Mr Roommate Corey

By Matt

Published on May 30, 2008


DISCLAIMER: you know the rules. If you're under 18, if it's illegal to view this material in your area, or if male on male action disturbs/disgusts you, please leave now. (although, if you're disgusted by this, why are you on this site? Just a curious question...)

Also, the following is a complete work of fiction that the author has complete rights to. Furthermore, the author likes to open his email to find new messages from people who enjoyed his story and wrote an email to him concerning it. With that said, please enjoy J there are follow ups to come, so don't worry. I won't leave you hangin'... :P

"Are you sure you have everything?" my mom asked for the billionth time.

"Yes Mooooom..." I said, dragging out the `Mom' a little much.

"I just want to make sure you don't forget anything. It's a long ways to Kentucky from here."

"If I need anything, I'll go buy it." was my response, short, simple, to the point.

My name is Matt. I'm a soon-to-be college freshman at Calhoun University in the great state of Kentucky, with all the weather that changes every ten minutes. I've looked around at many colleges, but never really found one that fitted me, well, my budget, until my guidance counselor told me about CU. He told me he thought I'd fit right in and absolutely love the place. After six months of looking, searching, and applying to many colleges out of state, in state, and everywhere else, I finally wrote the essay, my only essay I wrote for a college, for CU. I mailed in my application. Got accepted. Was given a full ride scholarship. My mom, being overly excited about all of my achievements, was ecstatic. She planned a campus visit within a week.

We arrived on campus early in the morning. We did the usual thing; went to admissions office, took a tour, met a professor. I decided I liked it there, after all, free college was always good with me.

Throughout the summer, I had to set up my classes with the college, go for an orientation, and finally was given the contact information for my roommate. Corey was his name. He came from New York City, and was almost a month older then I was. I was given his email, number, and address to get in contact with him to talk before we actually had to move in together.

One night, around midnight, I decided to email Corey. It was my first email to him. I started out something like, "Hi. I'm Matt... looks like we're going to be roommates at CU. I'm really easy to get along with, I'm smart, so I can help you with school there, and I'm a flaming homosexual. J. "

I figured I could get that last part in there before he realized what he had just read. Might as well get it out in the open now, that way if he freaks, we can just get different roommates and it will be all good and well. I waited several days before I got a reply. It was nerve-racking. I don't know why, but I was afraid that he wouldn't like me. The gay thing got in the way for me making new guy friends.

Finally, four days later, I was checking my mail and I saw a new message from Corey. I opened it and began to read: "Hey man. That's cool about being gay... I've sometimes thought I was too. Maybe I'm bi, I don't know... but, hey, can't wait to be roomies with you! I'll cut you a deal: you bring the TV, I'll bring the Xbox 360...."

Whew. He sounds cool enough. I wonder what he looks like though... I guess I'll have to wait and see.

So the time is here. My bags are packed, my tears are shed on the shoulders of my best friends whom I will miss dearly. We have group pictures taken, developed, and passed around. Each have written me a goodbye letter citing all the long lost memories... We'll never lose contact.

I climb into the front seat of my mom's Nissan. The drive is long, about three and a half hours, but we finally make it on campus. I sign in at the admissions building, and they give me my dorm number... 316. So off on a mission: to find my dorm. They tell me what building to look in, thank goodness it's the men's dorm that's practically right in the middle of campus. Second floor, I find my room. I open the door. Empty. Corey's not arrived yet. He does have a longer distance to travel than I, so I passed it off as nothing. I go back to the car and tote my bags across the campus to my dorm room. I throw them on the bed and look at my mom who tells me to start unpacking.

"There'll be time for that tonight and tomorrow" I tell her. She sighs and clears a spot on my bed.

"So. Who's your roommate?"

"His name's Corey for the hundredth time. I don't anything else about him really, Mom."

"Ok, just wondering. When do you think he'll be here?"

"I dunno... he's from New York."

"Thought you didn't know anything about him...?" My mom said with a smirk.

"Oh hush. I think it's about time to go meet my professors..."

We left my room and walked down to the science building. Since I'm to be a Physics major, most of my classes are here. We met with my physics and math teachers and they told me what was expected of me and how hard the work will be. I just smile and nod because I know that I'm fully capable of doing the work, it's just my laziness that I have to get over. They talked so much I didn't have to answer much, which was fine with me. Nothing more awkward then standing there with your professor talking to you about things that your overlooking mother doesn't understand, bless her. I could see the wonder in her eye at times, and would stop the professor to explain to my mom what everything he was saying was. That was a trip...especially when the Calculus was coming up. This went on for a few hours when finally the admissions office told my mom that it was time for her to leave. I gave my mom one last hug and kiss on the cheek as well as the reassurance that I had everything I needed.

"Just to make sure..." she said as she handed me some money. I smiled and said thanks. I watched as she pulled away.

"Well. This is it." I said to myself standing alone on campus. I walked back to my dorm room and opened the door. To my amazement there was a half naked boy standing there now. He had a nice, solid back with the muscles flexing every time he moved. He heard the door and turned around. His chest was well defined with two big nipples telling how cold he was becoming. His stomach had the hint of abs coming out and a happy trail of hair wisped from his belly button leading down into his boxer briefs. They were tight against his skin, and, from what I could tell, were hiding a nicely sized package.

"Hey" he said in a medium voice. It wasn't too high, but certainly not low. I took my eyes off of his package and looked at his face. His blonde highlighted hair fell gently on his face. It matched his eyebrows and brought out his big brown eyes. He had a half smirk on his face, as if he knew something I didn't. In all, he was gorgeous.

"Hi" I said. "I'm Matt" I stumbled out as I stretched out my hand for a hand shake. I know. So macho...

"Corey." he replied.

"So. Corey. Ever wear clothes?" I chuckled as I sat down on my bed watching him.

"Only sometimes" he said with that same `I know everything' smirk. Was he flirting with me? "It's just really warm in here..."

I had to agree. The room was quite toasty, but I thought that was just me becoming embarrassed as he caught me looking at his package.

"I guess I'd better start unpacking" I said as I motioned to my stuff.

"I could help you if you need it. I'm almost done. Aren't you burning up dude?"

I guess he noticed the sweat forming at my forehead.

"Yeah. Just a little I guess. It's sure hot for being just August."

"You know, we're gonna see each other in our boxers a lot. Might as well start now."

"True..." I stood up and took off my shirt. I'm 5'10" with a medium build. I'm not fat, not really toned either. My hair is a kind of dirty blonde, with rather pointed eyebrows floating above my greenish blue eyes that change with my mood and attire. I don't have the forming abs like Corey, but I do have a trail like his leading down into my pants. I undid my belt and pants and slipped them down.

"Much better" I said. He smiled at me and did a sweeping glance over my body. He raised his eyebrows, then turned away to finish unpacking. I opened my bag and started to get the clothes out, folding them in a neat little pile. We had a little small talk about home for each of us and who our teachers were and what our majors were.

"DONE!" He exclaimed.

"Dirty hooker..." I said, which he laughed at and came to stand by me

"Told you I'd help you when I was finished" he said to my questioning qlance as he took another bag and opened it.

"Ohhhhhh. What's this? You looking to get lucky there, Matty?" he said.

"What are you talking about..?"

"These" he said as he pulled out a strand of what looked like twenty Trojans.

"Oh. My. God. I'm going to kill them. All of them." I was horrified. There he was, this hottie Corey, holding all of these condoms he just picked up from my bag.

"ALL of them man? Jesus, you must think you're a stud..."

"I didn't pack them! My friend Katie was helping me pack, I bet she stuck them in there! She`s the sex-aholic not me!"

He gave me a look that said `yeah, sure' and tore off about five.

"What? Never know..." he said as he shrugged his shoulders, walked across the room, and stuck them under his pillow.

"You're unbelievable. What, do YOU think you're such a stud you actually need them?" I laughed.

I didn't have time for a reaction as he tackled me to the ground. We wrestled around until he had me flipped over on my stomach with my hands pressed against the floor and him straddling my back.

"Oh, you like this position?" I taunted. I thought I felt a little stirring in his crotch, but I wasn't too sure.

"I don't see you trying to get out of it..." he said, a little out of breath.

He had me. I did enjoy him being this close to me, and I wasn't in a hurry to get him off.

He laughed knowingly and released me. He was getting up and reached out and smacked my ass.

I turned my head to him with a questioning look.

"Good game." he said.


"You know. Those sports players use that as an excuse to smack each others' asses. So, good game." he said with a twinkle in his eye and a smile on his face.

Our silence was interrupted by a grumbling of stomachs. Mine was first and the loudest, we both laughed and decided it was dinner time. Time to go meet the other freshmen.

We dressed in a hurry and walked together to the cafeteria. On the way, we both cracked jokes on each other and did the normal guy thing: push each other off the path, chase each other, and even try to trip each other. It seemed like we'd been friends for ages, but really we'd just met.

At dinner, we met a lot of other people. By the end of the night, we had met around thirty five people each, and had established some connections. There was a person from the admissions office there announcing that this week was for freshmen only, and that it was pretty much a 'get used to the campus and each other' week. After dinner, we went back to the dorm room and decided to wonder the halls meeting the other guys there.

Corey made friends easy, I could tell that much. Every person he met he could talk about anything with. Since I knew I was gay, it was harder to open up like that. I can't just be myself around most guys, they get weird around me. We roamed the halls and met several guys. The two in the room across from ours were Charlie and William. The room to our right were Logan and Michael, and to our left were Tyler and Chris. All were rather attractive. They were all different, some were athletic, some where more of the 'boy next door' type. All were nice with nice bodies.

I went back to the room first and was sitting there typing away on my laptop when Corey opened the door.

"You're already on that thing? Classes haven't even started!"

"I know. I was just sending an email to my best friend, Amanda." he snorted.


"Typical. A gay guy having a girl as his best friend." So he DID understand I was gay..

"Well, they happen to be more sensible than guys" I said protectively.

"What are you writing to her about?" he asked to change the subject.

"Well. My trip up here. My dorm, all the people I've met, and, well... You."

"Me? What about me?"

"Nothing really. Just you're my roommate and all that... anyways, I have to go use the bathroom. I'll be back."

I left the room and came back. I heard the clicking of a mouse as I reached the door that I'd left cracked open. I opened it a little more to find Corey sitting at my laptop. I opened the door.

"Um. What are you doing?" I said as he minimized the window he was looking at.

"Nothing." He lied.

"You're not a very good liar." I said.

"Fine. Don't get mad?"

"I won't... I'm not... Just tell me!" I said in a sort of laugh that gave away a hint of seriousness.

"Well. Since you left your computer open and you never exited the window you were using, I just went and read the email you sent her...and awwwww, you think I'm 'hawt' in your words" he said with his hands clasped together up to his chest with a smile on his face and his eyes open in a very overly dramatic eye lash bat.

Shit. Shit, shit shit shitty shit, shit. He read my email!? That had contained what I thought of him... how hot he was, and how well we got along.

"I... uh...well..." I started.

"It's cool dude. I think you're hot, too." He said so casually. So casual like it was nothing for a guy I just met to tell me he thought I was hot. He went back to bring back the window he had minimized. To my horror, yet again, were something that made me blush a hundred times worse than the shade I already was. My pictures. Not just normal pictures of me for myspace, but my `pictures.'

"OH MY GOD. I forgot to delete those!" I said as I ran to the bed and slammed down the lid to the laptop. Corey stared up at me with an evil grin on his face. He started to laugh.

"What!? What's so fucking funny?" I asked.

"Why you getting so worked up man? I told you before I'm bi. Besides, you're totally hot, Matty" he said as he reached up and put his hand around the back of my head. I looked into his eyes in amazement yet again. He leaned me down and kissed me. A soft, gentle kiss. As soon as it had happened, it stopped. He pulled back and stared me back in the eye.

To be continued...

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Next: Chapter 2

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