Mr Shepherds Summer Vacation

By Scott Davis

Published on Jan 7, 2021


This story contains gay sex between consenting adults. If this story offends you or it is illegal for you, please leave this site.

Most of the characters and events in this story are fictional. The story may portray some real people, events, or places.

This is my first Nifty story! If you enjoy it (and even if you don't) I'd love to hear from you.

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Steven, Cal and Sean were relieved to see Thomas and I enter the house hand in hand. Larry and Alex came over and gave us hugs and kisses. Larry smiled at Thomas. Cum breath? Thomas blushed.

There were several guys around in skimpy speedos. We were welcomed and introductions were made. I knew a few of the guys, but Thomas, Sean, Cal and Steve were new to the group. We added our beverages to the community cooler and Alex announced we were heading out on the lake. We walked outside and a HUGE party barge was pulling up to their dock. Alex said that they would tow their boat behind in case we wanted to ski, but this way we could all be on the water together and not have to worry about drinking too much. The barge comes with a captain and first mate and they would let us have a day of fun in the sun with no boating responsibilities.

Just as he said that two very tan, very hot, men came out to the front of the barge. They were in boating clothes and filled out the white shorts nicely! I looked at Alex and he held both hands up like he was showing how large his catch of the day was. My eyes widened and he nodded his head. Gentlemen, we are James and Jr. Your crew for the day. Please come aboard!

We loaded everyone up on the barge and headed away from houses and the public beach area. The captain positioned the boat so the entire port side was facing away from the rest of the shore. The barge had a slide and diving board, so we all took turns sliding and diving as we drank and laid in the sun.

We had been on the lake for a few hours when the first mate and captain came out with trays of shots. They had removed their shirts and were swarmed by all the men on the boat. While they allowed themselves to be touched, they politely declined all attempts to get them to drink.

As the men did the shots Larry and Alex dropped to their knees in front of the James and Jr. The trays were taken from the men as Alex and Larry unbuttoned their shorts and lowered their zippers. The four men looked at each other and then Larry and Alex looked at all of us, then lowered their shorts inch by inch. We saw the base of their dicks and then more and more of their shafts. Lower and lower the shorts went and the shaft kept going. Finally, Alex looked at Larry and smiled. They yanked the shorts down and there were two of the largest dicks I had ever seen. Alex looked at me and said, like father like son! HOLY SHIT...they were father and son! The captain placed his arm around his son's waist. They both started swinging their dicks. All of sudden they were both like propellers on a plane. It was quite a sight to see!

All the men cheered as they did this and it was obvious we were all enjoying the show as there wasn't a flaccid dick on the boat! Alex and Larry grabbed hold of the rotating rods and each took one in their mouths. They got the heads all wet and shiny then stood up and said the captain is always supposed to go down with the ship, but for this voyage, we all got to go down on the captain, and his first mate!

Guys began to line up to take these monster dicks. I was excited for my turn at the bat like dick, but was really enjoying watching as men attempted to swallow the dicks to the base. One man got close, but there was still an inch or two before the base.

I watched Thomas and Sean kneel and as they watched each other open their mouths the dicks slid inside. Sean was able to take quite a bit, but just as he backed off the first mate, Thomas pushed forward and the Captain groaned and men cheered as Thomas bottomed out on the Captains dick. He pulled off, with his eyes watering, but then went back down again proving it wasn't an accident. The captain grabbed Thomas' head and started fucking Thomas' face. The guys went crazy and all were cheering on Thomas. Thomas finally pushed the captain back and released his dick. His eyes were red and tears were rolling down his face. The guys continued to cheer and Thomas raised his hands as if he just won an Olympic Gold Medal! Sean stood and kissed Thomas and they moved aside to allow others the opportunity to work on the crew.

We all patted Thomas on the back and congratulated him on taking the Captain's dick down his throat. He smiled and then reached down and adjusted his dick, which was protruding from the top of his suit and glistening with precum.

Two by Two men attempted deep throating the crew. Thomas was the only one to succeed. The captain and first mate came over to our group and shook our hands. The captain said that only two other men have been able to deep throat him or his son and then handed him a T-Shirt saying "I went all the way down on the Captain's Deck."

We all laughed and Thomas slid the extremely tight shirt over his body. It didn't come all the way down to his waist, but the captain did notice Thomas' bulge and whistled while he grabbed it telling Thomas he was quite impressive himself. The captain looked over at his son and said Jr, this guy could give us a run for our money! His son stepped forward and slid his hand into Thomas' suit and pulled out his throbbing dick. His son smiled and looked at his dad!

The captain leaned in to whisper something in Thomas' ear. Thomas smiled and nodded his head. The captain and first mate said they needed to get back to the wheel house as they needed to pull anchor and get us back to our friends house.

As they walked away we all looked at Thomas and asked what they had said. Thomas said that they normally don't play with passengers, but thought I might like to join them later. They actually belong to a club of well endowed men and said I would fit right in. We all looked at each other and exclaimed we couldn't imagine a room full of dicks his size.

Alex came over and said he heard Thomas got an invite to join the BDC (big dick club). He smiled and blushed and nodded his head. Alex told him he should be honored. That Alex and Larry were invited, but when they took actual measurements they were each ½ too small. With that he yanked out his semi hard, still very impressive, dick and said can you imagine someone saying this is too small! We all laughed and shook our heads no!! We took off and were back at Alex and Larry's in about 30 minutes. We thanked the crew and headed inside as we watched the father son duo take off.

Thomas showed us the card he was given by Captain James. On the back was a phone number and date and time. He said the Captain said to text this number if he was interested in attending the gathering. We asked him if he was going to do it. He looked at Sean and Sean nodded, saying hell yes you are doing it, and then you'll come back and give us all the details. Thomas smiled and said that he guessed he was going!

We returned to the group and found a buffet of appetizers along with multiple bottles of wine on the kitchen table. We were all a bit hungry, so the food went quickly. The wine was a perfect pairing to our snacks and several bottles were emptied just as quickly.

I recognized a couple guys, but couldn't place them. When I went to talk to them they called me by name and asked how I had been enjoying my summer. I told them I had been busy with a couple remodel projects, but having fun. They got a bit closer to me and asked if Sean and Thomas were students at my school. Then it clicked. These guys were part of the IT department in my district. I have to admit, at school they do not look as hot as they did right then in their bikinis with nice packages staring at me.

I said they used to be as they had graduated and were no longer students. They smiled and said they had watched them suck on the crew's dicks. They hid in the back as they didn't want the boys to recognize them. I laughed and told them I understood, but they were legal adults and ready, willing and able to play. They both nodded and said that was obvious by the blowjobs they gave earlier! They said they saw us all arrive together and I explained they were working for me this summer and found that we had other things in common. The guys smiled and said, "NICE!!"

I asked if they were `together' and they said they came together, but were not together, together, but they do play together. I smiled and decided to take the bull by the horns and grabbed both of their packages. They looked down and smiled. To be even more brazen I dropped to my knees and pulled out their dicks. I eagerly sucked on them both. They both rubbed my head as I blew them. I went between the two of them for a few minutes when they pulled away and said they didn't want to cum yet. I stood up and told them to let me know when they were ready! They said they would try to save it for me. They walked away and I realized I didn't know their names.

I found Alex leaning against a bar stool getting head from a guy I didn't know. He waved me over and the guy immediately jumped to my dick. Alex said, Tag, you're it. Alex leaned in and kissed me and walked away as my dick disappeared down this guy's throat. I saw Steve and waved him over. He walked over and the guy shocked him as he yanked down the front of his suit and started sucking him. I laughed and told him the same thing. Tag, you're it. He scowled at me and I watched him as he tried to flag someone down. Apparently others knew of the Fag/Tag game and weren't biting. Steve was stuck there and I watched as he finally succumbed to the suck and blew his load down the guys throat.

Apparently, Alex and Larry set up a few games for the party. I walked into the living room and watched as a guy with a very hard penis and his legs apart as a couple other guys were playing ring toss at his dick. The rings were huge, so I didn't really see the challenge. After the guy tossing landed three rings on the guys dick he walked over and saw him set a timer for 3 minutes. He then turned around and bent over. The guy entered him and hit the start button on the timer. I watched as the two men fucked and saw the next guy in line grab 5 rings.

I walked to the kitchen and grabbed another drink. I saw some men standing outside a bedroom door, so walked over to see what they were watching. When I reached the door I saw three bodies on the bed contorted in ways I could never imagine my own body bending. Each guy was wearing a colored collar and bracelet in Red, Blue or Green. I had my head tilted as I was amazed at these men's flexibility when I heard someone yell out, Green dick, Red Mouth. The bodies slowly moved and the man with the red collar bent his body around to the man with the green collar and took his dick in his mouth. It was sex Twister!

Larry came up behind me and asked what I thought game night? I laughed and said I didn't think Ellen would be adding any of these games to her TV show. Larry smiled and said maybe if it moved to cable.

Larry and I walked away from the Twister game and headed out to the patio. They had a very private area off the outdoor shower away from the prying eyes of the neighbors. We walked outside naked and sat next to the fire pit. Larry asked how things were going and said he thought Thomas and I were an item. I said we were really good friends and I liked him a lot. He looked at me funny and said he didn't want to upset me, but he had walked by an open bedroom door and saw Thomas and Sean making out and had heard Sean tell Thomas he thought he was falling in love with him. Thomas said he felt the same.

I nodded and said I really wasn't surprised. They really made a good looking couple and they were the same age etc, so it just made sense. I am sure they will tell me sooner or later. Larry rubbed my arm and asked if I was really ok. I nodded and said my day would come.

Steve and Cal came outside with a tray of shots. When they sat the tray down I noticed a deck of cards. The guys said it was time to play Hi Low and the low cards drink. Larry clapped his hands and said Hell Yeah! Let's do this! Larry grabbed the cards and shuffled them. As he was shuffling Thomas and Sean walked up and said to deal them in. The shots went quickly and we were all beyond buzzed as the last shot was downed.

Thomas pulled me up and gave me a big hug. He said he was having such a great summer thanks to me and reached down to grab my dick as he leaned in and "drunk whispered" that he couldn't wait to thank me! Sean came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me and could feel his dick pressing against my ass. I looked over and smiled at Larry who stood up and came over to join our group.

We were all kissing and rubbing our bodies against each other when I felt a mouth on my dick. I looked down and saw Cal and Steve on their knees bouncing between us sucking our dicks. There were so many hands and mouths on my body I lost myself and started shooting my load. Cal stood up and said a little warning would have been good and wiped his face. I blushed and gave him a kiss. I looked at Thomas. Surprise sauce!

We all walked back inside and turned quite a few heads with 5 boners leading the way. Mine on the other hand had gone flaccid post cum. We all went to the dining room and grabbed a few munchies. Alex came by and said it looked like he missed something! We all just smiled and said his turn was coming!

We walked back into the living room and found a few guys sitting around playing pictionary. I thought this was a bit tame compared to what I had seen earlier until the first player went up to draw. First of all he was nude, second his drawing, I shouted out "anal sex". I looked at Alex and he said they were all adult content. As I had guessed the drawing Alex said it was my turn. I chuckled and went and drew a slip. "Bukkake"

I turned to the board and started my drawing. I drew everything I could think of, but no one was guessing right. Guess my artistic skills were not that great. I went to walk away and Alex held up his hands. Hold up there this game if no one guesses the right answer you have to act it out. I looked at him and turned to face the group. Several guys started clearing the coffee table and others were pulling me towards the center and laid me down. As I looked up I counted 12 dicks being stroked. Within minutes I felt the first spray of cum hit my face. Then another and another.

As the last guy shot on my face, a towel was placed in my hand. I wiped my face and sat up. The guys were all deflating and some were still dripping cum. I leaned forward and took several in my mouth to finish off their loads. Thomas stepped up and let me finish him off then lifted me off the table and told me that was the hottest thing he had ever seen, let alone done!

You would think that would be the end of the game, but the next player stepped up and drew a new slip. The game continued for another half hour until Alex stepped up on the table and announced that the sleeping arrangements were pre-arranged. Imagine assigned seating but spots in beds instead. He said some of you may know your sleep mate, but some of you may be meeting someone for the first time. We all looked around the room and you could see anticipation in everyone's faces.

We all started down the hallway and found names posted outside the doors. Some rooms had two names, some had four. I came to the end of the hallway and found my name. There were two other names on the door. Mitch and Ben. I looked inside and there were the two tech guys from the beginning of the night. I walked in and closed the door. I couldn't wait to hear who and what the other guys did.

When I woke up Mitch and Ben were gone and I was alone in the bed. I stretched and reached down to rub my dick. Not hard? Wow...must have really worn myself out last night! But, I did need to pee! I walked down the hall and turned into the bathroom. Thomas and Sean were in the shower. I told them I needed to pee. They both looked at each other and dropped to their knees. I took the hint and stepped up to the entrance of the shower and let my piss flow across their faces. My head fell back, as it felt so good, I started to get hard. I was snapped back to reality when I felt a mouth on my dick. Sean was drinking my pee. He pulled off and Thomas jumped on my dick as I finished my flow. Just then a couple other guys stepped into the bathroom. Sean and Thomas smiled at each other and I stepped away.

I headed for the kitchen and was met with a naked Larry and Alex and a fresh cup of coffee. We chatted as others woke up and watched the rotation of men going in and out of the bathroom. After the last of the guys walked out Sean and Thomas came out freshly showered with huge grins on their faces.

We all bid our farewells and thanked Larry and Alex for the incredible 4th of July! This was definitely one for the books. We climbed in the car and headed back home. Thomas and Sean were in the back of the car snuggled together sound asleep.

We arrived back home and went to our separate houses. I suggested we meet up later for dinner. We slept most of the day and woke up to Sean's cell phone ringing. It was his dad telling him he was on his way to pick him up. Sean sat up and rubbed his eyes. How am I ever going to go back to living in their conservative Hell? Thomas scooted over and gave him a hug. I heard Thomas whisper, just know that I love you, babe. Sean hugged him back and said he loved him too. They both realized I was in the room and looked at me. I smiled and told them it was ok. I already kind of knew. They were meant to be together! They both relaxed, looked at each other and then crawled on either side of me and took a hold of my dick and started sucking it. I only lasted seconds as I shot my load. Not sure who swallowed it as I had kept my eyes closed.

Sean said he needed to get a shower and ready so he didn't keep his dad waiting. He stood up and grabbed Thomas by the hand and pulled him with him. I relaxed in my bed and snoozed until they returned. Sean said his dad just pulled up and was heading out.

Thomas walked him to the door and when he returned I could see tears in his eyes. I patted the bed and indicated he lay down next to me. I told him I was very happy for him and Sean. He thanked me, and rubbed my chest. I rolled over and slipped my hand across his chest. When I found his nipple I pinched and could hear the growl start in his throat. I pinched again and Thomas was mounting me and shoving his dick in my ass. I held both nipples between my fingers and continued to pinch hard as he pummeled my ass. I took it as long as I could and then released Thomas' nipples. He fucking returned to normal and he collpased on top of me. The sun was shining when I rolled over. We slept through the entire night.

I rolled over and grabbed my computer. I opened Facebook and saw a message from Javier. He gave me his flight information and said he hoped it was ok, but he booked his flight to arrive the following week and would stay for two weeks. He hadn't taken a vacation in a couple years and had a lot of time available. He couldn't wait to be back in the states and didn't want to rush to visit his old stomping grounds. I am not sure of the sound I made, but it was a cross between a yahoo and yippee.

There was a second message with an attachment. Look what I found, he said. I clicked the attachment and it was a leather bracelet. We had given each other one for graduation. I got up and walked to my closet. I pulled an old shoe box off the top shelf. I opened the box and moved some pictures around. There it was. My leather bracelet. I pulled it out and put it on my wrist.

I went back to my computer and took a picture of my bracelet. I had my hand across my chest. I replied to his message and said he was welcome to stay as long as he liked. See you in a few days! Love, Erik I clicked the attach button and attached the photo of my bracelet.

I felt Thomas' hand as he rubbed my leg. Javier? I smiled and closed my computer. Thomas rolled over and snuggled against me. He whispered in my ear, "Javier would be lucky to have me", kissed me on the cheek and fell back asleep.

We both woke up a couple hours later and headed to the bathroom. We showered and got ourselves around. We walked out to the kitchen and Thomas took a deep breath. Do you still love him? I started to cry and Thomas wrapped his arms around me. "I do, I really do still love him," I said.

I told Thomas that Javi would be here next week and would be staying with me for two weeks. I wasn't sure what was going to happen, but whatever it was, it was going to happen soon. I looked at Thomas and I took a deep breath. Thomas looked down at me and told me not to worry. He would stay at his house and I could call him if and when I was able. I laid my head on his shoulder and Thomas wrapped his arms around me and pulled me tight.

Next: Chapter 11

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