Mr Roommate Corey

By Matt

Published on Jun 4, 2008


DISCLAIMER: you know the rules. If youre under 18, if its illegal to view this material in your area, or if male on male action disturbs/disgusts you, please leave now. (although, if you're disgusted by this, why are you on this site? Just a curious question...)

also, the following is a complete work of fiction that the author has complete rights to. Furthermore, the author likes to open his email to find new messages from people who enjoyed his story and wrote an email to him concerning it. With that said, please enjoy J there are follow ups to come, so don't worry. I won't leave you hangin'... :P

Chapter 2

The second day I woke up to a raging hard-on. I looked over at Corey's bed and saw he was still out cold sleeping. I watched for a moment as I saw his chest moving up and down in a rhythmic pattern. `This is my only chance' I thought to myself. I slipped my hand under the covers and lightly touched the head of my cock. I slept naked, as did Corey. I wrapped my hand around my cock and started to gently rub it. I closed my eyes as I started to stroke up and down, very slowly , thinking of the way Corey had kissed me last night. It didn't go further than a kiss, but the way his lips felt on mine, and his big hand on my shoulder, it felt like he was beside me now. I had the feeling he was beside me again, and I opened my eyes.

"Good morning. I see you're already up" he said as he glanced to the sheets moving up and down as I stroked my cock.

"Don't act like you're not impressed" I said with a laugh. "You don't look to down yourself" I said grinning as his cock was pressed against his stomach. It was about 8" in length, uncut, and looked like I could fit my hand around it with just a small space between my thumb and fingers not all the way around.

"Well... morning wood..." he mumbled. He came and sat on the edge of the bed so that his back was to my crotch. He sat there a moment, then started to rub himself. He turned to look at me then grinned when he saw the look of confusion on my face.

"What? How else is it supposed to go away?"

"I didn't say a word." I replied. "Not a word. But you're sitting on my sheets; I can't move my Move." I said as I tried my best to move my arm to push is butt off of my bed.

"Sorry man, you gotta have that hand going pretty fast, huh?" He laughed. Something inside of me felt like a jolt of electricity had just been passed through it. I felt a little bit of courage building up and I quickly replied to his comment.

"Well, It'd go faster with someone doing it for me." There. That was it. I put it out there, now to see if he'd go for it.

He stood at my bed and looked down at me. He leaned down and kissed me again. Not a passionate kiss, but another gentle one.

"Sorry. You're on your own." he said as he grabbed his cock. "I"ve got my own to take care of." A big grin flashed across his face as he walked over to his bed. His nice, firm ass was a very good view for me as I felt my cock get harder. I pulled the sheets down and started to stroke more. In a way, I wanted him to see what he was missing out on as I pulled the sheets down, but, more importantly, it was going to get too hot in the room with two teenage guys jerking their cocks. He sat down on the edge of his bed and watched me as I stroked my cock. I kept my head tilted his way as he jerked himself. It was a mutual admiration, we both liked what we saw. A few minutes passed in quiet, just the sound of our hands moving over our cocks. Then he started his grunting and moaning. I'd always loved the sound of a man groaning in pleasure so my cock became stiff and the familiar feeling of swelling was occurring deep in my crotch. I threw my head back into my pillow and arched my back and let out a moan as I shot my load. The shot hit my chin, chest, and stomach, which must have sent Corey over the edge because I heard him let out the final moan as he shot. I glanced over in time to see cum shooting straight up in the air, falling back onto his stomach. We both looked at one another and started to giggle. He grabbed a white t-shirt out of the floor and wiped himself off then tossed it to me.

"You shoot quite a load," he said, "and pretty far too."

"You look so hot when you shoot... and god, I love the moaning." I replied to him. He look hot in the morning. His short hair was kind of messed up and he had the dreamy look in his eyes, not to mention his big cock slapped against his stomach. It looked like he shaved his body hair, which was a huge turn-on for me, since I always kept myself hairless.

"Thanks man. But now, it's time for a shower." he said with a yawn and a stretch. His cock had gone soft and was dangling over his shaved balls. I stood up and walked over to him. It was my turn to kiss him, I laid a small kiss on his lips and he kissed back.

"You're beautiful" I told him while looking into his eyes.

"You are, too." He reached out and pulled me into a hug, our naked bodies were pressed together. He held me for a few seconds then let go. Without a word, he put on some boxers and waited for me to follow suit. When I had some form of clothing on, he walked out the door with me following him. We walked to the showers toting our soap, shampoo, and shaving equipment. Nobody was up this early it looked like and as we reached the shower there was no sound. This was to my relief; I didn't want anyone to see me get hard watching Corey shower. He walked in front of me and stripped off his boxers. He's not shy about his body apparently. He walked to a shower and turned it on.

"Don't just stand there." he said as his voice echoed off of the tile. I quickly stripped down and went the shower next to his. He was stunning: the way the water beaded up and rolled off of his hard body was amazing. He was soaping up as I watched.

"Am I going to have to bathe you myself?" he called as I continued to watch him. He looked at me and grinned as he used the soap on his cock. I snapped out of my trance and began to shower. Now it was my turn to feel the eyes burning every inch of my flesh. I looked at him as he eyed my body. I didn't say a word, but used the soap on my cock just as he did, with a smile. We both quickly shaved and dressed. We were leaving when the first of the other guys started to trickle in.

We walked back to the room and sat on our beds.

"What now?" he asked.

"I dunno... You bring any games or anything?" We had arranged it so that I'd supply the TV if he'd supply the Xbox. We set up the system on his desk and popped in a fighting game. Since I'd never played before, Corey easily one the first few matches until I started to catch on, then he lost one due to a `distraction' he said. It was getting hot in the room again so I opened the door. The noise of the game drew in some of the friends we met the day before. William and Charlie knocked on the door.

"Did we hear a game?" William asked. Corey and I just looked at him.

"Duh?" I said.

"Just come on in, find a place to sit." Corey told them as I passed my controller to Charlie. I sat back and watched the game go on. Corey dominated at this game apparently, defeating both William and Charlie effortlessly.

"I see youve been practicing, young grasshopper." William said as he bowed while sitting the controller down on the floor. "But your fighting skills are no match for my speed skirs!" he said in an Asian accent as he made a swishing' sound as he pulled out from behind his back 2Fast2Furious. We all laughed at his `skirs' as he loaded the game. He was right; nobody could match his driving ability. After being beaten a couple of times Corey stood up and proceeded to the door.

"Where ya going? Tired of being beat?" I asked, snickering.

"No." He said, rather defensively, "I'm going for food. If you didn't notice, I haven't eaten anything this morning, and I'm freakin' hungry." He said in moody tone. He was right, we hadn't eaten yet. I just realized my stomach had began to rumble. I'd been to busy unpacking the rest of my things and watching them play the games to think of food. William and Charlie said they had already eaten, but we made plans to meet up with them after we ate to go play a game of football. They had agreed to get some other guys from our floor to go as well. Corey and I hurriedly ate our food because we had only said we needed 15 minutes to eat, and then we were to meet William and Charlie for the game. When we arrived outside of our dorms, William and Charlie were surrounded by ten other guys. Some I recognized from meeting yesterday, the others were new faces to me. They all looked athletic, well, they weren't out of shape. We were introduced to them all. We knew Michael, Logan, Tyler, and Chris, but were introduced to Jon, Garrett, Ryan, Dan, Chad, and Damien. We walked down to the practice field and split up into teams. It was Charlie, William, Ryan, Dan, and Chad against me, Corey, Damien, Michael, and Logan. Corey and Charlie were the captains, and the coin was tossed to see who had ball first. Charlie won the toss, and therefore we started on defense. Corey turned out to know a lot about the game, and directed everyone what to do. We stole the ball from the other team within a couple of minutes of start, but were stopped before we could make a touch down. The teams were pretty evenly matched, and the game was a close 14-13, with our team leading by a field goal. We were playing first team to 20 wins, with each touch down counting as 6 points, and a field goal as 1. It was Corey who made the winning touch down. It was game over, and all of us were exhausted. We all sat around and shot the breeze resting for a bit before we had to drag ourselves back up to the showers.

The rest of the guys decided to hit the showers immediately, but Corey and I went back to the room to get our stuff ready for the showers when they thinned out. He looked amazing with his shirt sticking to his body and his hair a little damp. He caught me staring at him and he grinned. The grin set it off for me, I started to bone up. My athletic shorts could not hide what was happening underneath, which brought a laugh from Corey.

"Think I'm that hot?" He said in that cocky attitude. I said nothing, but looked at the ground. I head him moving across the room and before I knew it, he had reached out and grabbed by cock through my shorts. I looked up into his eyes as he started to rub my now hard cock.

He leaned in to kiss me; exploring my mouth with his tongue. I felt his hands rubbing against my chest and stomach, then creep under the tail of my shirt and lift it up. We broke the kiss long enough for him to get my shirt off. He laid me down on the bed and straddled me with his knees and arms holding him up as he moved from my lips to my neck. He nibbled on my neck, driving me insane, then moved down to my nipples. He took each one in his mouth, sucked and teased it a little then, when he pulled off, blew on each one, sending a wild chill down my spine. I felt his hand move back down to my cock and grab it. He kissed his way down my stomach until he was at my pants. He sat up and put his fingers in the top of my shorts. With a smile, he slowly peeled them back until my cock slipped free and slapped my stomach. I lifted my ass to let him slip my shorts off. He grabbed my cock again, and was slowly rubbing it up and down.

"Are you ready for this?" He asked, with an evil smile strung across his face. I couldn't answer, just nod. I watched as he opened his mouth and lowered his head to the base of my cock. He held it straight up as he licked it from where my balls met my cock all the way to the tip. He then began to tongue the underside of the head, sending gasps from my lips. He then opened his mouth again, and closed his lips around my cock head. I could feel his warm mouth caressing the head as his tongue explored every inch of the enlarged head. I could feel and hear as he sucked on my cock, which made me close my eyes and let out a deep moan. I wanted more. I felt my hand go to the back of his head and gently push down on it, telling him to take it all. I felt as he stopped using his tongue and begin to suck his way down until my cock hit the back of his throat. He moved his head a little, and kept going. I could feel my entire seven inch cock pulsing in his hot mouth and throat. He held the position for a few seconds then started to come off. He came all the way back out to the tip, then went down again until his nose was pressed into my skin, and my cock fully down his throat. I began to move my hips in a circular motion, which sent even more sensuous chills through my body. He came off slowly then began to bob his head, taking in about half of my cock with each stroke of his mouth. I heard a pop as he came off of my cock.

"You like that, don't you, Matty" He said, then went back to my cock. He only took the head into his mouth and began to jerk the rest of my cock while gently putting pressure on the head. I could feel him using his tongue more, as it was poking into the slit of my cock. He was jerking faster and faster, and every few moments letting out a moan which vibrated my cock inside his mouth. I could feel the familiar feeling deep inside; I was going up cum.

"Gonna cum" I gasped.

"Mmmm." Was my reply. He kept the pace with jerking my cock until he felt my body tense up. I started to cum. My cum rushed into his mouth; I could feel as he swallowed as much as he could. It was a huge load, and some cum escaped to the corner of his mouth. To finish me off, he deep throated my now extremely sensitive cock and sucked his way back to the tip, making sure to get all of the cum off. He came off of me and leaned in to kiss me. I could smell and taste my cum on his breath. He rolled off onto the bed beside me.

"Shit dude. That was fucking fantastic." I said, out of breath. "You know how to suck a cock." I looked over at him. He was staring back at me. I noticed his bulge in his shorts and I reached out to grab it. It was solid hard. I began to stroke it when a knock came to the door. Corey and I looked at each other.

"Shit." We whispered.

"Just a minute!" Corey yelled as I jumped up to get dressed and he turned on the T.V. to un-pause the game we had started before our football game, to make it look like we were playing the game. I caught my breath at the door and opened it to find William standing there.

"Um. You guys know we're supposed to be at the orientation reception thing in like 30 minutes, right?" He asked.

"Shit." Corey and I said in unison. We had forgotten completely. We grabbed our bathroom supplies and ran down the hall to the showers.

We barely made it in time for the reception, which was to give us our class schedules. Corey and I compared schedules. I had classes Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday. I had Thursday off, except for work. Corey had only a half day Thursday. We looked at each other with grins, this is going to be a very fun year.

To be continued...

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Next: Chapter 3

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