is what we want in sex," I replied. Seconds later I slipped my finger into his hole, and he shot off. I wasn't sure you could shoot a pint of cum, but Wally came close. It was an impressive display.

"You almost choked me," I said.

"I'm sorry," he said.

"Wally, that was a compliment not a complaint. If we were in an isolated jungle, you would be the god of fertility!" I replied.

"Are you sure?" he asked. "Do you think Bob would like it?"

"Wally, I barely know you and it was good for me," I said. "Feeding your best friend your man seed can only be good."

I'm not sure he was convinced, but he seemed relaxed and comfortable when he left.

Friday night I had a call from Ted. He was thinking about having Carl, Bubba and Rev. Worthy over for a little party on Monday evening. "Carl and I were thinking our get togethers were a bit demure. We were wondering if we might increase the sex and reduce the conversation. You can come with a friend."

"You want it to be wild and crazy?" I asked.

"We want it to be wilder and crazier," he replied. "Bubba's bringing Sarge. They had a conversation, and all is well with them. I said I would come. I called Bob but he was going to be away on a big project. He suggested Wally. I called Wally and asked if he would be my "date" at the party.

He asked me what it would be like. I told him the men were mostly older, nice guys. I thought they were attractive, but they weren't male models. It was a sex party and the men I knew were into man sex big time. I said they liked to suck, and some liked to fuck. No one was aggressive, but they were eager and willing.

"I don't want to be left standing in a corner alone," Wally said. "I'm not that good at social events."

"Wally, I don't want to insult you, but with your cock, you will make friends," I said. "There may not be much scintillating conversation, but I can guarantee you balls will be drained as many times as you can refill them. Some will want your cock up their ass."

"Are you sure about that?" he asked.

"Wally, I like you, but my ass really wants to get to know your cock better," I said. He said he would come, and I told him I would pick him up.

We arrived at Ted's house at seven and several men were there. We went to a bedroom and stripped. When we returned to the rec room, the atmosphere changed when the men saw Wally's cock. Bubba came over and we talked, and he asked Wally to put him on his dance card.

"Bubba, you might want to know that Wally likes to top." I mentioned.

Bubba looked at Wally's cock, and said he liked a challenge. Bubba and Wally went off to meet with Carl. Rev. Worthy came over to me with an older man he introduced as Bert. I assumed he was in his sixties. He was in good shape and would best be described as a polar bear since his hair was turning white.

"I've never been to a party quite like this," he said. "The men seem friendly."

"Friendly barely scratches the surface," I said as I reached over and fondled his cock. "You are well equipped to make friends here."

"I'm at an age when I'm just happy it's still in working order," he replied.

"Does it taste as good as it looks?" I asked. He smiled and I dropped to my knees and began sucking.

Bert moaned and said, "My friend told me that the guests here are open minded about fluid exchanges. He gave me a demonstration and I had forgotten how exciting it was. Might I sample yours?" I stood and he dropped to his knees.

"It's been a while," he said.

"It is just like riding a bike. You never forget how to do it," I said. Bert was just being careful. He knew exactly what to do with a cock in his mouth.

Rev. Worthy came over to us. He was with Wally and Bubba. "I see you have met Father Burt. He's an old friend," Worthy said. "I did tell him that the men here are not shy and are friendly."

Burt was a cock lover and saw Wally's semi-erect tool and remarked, "The last time I saw anything like that was at a world's fair. I hope you like to share."

Wally usually dressed in clothes that might have been passed down from his father, so he usually looked a bit dumpy. Naked, he was in good shape although he didn't have a gym body. His cock and balls were so impressive, no one in this group of men noticed anything else.

"Ted told me this party was to feature group play," Worthy said. "Would you guys like to form a group?"

"Count me in," I said. "For those of you who don't know me, I am open minded. That openness includes my mouth and my ass. I also like to trade my special sauce." The men laughed.

"As far as I know, some of us have tried it all and liked it," Worthy said. "It's private here and you can let it all hang out. Your secrets and your sex fluids are safe here."

Bubba went for Wally's cock. Worthy, Bert and I formed a trio. Soon we were a single cluster of men and cocks. Bubba was not shy at all, and he fully engaged Wally. Bert was not shy either. Worthy was a ring master inserting his cock where it would be most useful.

Later I realized that Wally had been a hot house flower, kept apart from "the wrong sort." While Bubba looked like the wrong sort, his interest in big cocks drew him to Wally. When the wrong sort tried to suck Wally's balls out through his cock, Wally reassessed Bubba.

Bert was a recently retired high ranking cleric. He had remained chaste while he was serving as a priest. Now that he was retired, he remembered the sensations as he slid his cock into an ass as a teenager. Worthy told him I was partial to being a bottom. It turned out that Worthy was doing a little match making. I should have been a bit insulted, but Bert's cock and the absolute joy I saw on his face as his tool slid into me made me feel positively virtuous. During the night Bert shot off in me four times. He told me it was one orgasm for each decade of chastity.

Wally came over to me during a break in Bert's fuck-a-thon and told me than Bubba didn't believe anyone could take his cock up the ass. Wally asked if he could do me. I had Bert's load in me, so I figured what the hell. Sometimes no good deed goes unpunished.

Wally knew that I stored a load in my ass. He didn't know how good fucking an ass filled with another man's sperm would feel. It was good. Bubba could tell how much both Wally and I enjoyed it.

"I would love to try to take you load," Bubba said to Wally. Bert said he wanted to fuck me again. Wally fucked Bubba and Bert fucked me. Ted and Cal came over with Sarge. Sarge helped his dad/uncle take Wally's tool. Ted and Carl fucked Worthy or Bert depending on who was unoccupied.

A little later Sarge fucked my well used ass. "Shit, I thought you ass had been overused. It's warm and tight," he said. He was increasingly enthusiastic. "It's strange. I can't tell what is your ass, or my cock. We've sort of merged," he said.

I squeezed my sphincter. Sarge moaned and flooded my insides with his man seed. He seemed to shoot off for ten or twenty minutes. That was my mind playing tricks on me. When he pulled out, Wally was waiting. I was exhausted after Sarge's orgasm.

I was a new man as soon as Wally eased his monster cock into my hole. The earlier cocks had been just warmups for the main attraction.

Baldly stated, this sounds like it was an orgy honoring a particularly raunchy fertility god in ancient Rome. It was more like a sexual Independence Day. Men who had hidden there true sexual natures for decades were able to enjoy themselves for the first in in years. They were free and uninhibited.

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