Mr Shepherds Summer Vacation

By Scott Davis

Published on Jan 7, 2021


This story contains gay sex between consenting adults. If this story offends you or it is illegal for you, please leave this site.

Most of the characters and events in this story are fictional. The story may portray some real people, events, or places.

This is my first Nifty story! If you enjoy it (and even if you don't) I'd love to hear from you.

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I was rudely awoken by two hyper boys bouncing up and down on my bed. They said it was time to get to work and get my lazy ass out of bed! My computer was still in bed with me and my screen turned on from all the movement. The boys looked and saw my screen and asked who that was. I closed the computer and told them it was someone I used to know.

I got out of bed and let my boner lead me to the bathroom, took my morning piss and got dressed. We went over to Steve and Cal's and noticed all of our supplies had arrived early. We proceeded to demo the bathroom. It was very therapeutic as I hammered away and tore out cabinetry and fixtures. We worked for the next couple hours and by lunch the room was empty and the debris bag was almost full. We had a quick lunch and the boys started to prep the room for tile.

I told them that I would organize the supplies and go over everything to make sure we had all the materials we ordered. We were missing a few items, so I told the boys I would be back in a few minutes.and headed to the store. As I drove my mind wandered and I thought of Javier and the fact that he would be in town in just a couple weeks. I thought about the last time we saw each other and how it didn't end well. I was a young idiot and I walked away from him.

I was in a daze as I walked through the store and picked up the supplies. I headed back to the house and found the boys were sitting outside drinking some water. They helped me empty the trunk and said they were letting the walls dry, but they were done with the prep, so kind of done for the day.

The boys asked if we could go see a movie. They said they wanted to see the new Star Wars movie, but I was not a big Star Wars fan, so said they should go together. I would just hang by the pool and work on my tan. We went back to my house and the boys showered together and got dressed. They said the movie started soon and double checked to make sure I didn't want to go. I thanked them but declined. Then they turned and were gone.

I was about to put on my bathing suit, but got sidetracked by my computer. Javi's photo page was still on the screen and I unconsciously rubbed my dick. I said fuck it and clicked on the friend request button. I laid back on the bed. FUCK! Why did I let him get away? FUCK!

I had to get out of the house. I went down to the pool and was the only one there. I laid back in a lounger, fell asleep and dreamt about Javier. I woke up when I heard the pool gate open and pulled my knees up to cover the bulge in my suit. It was a very good dream!

The boys were already in their suits and dropped their towels on the loungers next to me then both cannonballed in the pool. They played around for a few minutes and then got out of the pool and came over to me and both shook their wet bodies over me getting me all wet then proceeded to lay their wet bodies next to me and rubbing their wet hands all over me. Thomas rubbed my crotch and exclaimed that I had a boner. I agreed, and asked him what he was going to do about it. He looked around the empty pool and quickly pulled my shorts down under my balls and went down on my dick. Sean put his hands on Thomas' head and pushed him down hard on my dick. Thomas had definitely improved his oral skills and was deep throating my thick cock like a pro. Sean leaned in to kiss me as Thomas continued giving me head.

Sean stopped kissing me and I looked down to see the head of his dick sticking out from his suit. Thomas noticed also and proceeded to move his body over me to get to Sean. He pulled his dick out and started sucking him as he continued rubbing my dick. Sean and I looked at each other and then down to our crotches as Thomas alternated between our two dicks.

Sean started squirming and said he was getting close, I said me too and Thomas picked up his pace bouncing up and down each shaft. Sean said he was cumming and Thomas swallowed Sean's dick. I couldn't hold back and ended up shooting at the same time all over Thomas' face and Sean's dick. Thomas just continued milking Sean's dick and adding my cum to the mix. Mmm..poolside sauce!

He sat up and his cock was sticking out of his suit. There was a huge pool of cum on the ground beneath him. He had cum while giving Sean and I head. We all laid back and then heard the pool gate open, it was a mom and three kids. There weren't many families in this community, but there were a few. We immediately jumped up and into the pool readjusting ourselves and rinsing the cum off Thomas' face and body. When we felt we were presentable we got out of the pool and headed back to the house. We had dinner and the boys couldn't stop talking about the movie.

Steve and Cal came over a bit later and said it looked like we had been busy. We told them we would be able to tile the next day and it would look totally different when they got home. They were so excited about having their own shower room. Cal asked if he could take a look at mine again and so we all walked over to it. He asked questions about the full body showers and how they were all set up. Cal, Steve and I were standing in the shower area when all of sudden we were blasted with water. I looked over and Sean was standing by the switch and he and Thomas were laughing their heads off. The three of us grabbed them and pulled them into the spray.

I finally reached over and turned off the water. We were all soaked head to toe in our clothes. We were all laughing and said it looked like we had just been through the rapids. I suggested we get out of our clothes and I would throw them in the washer for a rinse cycle. We struggled as removing wet clothes is extremely difficult. When we were all naked I carried the wet clothes into the laundry room and started the washer. Steve and Cal said they guessed they would have to hang out at my place for a while as they didn't think it wise to walk home naked. Thomas and Sean both smiled and said, whatever shall we do to pass the time?

We all laughed and I shouted. Last one to the bedroom bottoms for all our dicks! We all took off running and Sean ended up in last place. I think he may have done it on purpose as he really loved bottoming. We all took our turns fucking Sean. He took us all like a champ and enjoyed sucking the others while we waited our turn. He was in heaven! He told us not to cum in him, that he wanted us all to cum on his face. When we had all taken our turn Sean laid in the middle of my bed. Thomas sat across Sean's chest and the rest of us surrounded his head. We all started jacking off, but I noticed that Sean was now fucking Thomas as Thomas jacked off. Within a couple moments we were all shooting our loads. He had his mouth open, but most of our loads coated his face. When we were done shooting our loads he moaned loudly and shot his load in Thomas' ass. Thomas layed down on top of Sean and proceeded to lick his face off all our cum. Mmmmm Bukkake Sauce, he said.

I got off the bed and moved our clothes to the dryer. Sean sat up and asked all of us to follow him. We headed back to the shower room and Sean dropped to his knees. We all looked at him and he bowed his head. I was a bit shocked at what he was doing, but then Thomas walked up to him and took hold of his penis and aimed it at Sean's head. Cal and Steve did the same thing. Not to be left out I stepped up and we all started pissing on Sean's head and body. I looked at Thomas who had his head back as he seemed to be enjoying his post ejaculatory piss. Steve and Call were looking down at their pee as it completely soaked into Sean's hair. We all finished and Sean stood up and gave Thomas a big hug. I turned and flipped the switch for the overhead shower and we all rinsed and washed each other off.

The clothes dryer buzzed and Steve and Cal said they needed to get going. They dressed and left for the night. Thomas, Sean and I stayed naked and headed for bed. Thomas was in the middle and Sean was snuggled in his armpit on one side and I laid next to Thomas and looked at the two. They looked so peaceful as they fell asleep.

I tossed and turned a bit and decided I couldn't sleep. I grabbed my computer and opened it up. Facebook was still open and I saw my friend request to Javier had been accepted. I felt my heart skip a beat. I had a message. It was from him. "Hey Handsome! How have you been? I have missed you more than you know. I am looking forward to seeing you in a couple weeks. Love ya, Javi." I noticed I was smiling. I wanted to reply, but didn't know what to say. I clicked reply and told him I couldn't wait to see him either. I told him I had a guest room if he needed a place to stay. Love, Erik. I closed the computer and curled up with it in my arms.

The next morning we got up and the boys noticed I was holding my computer. They looked at me funny and I said I was watching porn and must have just fallen asleep with it. They shrugged their shoulders and said we needed to get to work. This would be an all day job and the boys said they wanted it to be done today so they could start the plumbing the next day. We worked the entire day, and didn't even stop for lunch. We were just cleaning up when Steve and Cal pulled in the drive. They loved the progress and we made and asked if we were hungry. We said we were starved as we had worked through lunch. They told us to go get ourselves cleaned up and when we came back they would have dinner ready.

We all jumped in the shower room and washed each other clean. We started to bone up, but decided to keep our dicks in check as we didn't want to keep Steve and Cal waiting. We finished showering and put on some clean clothes. We all opted to go commando and said we hoped for another round like last night. I grabbed some beers and we headed back to their house.

The boys showed Steve and Cal the work we had completed and said they really liked the accent tile Cal picked out. It really made a statement in the room. They said that if everything went according to plan we would be done tomorrow and could shower the next night! We all raised our bottles and cheered to the soon to be shower room.

We were all enjoying a delicious italian dinner with a baked pasta and salad tossed with an oil and vinaigrette dressing. I noticed Thomas and Sean were staring at each other quite a bit. Steve noticed it too and then nodded his head towards Sean's lap. I glanced down and could see Thomas' foot between Sean's legs and up his shorts. I laughed and asked the guys if they realized this was a glass table and we could see everything they were doing. Sean laughed and said it was about time! Sean stood up and dropped his shorts and then sat back down in the chair placing Thomas' foot back into his crotch on his dick and took a bite of his dinner.

Cal was sitting next to the right of Sean and reached over to place his hand in Sean's lap. While Thomas' toes played this Sean's balls, Cal was stroking Sean's hard dick. All while using his other hand to continue eating his meal. I just shook my head wondering how we got to where we were. Sex was so comfortable that it didn't even interupt our dinner. Steven looked at me and got an evil grin. He was sitting on the other side of Sean and reached up and grabbed a bottle of olive oil off the table. He reached over and poured the olive oil on Sean's dick. This helped Cal's stroking effort and some even got on Thomas' foot.

Steve set the bottle back on the table and then got out of his seat and on his knees next to Sean. Sean scooted his chair back and Steve slid up between his legs and sucked his oil covered penis down into his mouth. Sean leaned back in his chair and threw his head back.

The rest of us watched as Steve sucked Sean's dick, rubbing our own crotches as the show continued. Steve stood and grabbed the oil and again poured some on Sean's dick. Then he unsnapped his pants and dropped them to the ground. He turned around and lowered himself onto Sean's dick and started to ride him hard. Sean reached around and started playing with Steve's dick then released him and grabbed his hips. Sean started thrusting up into Steve and then grunted as we watched his cock pulse in Steve's ass. Sean's cock pulses a lot when he cums. It was incredible seeing it happen up close and personal.

Just as Sean was finishing in Steve, Steve leaned back on Sean and took hold of his dick. In a couple strokes shot his load up his belly and chest forcing Sean's deflating dick to slip out of his ass.. Cal immediately stood up and jacked his own load onto Steve then leaned down to lick it off of him and then kissed him full on the lips. Thomas and I each had our dicks out and were stroking each other as we watched and were soon shooting our loads as well. We all cleaned ourselves up and then cleaned up the table.

Steve and Cal mentioned they needed to make this an early evening as the next day was packed full and started very early and would go fairly late! We thanked them for the dinner and the show and said good night.

The three of us got back to my place and crawled into bed. Again, Thomas in the middle with Sean curled up on one side and me on the other. I rolled onto my side away from Thomas and noticed Sean's hand was wrapped around Thomas' flaccid dick. They both had a slight smile on their faces as they fell asleep.

I pulled out my computer and opened Facebook. I had a message. "I would love to stay with you. We have so much catching up to do. Would you mind if I came to town a few days early? I am traveling from Australia, so would like a few days to recover from jet lag before the reunion. Plus it would give us time to catch up. Love ya, Javi" I quickly typed my reply. "Of course, just let me know your arrival information and I will pick you up at the airport." I stopped and thought for a minute. Then I typed "Will you be traveling alone?" Love, Erik. I closed the computer and again curled up and fell asleep.

We all woke at the same time. The boys told me I needed help. I realized I was cuddling my laptop and was fully erect. I looked over and said they had boners too. Sean said they were young men, when didn't they have a hardon? Sean then suggested we handle our problems and first to cum got to swallow the others loads. We all began jacking our dicks and,not surprisingly, Sean shot first. Thomas and I continued jacking as Sean crawled between us waiting for the next one to cum. I announced I was ready and Sean took my head into his mouth. I continued to jack as I shot a stream into his mouth. Thomas said he was close and Sean quickly left my dick and went down on Thomas just as a fountain of cum shot from his dick. Sean took until Thomas relaxed. Then Sean crawled up to Thomas' mouth and released our loads into his mouth. Thomas opened and accepted the mixture and then rolled over to me and did the same. I was taking my own load via Sean and Thomas' mouths. Mmmm, morning sauce! We laid back for a few moments and then said we needed to get dressed.

We were dressed and headed over to Steve and Cal's. We were ready to begin our installation of the showers etc and everything went without a hitch. We remembered some issues we had at my place and were able to avoid those due to lessons learned. By the end of the day the bathroom was done. We started cleaning up our mess and returned my tools etc to my place. We were picking up the last dustpan full of debris when Steve and Cal pulled in.

They got out of the car and we told them we were done and the Shower room was ready to be broken in! We all walked into the house and they walked through their new room. They couldn't believe how it looked and really were impressed with how quickly we got this done. They asked how we could ever thank us. The three of us looked at each other and dropped our shorts and pulled off our shirts. Steve and Cal took the hint and stripped out of their suits and were naked in seconds. I gave Steve and Cal the honor of flipping the switch and we were all doused with water seconds later. Steven changed the setting to the rainfall shower and then they both dropped to their knees in front of us. Cal started sucking me, while Steve was sucking Sean.

Thomas decided to move around to the other side, grabbed a bottle of conditioner and coated his dick. Cal noticed and raised himself up to be the recipient of Thomas' dick. I watched as Thomas entered Cal and started thrusting inside him. He reached over and rubbed Steve's back and Steve raised his ass letting Thomas finger his hole while he fucked Cal. It didn't take long before we all shot our loads and announced the Shower room officially open!

We turned the water off and dried each other off. Steve and Cal gave us all a hug and thanked us again for the great room! The boys and I dressed and headed back home. We were all spent and crawled in bed together. As I laid down I noticed Thomas and Sean were curled up together already sound asleep. They really looked cute together.

I pulled out my computer for my nightly message check. Javier had replied. "Awesome, I will book my ticket tomorrow and let you know the details. I am really looking forward to seeing you. Love, Javi" Fuck, he didn't say if he was traveling alone. But, he did say he would buy his ticket, and not tickets. FUCK! What was happening. It has been 20 years since we had seen each other. I remembered leaving him that night. I wasn't ready to feel all I was feeling for him. Being gay was new to me, let alone the thought of having a boyfriend. It was too much. FUCK! I began my reply. "Great, I will wait for the details. I am so excited to see you. Love you, Erik" I was about to close the computer when it chimed. Javier had replied. "I am excited to see you too!"

I quickly replied, "You are online! What time is it there?" He said it was 5:00 and he was getting ready to leave work. I told him I was getting ready for bed. Alone? He replied. I looked over at Thomas and Sean. Yup, all alone, I replied. So, I got you alone in bed? He replied with a devil emoji.

The incoming video call indicator went off and I jumped. I clicked down the volume and grabbed my headphones from the nightstand. I clicked accept and Javier appeared in front of me. He was as gorgeous as ever. He waved and I waved back.

We chatted for at least an hour. Filling each other in with what has been happening in our lives. The biggest for him was his move to Australia. He loved it there, but was so excited to come back to the states. I said I would love to see Australia some time. He said I was always welcome and maybe we could make plans when he was in town.

Javi said he needed to get to work and I told him I needed to get some sleep as I was heading out of town for the holiday weekend first thing in the morning. I told him it was great chatting and I was even more excited about him coming to town. He agreed and blew me a kiss goodnight. I blew one back and closed my computer. I pulled it tight to my chest. Thomas turned his head. Who is Javier and why are you hugging your computer? I looked down at him and told him to go back to sleep. It was just a dream and he needed to get up in a few hours. He turned his head back to Sean and was back asleep.

Thomas and Sean began shaking me awake. It was 10am. I rubbed my eyes and Sean said that Thomas told me to let you sleep in that you were up late video chatting with some guy named Javier. Spill! I said I needed coffee. Sean said fine, but he wanted all the details on the way to the lake.

I rolled over and saw my computer on the nightstand. I rubbed my hand across it. Javi, is all I said. I sat up and went to take a shower. Sean walked in and handed me my coffee. Steve and Cal are ready and waiting outside. Time to get a move on. I thanked him for my coffee and took a big swig. He gave me a very quizzical look and said 5 minutes.

I finished getting ready, got dressed and walked out to find the 4 men sitting in Cal's SUV. I got in the back seat, closed the door and buckled up. I gave Cal the address to put in his GPS and we pulled out of the driveway and all at once they said, "Who is Javier?"

I spent the next hour telling them everything. They all asked a ton of questions except for Thomas. He had been unusually quiet. Sean asked if I thought we would get back together? I said I wasn't sure. It has been a long time and we may not feel the same way about each other. Thomas spoke up, a bit aggressively, WHATEVER, you were hugging your computer. You are still hot for Javi! I looked at him. Yeah, I heard you talking. You kept calling him Javi, not Javier. Thomas realized what he said as we turned and faced opposite windows. The rest of the ride was quiet. Fortunately it was only a few minutes later we were arriving at my friend's lake house.

Steve, Cal and Sean got out of the car. Thomas and I stayed back. Thomas was the first to talk. Erik, I am sorry! I know we are not officially boyfriends. It just surprised me to hear you talk to that guy. It's obvious he is the one for you. I may be the one, for now, but he is the one. I just want you to be happy. I put my hands up to Thomas' face. Thomas, you are a very special young man and I think you may have found the one too. His face became flushed and I smiled. It's ok. I want you to be happy too.

I reached down and took Thomas' hand and pulled him out of the car. How about we just enjoy this weekend. Thomas leaned in and kissed me. I think I need some 4th of July sauce as he lowered himself to my groin.

Next: Chapter 10

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