Mr. Merrill gay celebrity

By Kayson Ritchie

Published on Jan 9, 2020



Mr Merrill

This story is false I don't know who Than Merrill is the star of A&E network and depature production company. This is a fictional story. If you are underage then don't read. If you are then enjoy.

Im sitting in a hotel bar minding my own business. All of a sudden I turn and look and in walks this god like creature. I recognize him as Than Merrill from flipping houses on A&E .

I walk up and introduced myself.

Than said" nice to meet you".

I asked" what are you doing here"?

Than said" I'm hosting a free real estate class tonight that ended few moments ago".

"Ok cool" I said.

We talked for about an hour. When I asked about his life.

" Life is hard being on the road away from my family" he said in a despressed tone.

"Oh really" I said in a shocked tone.

"Yeah " he said.

At that time I put my hand on his thigh and began to rub it.

"So what you doing here" he asked with breathing labor.

"In town visiting friends" I said.

Then Than said "excuse me I've got to use the john "?

Then he left. I decided to follow him. Since its close to eleven the hotel is vacant. So it was easy for me to put my plan in action.

I found Than at a urinal on the phone. I unzipped and took the urinal next to him. I looked over and saw a beautiful treat.

I then reached over took what appeared to be a seven and half cock in my hand. I walked him over to the handicap stall and locked the stall. Meanwhile Than got off the phone and looked confused.

I then got on my knees and proceeded to put his cock in my mouth.

"I god yes" Than said in sensual tone.

I could he hadn't had sex in a while. I know he's not going to last. He was moaning like a lust puppy. He then gave out the loudest squeal. Out came his cum.

Then sometime later he calmed down enough for him say this.

"Thank you I was planning on jacking off tonight." He had said.

"Well thank you" I said.

I then said this" is this your first time" I asked?

He said " no back in high school my coach who was in his forties was my first".

"Well thats great and hot. Every gay fantasy" I said.

Than thanked me and zipped this cock. He thanked me. We went our separate ways.

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