Mr Shepherds Summer Vacation

By Scott Davis

Published on Jan 7, 2021


This story contains gay sex between consenting adults. If this story offends you or it is illegal for you, please leave this site.

Most of the characters and events in this story are fictional. The story may portray some real people, events, or places.

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Javier and Me------

I woke Javi with a blow job. After unloading in my mouth he pulled me up and kissed me. "I could get used to waking up like that." he said. I smiled and snuggled next to him. I asked what he wanted to do while he was in town. We agreed to try to reconnect with friends from high school and his host family. Other than that, he just wanted to relax. I rubbed his dick and asked if he was relaxed now. He rubbed my head and said, "VERY!"

We spent the next two days finding friends from high school. We spent a full day with his host family and they loved hearing about all of his adventures and how he ended up in Australia. I could tell he loved it there and it seemed he had a very close network of friends where he lived.

We didn't see Cal, Steven, Thomas or Sean all week. I had received a text from Thomas saying that he and Sean were busy packing up for college and their parents refused to let them out of their sight. They only had a couple more weeks before they moved out and went to college.

Saturday night came and Javier and I went to the reunion. High school wasn't really the best time in my life, but it was nice seeing old friends and reminiscing. Javier was the center of attention. He and the other exchange students all chatted and talked about where they were living now and how much fun they had while in the states.

An old girlfriend came over to me and we chatted for a bit. She saw me looking at Javier and asked if we were at the reunion together. I said that he was staying with me and we came together. She shook her head and clarified. No, are you together? I looked at her and asked why she would think that. She said it was pretty obvious based on how I kept staring at him.

I nodded, but said I wasn't sure if Javier wanted me telling anyone. We were just figuring some things out. Just as I said that, Javier and the other exchange students walked over and Javi put his hand out. He said he didn't know if they remembered me from High School. One of the girls said she did and gave me a hug. Javier took my hand and held it as we chatted with the group. The reunion came to an end and several people said they were going to the beach the next day.

Javier looked at me and I nodded.

We headed home and Javier said the other exchange students asked if we were a couple. I told him I was asked the same question. He asked me how I answered. I said I hoped he didn't mind, but told them yes we were together. He smiled and said good, because he did the same thing. He took my hand and squeezed.

We got back to my house and spent the night together. I fucked Javi, he fucked me, we kissed, we snuggled. I talked to Javi about Australia and I could see his eyes come alive when he talked about Sydney. He told me about friends that he had and compared a few of them to Steve and Cal. He said he really didn't have younger friends like Thomas and Sean, but admitted they were fun to look at! I laughed and said they are fun to play with too. He smiled and said he was here for another week, maybe he should find out. I told him it was up to him, but they are just a text away. Javi wrapped me up in his arms and kissed my forehead. We fell asleep.

I woke up as I was shooting cum into Javier's mouth. He pulled off, swallowed, and said good morning. Good morning to you! I pushed him on his back and returned the favor. We got up and showered. We were putting together our beach supplies when I got a text from Thomas. He asked what our plans were for the day. Sean and his parents gave them the day off from packing. I told him about the beach trip and said he is more than welcome to join us. He texted back that they would see us there.

The beach was fairly crowded, but some people had gotten there early and set up an area for us to all be together. We set our stuff down and joined in with a group playing volleyball. I saw Thomas' car pull up and waved them over. I showed them where to drop their stuff and told them to join our game. Thomas and Sean recognized several of the people as parents of their friends. I laughed and said yeah, they are all my age. Sean looked at me and said, yeah, Daddy!

It was a great day and Javier and I were pretty much outed as a couple and even kissed each other openly. It felt so comfortable and several people commented on how we looked at each other. Javi took my hand and squeezed it each time someone said that.

The sun began to set and Thomas and Sean asked what our plans were for the evening. I said I didn't think we had any. Javier spoke up and said we should hang at the house and play some cards. Maybe strip poker. We all looked at each other as we only had on swimsuits. Thomas said it would be a quick game. Javier said we could probably come up with some other ideas after we were all naked. Thomas and Sean shot me a look and I shrugged my shoulders. Thomas shouted, race ya to you house. Last one starts the game naked! The boys took off running.

Javier was rushing around gathering up our supplies and I told him not to worry about it. I had to change the code on the garage door, so they won't be able to get in the house. We walked to the car and Thomas and Sean drove by and shouted "Dicks Out" and sped away. I explained

Convertible rules, and Javier laughed. Ah, youth, he said.

We pulled into the driveway and I saw Thomas sitting in the car. I didn't see Sean, but then he sat up and I realized what had been happening. Thomas yelled "no fair. What's up with changing the garage code?" I shrugged my shoulders. Javier and I raced into the house followed by Sean. Thomas got caught up in his shorts that were around his ankles. Thomas kicked off his shorts and walked into the house naked. I still call foul on changing the garage code. Thomas said.

I went to the fridge and pulled out a round of beers. We all went into the living room and took a seat. Javier placed himself on one side of Thomas, Sean was on the other. Javier whispered something to Thomas and Thomas raised both of his arms and laid them across the back of the couch. Javier reached out and took hold of Thomas' cock. Sean and I watched and Thomas began to grow.

I asked what happened to strip poker. Sean stood up and pulled off his shorts and said game over, you win, next game. Javier was using both hands to play with Thomas' dick and balls. Sean leaned over and took the head of Thomas' dick in his mouth. He got it very wet which helped Javier jerk off Thomas.

Sean slid off the couch and scooted over to Javier and started rubbing his bulge. Sean grabbed both sides of Javi's shorts and pulled them down. Javi lifted his ass to help Sean's mission. When Javi was naked, Sean looked over at me and mouthed, NICE! Then leaned down and took Javi into his mouth. Javier leaned down and took Thomas in his mouth. Javi looked up at me once and winked.

Thomas patted the spot next to him. I stood up, dropped my shorts and sat next to him. He leaned in to kiss me, then whispered Javier is awesome. Don't let him get away this time. I smiled and went down and helped Javi suck Thomas' dick. Our tongues touched as we mouthed his shaft. Thomas had his hands on both of our heads as we bobbed up and down his cock.

Sean stood up and said we should all take a shower. He was getting a mouth full of sand. It was kind of gritty in his mouth. That made us all laugh. We all stood up and headed to the shower room. I turned on the misters and we all soaped each other down. Sand and sunscreen washed down the drain.

We finished our shower and dried ourselves off. Sean and Thomas led the way to my bedroom. I took Javi's hand and asked if he was sure he wanted to do more? He nodded his head yes and said he really wanted to do this.

We walked in the bedroom and Thomas and Sean were making out. I pointed to Thomas' dick and Javier crawled up the bed and took it in his mouth. I followed and took Sean's dick in mine. We switched places and continued sucking. Thomas and Sean sat up and pulled their cocks out of our mouths. Time for Daddy to get sucked, Sean said. I frowned, "easy boy."

Thomas went down on Javi and Sean went down on me. Javi and I kissed as we let the boys suck our dicks. Thomas and Sean slid up our bodies. Sean lifted my legs, and Thomas tried to lift Javier's and was denied! There is no way that is going inside my ass! Thomas frowned. Javi smiled and Thomas was on his back in a second. Javi had Thomas' legs over his shoulders and I handed him my lube. The rhythm of the fucking had the bed bouncing across the floor. Javi bent down and kissed me. I actually was sad that it wasn't him fucking me.

The more Javi and I kissed, the slower Sean was fucking me. I felt Sean pull out and Javi crawled on top of me. Sean got on Thomas and the fucking started again. I was happy. This felt right. I felt a hand grab mine. I looked over and Thomas winked at me.

Javi sped up his fucking. He kissed me and shoved his dick in me. He filled me with his cum. I squeezed my legs around him and told him to stay in me. Sean moaned and came in Thomas. I felt Sean roll off Thomas and I released Javi who rolled off me. We fell asleep. A couple hours later I felt movement. I opened my eyes and saw Thomas looking at me. Thomas said I looked so happy. I am, I said. Thomas kissed me.

I was the first up so I made some coffee. I decided to get some breakfast around and when the bacon was almost ready three men strolled in with three boners. I laughed and said good morning. Javi said the boys had something to show me. I told them to hurry up as breakfast will be ready soon. Sean grabbed Javier's hand and they were off to the shower. A couple minutes later Javier came back into the kitchen. His penis deflated. He came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me. He said those two boys are extremely horny! I turned and faced him and said so am I. I dropped to my knees and sucked his cock until he rewarded me with his load. I was setting food on the table when the two boys came out of the shower. Naked as they went in, but no boners!

We ate breakfast and the boys said they needed to get home. Their parents had a list of things they still needed to get done before they left for school next week. I shook my head and said, wait, you're leaving for school in a week? The boys both nodded. Yup, summer is over! I shook my head and realized that it was true. One more week and summer was over. Javi would be leaving and I would be returning to work. I excused myself from the table and went to my room and cried.

A few minutes later Javi came into the bedroom. He said the boys had left. I looked up at him and he could see I was crying. He came and sat next to me. I looked at him. Make love to me. He kissed me and we fell back on the bed and made love. Just Javier and me. We stayed in bed most of the day.

Javi got out of bed and came back with two glasses of wine. I think we need to talk. I took the glass and emptied it.. Alright, let's talk. I said. He took my glass and set mine and his full one on the nightstand. What's going on? He asked. You're leaving in a week. He nodded. I don't want you to leave, but I know you don't want to stay here. So, come back to Australia with me. I looked in his eyes.

Javi got on the floor in front of me. Erik, I love you. The last time we parted it was 20 years before we saw each other again. I can't wait that long again. Move to Australia with me. I thought of every excuse I could use and saw his face the last time I left. I never wanted to see that hurt again. I nodded. OK, I think we have some planning to do. Javi kissed me and we fell back on the bed. Javi rolled onto his back and pulled me on top of him. Make love to me Erik.

I woke up early and watched Javier sleep. I really loved this man. I have loved this man for 20 years. I rolled over and grabbed my phone. I opened a text window and selected multiple names. "End of Summer Party. Saturday 7:00. My place." I set my phone down and snuggled back into Javi's body. "I love you Javi." I whispered. "I love you too Erik." Javi whispered back.

Javi and I spent the next couple days running everywhere and putting our plan in place. I met with a realtor and put my house on the market and signed a resignation letter for my job. I asked that they keep it quiet for a week. We made flight arrangements and called a consignment shop. I would be leaving everything except what I would take on the plane. It was overwhelming, but felt right. The realtor called and said she already had a full price offer on my house. They loved the shower room and had to have it.

Saturday night arrived and my house was full of people. After about an hour I asked for everyone's attention. I thanked them all for coming and said I had a bit of an announcement. Javi stood next to me and we held hands. I took a deep breath and said Javier had asked me to move to Australia with him and I had said yes. There was a brief moment of silence and then a huge round of cheers and applause.

Thomas was the first to come up to us. He shook Javier's hand and then gave me a hug. I am so happy for you! He said. Sean was next and had a list of questions. I explained that I had already resigned my teaching job and my house had sold to the first buyer. Javier said I didn't need to worry about work or expenses, but I will have a bit of money from the sale of the house to help with my personal expenses. Everything just fell in place.

We spent the next few hours talking about moving and Javier told everyone about Sydney and all there is to do. It will be much different than here, but he loved it since the day he moved there.

Everyone had left, except for Thomas, Sean, Cal and Steve. Cal brought out a bottle of tequila and said this occasion calls for a few shots. We all agreed and Cal popped open the bottle. We were all drunk quickly. Javier stood up and said that it was time to get fucked. He grabbed Thomas by the hand and pulled him towards the bedroom. The rest of us raced after them and Javier was already on his back and Thomas between his legs.

I crawled up next to Javi. Are you sure you want to do this? He moaned and said he would probably never get another chance to experience a 13" cock, so he better do it while he can. I looked at him and said 13 and ¾. Thomas was eating out his ass and I looked at Javi and asked how bad he wants to get fucked. Javi moaned and said bad. FYI...Tequila makes me horny! I looked down at Thomas and smiled.

Thomas moved his body up and lifted Javier's legs. I saw Sean grab lube and apply it to Thomas' dick. I kissed Javier and asked if he was ready. He moaned Mm Mm in my mouth. I kept kissing him and then reached up and pinched Thomas' nipple. I heard him growl and felt Javier get pulled down the bed. Javier looked up at Thomas and his eyes widened when he saw the lust on Thomas' face. I pinched harder and Thomas began to thrust into Javi's ass. I kissed Javi some more and could feel the moans from his mouth. Javi's moans got louder and I felt wetness on my face. Steve and Cal both shot their loads on Javi's chest. A moment later Javier shot his load. I let go of Thomas' nipple and he gave Javi one more thrust. Thomas and Javi both moaned and Thomas unloaded into Javi's ass.

Thomas collapsed next to Javi and Sean laid next to him. Steve and Cal laid across the end of the bed. I moved and wrapped my body around Javier. We all passed out. When we came to it was morning. Steve and Cal said they needed to go, but would see us before we left. Thomas and Sean said they needed to get going also. They had early check in at their dorm and would be leaving tomorrow. They said they would keep in touch and fill us in with all their adventures. We kissed them goodbye and it was just Javier and me.

Javier and I decided to use the shower room one last time. Javi backed up to one of the misters. He smiled as it sprayed his ass. He said that was the most intense fuck he has ever had, and never wants another one like that again!

We were cleaning the house when the consignment shop showed up. They were taking 90% of my furniture and household goods. The rest was being donated to Goodwill. By the end of the day everything was gone and my bags were packed.

Steve and Cal showed up and asked if we were ready. They had offered to drive us to the airport. We arrived at the international terminal and unloaded the luggage. We gave them a hug and they drove away. Now it really was just Javier and me.

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