Mr Shepherds Summer Vacation

By Scott Davis

Published on Jan 7, 2021


This story contains gay sex between consenting adults. If this story offends you or it is illegal for you, please leave this site.

Most of the characters and events in this story are fictional. The story may portray some real people, events, or places.

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The Shower Room-----------

****Friday Night

Thomas was standing in front of me with his mouth open. I walked up and gave him a kiss on the cheek and then walked down the hallway to the bathroom. Thomas was hot on my trail and told me to spill. I smiled as I unzipped my pants and pulled out my dick to pee.

I shook the last drops from my dick and flushed the toilet. As I attempted to wash my hands Thomas didn't move. So I reached around him and washed my hands then wiped them on his shirt. Then ran out of the room to my bedroom. Thomas chased after me and pushed me back on my bed. He removed his clothes and jumped on top of me. I opened my legs and felt him harden as our lips and tongues meshed together. You're really not going to tell me? He asked. I shook my head and told him it wasn't my place to say, but he really needed to talk to Sean.

We started kissing again and kissed hard for several minutes. He pulled away and said, "I want to be in you." I pointed to the night stand and he reached over, pulled the drawer open and pulled out the bottle of lube. He handed me the bottle and I coated his dick. He lifted my legs over his shoulders. I rubbed some lube on my ass and smiled up at him as he pulled my ass towards his dick and pressed his head into me.

I moaned. He left his head just in my entrance until I finally looked up at him and told him to quit screwing around and fuck me. I reached up and grabbed ahold of his nipples and squeezed them as hard as I could with my slippery fingers. I rubbed them on my sheets and went back to his nipples and pinched them hard. That did the trick. He growled and pulled me down on his dick and began to pummel my ass. He was dripping with sweat in moments and his eyes had darkened with lust.

He pounded me longer than normal. I was lost in the sensation and moaning in pleasure when I realized that I was still pinching his nipples. I let go and he immediately shoved his entire length into me and could feel the torrent of cum release into my ass. When I felt his cock expanded as it exploded I shot my load at the same time. I came with such force I felt it landed on my face.. He threw his head back and when he looked back down at me I could see his beautiful green eyes looking back at me. He was dripping wet. He leaned down to lick the cum off my body and face, "Mmmm fucked you good sauce!" he said, then collapsed on top of me.

I don't know how long we laid there. We dozed in and out of consciousness until he finally rolled off of me and said that he couldn't find the words to describe what had just happened. I rolled on my side and stroked his chest. When I ran my fingers across his nipples he winced. I stroked them again and he pulled back. I apologized to him for pinching them so hard. He shook his head and told me not to apologize. It was the most intense sexual feeling he had ever experienced, it was almost like his body was taken over by a different energy, a stronger energy. He said he couldn't imagine staying at that level for long, but it was the most sexually awakening feeling ever!

He told me he was starving and asked if we could get something to eat. I agreed and suggested a quick shower. He slowly stood up and seemed a bit light headed. I stood next to him and we walked together to the shower. He asked to keep the water cool as he still felt overheated. We stepped into the shower together and the cooler temperature did feel refreshing as the water ran down our bodies.

He didn't move as I began to wash his body. He didn't touch me, but allowed me to wash all over his body. I continued and washed his hair. He remained still, almost asleep. I washed my own hair and body and turned off the water. He lifted his head and smiled. That was nice he said and he stepped out of the shower and grabbed two towels. We dried each other off and got dressed. We headed to a neighborhood dive for a couple bbq sandwiches and root beer floats. Thomas was quiet for most of dinner, but seemed to be back to his normal self as we finished our floats.

We paid the bill and headed back to his car. I offered to drive my rental car, but he said he loved being in the convertible and I couldn't disagree. It was a cool evening and it made for a very romantic drive. We held hands as we drove the winding streets back to my house. We pulled into my driveway and we just sat for a few minutes looking up at the evening sky. We got out of the car and went inside. Thomas and I walked into the bedroom, undressed and crawled into bed together. Thomas curled up on my chest and we fell asleep. No words were spoken.

*******Saturday Morning...

Thomas was up at the crack of dawn. He said he was never up this early and couldn't believe how much energy he had. I laid on my back and he jumped up on my chest slapping my face with his dick. He was laughing uncontrollably and I started laughing at him laughing.

We wrestled around a little bit and were interrupted by a knock at the door. He bounced off the bed and ran towards the door. "Clothes," I yelled at him. He ran back in the room and grabbed his shorts and slid them on as he ran back to the door. The home improvement store was delivering the supplies needed to complete the bathroom.

Thomas told the delivery man that he would open the garage and they could drop the items there. He went out to the garage and checked each item as they unloaded it. He found several damaged tiles. I stood in the doorway as he explained that we would need those replaced immediately. The work was being done today. The delivery man said he would make a phone call and assured Thomas everything would be taken care of. Thomas was quite the take-charge young man.

The delivery men were leaving and Sean was pulling up. Sean walked up to the garage and gave Thomas a knuckle punch. I stepped out into the garage and waved at Sean's dad as he pulled away. Thomas mentioned that this seemed like a lot of tile for a shower, and I explained that I was making the entire room a shower. There would be an open area with a rainfall shower head, but it would be completely open with no tub or doors, just a drain in the floor. He pointed to three identical boxes and I explained this would be the cherry on the cake and he would understand once we were ready to connect the fixtures.

I planned this being a one man job, so with two additional men helping we would be able to finish much quicker. The bathroom had been plumbed and ready for tile. I winked at Sean which caused him to blush a bit remembering Donny. I had Sean to run tiles back and forth and make cuts as needed and Thomas and I worked in unison spreading the mortar and laying tiles. By lunch we had ¾ of the tiles laid. By dinner we were grouting the seams. Tomorrow we will do the fixtures and be done. What would have taken me at least a week was going to be done in two days. I told the boys I could not believe how hard they worked and I was in their debt for how much they accomplished. If tomorrow went as smoothly as today we would be able to use the shower tomorrow.

Sean suggested that he and Thomas stay the night so we could get an early start the next day. I told him I was ok with that but they would need to check with their parents. Sean quickly called his dad and explained what was happening and made it sound like he was doing his dad a favor saving him the extra drive back and forth. He thanked his dad and said he was all set. Thomas looked at me and made a similar call to no one, as he didn't need permission to stay the night, but didn't want Sean to know that. Thomas acted just as excited as Sean and said he could stay also.

I told both boys that they had earned a couple adult beverages. They suggested we pack a cooler and head down to the pool to cool off and relax. I said that was a brilliant idea and I grabbed the cooler and loaded it up. I walked back to the bedroom and Sean and Thomas were picking out a suit to wear. They both picked ones that were a bit revealing then stripped off their clothes to change. I forgot that they had seen each other naked before during gym class.

Sean was looking at Thomas' dick and said he had never seen such a big dick. Thomas fluffed his dick a bit and said he had never seen an uncut dick. They both tucked their dicks in their suits and turned to look at me. I told them they both looked great. I walked between them and grabbed my suit and proceeded to change in front of them. I grabbed a towel. We grabbed the cooler and walked down to the pool.

It was a bit busy, being the weekend. The boys looked around and took notice. There were only men and most were in speedos. I felt a bit naughty walking in with these two young men in front of all these more mature men. We found a couple lounge chairs and all jumped in the pool together under the watchful eye of every man around the pool.

We stayed in the pool for a bit and finally felt refreshed enough to get out and headed to our seats. I grabbed the cooler and handed out our beverages. The boys said they felt like they were on display as men kept staring at them. I smiled and told them they were and I was the envy of every man there. The other men were talking amongst themselves when a few of the guys I knew approached to say hello. I introduced Sean and Thomas as my helping hands for my remodel project.

Steven and Cal walked in and noticed us. They came over and pulled a couple chairs up next to us. I introduced them to Thomas and said they had met Sean the other day. Steven told Sean he looked great in his suit, but not nearly as good as he did out of it. Sean's mouth dropped open as well and Thomas'. Steve looked confused and then Thomas looked at Sean and asked him, are you gay? Sean nodded and Thomas screamed "no fucking way" causing many men to look our way. Sean blushed and told him to quiet down. Thomas laughed and said he couldn't believe they had known each other for so long and didn't know each other at all.

Thomas raised his beer and said here's to queers! We all raised our bottles and repeated "here's to queers", then surprising all of us every man around us shouted it out as they raised their beverages! We all laughed and finished our drinks. We discussed dinner and suggested Steve and Cal join us. They could see the progress that was made in the shower room and we could all enjoy an evening together.

Steve and Cal looked at each other then at Sean and said they would love to hang with us for the night. I ordered a couple pizzas and we headed back to my house. Cal offered to run to their house and pick up a special treat. He returned a few minutes later with a bottle of Resposado. He raised the bottle and said let's drink!!

I grabbed several glasses and Cal poured us each a healthy shot. We raised our glasses and all shouted, here's to queers! We all went to look at the progress we made. Steve said he loved how the bathroom looked and I corrected him saying it was a shower room. Cal nodded with approval and he liked the idea and told Steve they should do the same thing. I told them that Sean and Thomas were extremely helpful and could be available for hire, if the price was right.

We walked back to the livingroom and the doorbell rang. Thomas opened the door and signed for the pizzas. We set up in the kitchen and each got another beer and slices of pizza. Cal brought the tequila and glasses into the livingroom and poured us each a fresh shot. We each took our drink and Steve said here's to the shower room! We all echoed "shower room".

We were enjoying each other's company when I saw Thomas and Sean talking. Thomas looked over at me and shook his finger at me as if I had been caught and was in trouble. Sean continued his conversation and Thomas glanced over at Cal and Steve and looked directly at their crotches. I leaned over to them and told them I thought the gig was up. Thomas sat back and finally stood up exclaiming that it would appear that he was the only one in the room that has not been fucked by everyone else in the room and demanded this be fixed immediately! To help his cause Sean reached over and pulled down Thomas' suit revealing his abundance. Steve and Cal looked at Thomas' schlong with a gasp then looked at me and smiled. I shrugged and said, "let the games begin!"

Steve was sitting on the floor and crawled over towards Thomas. He raised up to meet Thomas' meat and open his mouth inhaling Thomas' balls. Thomas looked down and we all watched as his dick expanded to its full glory. Not to be outdone Cal walked over and dropped to his knees and took the head of Thomas' penis into his mouth. Sean got off the couch and walked over to me. Tonight is going to be epic, he said and dropped to his knees pulling my suit down as he went and then engulfing my growing member.

The next several hours Thomas got his wish and was fucked by everyone, twice! In addition, he had fucked each of us. We had all cum multiple times and were all covered in a mixture of sweat and cum. We all lay together in my bed in the afterglow of our sex session. When I awoke, Steve and Cal were gone and Sean and Thomas were snuggled together in front of me.

I got out of bed and let them sleep. I took a piss and made some coffee. I made some bacon and eggs and as the bacon cooked two very tired looking boys walked into the kitchen. Both naked and semi erect. I said Good Morning to both and they grunted back. I made a plate for both of them and watched these two young men eat in silence. I drank my coffee and decided to break the silence with a work inventory. I explained the plan for the day and both boys came alive as I explained the new trio of showers and how it would be assembled. Thomas said he can't wait to take a shower in it. Sean agreed and they fist bumped.

They finished their breakfast and we all headed back to the bedroom. The boys started to dress and I suggested they shower. They smelled their pits and said they were good and would take a shower after the work was done. I laughed and figured I might as well stink along with them and pulled on my work clothes and we all headed to the garage. We unboxed all of the fixtures and I laid everything out. I noticed I was missing a faucet, and when I checked the inventory list found I must not have picked one out. I knew what I wanted and Thomas offered to run and pick it up. I gave him my credit card and he was off.

Sean and I started placing the rest of supplies in the shower room and I asked him if everything that happened yesterday was ok. He said yes, and that he and Thomas talked and both admitted they are learning lots and having a great time. He really liked Thomas and his dick! It felt so good in his ass and throat. I smiled and told him I agreed. Sean told me that Thomas really liked me and said you are a really great guy. I smiled and said I liked him too.

Thomas returned with the faucet and the assembly began. These guys knew what they were doing and we worked straight through lunch until it was all put together. The showers were the crown jewel. Three full body showers on three walls all facing each other and could be turned on with a flip of a switch. The rest of the bathroom was covered in tile, the vanity was marble and the commode was on the opposite wall so shouldn't get overly wet when the shower was turned on. I looked at the boys and asked if they were ready to see how it all works. They said Hell yeah and I told them to stand back as I flipped the switch. All three body showers blasted water out and the ceiling faucets rained down in the middle. The boys couldn't believe the pressure the water was spraying. I smiled and asked them if they were ready to try it out. They didn't hesitate and started to strip out of their clothes.

As soon as we were all naked we stepped into the spray of the water. I made a few adjustments to the nozzles and we all were being sprayed from multiple angles. I flipped a switch and the body showers turned off and only the ceiling faucets ran down. I flipped another switch and a gentle spray came from the body showers. The boys said they really liked this as it felt like a million fingers were running over their bodies.

We stood there for several minutes and I noticed both boys were hard. Seeing that, my own dick began to grow. I grabbed my dick and told them we should christen the shower with fresh loads. They each grabbed their dicks and we all began to jack off. Thomas' eyes kept darting between Sean and I, Sean couldn't take his eyes off Thomas' huge dick. I looked at both boys faces and thought I was a lucky man as I shot my load hitting Thomas' dick which set him off and then Sean. We had cum all over our dicks but the shower made quick work of washing that all down the drain.

I turned the shower off and walked around the corner to the heated towel rack. I handed out towels and we dried off. We picked up our clothes and walked back to the living room. We looked at the clock and saw it was 3:00. We were all starving and I suggested making some sandwiches and heading down to the pool. Sean said his dad would be picking him up at 6:00 so it worked for him. We put together some sandwiches and snacks and headed to the pool.

Sunday afternoon at a gay community pool is quite an experience. We saw Cal and Steve in a group of guys and they waved us over. Steve introduced Thomas and Sean and the boys were pulled into the center of the group. Cal shook his head and told me the secret was out and they all knew what happened last night and they all want these boys as their "handymen" to do projects at their houses. I saw hands touching the boys and drinks being offered. The boys were loving all the attention and I just stood back and let nature take its course.

It finally happened when someone reached down to Thomas' bulge. It is noticeable when he is soft, but he had apparently perked up a bit so it was overly noticeable. He looked down at the hand on his crotch and then at me. I just shrugged my shoulders and looked over at Sean who was paying attention to a man's nipple rings. He was asking about them when the man said if you like those look at this and pulled the front of his suit down and revealed a dick with a prince albert piercing. Sean took a hold of it and rolled it around in his hand. The man told him if he kept that up he was going to have a problem. Sean looked around and noticed several bulges surrounding him. He looked back at the man and smiled and said. "No problem". He dropped to his knees and took the dick into his mouth. Thomas turned and saw this and I noticed a head bobbing up and down on Thomas' dick.

The men had formed a tight circle around the boys so anyone outside our group would not be able to see what was happening. Sean was sucking the pierced dick and one by one men started pulling out a smorgasbord of dicks. All shapes and sizes. When I did a quick head count there were 8 heads, or 16, if you count the ones with mouths and brains. Sean turned and saw all the men and started bobbing up and down on each as he went around the circle. Some men took turns on Thomas' dick while others enjoyed Sean's mouth.

After several minutes of this the first shot was fired. Sean was greedily sucking off one of the men while the man next to him couldn't hold back and ended up shooting across Sean's face. This started a chain reaction as each man shot his load, along with Thomas and myself, across Sean's face and chest. Sean stood up and Thomas leaned over to kiss him. The men all cheered and the boys pulled apart, pushed through the circle and jumped in the pool. The group of men dispersed and it was as if nothing had taken place.

Steve and Cal said they were heading back to their place and would talk to me next week. The boys swam up to the edge of the pool and pulled themselves out. They both walked towards me and wrapped their wet bodies around me getting me all wet. I pushed them away and laughed. We headed over to a couple lounge chairs and ate our sandwiches and had a few drinks.

It was 5:30 and Sean said he should probably get ready to go as his dad would be there soon. We packed up our stuff and walked back home. Sean had just finished changing when we heard the car horn. He kissed us both and said Epic!

I walked Sean out to his dad's car and told him how awesome it was to have the extra set of hands, but my project was done, as well as my damaged car, so Sean could be released from servitude. His dad shook my hand and said thanks, but he still had two weeks of restitution so either I found something for him to do or he would find something for Sean to do. I nodded and said I was sure I could think of something. I saw Sean smile and turned away from his dad as he adjusted his crotch.

Next: Chapter 8

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