Mr Smathers Jeremy and Me

By Jacking Buds

Published on May 1, 2001


From the very first night, Jeremy and I became almost inseparable. We when every where together. The only time you didn't see us together was when we had different classes and when we went home to sleep and night (and even then, sometimes we even slept together at night).

A month or so had passed since that first night. The school day had ended and I found myself sitting on the edge of Mr. Smather's desk, talking to him as I waited on Jeremy to get there.

The last student, other than myself had left the room. Mr. Smathers and I looked into each other's eyes. Each knowing exactly what the other one was thinking. Mr. Smathers reached up and placed his hand on my thigh. I gave out a little whimper. As he lean over, he slowly ran his hand up my leg and rested it just at the edge of my groin. I smiled at him and he continued. He placed his hand on my already hardened cock.

About that time, the door opened and Mr. Smathers jumed back up into his seat. We both looked at the door as it opend. Shit, it was only Jeremy. "What in the fuck do you think you are doing, man, scaring us like that?" I said.

"Sorry about that," replied Jeremy, "I've got baseball practice this afternoon. Do you want to come along?"

"Oh, shit, that's right. I forgot all about it." I turned and looked at Mr. Smathers. He nodded and told me to go ahead and go that we will have plenty of other opportunites. So with that, I hopped off of Mr. Smathers' desk.

"Man, you better get rid of that boner, if you're going with me, sport," laughed Jeremy as he squeezed my crotch. "Anyway, you're going to be trying out to be my catcher."

"I'm fucking what?"

"You heard me. I said that you are going to be trying out to be my catcher. You know how the coach is about pitchers and catchers."

I know, I know, every pitcher needs his own catcher, so that they can bond together, become one."

"That's right, man, and I don't think there is another pitcher, catcher combination on the field that has become as one as we have. Anyway you've been catching my fast balls for the past month. I don't think anyone else can catch them."

"Buddy, I've caught your fast 'balls' in more ways than one," I laughed.

"And there's no one else in the world that I would rather catch those fast 'balls" than you," said Jeremy.

"But man, I don't have any clothes here or anything like that."

"That's okay, dude, I've got an extra set in my locker. They may be a little stinkish because I need to take them home so Mom can wash them but hell anything in a pinch, right?"

"I guess so. I might even enjoy wearing you stink, anyway." So with that we headed down to the locker room to change.

We got to the locker room and the coarch proceeded to bitch us out, telling us that we were late and that we would have to run laps for being late.

"What the fuck is he talking about?" I whispered to Jeremy, "I'm not even on the fucking team, yet."

"The fuck you aren't," Jeremy whispered back, "I guarentee that you are on the team. Trust me."

"You two had better bust your asses to get out on the field. I don't care if you are the star pitcher Brown. If you come late to my practice one more time, you'll be sitting the bench. You got that?"

"Yes, sir," answered Jeremy.

"And that goes for you, too, Johnson."

"yes, sir," I quickly answered.

"Now, get your asses in gear and get out on the field." With that we busted our asses to get dress and out on the field.

The first line of business to limber up. Stretching exercises were in order. Then we threw the ol' horse hide around (do they still call it the ol' horse hide?) Anyway, we threw the baseball back and forth. Jeremy and me, lobbing the ball back and forth.

As we threw the ball back and forth, my mind started to drift a month or so back to the first time I ever held a ball in my hands. This took me back to the first time that I ever held a bat in my hands. Jeremy was trying to prepare me for this day. The day that I would be trying out for the high school team.

We were standing in his room. The door was locked, and yes it was latched, too, damnit. lol. I was trying to learn how to swing a bat. I had never learned how to do it when I was younger. As I was holding the bat, Jeremy stood behind me with his hands on my hands, trying to guide my hands into the proper holding position.

Subtily and slowly, Jeremy reached his left hand around me and gently rubbed my stomach. He began to nibble at the back of my neck.

"Jeremy, you don't know what you are doing to me, man," I moaned.

Reaching down with his other hand, he slips his hand into the front of my jeans and under the waistband of my briefs. He grabs a hand full of hard cock.

"I know exactly what I am doing, Johnson." For some reason, Jeremy never called me by my first name. It didn't bother me any. In fact, his calling my Johnson was actually a turn on.

He continued his assault (well it wasn't an assault, as I was a willing participant). I drop the bat on the floor and it made a loud noise.

"Shhhhhh," whispered Jeremy, "My mom's still here, we don't want her coming up and asking any questions, do we." I shoke my head no.

I turned to face Jeremy, and our lips connected. Man, I loved kissing this boy (and still love kissing the boy that turned into a man). We tore into each others clothes as we kissed. He removed my shirt and I removed his without losing the lip lock that we had on one another.

Realizing that it was going to take time this way. We broke our kiss and finished stripping ourselves down to our socks and our underwear. We alway left our underwear on because it was so much fun to take off during the foreplay portion of our love making (and still is).

Once we finished removing the necessary clothing, we fell into each other's arm again, continuing where we had left off. As we kissed we slowly moved to Jeremy's bed. We slowly laid ourselves down on the bed. This time I laid on top of Jeremy's hot body. With his arms around my neck, I smothered Jeremy with my hot kisses. I was in control this time (we had/have a rule that who ever ends on top, is the top for that loving making session and is the one who makes all the decision. It's a little game we like to play).

I stood up and slow stripped my underwear off, making Jeremy whimper with desire. Then I bend down and nibbled Jeremy's already hard cock through the cotton material of his briefs. Jeremy reeled in pleasure. I cupped his balls with my hand and proceeded to slowly remove Jeremy's underwear with my teeth. That drove Jeremy nuts.

What only took minutes, probably seemed like hours to Jeremy, but I finally removed Jeremy's briefs. Then I sat on Jeremy's face, "Eat me, bitch," I whispered to Jeremy. He began to chew on my asshole, sending me through the roof. I bent over Jeremy's body, passed his cock and dove right into his ass. Here we were a couple of asseaters and both of us enjoying the shit out of it.

All of a sudden there came a knock on the door. I jumped off of Jeremy and we both jumped off of the bed. Our hearts were pounding. "Who, who, is it?" Jeremy asked.

"It's me, Smathers, your history teacher. Do you remember me?" said with Mr. Smathers with a laugh.

Jeremy ran to the door and unlocked it. Jeremy just about shit when he seen what was behind the door. Then he opened the door and I just about shit at what I saw. There Mr. Smathers was standing in front of us buck naked; as naked as a jaybird.

Jeremy grabbed Mr. Smathers by the arm and pulled him into the room. "What the fuck are you doing standing outside my bedroom door without a stitch of clothes, man? What if my mother would have seen you?"

"Oh, she wouldn't have seen me. She let me in and told me that you two were up here. She told me this on her way out the door. She won't be back for a couple of hours. With that Mr. Smathers throw his clothes in a pile on the floor and slammed the door shut and then locked it.

All three of us huddled together, kissing, grabbing and enjoying each other's company. We laid down on the middle of Jeremy's bedroom floor. We laid in a triangle, sucking each other's cock. Mr. Smathers was slurping on mine, I on Jeremy's and Jeremy on Mr. Smather's. We were really enjoying this. We were all on the verge of cumming.......

Bong!!!!! I was knocked back to reality by a baseball hitting me upside the head. I almost knocked me out, I fell to the ground. Jeremy came running over to me, as did the rest of the team as well as did the coach.

"Are you okay, Johnson?" asked Jeremy.

"Brown, what the hell happened here," hollered the coach.

"I don't know," answered Jeremy.

"It wasn't his fault coach," I insisted, "I wasn't keeping my eye on the ball. I'm okay, honest, I just need to shake it off."

"Okay then," yelled the coach, "let's have some practice. He ran to the pitcher's mound and hollered at Jeremy. "Brown, show me what you've got this year and bring Johnson with you."

Jeremy pulled me up. As he pulled me up he whispered, "I know what balls you had your eyes on and I know what you want to shake off, too." He laughed and we ran onto the field.

"Okay, Brown, show me what you've got, and Johnson, I want you to catch him. I've heard nothing but good about you. So prove it to me."

Jeremy went to the mound and I went to home plate. After a couple of warm up pitches, Jeremy started to hum that ball right down the ol' pipe. He dazzled the crowd with his fast ball, curve ball and knuckle ball. I dazzled them just as well, as I let nothing go by. After about 15 minutes of showing off, the coach called us both over to the dugout.

"Brown, forget about what I said about you being the star pitcher on this team." Jeremy looked puzzled. Addressing the team the coach said, "You are all looking at the newest and probably the best pitcher/catcher duo in the history of this high school. Some of the team cheered other sneered in my direction. They were the ones that were hoping for the position of being Jeremy's prized catcher. They had all been here prior to me. Some were even seniors, but me, as a walk on came in and stoled their spot.

"Oh, and about those laps," the coach said with a smile. We cringed as he said it, "Don't worry about them. You've put on an impressive show. You won't have to run them.....THIS TIME." That made those that were already upset even more upset. I knew now that I was going to have to prove myself to all of them

"Don't worry about them, Johnson," Jeremy said as he tassled my hair, "You only have to impress me, and you've done that quite nicely. He gave me a kiss on the forehead. I felt better about this until I looked up seeing that Brad Meyer had seen it all, but that's another story....

(If you would like me to continue writing this series, please, send words of encouragement to

Next: Chapter 5

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