Mr Roommate Corey

By Matt

Published on Jun 25, 2008


DISCLAIMER: you know the rules. If youre under 18, if its illegal to view this material in your area, or if male on male action disturbs/disgusts you, please leave now. (although, if you're disgusted by this, why are you on this site? Just a curious question...)

also, the following is a complete work of fiction that the author has complete rights to. Furthermore, the author likes to open his email to find new messages from people who enjoyed his story and wrote an email to him concerning it. With that said, please enjoy J there are follow ups to come, so don't worry. I won't leave you hangin'... :P

Chapter 4

My classes for the next day were very long. Longer than usual, it seemed, since I was in a dispute with Corey. He was all I could focus on. He had made me so mad, when he talked about sleeping with that girl. The day was long, and was finished by a long day at work. It was my first day at the restaurant. It was called Mile's Diner. I was training to be a server, which I never pictured myself doing. At least it took my mind off of Corey. I was following a fellow sever who was teaching me the job. She was nice, middle-aged, and told me to call her Suzie. She said she had worked as a sever for nearly fifteen years, and had worked here for the last four. She mesmerized me by taking three tables at once, getting all their orders in, drinks out, and still had time to joke a little with me. By the end of the night, she was proud that I took a table by myself, but I was in misery because my feet weren't accustomed to walking so much on such a hard floor. She dismissed me from work and I trampled home. I shuffled into the room, took off my shoes at the foot of my bed, then collapsed spread-eagle on the bed. I lay there for a few minutes with my mind wondering freely. Then I groaned as I remembered the homework. Calculus. Mine enemy. I told myself I really should do the practice problems from the section, but my body told me just to lay there. I was debating with myself when I heard the door open, foot steps enter the room, and the door shut. I knew Corey was home. I couldn't just lay there with him in the room, so I got up, pulled out my Cal book and dropped it hard on the desk, as dramatic as I could without ever saying a word to Corey.

"What? You're not going to speak to me?" he asked. I ignored him and sat in my chair. I was busy turning the pages of the book when I felt his hands rest on my shoulders. I made to move away, but he held firmly and began to massage them. "Today was your first day at work, you must be tired," he said in a seductive tone.

I grunted a response. I wasn't ready to speak to him just yet.

"Aw, don't be like that. I told you she meant nothing," he said as he shook me playfully then started working his way up my neck and began to rub my ears. I relaxed as he continued. I enjoyed this attention, and the sensation to my tired body. I closed my eyes and was enjoying the moment. I felt him stop, but took no more notice of his exact doings until I felt him jab his fingers into my lower sides at once. I yelped in protest as I jumped up from the seat.

"Ugh! Don't!" I yelled, suppressing a smile. He knew he had struck home.

"What? Is little Matty ticklish?" he said, holding his fingers in attack mode, ready to pounce at any given moment. I put up my hands in defense.

"No! I'm not. I just don't want to be touched." I said, hoping he wouldn't figure out just how ticklish I was.

"That's not what it looked like a few minutes ago..."

What was it about this boy? I couldn't stay mad at him, no matter what. He knew how to play his cards, and he played them well.

I was caught off guard. Corey had tackled me onto my bed before I had even realized it. He straddled me and jabbed, tickled, and poked at my sides. I squirmed under him, trying to free myself while laughing hysterically. He paused for a moment with that evil grin strung across his face.

"You are ticklish. Hm. I wonder...where else are you ticklish?" I was laughing too much to try to oppose him as he wiggled his fingers under my arms which sent an involuntary giggle from me as I squeezed my arms as tight as I could against my sides to try to stop him. I kept shuffling my body, trying to get away, laughing and grinning all the while.

"You're too cute, Matty." he said as he watched me squirm. He was on his elbows, with his face inches from mine. I leaned in and kissed him. I couldn't help it, his charm foiled me again. He leaned closer, and the kiss became more passionate. I felt as his tongue made its way into my mouth, working in frenzies as it explored my mouth, wrestled with my own tongue, and fled back into his mouth followed by my own tongue. As we kissed, he used his left hand to explore my body. I felt as he ran across my chest, stomach, and crotch. He lifted up my shirt, and ran explored until he found my nipple. Then he squeezed and rubbed it, adding to my sensations. I could feel his cock starting to grow in his pants which made my own start to harden. He pulled back from our kiss.

"I can see someone's forgiven me?" I smiled at him, and brought my hand around to the back of his head and pulled him in for more kissing. His hand left my nipple and traveled down to my crotch. He found the outline of my hard cock and began to squeeze it, driving me to rotate my hips in a circular motion. He sat up on his knees and took off his shirt and then helped me with mine. We took a moment just to admire each other's bodies before he dove back to my lips, then moved to my chin, around my jaw to my ears. A little nibble there really set me off. He's starting to know my big turn-ons. He moved down to my neck and kissed his way down to my chest and nipples. He took each in his mouth, licked, sucked, and gave just the slightest hint of a bite on each before coming off and blowing on them to make them hard. I closed my eyes and let him travel on down to my stomach, over my belly button, and felt as he unzipped my fly and undid the button, pulling back the flaps so that my cock was perfectly outlined in my boxer briefs. He bent down and licked the length of the shaft through the fabric. I could feel the warmth of his tongue as he did so, which made my cock throb slightly. I opened my eyes to see him smile at me as he slowly peeled back my boxers, letting my cock slap against my stomach, and slide my shorts and underwear down to my ankles and then off completely.

"Maybe this will make up for part of it..." he said as he bent down and kissed the head of my cock. I watched him as he parted his lips and took the head into his mouth and continued to watch as he plummeted down my shaft until the head his the back of his throat, then, with a slight change of his head, took the rest in. I let out a gasp of surprise and pleasure and threw my head back into the bed. I felt my left hand move to my hardened nipple and start teasing it as if it had a mind of it's own as my left hand stretched behind my head. I felt as Corey came out of the deep throat and added pressure by sucking in as he came up to the head, and with a slurping noise, came off of it.

"Enjoying yourself?" he asked. I grinned and nodded as he took my cock in his hand and started to jack me off. I then felt as he slapped my cock head against his tongue, then took it back into his mouth and ran his tongue all over it, adding spit to it. His other hand went to my balls where he cupped and began to rub them. He kept up slowly rubbing my shaft as he sucked on the head, and then took more of my cock into his mouth until it hit the back of this throat, then he came off of it and went back down. He began to bob his head this way, adding speed, until he came off of it again and let it hit my stomach. He then moved his way down to my balls and began to tongue them. He took each into his mouth and gave them a little suck. He then stood up. Curious, I opened my eyes to see what he was doing. He came walking back towards my bed with a pillow and a smile. He had stripped off the rest of his clothes and I could see his massive hard cock bounce as he walked.

"Lift up your ass." he instructed. With a little help, he got the pillow right under my ass. He then lifted up my legs so that my ass was in the air, told me to hold them there, and bent down. I felt his finger run around my hole, sending a wave of shudders through my body.

"I think you'll really like this..." he said. I didn't have to wait very long before I found out what he was doing. I felt his hot tongue brush against my hole as he licked. An involuntary gasp left my mouth. I heard him give a slight laugh as he continued. He kept licking, but would linger on my hole and probe it a little with his tongue. While doing this, I felt a finger come to my hole and apply pressure. I relaxed the area and felt it slip in.

"Fuck you're tight..."

He lifted himself to look at me as he started to finger my ass with the one finger. He smiled and lifted my cock back to his mouth with his other hand. He went back down on it again, bobbing a few times, then came off returning his attention to my ass. I felt his finger leave my hole, but a few seconds later I felt two of his fingers pressing against it and slipping in. It felt better then before, after a little getting used to. I bite my lower lip to keep from letting sound escape. After a few minutes of slowly finger fucking me with two fingers, he added a third. When he felt I was loose enough, he stood up. I watched as he walked over to his bed, lifted his other pillow and pull a condom out from behind it.

"Told you I'd use it." he said as he ripped open the package. He put it at his cock head, and rolled it over the shaft. Then, he pulled out a tube of lube and added some to his cock. He walked over to me, put some lube on his finger, and then rubbed it around my hole.

"You ready for this?" he asked.

"Yes." I replied, rather weakly. He moved closer to me and I felt as his cock head was placed right on the center of my hole. He pushed a little bit, and began to slip in.

"Just relax man... just relax." I did what he said, and relaxed. I felt his cock sliding more easy now. He entered very slowly.

"Fuuuuck I didn't know you were this tight...goodd if feels great." I felt my ass being stretched more as it took more and more of his hard cock. I felt a burning sensation as he entered, but it didn't hurt. After stopping a few times to ask if I was ok, he finally got all 8 inches of his cock in. He paused for a minute to let me get used to the feeling and to adjust the position. He placed my legs on his shoulders and held them there as he began to withdraw his cock. He got about half way out then pushed back in until I felt his balls on my ass. He reached down with his right hand and began to stroke my cock as he came back out with his cock again and pushed back in, going just as slow. He did this way for a few minutes before he actually began to pick up a little speed. He began to take more of his cock out as he sped up. It began to feel less like my body was being stuffed and more fantastic then any other sensation I had experienced.

"You like this, huh?" he said as I let out a gasp.

"Fuck yes." I moaned out. He took that as a sign to go faster. He bent in lower and began to finally take all but his head out and push it back in. He leaned down further, grabbing my arms and pinning them to the bed and kissed me as I moaned into his mouth. I could feel him going harder now as his balls bounced off of my ass and his pelvis made a popping noise as it hit my body. He leaned back up out of the kiss, but held my arms down.

"Fuuuuckkkk." I moaned as soon as my mouth was free. He dove down to my neck and began kissing and sucking on it, even nibbling a bit to keep my cock hard. He continued to fuck me like this for a few minutes . Then he raised up, letting go of my arms, and returned to holding my legs. With my hands free, my right went to my cock and began to jack myself off. My other went to his chest to feel him as he moved...his chest was so warm, moist from sweat, and muscular. I moved my hand to his nipple and pinched it as he threw his head back and moaned.

"God, Matttt." he moaned as I tried to squeeze my ass, adding more pressure to his cock. I began to move my hand faster over my cock. That, in combination with being fucked, made my balls retract to my cock, and my cock swell. I knew it was coming.

"I'm about to cummm." I half gasped-half moaned to Corey. He smiled and sped up. I stopped rubbing my cock and leaned back on my bed as it exploded. I felt my warm cum land on my stomach, chest, and some made it to my lips. Corey leaned forward, licked the cum from my lips, then kissed me sharing the taste. He then slightly lifted up.

"My turn." he said in a raspy voice as I felt him slow down and his cock swell inside me. He kissed me and moaned into my mouth as he came. He pumped a little more, to finish the orgasm, then collapsed onto me and rolled to the side. His cock slipped out of me and we lay there catching our breath.

"That was fucking unbelievable." I said. He grinned.

"You're so tight...and so good." he replied. "So, does that mean I'm forgiven?"

"Yes, babe, you're forgiven." He cocked an eye at me.

"Babe?" I giggled. He stood up and starting to laugh.

"What's so funny?"

"We're both covered in your cum. God, boy, you shoot a load don't you?" my face flushed as I smile. "Well, we'd better get cleaned up. He walked to his dresser and pulled out a shirt. He wiped himself off and then threw it to me. "We can't just walk to the showers like this, can we?"

After we were both dressed, we walked to the showers and cleaned up. We came back to the room and I collapsed on my bed and refused to get up. Corey laughed at me and called me lazy. He came over and laid beside me, though, and we cuddled. Not a word was uttered, and I soon fell asleep and had the recurring dream of Kevin, Corey, and I...

To be continued...

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