Mr Smathers Jeremy and Me

By Jacking Buds

Published on May 5, 2001


It was dark and scary. We rolled into Ft. Jackson, SC, about 1:00 in the morning. It seems as though it took us forever to get to the reception station. We were met at the bus door by what I thought was bigges, meanest, ugliest person in the world. We would affection- ately learn to call him "Drill Sargeant". He got on board the bus and started to holler at us.

"Get your lazy ass, mother fucking bodies off of my bus, you magot eating scum buckets."

Jeremy and I looked at each other, and thought to ourselves, "What in the hell did we get ourselves into?"

"I said, get your fucking asses off of my bus, now." We picked up our bags, got up and scurried off of the bus, only to be met by more of these ugly looking creatures.

"Drop and give me 20," barked one of the creatures at an unexpecting recruit. When the recruit didn't respond fast enough, the Drill Sargeant grabbed him by the collar and threw him down on the ground. "I said, drop and give me 20." The drill sargeant proceeded to grabbed the guy by the back of his pants' and started to move his body up and down. We learned very quickly want "Drop and give me 20" was all about.

I think a did a million pushups that night.

They ushered us into a small room with about 50 or 60 other recruits and proceeded to yell at us someone. Soon someone was telling us about what we were going to be doing the next few days. I didn't like the thoughts of it at all.

At the conclusion of the "presentation" the Drill Sargeants came in and ushered us back out of the room. They began to holler at us some more and made us do a million more pushups (well, it seemed like a million).

They then escorted us to a large building at corraled us into a door that led to the top floor. This is where we would be sleeping for the next few days.

The next morning came all too quickly. A new set of Drill Sargeant's "cheerful" got us out of bed.

"Get you mother fucking asses out of my mother fucking beds. Let go of your cocks and get moving" (How had time to grab his cock, I sure in the hell didn't, even though it was aching) "Get this area squared away and report for chow in 10 minutes."

"10 minutes," I thought, "this guy is worse than my mother."

With the barricks only half clean, we reported down stairs for chow. We didn't know shit from shinola when it came to the military, but we quickly learned how do get into formation.

We were pushed through breakfast (is that what it was called? lol), then we were marched to the clothing issue portion of the reception station.

We were issued a duffel bag and a lock. We were then told to strip. Jeremy and I looked at each other like, "what the fuck is going on here?"

They issued us 6 pairs of underwear (your choice, boxers or briefs). Both Jeremy and I choice brief because in that day and age, boxers were definitely not a fashion statement. We were also issued 6 T-shirts and 6 pairs of O.D. green socks. We were ordered to take off our underwear and through them into a garbage can (I bet some sick fuck really got off later on that). We then put on our issued underwear and made to stand single file and were ushered through the rest of the clothes issueing part of our being received into the Army.

As we stood single file, patiently waiting our turn to receive our clothing, Jeremy stood in front of me and I was standing at the end of the line. Jeremy, being the daring bastard that he is, started to play a little game of touchy, feely with me. We were starting at parade rest with our hands behind our backs. Jeremy began to move his one hand like a crab moves its claw, only a little faster. I knew actually what he wanted. He wanted to copped a feel of his favorite cock. So I leaned alittle closer to him and his hand connected with the pouch of my briefs. He began to massage my cock and my balls. I was hard in an instant and I know that Jeremy was, too.

We played touchy feely for a while, then all of a sudden out of nowhere came two hands; one on my shoulder and one on Jeremy's shoulder. We froze.

"I think I have just found a couple of..." (Oh, shit, he's going to say "a couple of fagots" we're going to get busted, and get a dishonorable discharge, well that's what I thought anyway). Instead he said that he just found a couple of volunteers for a detail that he had to do. I was somewhat relieved.

He drug us off by the arms to this small room that only had a chair in it.

"Okay, magots, what the fuck were you two doing out there?" We just looked at him as if we didn't know what he was talking about. "Stand at attention when I'm talking to you." We snapped to attention. "Parade - Rest!" barked the Drill Sargeant. Jeremy and I quickly went to that position. "I said, what the fuck were you two doing out there? I seen you trying to cop a feel out there. You two like cock?" Jeremy and I looked at each other.

"I said, do you two like cock?" The drill sargeant started to rub his cock through his fatigues. His fatigues fit him tightly, but they stretch alittle to accomadate his hard cock that was beginning to tent up in his pants.

"Is this a trick?" I thought to myself, "Is this some sort of trick to get us to admit that we were gay, then they could discharge us for being homosexuals?"

"I can see it in your eyes, boy," talking to Jeremy, "I know that you are a cocklover." He unzips the fly of his fatigue pants and pulls out this massive hunk of meat. It must have been at least 8 inches long, maybe even 9 and talk about thick, mmmmmmmm. I began to harded instantly and out of the corner of my eye I could see that not only was Jeremy getting hard, he was also leaking precum. His underwear was soaked with it.

"I knew you two were fagots the moment I laid eyes on you." Now which one of you fagot boys is going to be the first to take a crack at my cock?" Again, Jeremy and I looked at each other. I knew by the look in Jeremy's eyes on which one of us was going to take the prize first.

Jeremy quickly went over to the drill sargeant and dropped to his knees. He engulfed the massive organ, well at least he tried. The thick, uncut cock (Jeremy's favorite), was too much for Jeremy to completely conquer with his mouth. Because of it's thickness Jeremy was only able to down about 5 inches of it (he has no trouble with my 6 inches, but I'm not nearly as thick as this guy was).

He sucked what he could of the drill sargeant mass and he jerked on the rest of it. He could sense that the drill sargeant was about to blow his load so he back off. Jeremy stood up and put his thumbs inside the waistband of his government issued underwear and with one swift hank, pulled his underwear down and stepped out of them.

As he stood up, the drill sargeant grabbed a handful of Jeremy's manhood. Jeremy moaned. Hell, I didn't want to be left out of the fun, so I climbed out of my goverment issues and joined Jeremy and the drill sargeant.

Jeremy positioned himself over the drill sargeant, he spir in his hand and lubed up his ass then spit in his hand again and lubed the drill sargeant rod. I knew what was cumming next. I held the drill sargeant's 8 inches of sausage in my hand as Jeremy guided his butt onto the rod of authority. Slowly but surely the drill sargeant's cock disappear in Jeremy's hole. Now that the two were attached, Jeremy began to pump up and down on the meat log.

Being a little daring, I climbed on the edge of the chair and straddle the drill sargeant. He knew exactly what I was there for so while Jeremy was fucking the drill sargeant cock, the drill sargeant wrapped his lips around my nice, hot, hard boner. I began to fuck his mouth with my cock. Jeremy was still fucking that piece of meat called a cock.

All of a sudden another door opened from the other side of the room. "Ahhh! It looks like we've found a couple of willing volunteers, huh, Smitty?"

The drill sargeant released my cock from the gribs of his jaw. "Hell, yeah, man. A couple of real cocksuckers." In a matter of seconds the second drill sargeant began to shed his clothes. He left his smokey the bear cap on just to let us know who was in charge.

And in charge he was. He yanked me out of the first drill sargeant clutches and pushed me down on the floor. "Suck it, fagot," he commanded, and so I did. I sucked on his cock for about 10 minutes and then he told me to lean against the wall and he proceeded to fuck the hell out of me. He rode me like a rodeo rider rides a bronco.

A few moments later, my drill sargeant pushed me onto the floor and told the other drill sargeant to push his recruit to the floor. "Now, do each other fagots," he commanded.

I'm not one for a sub/dom relationship, but I knew that I had no other choice than to obey. And hell, I've done Jeremy more times than I probably could ever recall, so I was going to love this part of the reception station.

As Jeremy and I sucked each other's cock, the two drill sargeants were standing over us watching. Not only were they watching but they were stroking each other as well.

Soon Jeremy and I were joined by the two, not as superiors, but as peers. We had a suck and fuck fest that lasted for 2 hours. I think that I came at least 3 times, one for each of them.

Once we were done playing, the two drill sargeants got up, got dressed and commanded us to get up and get our underwear back on. The second drill sargeant left the room first just as quick as he came in.

The first drill sargeant stood us at the position of attention, again. He came up to us as if he were going to inspect us, but rather nose to nose, he copped a feel from both of us and tilted his head so his hat won't be in the way and gave each of us one long passionate kiss followed by a short peck on the lips. His eyes told it all. Then he whispered so both of us could hear. "Yes, both of us are gay, just like you, but you two need to learn to not display your passion in public that could get you busted. Do you understand me?"

"Yes, drill sargeant." With that he lead us back through the door that we entered and then personally escorted us through the issue line and then personally escorted us back to our company area, explaining to the drill sargeant there that he had had us on a detail.

"Okay, you fagots, get a move on," said the other drill sargeant. "you'd better bust ass if you're going to get any chow this time of the day." The first drill sargeant offered to escort us to the mess hall. As he took us to the mess hall he quickly told us that we need not worry, because all the recruits were called fagots. If we kept our noses clean and our cocks at ease. We won't have to worry about anyone finding out that we were gay. He had been in for 10 years and nobody even suspected that he was gay.

After a few more hours of harassment and details our first day at the reception station was over. Taps were played and the lights were turned off. We were ready to call it a day. After the lights were turned out the barracks was lit only by the light of the full moon. I gazed into Jeremy's eyes. I wanted to be in bed with him in the worse way; not necessarily for sex (but that's not such a bad idea), but at the point in time I needed more than sex. I needed to be held. I needed to be loved. Scared shitless, not knowing what the next day would bring or even what the next 3 months would bring, but that's another story.

Next: Chapter 9

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