Mr Shepherds Summer Vacation

By Scott Davis

Published on Jan 7, 2021


This story contains gay sex between consenting adults. If this story offends you or it is illegal for you, please leave this site.

Most of the characters and events in this story are fictional. The story may portray some real people, events, or places.

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Just a Memory------

I headed back inside and found Thomas in front of the TV. I sat next to him and he put his hand on my leg. I placed my hand on his and we sat quietly as we watched some Netflix show about a psycho dude killing off everyone he meets. After a couple episodes Thomas turned off the TV and turned to me. He took a deep breath and spoke. Dude, the past weeks have been incredible and I want to thank you for everything. This is the most comfortable I have been with myself, ever. I really love being with you and just you, but I am really enjoying the other sex as well. I never knew it could be this way.

Then to have Sean join in the fun was incredible and felt so natural. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in and kissed me. He pulled away and took another deep breath. He always did that before he had something big to say. He exhaled and took another deep breath. Then he asked if we were boyfriends. I sat up and turned to face him. I asked what he thought and he said he wasn't sure. He really liked me, but it felt different than when he had a girlfriend in high school.

I took his hands and said things are different when you are out of high school. Dating looks different as well as relationships look different, they are not black and white. There can be more fluidity between being friends and being lovers. I reminded him that I am just a few years older than he was and maybe he should think more about dating someone like Sean or someone closer to his own age. I said this was all new to him, so he may not want to limit himself to one boyfriend just yet and have some more experiences.

He looked up at me and said he really wanted a boyfriend, but, really wanted to keep having more sex too. I told him if he found someone willing to be in an open relationship that he could have it that way. He asked me if I was willing. I told him that my previous relationships were more open than normal, but it's not for everyone and my previous boyfriends got jealous when I would be with someone else, even though they said they were ok with it. It can be a challenge.

I pulled him in for a kiss. I told him the great thing is, he doesn't have to make a decision right now, he was young and had plenty of time to just let things happen. He kissed me back and then took my hand and led me to the bedroom. We made love. It was gentle and passionate. He used long strokes as he fucked me. He took his time as he kissed my neck. He gently slid his fingers over my body as I felt him slide in and out of me. He rolled us over and I was now sitting on him. His entire length was buried in me. He stroked me slowly as I raised and lowered myself on him. I told him I could feel myself getting close. He slowed his pace and pulled his hand away and pushed me onto my back and pulled out of me.

He climbed on me and slid down my shaft and stayed still as he got used to my girth. I reached for his dick and began stroking him. He moved slowly up and down as I fucked his tight hole. He pushed my hands away from his dick as he said he was getting close. I had picked up my pace fucking him and he sat down on me telling me not to cum. I whimpered as my nuts settled down. He was beginning to drive me crazy!

He pulled off my dick and then put our two dicks together. He wrapped both of his hands around our dicks and started jerking our dicks together. I told him I was close and he slowed down. Then a few seconds later picked up the pace again. My body was wiggling under him. He slowed down again and said he was getting close. Then, again, he started picking up the pace but this time didn't slow down when I announced I was close. He tightened his grip and jacked us off. I felt my load building and told him it was happening. He stared deeply into my eyes and I groaned as our cocks exploded together. We sprayed our loads all over my body. I could feel it on my face, chest and stomach. It seemed like a gallon of water had been dumped on me. He kept jacking until I had to push his hand away. He pulled back and lowered down to my body and began to licking up our loads. He got to my face and licked it clean and then kissed me. Sharing the combined loads in our mouths. He stopped kissing me and whispered, mmm jack off sauce!

He laid on top of me and we fell asleep. We woke up an hour later and he said he needed to pee. I agreed and he jumped up and grabbed my hand pulling me with him out of the bedroom, down the hall and into the new shower room. He pulled me into the shower and said he wanted to try something. He pulled me in for a kiss and then I felt it. He was peeing on me. As the warmth of his pee hit my dick I too began my stream of piss. We were both erect so we looked like a matching pair of fountains.

Our streams subsided and our dicks deflated. We stood there for a second and Thomas finally said he had seen that in a porn and wondered what it would feel like. I asked if he liked it, and he said yea, but maybe not the smell. I turned and flipped a switch and within a second our bodies were completely sprayed down and clean. We washed each other and our dicks sprang back to attention. I turned Thomas around and soaped up his ass. I pressed a couple fingers in his hole. He bent and arched his back and I entered his slippery hole. I was going to go slow, but he slammed his ass back on to me taking the whole thing in one movement. He groand and said "fuck, you are thick". I grabbed his hips and started fucking. The soap made him so slick. I only lasted a few strokes before I filled his hole with my cum. He turned to face me and looked down at the wall, he had shot his load while I fucked him. I turned the water off and we toweled off and went back to the bedroom, crawled in bed and fell asleep in moments.

I was startled awake by the doorbell. I pulled on a pair of shorts as I walked to the door. It was Sean. His dad honked the horn as he drove away. I completely forgot that I was supposed to come up with more work for Sean. I opened the door and let him in and smiled as I told him to follow me. We walked in the bedroom and I whispered for him to be quiet. I dropped my shorts and got back in bed with Thomas. Sean stripped and got in on the other side. I lifted the covers and we both went under to find Thomas' morning wood. I held it towards Sean's mouth and he took the head in his mouth. I released it and went down on his balls. We felt Thomas' body move and then felt his hands on our heads. He lifted the sheet and smiled as he saw two of us working his dick. He lowered the sheet and moaned and he released his load into Sean's hungry mouth. Sean came over and kissed me, then we crawled out from the sheet and each kissed Thomas. Sean said if this was the type of work he had to do for the next couple weeks to count him in! Thomas and I smiled. Sean asked what our plans were for the day. I suggested we get up and get some coffee and breakfast and discuss our options.

We walked naked to the kitchen and I made coffee. I heard Sean said that he had received his acceptance letter to GVSU and would be headed there in the fall. Thomas said he was accepted there also but wasn't sure what his major would be. Sean said he was going to major in engineering. I poured coffee and said it would be great knowing each other on campus and they wouldn't feel so alone while they were there. Sean spoke up and said maybe they could consider rooming together, if Thomas would be ok with that. Thomas said it sounded good and that it would be awesome not having to worry about coming out to a roommate in case they were homophobes or something! They started talking about their plans and brainstorming ideas about what to bring to school etc. I swear I saw a spark between them as they began discussing their plans.

I finally got a chance to talk. I told Sean that I really didn't have any other work that needed to be done as I had expected to be working on the bathroom for the next couple weeks. Plus I really didn't have the budget to add any projects, but he was welcome to hang out for the next couple weeks and we could tell his dad that he was running errands for me and organizing my closets.

Thomas said he wanted to be included and had heard from his parents that they were going to be gone a lot over the summer as they were starting a new business. So, with our plan in place we changed into our suits and headed to the pool. We had the entire pool to ourselves.

We were there a couple hours when Cal walked in. He was still in his suit and tie and said he saw us down here and wanted to talk to us about adding a shower room to their house. He would be willing to pay if we would be interested in doing the job for them. We would need to tear the existing bathroom out, but the layout was the same as mine, so the rest should be the same as what we had just done. I looked at Sean and Thomas and then Cal said name your price! The boys jumped and both said yes at the same time. I guess we wouldn't need to lie to Sean's dad after all.

Cal said Steve was on board and said he liked exactly what we had, but Cal thought he wanted to make a couple changes to the tile and faucet. Other than those two things the rest could be the same. I said that I could contact the improvement store and just ask them to duplicate my order. Cal could pick out the accent tile he wanted and get that separately. We all shook hands and made arrangements for the supplies. The orders could be delivered the following weekend so that left us the week to demo the bath. That should only take us a day or two, so we agreed to enjoy today and tomorrow before we got to work on our new project.

We hung out at the pool for most of the day. Thomas offered to get us lunch and came back with some subs. We napped the day away and then Sean said his dad would be here soon to pick him up. Thomas made a suggestion that Sean tell his Dad that he offered to drive him back and forth and he could say he was just staying at my place so it would be easier to get back and forth so we could get an early start on the remodel and not have to stop at a certain time when Sean had to leave.

Sean immediately called his dad and explained the idea and said he was all set. He would need to go home and get some clothes etc, but he was good to go and stay with Thomas. I looked at Thomas and Thomas looked at Sean. You do know we are just going to be staying here the entire week, right? Thomas asked. Sean looked between us and smiled. I do now!

Thomas and Sean took off a while later and stopped at Sean's house so his parents could meet Thomas. Sean explained how they knew each other and that they were both going to GVSU and were talking about becoming roommates. Sean's parents said they knew Thomas' parents through church and thought it would be great for them to be roommates.

Sean gathered up his clothes and said goodbye to his folks. The boys headed to Thomas' house for him to get whatever he needed. They were gone for about three hours and when they returned they found Cal and Steve and I in a compromising position. Thomas and Sean dropped their bags, shucked their clothes and joined our session on the couch. We all finished as the oven timer went off. Cal and Steve had brought us dinner as a thank you for redoing their bathroom.

We ate dinner naked and the boys talked freely about sex and all that they had experienced the past few weeks. Thomas brought up the lake and talked about how much fun he had. I said my friends were having a party over the 4th of July weekend and we were invited if they wanted to go. Thomas nodded and told Sean the guys had porn star quality dicks. Steve and Cal looked at me, and I said they were welcome to come along also. They lifted their glasses and we all's to queers! We finished dinner and Steve said they would need to be leaving as they did have to work in the morning and left us the garage code so we could get started when we were ready.

The three of us remained naked and I asked the boys what they wanted to do. They looked at each other, stood up and grabbed me by the hand and led me to my bedroom. We spent the next couple hours exploring each other's bodies and trading loads. I started to fall asleep as I watched Thomas pounding Sean's ass. I could feel the bed rocking for a while, but drifted off to let them enjoy each other. I woke up slightly and Sean was on top of Thomas fucking him. I fell back asleep and again stirred and found the two in a 69 position sucking each other's dicks. The next time I woke up it was morning and the boys were still in the 69 position sound asleep.

I left the room to make coffee and was reading some emails when the two boys went through the living room and headed to the shower room, erections leading the way. A few minutes later I heard the shower turn on and then both boys came back with deflated dicks and smiles on their faces. I looked at Sean and asked if he liked the shower, he asked me which one, the shower room one or the golden one? Thomas blushed and ran back to the bedroom Sean chasing him snapping him in the ass with his towel.

The boys came out dressed in work clothes and said they wanted to get started on the project today, just in case something goes wrong they won't run over into next week. I agreed and got myself dressed and we headed over to Steve and Cal's. As we entered the garage the boys noticed how clean it was, as we entered the house, it too, was immaculate. I suggested we consider placing a couple drop cloths around and block off the rest of the house with a plastic sheet. We wouldn't want to trash their house from the debris dust we create.. The other thing we didn't think about was a waste bin. I said the bag I used was great as you could put everything in it and the city comes to pick it up. Thomas said he would create a list of supplies that we need and he and Sean could run and pick them up.

We realized we weren't ready to start tomorrow, so it was a good thing we came over today. I told the boys I would gather my tools and set up the garage as our work station while they ran to the store. The boys jumped in the convertible and as they pulled away I heard Thomas shout...Dick's out! Sean raised his hands as if he was on a roller coaster and they sped away.

I gathered my tools and placed everything we needed on a dolly and walked it over to the other house. I set up our work stations and was just finishing up when the boys pulled back into the driveway. They brought in the additional supplies and we set up the work area being extra careful to keep the mess to a minimum.

It was just past 1:00 when we were all set up and the boys said it was pool time. We closed up the house and headed to change into our suits and hit the pool. We made a couple sandwiches and headed out. The next couple hours were poolside and around dinner time we realized we didn't need to rush as the boys were not going anywhere. I told them I really wasn't prepared to feed them and Thomas said it was no problem. His parents left him money for groceries and take out, so he had it covered. Sean suggested Mexican and we all agreed that sounded good. I told Thomas of a place I liked and he looked it up online and placed an order, then took off saying he would be back soon.

Sean and I stayed at the pool and Cal and Steve walked in. They said it looked like we were ready to do some demo and they were looking forward to the end result. I mentioned we were getting mexican and they held up a pitcher of margaritas and said Salud! I texted Thomas to pick up a couple extra things as Steve and Cal were joining us. Cal poured each of us a drink and we relaxed and waited for Thomas to return.

Thomas returned and told me the manager at the restaurant said to say hi and he hadn't seen you in a while. He also threw in a bunch of extra stuff and told me to give you this. It was a flyer to my 20th High School Class Reunion. I read over the card and noticed there was a special announcement that the exchange students we had our senior year would be returning for this class reunion. I set the card down and picked up my drink. We enjoyed eating and drinking poolside and had to send Cal back for another pitcher of margaritas. He returned with two.

I was staring off into space when Sean snapped his fingers at me and brought me back to reality. Dude you are completely boned up, what, or who, are you thinking about? Spill! I blushed and reached over to grab the flyer off the table. Yeah, what about it? Are you bummed at how old you are? I frowned at him. Really, what gives? Just a memory of someone from a long time ago I said.

We hung out at the pool for a bit longer and were quite buzzed from the margaritas. Cal admitted the last batch was more tequila than margarita. I noticed Steve and Sean were getting extremely close and their bulges indicated they were enjoying each other's company. Thomas and Cal were watching and rubbing their own bulges. I mentioned that I was feeling tired and that I thought I would head home. We said our goodbyes and Sean whispered to not wait up. I smiled and headed back to my house.

Alone and drunk with access to the internet is not a good thing. I opened up Facebook and typed in my search. Javier Monelo. Three profiles popped up. His was the first one. A professional looking head pic. I clicked on it and his profile came up. It was locked for the most part, but a few pictures of him came up. My mind took me back to the time we met each other at a gay bar. We were both in the closet, so were a bit paranoid about being seen. After some talk, we relaxed around each other. I really liked him. Then my mind flashed to that night. THE night. The night I lost my virginity.

Javier and I became close friends. We never did anything in high school, but there was always a sexual energy between us. We kept in touch after graduation. He had moved to Lexington, Kentucky and was attending university there. He invited me to come visit and he would take me out on the town. I thought it would be a fun road trip and asked a friend to go with me.

I hadn't fully come out of the closet, but was going to gay bars more frequently. The friend I invited was, Mike, a beefy teddy bear. He only liked twinks, so he and I had never played around.

Mike and I took off midday and were in Lexington at 8:00. Javier greeted us at the door and we met his roommates. Javier took us to the guest room and said we could put our suitcases in here, but we needed to get changed as we were heading out in 20 minutes.

We did a quick change and met Javier back in the living room. His roommates were standing next to each other in the kitchen having a drink. By the look of how the two interacted it appeared they were a couple. Javier asked if we wanted a drink for the road and Mike and both agreed.

Our group loaded up in the car and headed to a bar. We walk inside and immediately notice it is all men. Javier leaned over to me and asked if this was ok. I nodded and we all went up to the bar. We ordered a round of drinks and found a spot at the end of the bar. Javier explained that his roommates were lovers and he had come out of the closet. His friends were allowing him to live with them while he attended school.

Mike tapped me on my shoulder and said he saw some cute guys and was going on the prowl. I nodded and turned back to Javier. When I turned around Javier leaned in and kissed me. I melted. His kiss was the most incredible kiss I had ever experienced. He pulled away and I sat there speechless. He asked if that was ok. All I could do was nod. He said he had been wanting to do that since high school. I blushed and said I felt the same way.

We sat and talked at the bar for over an hour. Mike came back and said he thought he was going to get lucky. He ordered a couple shots. He pointed to the guy and Javier said he knew him and that he was a great guy. Also, he lives in the same townhouse complex as he did. Cool, Mike said. Mike grabbed his shots and headed back to his new found twink.

Javier and I continued talking and our hands started roaming around each other's bodies. He leaned in to kiss me again and we kissed for what seemed like forever. We pulled away from each other and Javier's roommates were standing next to us. They were both smiling. They said they were ready to leave and wondered if we were. I nodded to Javier and he asked about Mike. Just then Mike walked up and asked if it would be ok if he went home with his new friend. I smiled and told him to have fun.

Javier and I rode in the back seat. Javier was talking to his roommates about some friends they saw at the bar. The entire time his hand was rubbing my dick through my pants. We arrived home and his roommates said they were heading to bed.

Javier took my hand and led me to his bedroom. Once inside Javier closed the door and walked over to me. We kissed. It was soft and wet. Javier reached for my waist and undid my jeans. We undressed each other and fell down on his bed. We explored each other' bodies. Javier was on top of me and kissed his way down my body. When he reached my dick he kissed all around it. Licked between my thighs and across my balls. I was so aroused. He was so gentle. He did this for several minutes and all of a sudden my dick exploded and shot cum all over my belly.

I was mortified. How could I cum so quickly? Javier smiled at me and went and got a washcloth. He returned and cleaned up my load. I started to apologize. Javier said that was the most flattering thing that has ever happened to him. He loved knowing how much pleasure he was giving me.

He finished cleaning off my stomach and took the washcloth back to the bathroom. He walked back in the room with his dick leading the way. He climbed back on top of me and kissed me deeply. My legs spread and wrapped around his waist. I rubbed up and down his back as we kissed. Javier pushed himself up and I could feel him getting in position to fuck me.

I had never been fucked, and had no idea what I was supposed to do. He spit in his hand and rubbed it on his dick. He spit on his hand again and rubbed my ass. His finger slipped in and I let out a low moan. He moved and I could feel him place his dick at the entrance to my virgin hole. He looked into my eyes and he entered me. It was perfect. I felt it slide in and moaned louder. He asked if I was ok and I nodded. He started moving his dick in and out and I was in heaven. I was being fucked. He fucked me for a couple minutes and then I felt his body shutter. He was cumming in my ass.

When he finished his orgasm he pulled out and laid down on his side next to me. I turned to face him and he kissed me. I reached up and stroked his face. I whispered to him that I had never done that before. He smiled. Then told me he hadn't either. We both lost our virginity that night. It wasn't hot sex, it was an incredible experience that I would never forget. We fell asleep in each other's arms.

I opened my eyes and I realized I was alone in my bed and I had cum in my shorts. I reached in and scooped up some of my cum. I licked my fingers clean. mmmm...wet dream sauce... I curled up with a pillow and fell back asleep.

Next: Chapter 9

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