Mr Shepherds Summer Vacation

By Scott Davis

Published on Jan 7, 2021


This story contains gay sex between consenting adults. If this story offends you or it is illegal for you, please leave this site.

Most of the characters and events in this story are fictional. The story may portray some real people, events, or places.

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Thomas texted and said that he and Sean were spending the next few days with their families. Apparently, they ran into each other at church and started talking about college and said they should get their families together so they could all get to know each other. They were heading up to Northern Michigan for a bit of golfing and tennis. I kind of laughed as I thought about Sean's parents and how they would react if they knew they were going on vacation with their son's gay lover.

I was alone for the first time this summer. I had 6 days before Javier arrived. I decided it was time to clean my house and prepare for my guest. I didn't want to presume anything, so I made sure the guest room was all set up. I cleaned parts of my house that I have never cleaned before. The closer the arrival day, the more I cleaned.

The night before Javi's arrival. I got a visit from Steve, Cal, Thomas and Sean. They asked me how I was doing and we spent the next couple hours talking. We laughed a lot as we talked about the events of the summer.

Thomas and Sean said they had a great time on their family vacation. Sean told his family he was gay. His parents said they already knew. They were still processing the idea, but they knew it wasn't a choice. They apologized for how they had spoken of gay people and said it was just something they didn't understand, but they would do their best to accept him and no matter what they would love him.

I was so happy for him. They continued to talk about going to college and living together. They were so excited and could wait to start their new adventure together. I hugged Thomas and when I hugged Sean I whispered in his ear. Pinch his nipples. He pulled away and looked at me. I smiled and whispered again. Pinch his nipples.

Steve and Cal stood up and said they needed to get going. Thomas and Sean agreed and I walked them to the door. Those were two awesome couples, and I was lucky to have them in my life!

I checked my Facebook messages. "Boarding my flight, see you in the morning. Love you, Javi."

Sleep did not come easy. I tossed and turned and knew I wanted to sleep so I would be fresh for Javi when he got off the plane. I must have slept some, as I was startled when my alarm went off. I was wide awake as I raced around the house getting ready to leave. I raced to the airport and found a parking spot. I went into the terminal and found the baggage claim area he would use and found a seat. Time slowed and each second felt like a minute.

There was movement around me and passengers started walking through the turnstile. I refused to blink as I waited for Javi to appear. The door released passengers one by one. Then he walked through. He was everything I remembered. He was a confident person. He walked with confidence, he smiled with confidence. He fucked with confidence.

He saw me and smiled.

I went weak in my knees as I tried to walk towards him. We hugged tightly as we finally came together. I felt tears well up in my eyes, but I held back from crying. I was shaking with giddiness. Javi pulled back and smiled. You're shaking, he said. I told him I was just very excited to see him.

His bag came around the baggage claim belt. He grabbed his bag and we headed towards my car. I couldn't stop smiling. We put his suitcase in my car and we headed out of the airport. I asked if he was hungry and he said no, that the plane had served a full meal an hour before landing. He said he was a bit tired. I told him we had an hour drive, so he could just sit back and relax and I would wake him when we got to my house.

He smiled and took my hand. He laid his seat back and closed his eyes. I watched him sleep and smiled as I looked at his crotch. I could see the outline of an erection. I squeezed his hand and continued driving us to my house.

Javi stirred as I pulled into the driveway. I turned off the car and he opened his eyes. We're here, I said. He stretched his arms and rubbed his eyes. He smiled at me and asked if he snored. I told him no, and laughed, but you did drool a little. He wiped his mouth and chuckled.

We got out of the car and walked into the house. I set his bag down and turned to shut the door. When I turned around Javi wrapped me in his arms and kissed me. I felt every muscle in my body melt. We kissed for several minutes. We pulled away and I took his hand and started to lead him to my bedroom. Javi stopped me and pulled me towards the couch.

We sat side by side and he said he wanted to talk. I said ok, and he said he wanted to get something off his chest and didn't want to waste our two weeks together with this on his chest. I nodded and he said I broke his heart. It took him a long time to get over the hurt, but he hasn't gotten over the love. He almost didn't accept my friend request, but knew this needed to be cleared up one way or another.

I waited and then told him that I never meant to hurt him. I was immature and didn't know what I wanted. I have replayed that night in my head so many times and wondered what my life would have been like had I gotten out of my car and went back inside. He is my biggest regret and my happiest memory. There has never been anyone else that has made me feel the way he does.

We leaned in and kissed each other. Javi stood up and said, "now we have that out of the way, what did you have in mind earlier?" He put out his hand and placed mine in his. I stood up and led him to my bedroom. We spent the next several hours wrapped in each other's arms.

He said he was starting to get hungry and I asked what he was in the mood for. He told me to surprise him. I took his hand and led him through the house. I told him to close his eyes and pulled him into the shower room. I told him to open his eyes and I flipped the switch and turned on all the sprayers. Javi smiled and said this was not dinner, but a very nice surprise!

After we showered, we dressed and I took him to the pizza place we used to go to after football games. It was just a hole in the wall then and the same now. We ordered a couple slices and drinks and reminisced about high school. We held hands and gazed into each other's eyes the entire time.

We finished our dinner and we drove to the lake near my house. We walked over to the dock and watched the sunset. I couldn't stop looking at him. It was as if it wasn't real. I laid my head on his shoulder and we were quiet as the sun disappeared over the horizon.

It was dark and I looked around the parking lot and there was no one around. I reached over and undid his pants. I pulled out his penis and leaned down and took it in my mouth. I sucked him deep in my mouth and felt his hand on my head playing with my hair. I sucked harder and faster. I could feel him grab my hair and thrust his hips as I continued sucking. A couple seconds later I felt his cum in my mouth. It was warm, and sweet. He pushed my head down and held me in place as his orgasm subsided. He removed his hand and I sat up. We kissed and he said I always gave the best blow jobs.

We pulled ourselves together and walked back to the car. We drove back to my place and went to bed. Javi laid on his back and pulled me on top of him. He spread his legs and I looked at him with amazement. He was always the top in our previous relationship. Here he was offering me his ass. He said he was still a top, but wants me in him. I reached over for my lube and poured some on my dick. I lifted his legs and spread his ass cheeks apart. I poured lube on his hole and massaged it into him.

I moved closer and placed the head of my dick at his entrance. I pushed my head in and paused. Javi's eyes were squeezed shut. I asked if he was ok. He nodded and said he forgot how thick my dick was. No wonder he never let me fuck him before. I laughed a little which caused me to slide in a bit more. Javi groaned. I stayed still. His ass was clenching my dick. Javi took a deep breath and I felt his ass relax. Fuck me, he said. Now...fuck me now! I started sliding in and out of his ass. Javi pulled me down into a kiss. I continued fucking him and felt the moans come from his mouth.

I sped up my thrusts and could feel my balls tingle. I pushed my tongue deep in his mouth and my cock deep in his ass and shot my load into him. Javi wrapped his legs tightly around me and pulled me against him. My body relaxed and we held each other. I slid off him and curled up under his arm. We fell asleep. It was the best sleep I ever had.

When I woke up I stared at Javi's face. He was beautiful. I whispered, "I love you, Javi." I closed my eyes and laid back on his chest. Javi rubbed my back and whispered. I love you too. We squeezed each other tight and didn't move. The world stood still for us. Just for this moment. We had only each other. No distractions, No outside stress, just us.

We spent the next three days together. We didn't leave the house and only dressed when we answered the door to receive the food we ordered. We made love dozens of times. Both taking and receiving. Javi really liked the shower room and we put the tankless water heater to the test with many hours of pleasuring ourselves with the sprayers and jets.

I had no idea what day it was. It really didn't matter. I asked Javi if he would like to go to the pool. He said that sounded great and he went to his suitcase to pull out a black swimsuit. He pulled it on and it fit him perfectly. Short, but not too short, snug in all the right places and made him look almost better than when he was naked.I grabbed a suit that looked similar. We made a couple cocktails and headed to the pool.

Apparently, it was Sunday. The pool was busy with bikini clad men. All heads turned as I opened the gate and walked in with, what I am sure they all considered, "Fresh Meat". Steve and Cal were on the far side of the pool, and they waved us over. As I approached, I saw Thomas and Sean also. I became a bit nervous as I was about to introduce Javi to my friends.

Steve and Sean grabbed a couple lounge chairs and pulled them close to theirs. Javi and I placed our towels down and I introduced him. Javier, these are some very good and close friends. Sean, Thomas, Cal and Steve. Cal and Steve live a couple doors down from me and Sean and Thomas have been our handymen this summer and explained about the shower rooms. Sean came up and gave me a hug and whispered in my ear, thanks for the nipple info, holy fuck and ouch!

Javier reached out and shook everyone's hands. I received approving nods. Cal told us to get comfortable. Sean said they were beginning to wonder what happened to me. I looked at Javi and said we were just spending some time together getting reacquainted.

Javier could sense my trepidation and looked at the guys and said "we spent the past 3 days fucking like rabbits and used hundreds of gallons of water while they enjoyed the shower room. We occasionally took food breaks, but for the most part we were fucking!" I blushed so much it looked like I had a sunburn. The guys all looked at each other. Sean reached over and fist bumped Javier. Good Man, he said. Steve and Cal both gave approving hand claps and Thomas smiled at me with a knowing and approving nod.

Sean said that Thomas had a story to share and that we should all make sure our drinks are full as the story gets HOT! Sean asked Javier if he was ok listening to some sexual explicit story. Javier smiled, and said "yes, do tell" while rubbing his hands together.

Thomas said he texted the number on the business card he got from the boat captain. He got a reply with a gate code and said they would see him Saturday night at 7:00 pm. So, this all just happened last night? I asked. Thomas nodded. Sean told me to be quiet and save my questions for the end.

Thomas went on to say he arrived at the house and entered the code. The gate opened and he followed the drive to the house. There were several cars in the drive. He walked up to the house and the door opened before he rang the bell. The first mate, Jr., opened the door and welcomed me. He was naked and his huge cock was semi erect. He walked me over to a room and told me to strip and handed me a bag for my clothes, phone etc. I undressed and put all of my stuff in the bag. Jr. looked me up and down and then grabbed my dick. Fuck, that is nice, he said. Javi looked at me and smiled.

Thomas looked at Javier and explained that he had been invited to a Big Dick Club. Javi nodded and glanced down at Thomas' crotch then looked over to me. I nodded and raised and lowered my eyebrows.

Thomas continued. Jr. led him into a large room that had a dozen or so men. All naked. All hung. All the men turned towards him and Jr. introduced him to the group. Jr. walked him by each man and each one reached out and stroked his dick. By the last person I was fully erect. Jr. had me step up on a small stage and his dad, James, the Captain, came over with a tape measurer. He stroked my dick a few times and then laid the tape measurer down my shaft. Jr. had his hands on my ass and had been playing with my hole during this whole time.

James turned to an easel and wrote down the number and then took the tape measurer and wrapped it around my dick. He wrote that number down and wrapped the tape measurer around his neck. He turned to the group and said, Gentlemen, I would like to present to you Thomas. According to my measurements, Thomas is 13.75" long and 6 â...ž " around. This would give him a member number of 9453. The men all clapped and James looked at Thomas and said welcome to the BDC! Javier looked at me and mouthed 13"? And ¾ I replied.

Thomas said he wasn't exactly sure what the member number meant, but then Jr. showed him the Member Wall. All members had a 4 digit number by their name. The names were in order by number. Jr. placed my name second on the list. Jr. said that meant there was one dick in the room bigger than him. He looked around the room and pointed to a very tall man. That is Travis. I looked at him and then looked down at his cock. Not only was he hung, his balls hung equally as low. It was incredible.

James came over to us and handed me a drink. He said that the fun can now begin and would I be interested in putting on a little show for the other men. I nodded and we walked to the center of the room. James announced that not only was I fit to be a member based on the size of my dick, But I had some serious oral abilities. James turned to me and placed his hands on my shoulders. He pushed me down and I took his dick into my mouth. I sucked him until he was fully hard and then did what he was waiting for. I inched my mouth down his dick until the entire shaft was in my throat. I sucked James for a few minutes and throated him several times until he pulled out and had me stand up. The men had surrounded us and all began to applaud.

When I looked around the room all the men were hard. These were HUGE dicks. They looked big soft, but hard these men were impressive! Travis stepped up and shook my hand. I looked down at his dick and gasped. He laughed, and said he gets that alot. You can touch it if you want. I reached out and wrapped my hand around it. It was as thick as mine but longer. I looked up at him and he said 13" Holy shit, I said. He smiled.

Travis and I talked for a bit and he said he was technically straight, but he has never really had sex with a woman. He has tried, but once he gets in their pussy and starts fucking they tell him to pull out. I have never fucked a woman to completion and no woman has sucked me off. They have jacked me off, but not a single girl has ever swallowed my load. It is very sexually frustrating.

He explained how he had been invited to this club and that since he has been a member he has fucked 4 of the members to completion multiple times and, while no one has taken his entire cock, 8 had sucked and swallowed his load. It was weird at first, but after the second fuck, I was so relieved to finally have a fully satisfying sexual experience that I kept coming back and have even sucked a few guys off. Still no anal, but sucking is fun.

I looked back down at his dick and repeated his previous statement. No one has taken you all the way? He shook his head. I looked around the room and most of the men were engaged in some sort of sex act. I looked back at his dick and dropped to my knees. I grabbed his dick and lifted his dick. It was heavy! I opened my mouth and took the head in and rolled my tongue around it. It hardened in my hand and I started moving past the head and down his shaft.

I took a deep breath and tried to take all of his dick. I got close, but started gagging. I pulled off and took a few more deep breaths. I took as much as I could but kept gagging at the same point. Tears were rolling down my face and my face was red from gagging. Travis told me I didn't have to keep trying. I had gotten farther than anyone else had. I shook my head, grabbed his hand and put it on my nipple. I told him to pinch it hard. He pinched and I growled loud. I noticed a couple guys look over at us.

Travis kept pinching and gave my nipple a twist. I growled again and grabbed his dick. I started devouring it. I was going up and down his shaft, soaking it with my saliva. I pulled off and jacked him hard. I growled again and slammed my mouth on his cock until I felt his pubes touch my nose. My body jerked and I pulled off. He twisted my nipple again and I went back down his cock, to the base. I was making so much noise as I worked up and down his cock. His hips started thrusting and I kept sucking. I was using both hands to stroke him as I sucked. I went down one last time and he held my head in place with his cock completely buried in my throat. His cock pulsed, my body convulsed and I pushed away, I came off his cock and got sprayed with his cum. I sucked the head of his dick and swallowed as he shot a few more spurts.

I pushed his hand away from my nipple and collapsed on the couch behind us.. He sat down next to me. We both were breathing so hard you would have thought we ran a marathon. We sat there for several minutes when we heard several men shouting and cheering. We both looked around and saw we were surrounded and I had just put on another show for the group. Travis put his arm over my shoulder and said, FUCK. Fuck fuck fuck! I felt something on my foot and when I looked down I saw a huge pool of cum. I must have shot my load while I was sucking him. I don't really remember.

A couple guys handed us a glass of water and we both guzzled it down. Travis patted me on my leg and said that he couldn't thank me enough. He never thought he would experience a full deep throat experience. I blushed a bit and told him I honestly am not sure I would ever be able to do it again, but loved doing it this time.

We remained on the couch for a bit and had several guys come by and welcomed me to the club and said they couldn't wait to get to know me better. Travis said he needed to head out. I said I would leave with him. We said our goodbyes to James and Jr. and thanked them for asking me to join the club and I looked forward to the next meeting.

Travis and I got dressed and walked out. He reached out to shake my hand and asked if I would like to get a drink some time.He said he owed me and would love the chance to pay me back some time. I told him I had a boyfriend, and he said that's ok, bring him along! He got in his car and drove away.

I got in my car and called Sean on my way home to tell him the story. You should have heard him jacking off as he listened. I bet his parents could hear him in the other room. I told him I would pick him up in the morning so we could come here so I could tell y'all. We all looked at each other and rubbed our very pronounced bulges. Sean bragged, is my man THE man or what?? We all agreed that Thomas was indeed THE man.

Javier. and I had finished our cocktails and I told the guys we were going to head back to the house to get some refills. I asked if they would all like to meet for dinner later. We all agreed and said to meet at my house at 7:00. Javier took my hand and then turned to the guys. Do you think that will give us all enough time to fuck and shower? The guys all looked at each other and nodded. I smiled at the guys and Javier pulled me towards the exit.

We hadn't shut the door when Javi was kissing me hard. I shut the door and Javi pushed me against it, face first. He pulled the back of my suit down as he dropped to his knees and began eating my ass out. I pushed back into his mouth. His tongue felt incredible. He wasn't gentle, he was fucking me with his tongue. I felt his fingers enter between licks. He stood up and pulled down the front of his suit and exposed his rock hard dick. He stepped up and pushed it into me. He fucked me hard and in just a few thrusts was filling my ass with his cum. When his orgasm subsided, he turned me around and kissed me. Then dropped to his knees and swallowed my cock. I was shooting my load in seconds. He swallowed every drop. He stood up and said now we can take our time in the shower!

We headed towards the shower room and washed each other's bodies. We each massaged every inch of each other. Javi ran his hands through my hair and massaged my scalp and I rubbed his ass. We kissed and explored each other as we felt the jets hit our bodies. We finished with our shower and got dressed. We were walking out of the bedroom when the doorbell rang. I opened the door and the four guys walked in. All freshly showered and fucked!

I asked if anyone wanted a drink before we headed out to dinner and Cal held up two pitchers of margaritas. We all agreed we wanted to stay in, so we ordered food for delivery and it should be here soon. Javier and I said that sounded great and we headed to the kitchen to get some glasses. Sean grabbed Javier's hand and told him to stay put. We have a few questions for you. I tried to say something but Cal pushed me into the kitchen and said that they would be gentle.

Cal and I poured the drinks and returned to the living room. Javier was in the middle of the couch with Thomas, Sean and Steve surrounding him. Javier looked at me with a frightened look, but laughed. I sat down in a chair and Cal sat next to me on the arm.

The conversation seemed normal enough, where did Javier work, what did he like to do in his free time, etc. Then it started to shift. Sean asked if he was a top or bottom. Javier looked at me and then back at Sean. Mostly top. Sean nodded. Steve was next. What's your best sexual experience? Again, Javier looked at me. My first time. I smiled. Javier didn't know I had told them about that, but figured it out when all the guys looked at me.

Thomas took a deep breath, you wanna see my dick? Javier spit his drink out a bit. All the guys laughed. Javier said sure. Thomas stood up and pulled his dick out of his shorts. Completely soft it is still a vision. Thomas told Javier he could touch it. Javier said thanks, but maybe another time. The doorbell rang and Thomas put away his dick and walked to the door. He opened the door and took the food from the delivery guy. He signed the receipt and said, Let's eat!

We ate, drank and the guys got to know Javier. I was not surprised that they all liked him and felt comfortable around him. That is just how Javier was. We finished everything and Cal said they should probably get going. Sean agreed and said his parents wanted him home so he could start packing for college. They planned on converting his room into a gym, so he had to have everything cleaned out.

When everyone was gone Javi and I sat next to each other on the couch. Javi asked me exactly how well I knew the guys. I told him I wanted to be up front with him. I filled him in with some of the happenings over the past few weeks. I asked him what he thought of that and he said he could see why I liked them all, especially Thomas! I laughed and nodded.

Javier kissed me then said that he was madly in love with me and didn't know if he could share me with other men. I said I was over my heels in love with him too and would happily give up other men for him. Javier put his finger to my mouth. I said I didn't know if I could share, but I would be willing to find out! Especially with Thomas! I smiled and sucked his finger into my mouth.

Next: Chapter 12

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