Mr Smathers Jeremy and Me

By Jacking Buds

Published on May 4, 2001


Finally, the day that we had all anticipated had arrived; Graduation Day. The year that had preceeded it was exciting, a year that I will never forget. My encounters with Mr. Smathers (mmmmmmmm), my relation- ship with Jeremy (double mmmmmmmm), my lettering in both track and baseball, our winning the Class A Baseball State Championship, a feat that no other school team (in any sport) had ever accomplished.

Graduation Day was totally awesome. Jeremy was our class Vale-dick-torian. His speech brought tears to my eyes when he mentioned the friendships that he had made, especially one. With the speeches done, we received our diplomas and turned our tassle, ready to embark on a new life.

After the ceremonies were over and after we were congradulated by family and friends, Jeremy and I decided to take one final walk through the school halls. As we went from class to class we talked about all the things we had learned and the fun that we had had in those classrooms.

All of a sudden, Jeremy stopped talking and got this shiteating grin on his face.

"Follow me," he said as he darted out of the History room.

And just like always, I followed, lol. We went running down the hallways, skidding around the corners and stopped right in front of the lockerroom door.

As we rested from our run, we could hear noises cumming from within the lockerroom.

"Shh," cautioned Jeremy. He reached for the knob and slowly turned it.

It was locked. Yet that didn't stop Jeremy. He reached into his billfold and pulled out his school I.D. He jimmied the door and opened it.

"That's how I did it the day I surprised you and Mr. Smathers. The door was locked and latched, but thanks to my handy little I.D. card." He waved his I.D. card in front of my nose and gave another shiteating grin. I slapped his arm and then reached up and kissed his cheek.

"I'm glad you did," I said.

"Me, too," Jeremy grabbed my head and kissed me on the forehead; something that he did quite often. "Come on, let's see where all that noise is cumming from.

"Yeah, and who's making it, too."

"We quietly went into the lockerroom. We peered around the corner of the doorway only to find that no one was there. We still were hearing moans and groans so we investigated alittle further.

"Oh, shit, suck that cock man. You are one fantastic cocksucker."

"I think I recognize that voice," whispered Jeremy.

"Yeah, I think I do, too. This ought to be good," I whispered back to him.

We followed the sounds and ended up at the entrance to the showers. There was a bench there for those who were waiting for room in the showers and on that bench was something that shocked the shit right out of me.

Meyer was giving head to McLeary. Meyer was the one that caught Jeremy kissing me on the forehead and McLeary was the one that was spreading it around school that Jeremy and I were fagots.

We watched as Meyer performed perfect oral satification on McLeary's cock. It was beautiful the way that he deep throated McLeary. He took McLeary's cock all the way to the hilt. McLeary balanced himself and with the other hand he grabbed the back of Meyer's head and pumped it up and down on his cock.

"Oh, yes, suck it, baby. That's it. You know you are enjoying this. Aren't you baby?" Without saying a word, Meyer nodded in agreement. "Oh, yeah bitch, suck my hard meat, oh fucking yeah."

Without warning, they stopped. Jeremy and I duck behind a wall. Had they seen us? We weren't sure. We weren't sure that is, until we heard more noises cumming from the bench.

With the slurping, the moaning and groaning resuming, Jeremy and I knew that it was safe to continue of peepshow. We peered around the corner of the wall to find that Meyer and McLeary had changed positions. Now, they were hot and heaving in 69ing each other. THEY WERE BOTH COCKSUCKERS!!! Meyer was on top, still bobbing his head up and down on McLeary's shaft. Of course that meant that McLeary was on the bottom with Meyer's rod lodged deep within his throat. (For them to be this good, one could be guarenteed that this was not their first time at doing this.

As Meyer continued to give McLeary's cock a good workover, he massaged McLeary's ass, speading his cheeks, making him moan even louder. Then Meyer inserted his fuck finger into the depths of McLeary's hot butt. This made McLeary leap in pleasure. McLeary returned the favor and inserted his finger deep into Meyer's begging ass. Meyer pushed deeper into McLeary's mouth. There bodies started to tense, their breathing was getting heavier, yet shorter, more defined. We knew that they were on the verge of busting a nut or two. It was about that time that Jeremy jumped out from behind the barrier that separated us from them.

"What the fuck is going on here? And you called us fagots!" screamed Jeremy.

The dynamic duo jumped out of their skins. They couldn't jump out of their clothes, they weren't wearing any, lol. Their cocks bounce as their faces redded from embarassment.

"Now look who are the fagots in this school. Caught red handed. Or maybe I should say, caught red cocked," I retorted.

"Oh, shit man" begged Meyer, "don't tell anyone, pleassssseeee"

"And why in the fuck shouldn't we?" Jeremy firmly said, "You tried to do us in. You started to spread it all over school that we were fagots and just over a fucking lousy kiss on the forehead. Here we've caught you in the very act and you don't expect us to tell anyone about this?"

"Please," begged McLeary, "We'll do anything, just don't say a word to anyone."

Jeremy went over to Meyer and kissed him on the forehead, "Your secret is safe with us." With that we headed toward the door.

"Why are you going to bust them, Jeremy?"

"Did you like it when they tried to do it to us?"


"Well, then, there's you're answer. Anyway, we've got a big weekend ahead of us. We don't know when the next time that we're going to be able to get a piece of each other, remember?"

Oh, shit, that's right. I almost forgot. Monday we will be leaving for boot camp. I let Jeremy talk me into joining the Army, but that's another story.

Next: Chapter 7

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