Mr Shepherds Summer Vacation

By Scott Davis

Published on Jan 7, 2021


This story contains gay sex between consenting adults. If this story offends you or it is illegal for you, please leave this site.

Most of the characters and events in this story are fictional. The story may portray some real people, events, or places.

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LAKE DAY-----------------

The drive to the lake was awesome. We both enjoyed the breeze across our exposed dicks and kept our hands in each other's laps stroking each other's dicks along the way. I made sure we took the back roads to avoid as much lake traffic as possible. It also provided me the opportunity to give Thomas another blow job in the car. He turned down a road that I knew was a long straight stretch before we arrived at my friends. I undid my seatbelt and turned to lean over the console and took his dick into my mouth. I sucked hard and fast as I knew we would be arriving at my friends house soon. I felt his hand on the back of my head and as he pushed down he thrust up and shot into my mouth. I swallowed every drop and kept sucking until he was completely soft and drained.

I sat up and redid my seatbelt. I pointed to a sign for where he was to turn. We followed the curvy road for a couple miles before reaching my friends home. We turned in the driveway and were greeted by my two friends wearing extremely tiny and tight speedos. Thomas looked at me and I just shrugged. I adjusted my bulge as I got out of the car. My friends, Alex and Larry, approached and gave me a tight hug. They both smiled as they pulled away from me. I introduced Thomas and they gave him a hug also. Thomas obviously didn't know what to do with his hands as these two men were 95% naked, maybe 97%. Alex and Larry looked at me as they hugged Thomas and smiled again.

Alex and Larry had been a couple for 15 years. They both had well paying jobs in finance or investing, or something. They spent their money on things that brought them joy. The lake house was what brought them the most joy. They loved being on the lake and having friends visit them on the lake. They designed the house with multiple rooms that slept multiple people. They always had guests coming and going and loved hosting.

Along with the house came the toys. They had a 25' Tritoon Boat and a Mastercraft Ski Boat and 4 Jet Skis. Plus all the toys for those. Skis, tubes, wakeboards etc. They both loved going fast in the ski boat, but preferred cruising around the lake in the pontoon boat. They named the boat "Happy Hour" because every hour on the boat was a happy one.

My friends grabbed our backpack and cooler and told us to follow them. Their house was a nice open floor plan with windows all along one side with views of the lake. The property was set up that their neighbors weren't able to see into their home, and the windows facing the lake had reflective material on them so it was almost impossible to see inside. Thomas was impressed with the view and said he always loved being at the lake as it was refreshing and calming.

Once we were inside Alex and Larry offered us some beers. Thomas looked at me and I just shrugged. It's up to you. He accepted the beer and we all cheered on our first day of summer vacation and the lake. Alex said the boats were already gassed up and ready for a day of fun in the sun.

Larry asked what we should do first. Thomas said he would love to get some skiing in, so we headed for the ski boat. We took off and I was impressed with Thomas' skills. He was jumping the wake and was able to do some basic trick moves.

Alex and Larry started giving me the third degree. I told him we were just having fun, but that I thought Thomas was a great young man. I knew he was very young, but who was I to argue if he liked me? Plus, he is hung like a horse, so I was not about to worry about his age, as he made up for it in inches. Alex said he thought he should get to know Thomas better! Larry shook his head and smiled.

We spent about an hour skiing and then went back to get the pontoon boat. The boat had a mini kitchen and Alex and Larry had it stocked with beverages and food. We spent the remainder of the day cruising around the lake, drinking and snacking. More drinking than snacking.

Alex sat next to Thomas and was asking him a ton of questions. I saw Thomas blush a few times, but he answered everything Alex asked. I noticed Thomas spent a lot of time looking at their bulges. They were both pretty well endowed and their bikinis did nothing to hide that fact. Thomas was wearing board shorts, so his endowment wasn't as obvious.

Alex moved over and sat next to me. He gave me an evil grin and turned to Thomas. So, Erik here tells us you are hung like a horse. Is that like a pony or Clysdale? Thomas looked at me. I looked at Alex. Alex laughed. What? I'm curious. I have been told I am hung, so how's it compared? Alex pulled the front of his suit down and tucked it under his ample cock and balls.

Thomas stared at Alex's dick. It was impressive! Alex stood up and stepped over to where Larry was sitting, reached down and pulled out Larry's dick. Equally impressive. Larry looked up at Alex and told him he was being naughty. Alex just smiled.

Thomas was staring at their dicks and then looked at me then back at the dicks. He took a gulp of his drink and then took a deep breath. He stood up, untied his suit, reached in and pulled out his cock. I watched Larry and Alex's face, it was priceless. Both guys put their dicks away and Clydesdale, definitely Clydesdale.

Thomas put his dick away and sat next to me. He told me he liked my friends and enjoyed being so open about sex and stuff. It just felt natural. He leaned in and whispered in my ear. Those two have some seriously big dicks! They know, I told him. If you play your cards right they may even let you get up close and personal with them. Thomas looked shocked. Really? He asked. I nodded and asked if he remembered that I said they were very out. He nodded. Well, they are out as a couple. He looked confused. They have an open relationship. They play with others. Thomas looked over at them and back at me and smiled. Would it be ok if we did that with them? I told Thomas we should just wait and see what happens and we could just go with the flow and see what happens. Thomas smiled and rubbed his crotch.

The day was incredible. We all got a ton of sun. Thomas was obviously feeling no pain. He had a few beers on the lake and seemed to be very relaxed. Alex asked Larry to start the grill and said we would be having some hamburgers for dinner. Thomas cheered and said he loved him some meat! Alex, Larry and I looked at each other and started laughing! Alex replied, well you're in good company for that! Thomas realized what he said and just shrugged his shoulders.

We all sat down to eat and enjoyed watching boaters going out for an evening cruise. We were all getting very buzzed. I asked Larry what we were drinking. He said it was a Heart Attack Special. Red Bull and Vodka. I thought we could all use a boost of energy after our day on the lake.

Larry turned to Thomas. So, Thomas, what are your intentions with Erik? Thomas looked at me and then Larry and stammered a bit before I spoke up. We are just seeing where this is going. Thomas nodded his head and said yeah, that's it. Larry laughed. Alex was next and asked if Thomas was a top or bottom, Thomas blushed and again couldn't quite formulate words, so I spoke up and said he is still deciding, but currently versatile. Alex told Thomas that was the best way to be. Just go with the flow and let what happens happen.

Larry then asked Thomas if I had given him one of my deep throated blow jobs. Thomas actually spit his drink from his mouth. Larry said he would take that as a yes. I was blushing at this point as Larry continued that he and Alex both enjoyed it when I blew them as no one could deep throat like I could. Thomas' eyes were bulging out of their sockets as Alex said it was true and that as they both had huge dicks most guys struggled getting their dicks down their throats, but not me, I could take them better than a porn star.

I shook my head and finally said thanks guys, make me sound like a slut! Larry and Alex laughed and looked at Thomas. Thomas, are you offended that our friend here has sucked us off? Thomas looked at me and took a deep breath and said, he didn't have any problem with it and having a huge cock himself was glad that I was so skilled and that he really enjoyed it when I blew him. Then stated he really liked the last one I gave him in the car on the way up here. Alex and Larry both laughed, we knew we could smell cum breath and could feel you were hard when we hugged you, but Thomas wasn't, so we figured you took care of him before you got here! You are a slut! I raised my drink and accepted the claim to fame.

This flipped a switch for Thomas as he began asking Alex and Larry all sorts of sexual questions. How big were they? Who was the top? What was their favorite position? Alex answered as quickly as Thomas asked without any hesitation. Thomas finally asked the question, what is your best sexual memory? Alex and Larry looked at each other and then at me. I nodded and Larry spoke up and said his favorite memory was when I crawled into bed with the two of them and they all took turns with each other.

Thomas looked at me and then at Larry and Alex and back at me and said that sounded HOT! He would love to try something like that! Alex stood up, obviously hard as the head of his dick was protruding from his bikini and said, well, there is no time like the present! Larry leaned over and pulled out Alex's dick and took it in his mouth. Thomas just stared and I said we should probably take this inside.

As we gathered our plates and glasses I noticed Thomas' eyes were fixated on Larry and Alex's crotches. We walked inside and Alex said to leave everything on the counter and grabbed Thomas by the hand and headed down the hallway. Larry and I looked at each other, grabbed each other's hand and followed behind.

The master bedroom at their house had a king sized bed in the middle of the room. Alex was already on the edge of the bed yanking down Thomas' board shorts. Thomas looked at me unsure, but relaxed when I came up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist and kissed his neck. I whispered in his ear, are you ok with this? He nodded and gasped as Alex took his erect penis into his mouth. Alex pulled off and looked up at us and told me I did good finding this one! I smiled and said I agreed. Thomas turned and kissed me again gasping as Alex took several inches of his dick in his mouth.

Larry came up behind me and pulled down my shorts. He was on his knees and then buried his face between my cheeks. My dick grew and I slid it between Thomas' butt cheeks. I continued to kiss Thomas' neck as he received a blow job and my ass was eaten. I slid my hands to Thomas' chest, found his nipples and pinched, I felt him thrust his hips forward and Alex gagging from the cock being forced down his throat. Alex pulled off and looked up at Thomas'. Thomas' looked down at him and pushed him back on the bed. I pinched his nipples again and Thomas grabbed Alex's legs and pulled them up over his shoulders.

Alex told Thomas to hold his horses and scooted away to get some lube. He quickly returned to his original position. I pinched Thomas' nipples again and he growled like a bear causing Larry to stop eating my ass and stand up to see what was going on. Alex handed me the lube and I quickly applied it to Thomas' cock. I told Larry to pinch Thomas' nipples as my hands were too slippery. He did and Thomas aimed his dick at Alex's hole and shoved it in. Alex moaned with pleasure and Thomas pulled out and shoved his entire length back in. Larry was continuing his nipple play and leaned in to lick Thomas' nipples but also nibble on them. Thomas again growled like a bear and began power fucking Alex.

I was standing behind Thomas and could feel the force of each thrust as Thomas buried himself in Alex. After a couple more thrusts Thomas buried himself deep in Alex and his body convulsed as he moaned loudly and filled Alex with his cum. He pushed Larry away from his nipples and Larry lowered himself to see Thomas' dick sliding out of his lover's hole. He reached down and pulled up Thomas' dick and took it into his mouth to clean it off. Thomas' body quivered as this happened. Larry stopped sucking and Thomas turned and fell onto the bed next to Alex. His body glistened with sweat. Alex sat up on his elbows and looked at me and again said, what the hell was that???

I laid down next to Thomas and asked if he was ok. He looked at me, smiled, and said that was intense! I explained to Alex and Larry that nipple play seems to have quite the sexual charge for Thomas and he turns into an animal ready to power fuck! Unfortunately, it also wears him out for a while after.

Thomas jumped up. Not this time. He started bouncing up and down on the bed with his dick flopping around in front of him. I looked over at Larry. Red Bull and Vodka. I will have to remember that!

Thomas landed back on the bed and noticed three very erect dicks. He got on his hands and knees and said he was ready and wanted to know who was going to fuck him! Larry immediately raised his hand and got behind Thomas. He lubed his cock up and slowly entered Thomas. Larry was long, but not extremely thick, so Thomas should be able to handle him without much problem. As Larry started fucking Thomas, Alex slid up and positioned his dick in front of Thomas. Thomas leaned down and took his dick in his mouth and sucked. I decided as Alex's ass was already lubed up I would fuck him and mix my load with Thomas'. This went on for several hours and we all took our turns fucking and sucking.

As we all finished we were a tangled heap of arms, legs and dicks. Larry suggested we all take a shower and said there was no way we were driving home tonight. We all got off the bed to go to the shower. The bathroom in this house was incredible. They incorporated the outside and inside together. The shower was technically outside, but had a huge privacy wall surrounding it so no one could see in. We all got in and spent 30 minutes or so washing each other. We all made sure every part of our bodies were clean. We got out and dried ourselves off and went back to the bedroom. We all crawled in bed together, but snuggled up to our partners and quickly fell asleep.

I awoke to my phone going off. It was Sean. I forgot I was supposed to meet him at the house to start his landscaping work. I apologized and said I didn't make it home last night. I gave him my garage code and told him he could get the supplies he needed to start cleaning out the flower beds around the house. I wanted to refresh all the beds, so everything needed to go. There was a big bag in the garage that the city would pick up once I filled it. I told him this should take him a few hours and I would be home by then.

Alex had his eyes open and I gave him a wink. I looked down and saw Thomas' morning boner tenting the sheets and then Alex pointed to Larry's. I smiled and walked around the bed and crawled under the sheets towards Larry's crotch as Alex rolled over and took Thomas'. Both guys groaned at the same time as we received our first shots of protein for the day. Thomas was a bit shocked when Alex appeared from under the sheets, but then saw me come out from the other side of the bed wiping my lips clean from Larry's cum. Lake Sauce, I said as I smiled at Thomas.

Thomas smiled at me and pushed Alex back and went down on Alex's dick, but never took his eyes off me. He made sure I watched as he sucked my friend. I noticed Alex's hand slide down Thomas' back and between his cheeks. I heard Thomas moan as Alex fingered his hole. Larry got the message and did the same to me. Thomas and Larry were competing with each other to make us cum. I could feel my balls tightening and continued to stare at Thomas pumping up and down on Alex's member. I moaned to Larry that I was about to cum. He pulled off and jerked me off until I came all over his face. He squeezed every drop and wiped the head of my dick on his lips. Thomas watched this and when Alex announced he was cumming did the same thing. As Alex finished shooting Larry leaned over and kissed Thomas. I bent down and joined the kiss followed by Alex. We all licked up the cum and kissed each other until all faces were cum free.

We collapsed back on the bed and Larry said he would make us some coffee and breakfast. I told him we would need to be heading out as I had a worker at the house. He nodded and said no problem and he would make it to go.

Thomas and I headed for the bathroom while Alex and Larry headed to the kitchen. We washed each other in the shower. Thomas wrapped his arms around me and told me that he really enjoyed last night. He wasn't sure about having sex with other people in front of me, but he remembered what I said and was glad he just went with the flow. I told him I was glad he liked it. He pulled my hand from behind his back and placed it on his hardening dick. He gazed into my eyes. I started stroking him and felt him grow in my hand. I added my other hand and two fisted his dick. He started thrusting into my hands and said he was close. I got down on my knees and opened my mouth. He shot his load and I took every drop.

I stood up and Thomas immediately got down on his knees and started sucking me. He shocked me a bit when he went balls deep. He looked up at me as I stroked his head. He placed his hands on my ass and pulled back on my dick. Then he grabbed my as and shoved me into his mouth over and over. This guy was making me face fuck him and he was taking it like a pro! It wasn't long and I was shooting my cum into his throat.

We turned off the water and got out of the shower. We dried ourselves off and then got dressed and headed to the kitchen. Alex and Larry were still naked asked if we had a good shower. Thomas smiled and said the shower was ok, but the blowjob was incredible! I actually blushed. Alex gave Thomas a high five. Good boy! He said.

Larry and Alex continued moving around the kitchen. Their dicks flopping around as they put together our traveling breakfast and coffee. Thomas and I loaded our backpack and cooler and went back inside to say our goodbyes. Thomas didn't struggle with where to put his hands this time and he squeezed each of the guys dicks as they kissed him. Alex and Larry both reacted to Thomas' touch and became erect. Thomas looked at me with big puppy dog eyes. Go ahead I told him. He dropped to his knees and started sucking both cocks.

I sat on a bar stool and watched as Thomas went back and forth between the two men. I could see Thomas was trying to deep throat each of the guys. He could get most of their dicks, but these guys were just too long for him. I looked up at Alex and Larry and they were both kissing each other. I heard Thomas gag a bit as he continued to struggle with the length of their dicks.

Larry told me I should come over and show him how it's done. I got off the bar stool and got on my knees in front of them. I took Alex's dick in my mouth and swallowed every inch to the base. Thomas put his hands to my throat and said he could feel my throat expand when Alex's dick pushed into it.

He turned to Larry and took his dick back into his mouth. I pulled off Alex and told him to swallow when the head of Larry's dick hit his tonsils. Thomas pushed forward and then it happened. Larry's dick popped all the way into Thomas' throat. Thomas' eyes widened and he tapped me on the shoulder and pointed to his mouth. His nose was buried in Larry's trimmed bush.

Thomas pulled off and shouted, YES, I did it! I deep throated a cock!!! I smiled and said good boy! He frowned and said man! Thomas smiled and said, Race ya to the finish! We turned back to the large penis' in front of us and started sucking. Thomas was throating Larry like he had been doing it his entire life. I watched out of the corner of my eye and when I saw Larry's head tilt back I pushed a finger into Alex's ass. Alex shouted and came into my mouth. Larry moaned a second later and I watched Thomas milk his dick of all its cum.

Thomas fell back on his heels and took a deep breath. That was insane! What an incredible feeling. It's almost like you are going to choke, but then you don't. It actually turned me on knowing your dick was so deep inside my mouth and throat. He rubbed his dick through his shorts. If I hadn't just cum, I think I would have busted a nut hands free!

I stood up and pulled Thomas with me. We really need to hit the road. Sean is at the house and I should probably be there to supervise what he is doing. We all hugged and gave each other cum breath kisses. Thomas reached down and grabbed the guys dicks again, but they both pulled away. Whoa, there mister, they both said. We need some recovery time!

We said our final goodbyes inside the house and got in the car. We waved goodbye as we pulled out of the drive and Thomas shouted - DICKS OUT!

Next: Chapter 6

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