Mr Smathers Jeremy and Me

By Jacking Buds

Published on May 2, 2001


School was hell the next day.

"Fagots!" The word echoed through the school hallways.

"What do you mean, Fagots?" questioned Jeremy.

"I saw you kiss Johnson," retorted one of the other team members.

Jeremy grabbed the guy by the collar and shoved him into the lockers behind him, "Don't ever call me that, McLeary, do you got that? Don't ever fucking call me that or Johnson that again. Anyway, neither Johnson or I are fagots. You got that?"

Still in Jeremy's clutches, McLeary, sputtered, "But I fucking saw you kiss Johnson out on the field, yesterday."

"So big fucking deal," responded Jeremy, "and where in the fuck did I kiss him at?"

"On the forehead."

"Fucking right, man," gruffed Jeremy, "and where do you suppose, I kiss my new goodluck charm at, dildo, on the fucking mouth?"

"Well, no," replied McLeary.

Jeremy loosens his grip on McLeary's collar. "And don't ever call me or Johnson fagots, ever again or I will finish the job that I intend on doing. Got the straight, McLeary?"

All McLeary could do waa walk away.

"What's going on here, gentlemen."

Oh, shit, we had been caught fighting in the hallway. "What the fuck were we going to do now?" I thought. Jeremy and I turned around expecting to be hawled down to the principal's office. But lo and behold when we turned around, there stood Mr. Smather's with his arms crossed and the worst teacher look that he could give us.

"I think you boys need to come with me," insisted Mr. Smathers. He took us to the principal's office. He excused the office cadet that was "guarding" the counselling office. We went in and Mr. Smather's closed and locked the door.

"What the fuck do you two think that you were doing out there, today?"

"McLeary called us fagots," said Jeremy.

"And just why did he call you fagots?"

"Because he saw Jeremy kiss me on the forehead after practice yesterday," turning I said to Jeremy, "Anyway, why did you tell him that we weren't fagots?"

Because we're not, Johnson, yea, we aregay, but we aren't fagots. Mr. Smathers called the office desk and told the receptionist to call our respective teachers because he was going to be counselling us for awhile.

After he hung up the phone, Mr. Smathers loosened his tie and took it off. We thought we were in deep shit then, but we began to relax as Mr. Smathers started to unbutton his shirt. "It looks like I'm going to have to teach you two a lesson that you'll never forget.

Mr. Smathers continued to undress, "Bare 'em boys." Jeremy and I looked a little stunned. We shed our clothes and the three of us were standing in the middle of the room bare ass naked.

"Bend over and touch your toes," Mr. Smathers said firmly. Again, Jeremy and I looked at each other. Even though Mr. Smathers was a good fuck, he was still our teacher, so we obeyed.

Both Jeremy and I were touching our toes when all of a sudden, "Crack" Jeremy flew two steps forward. I looked up to Jeremy's bright red ass with a paddle mark acrossed it. "Crack" went the paddle again. This time it was I who had flown two steps forward. I couldn't see my ass, but I knew that it was just as bright red as Jeremy's because of how bad that it was hurting. Tears streamed down my eyes.

"I'm sorry that I had to do that to you boys, but rules are rules and even you two have to obey them."

"Yes, we know." I replied in a whimpering voice.

Then I felt Mr. Smather's hand gently rubbing the soreness out of my ass. He then went over and did the same to Jeremy. He then stood us side to side so that our hips were touching one another. We were still bent over.

I could feel Mr. Smathers spreading my ass checks with his thumbs as he started to chew on my sorry, sore ass. Despite how my ass hurt, it felt so good. He then chewed on Jeremy's ass. Jeremy moaned and Mr. Smathers cautioned him to be quiet. So in order to help out the situation, I locked my lips onto Jeremy's lips as Mr. Smathers alternated eating our asses out. First, my ass then Jeremy's ass.

Jeremy reached over and grabbed my already harden cock. We broken our kiss. "Looks like this needs to be taken care of, buddy," whispered Jeremy as he nibbled on my ear. Mr. Smathers continued to work on our asses and Jeremy slipped down to my cock any tongued the pre-cum off of the tip of my pulsating cockhead.

As Mr. Smathers consentrated on my ass, Jeremy worked on my cock. I slumped over Jeremy in pure pleasure. Mr. Smathers had ahold over Jeremy's cock as he ate out my hot ass. So the only thing that I could do was please Jeremy with my hands. I slowly jerked on his cock with one hand, using his pre-cum for lube and I fingered his ass with my other hand.

Mr. Smathers must have decided that he had had enough ass to eat and position himself behind Jeremy. With my finger still inside Jeremy's bum hole, Mr. Smathers slides his cock into Jeremy ass as well. This makes Jeremy's ass tighter and hotter than ever before. Soon Jeremy is matching Mr. Smathers stride for stride. Everytime Mr. Smathers would push in, Jeremy would push back. Jeremy had learned to use his ass muscles very well as he gripped both Mr. Smather's cock and my finger. On top of that I was face fucking Jeremy, matching them both stride for stride.

My balls began to tightened, Mr. Smather's breathing was getting heavy. I could feel Jeremy balls tightening as well. I knew it wasn't going to be long before we all came. Hopefully it would be together.

Well, it wasn't together, but it was one right after the other. First, Mr. Smathers exploded in Jeremy ass. Spurt after spurt of warm man juice entered Jeremy's manhole. I would say at least 5 or 6 as that how many times Mr. Smathers body spasmed. With every spurt, Mr. Smathers' body would jerk like it was out of control.

With every jerk of Mr. Smathers' body, Jeremy mouth pushed deeper onto my shaft. Just as soon as Mr. Smathers had stopped cumming, it was my turn. I began to shovel my hot sperm into Jeremy's gullet. I know that I must have filled his stomach with my hot boy juice. I must have came for an eternity (I know that it wasn't, but you know how time stands still when you cum. Well, it least it does for me).

Mr. Smathers must have hit the sweet spot in Jeremy's ass, because it wasn't long before Jeremy came, and I had stopped jacking off long before he came. Jeremy's cum landed on the couch that we were manuvering on. Jeremy bent down and lapped up his cum and then kissed me, giving a taste of his cum and my cum together.

As we sat there catching our breath, Mr. Smathers proceeded to lecture us on why it was importart for us to make sure that we, above everyone else, must behave. He explained that everyone's eyes were going to be on us because of McLeary's comment.

With that, he told us to stand up and touch our toes, AGAIN. "Shit," I thought, "was Smathers getting into BSDM, or what?"

I could see out of the corner of my eye that Mr. Smathers was pulling back to let loose a big crack on someone's ass. Was it going to be Jeremy to get the first wack or was it going to me? I braced myself for the worse to come.

"Tap" went the paddle, again there was a tap. Mr. Smather's was just trying to put a scare into us this time. I was definitely relieved. My ass was still hurting from the first wack. I didn't need a second one to remind me.

As we dressed, Mr. Smathers talked to us more about the need to behave. He also expressed to us the concerns about graduation and the need to keep our grade up so we could get into a good college after we graduated, but that's another story.....

Next: Chapter 6

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