Mr Roommate Corey

By Matt

Published on Jun 14, 2008


DISCLAIMER: you know the rules. If youre under 18, if its illegal to view this material in your area, or if male on male action disturbs/disgusts you, please leave now. (although, if you're disgusted by this, why are you on this site? Just a curious question...)

also, the following is a complete work of fiction that the author has complete rights to. Furthermore, the author likes to open his email to find new messages from people who enjoyed his story and wrote an email to him concerning it. With that said, please enjoy J there are follow ups to come, so don't worry. I won't leave you hangin'... :P

Chapter 3

The rest of the week went by uneventfully. Corey and I never had much time just for us two, besides sleeping, because we had apparently become the `fun' people in our dorms. On Friday, the upperclassmen arrived. It didn't really affect us, since our dorm was just for freshmen, but it did provide more eye-candy for me to gawk at outside and in the cafeteria. The school had a small population, but a big gay population. Which was fantastic, because I knew I'd fit right in.

Saturday was the first Gay-Straight Alliance meeting. It was mainly just an introduction to the club: the values, rules, and the usual. Many different people were in attendance. There were jocky guys, nerdy ones, people you'd never expect to see at anything like it. Guys made up the majority of the members, but there were about seven girls there. Since there were only about twenty members in all, we all took turns introducing ourselves. The director said it wasn't necessary to define ourselves as gay, straight, or bi, but we could if we wanted to. I made several new friends who I could more closely relate myself to. Kevin was one of them. Kevin was a 19 year old sophomore. He was from north Georgia, not too far from where I was from in Tennessee. He was very attractive, almost on the same level as Corey. He had short black hair that was shaved in the back and spiked on top, with a nice tan on his slender body. He wore a muscle shirt, which he didn't exactly fill out, cargo shorts, and sandals, they typical college type attire. His most captivating feature, however, was his eyes. Deep brown and full of joy. They were the type that could make you smile at any given moment, but if he was sad, it would break your heart to look at his eyes. We talked a lot and exchanged phone numbers. He said he would show me around town sometime if I wanted. I agreed, after all, I'm not tied down to Corey. By the time the meeting was over, it was nearly 9 in the afternoon. Since it was already this late, and tomorrow was Sunday, we all decided to play another game on our own. We went out to the lighted practice field and someone brought out a Frisbee. We tossed it around for about an hour or so then Kevin asked me to go for a walk around campus.

"So. What did you bring me out here for?" I asked curiously.

"Nothing really. I just got tired of throwing that Frisbee around." He chuckled. There was a pause while we walked silently. "Wanna go grab some coffee? "

"Sure. But where the hell can you get coffee here?"

"There's a bookstore in town a little bit. I'll drive since it's too far to walk so late." That was the thing about this school. Freshmen weren't allowed to have vehicles on campus. Upperclassmen could, just not freshmen, so I was happy I made a friend willing to drive.

We walked to his little Toyota. It was a tan color, and very well taken care of. It hummed as we drove down the main street then took a right at the stop light until we came across a bookstore that I had never known about. It had a little coffee shop within it, which gave the entire store a warming smell of fresh brewed java. We ordered our over-loaded-with-calories drinks (I got a French Vanilla Cappuccino while he got a Chocolate Caramel Latte). He paid for mine, which I told him he didn't have to do since it was around $4.

"It's cool man, I'll let you get me next time." He had said while giving the severely under enthusiastic cashier a $10. We took our drinks out to the patio which had several small tables to linger at. The night was very refreshing. A warm breeze brushed across our faces and ruffled my hair a bit.

"So how did you know about this place?" I asked, trying to make conversation.

"I like to read a lot. So I found this last year when I was wondering around town. It's nice, quiet, and has a ton of books on lots of things."

"You like to read? What kinds of books are you into?"

"Mostly Sci-fi and fantasy, you know, that kind of stuff."

"Yeah. You're talking to a Harry Potter fan here... also anything with dragons, and I'm there."

"Yeah. You like your long sticks, don't you?" He said in a teasing tone. We both laughed as I replied with a mayyybeee' and a wink. We talked about recent books we had read, and we both had made a new to read' list. After finishing our drinks, we both went inside to look around.

"Ok. I'll make a deal with you. You pick out a book for me, and I'll do the same for you. Deal?" He asked. I nodded my head in agreement. I knew just the book I wanted him to read.

A few minutes later, he had given me a book. "The Warrior Heir" was the title.

"Looks good." I mumbled as I read the cover.

"It's fantastic." He said as he studied my face.

"I can't find any I want you to read... I found this, but it's not fantasy..." I said as I gave him a book called "Snow Flower and the Secret Fan."

"It's one of my favorites. It's sad though..." I handed it to him and he read the back. I could tell it wasn't one he'd chose himself, but he took it anyway, not wanting to disappoint me. We bought our books and went back to his car. We sat there a few minutes, just talking. I pulled out my phone and realized it was nearing midnight.

"We'd better go back. I bet my roommate is wondering where I am." I said, thinking of Corey.

"In a minute...there was something I wanted to do..." He replied as I looked at him. He leaned in closer and looked into my eyes. Before I knew what was happening, he had kissed me. It wasn't passionate, nor was it just a quick peck. It was a I-want-to-be-more-than-friends kiss. The kiss ended and I started to blush.

"I...I..." I couldn't speak.

"Sorry. I just wanted to..."

"No. It's fine. Really. It's fine, I was just taken off guard, that's all." I smiled at him. He reached over and took my hand. He held it the five minutes it took to get back to campus. We arrived at my dorm. I opened the door and stepped out.

"Thanks for tonight, it was fun." I said back into the open door.

"No problem man. have my number now. Give me a call." I shut the door and started to walk into the dorms as he stared off.

`That was sweet.' I thought to myself. I was thinking of Kevin as I mindlessly wondered up to my room. I opened the door and walked in.

"'Bout time you showed up." Corey said as he was laying on his bed in just his boxers.

"Sorry. I went to the Gay-Straight Alliance meeting and then went to a bookstore here in town with a guy from there. He was pretty cool. His name's Kevin." I said as I plopped down on my bed. Corey sat up.

"Oh? Kevin is his name?" He said in a higher pitched voice.

`Is that a hint of jealousy?' I thought to myself. I decided to see if it was or not.

"Yep. He's awesome. He gave me his number to call him and said he would show me around town sometime. He's gay, too." I said while casually taking off my shoes.

"Oh. Well, you do that. I met this girl today. She's a junior, very hot, her name's Elizabeth."

`So you want to play this game?' I thought to myself.

"That's cool." I said while kicking off my shorts and pulling off my shirt. "Kevin and I went for coffee. He's very interesting. And has such amazing eyes..."

This caught Corey's attention. I saw him tense up for a moment, then relaxed and an eerie smile crept to his face.

"Elizabeth and I had sex." He had caught onto my game, and knew how to play...

"Oh." Was all that would escape my lips. I laid down on my bed, my back facing Corey, and said, "Could you turn out the lights when you're going to bed?" in a tone that said I wasn't pleased to hear the news. He didn't try to say anything else, he knew he had hurt me. I couldn't help but to feel a lump catch in my throat. When it wouldn't go away, my eyes began to tear up which caused my nose to become stuffy. I couldn't cry. I wouldn't cry. Corey and I weren't a couple, yet the news that he slept with a girl made me feel like he had just cheated on me. As silently as I wanted to be, I couldn't help to let a rattling breath escape followed by a little shake as I breathed in. I heard Corey walk to my bed, sat on the edge, and put his hand on my shoulder. He started to rub my shoulder, then flipped me on my back. He bent down and kissed me.

"You know I care about you. It was only sex with her. I haven't made the move on you because I care about you more than that. I don't wanna just rush into it." He said when he pulled away from me in a soft, tender voice. I could see the emotions portrayed in his eyes. I closed my eyes and thought about what he just said. Was he lying to me? Was it only to get into my pants later?

"Go away." I murmured. I turned back over facing the wall, and blocked out everything as I felt him slide off of my bed and the redness of my closed eyelids turned to black.

Despite recent events, that night I had a wonderful dream. It was Corey, Kevin, and myself. We were in a threesome. It started with Corey and I making out, using tongue, and groping each others bodies with our hands. We were laying on his bed, and I had just slipped off his pants when Kevin walked into the room. He wasted no time and went straight to striping me naked. We positioned ourselves so that when I went down on Corey, Kevin went down on me and Corey was jerking Kevin off. It was the most wonderful feeling: being sucked while having a throbbing cock in your mouth and down your throat. I kept in rhythm with Kevin; when he would bob on my cock, I would bob on Corey's, when Kevin would deep throat me, I would deep throat Corey. As I was coming off of Corey after a deep throat that lasted several seconds, I felt Kevin move and told me to get up on my hands and knees, facing towards the wall. He instructed Corey to do the same. We looked at each other in question when I saw Corey's face scrunch up and a gasp escape his lips. I turned to see what was going on. I saw Kevin behind Corey with his hands spreading Corey's ass wide as he was busy probing and kissing Corey's hole. I turned back around and faced Corey again, he was biting his lower lip now, trying not to scream. I leaned in and started making out with him again; nibbling his lip, and sucking on his tongue. Then I felt his body relax as I felt Kevin's hands on my ass. I felt as he spread the cheeks, brushed his finger over my hole, then licked around it. He planted his lips on it and I felt his tongue run over it, then a finger enter my ass. I couldn't help but to moan into Corey's mouth as he continued to kiss me. Kevin stood up and instructed Corey to lay on his back, which his head near the end of the bed. I was told to be on all fours over Corey, in a 69 position. With Corey's cock in my face, I began to give him another blow job as he started on mine. I then felt my ass being parted again, this time, however, it wasn't a finger pressing against my hole. Kevin asked if I was ready, I grunted a yes, then felt as my ass was stretched as Kevin entered very slowly. Corey let my cock slip out of his mouth.

"God this is a fucking hot view." He said as he watched Kevin slide into me. I moaned as he slid further into me with his seven and half inch cock. Corey felt the deep moan vibrate through his cock as I deep throated him, which made him even harder. We could both hear Kevin's sighs and moans of approval to my tight ass as he finally stopped with his cock fully in me. He lightly scratched by back as he pulled out, then rested his hands on my hips as he pushed back in. He went slowly for a few minutes, then began to speed up as I because more loose. Soon he had a panting breath as he pounded into me. It was all I could do to keep Corey's cock head in my mouth. All the while, I was hard as Corey gave up trying to give me a blow job and just stroked my cock. My body tensed up right before I was about to cum. My ass gripped around Kevin's cock forcing him to slow down. He gave it one last thrust which sent me and him over the edge. My cum splashed on Corey's chest and stomach. I felt Kevin's cock throb as he came inside of me. Seeing all of this and hearing both Kevin and I grunt and moan, Corey was sent over the edge into my mouth. I tried to swallow all of his cum, but some escaped my mouth and ran down his cock. When he was finished, I went down on his cock to get all of the cum off of it, then came off of his cock and licked around the base. Kevin pulled out of me and I collapsed beside Corey on the bed, soon joined by Kevin. We all laid there for a few minutes, out of breath and in pure ecstasy.

"That was fucking hot." I said between breaths. Corey and Kevin both agreed. We all fell asleep in the same spots, ending my dream.

I awoke the next morning due to the uncomfortable position of my stiff cock. I rearranged it and started to think about my threesome dream with Corey and Kevin. I looked over at Corey who was sound asleep and decided to go ahead and relieve myself of my stiff cock. Thankfully I could remember enough of the dream to finish within ten minutes, and basked in the after glow of a spent orgasm. I wiped myself off with a sock and threw it under my bed, then fell back asleep.

To be continued...

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Next: Chapter 4

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