Mr Konigs Sub

By Danny K

Published on Mar 12, 2021


This story is dedicated to all the men who knew what I was before I did, and taught me to live the life I'd want to write about! If you enjoy reading Nifty as much as I'm enjoying telling my story, please make a donation to the website:

I welcome feedback from other men, and I will respectfully respond to any and all messages. Please say hello! Humbly, Danny.

Chapter 7

We arrived at the hotel about a half hour later. As we rode in the elevator to the top floor, we both stared straight ahead, saying nothing. When we got to the door marked PENTHOUSE, I whispered, "A thousand? Really?" Gino nodded at me and said, "I'll do the talking, okay, little bro?" I nodded back, silently. Gino knocked. A voice from within the room said, "The door is open. Please come in."

Gino opened the door and stepped ahead of me. The room was a large suite, dark, lit only by low table lamps. It smelled of cigar smoke. Sitting across from the door was the man from the bar. He was a handsome older gentleman with dark grey hair, white at the temples. He was wearing an elegant suit and expensive looking shoes. He took a drag from his slim cigar, then stood and said, "Buenas noches, caballeros."

"Buenas noches, señor," Gino replied. "Este es Danny, mi hermanito."

The handsome older man smiled at Gino. Then he looked me up and down and said, "Perfecto." He held out his hand to me, and in a beautiful accent said, "Nice to meet you, Danny. Thank you for coming. My name is Rodrigo Dueño." His handshake was very businesslike.

"Nice to meet you, Sir," I replied.

Mr. Dueño sat down and took another pull from his cigar. "I'd like you to begin, please," he said, exhaling. "Danny, kneel."

I was on my knees so instinctively I surprised myself. I think I also surprised Gino. He looked down at me, smiled, and said, "Take your time, bro, don't be nervous." He patted my head, then looked at Mr. Dueño. "What should I do?" I could tell Gino was trying his best to play it cool.

"I would like you to stand still while I direct the young man, if you don't mind, Gino."

Gino nodded at Mr. Dueño, then looked down at me and winked.

"Danny," Mr. Dueño ordered, "Unzip Gino's pants."

Gino looked into the distance as I reached up and gently tugged his zipper down. I could feel the flesh of his prize cock pressing against the fabric of his jeans. The zipper slid down, and a mound of thong-covered bulge pressed out beyond Gino's pants. Gino stood as still as a soldier. "Lower his pants, Danny." I did, and soon the only thing covering Gino from the knees to his waist was the thong. The pouch was straining to contain his cock and balls.

Mr. Dueño remained in his chair. "A very impressive sight. Don't you agree, Danny?"

My face was a couple of inches aways from Gino's massive bulge. "Yes, Sir." I said, transfixed.

"Would you like to suck your friend's cock, Danny?"

"Yes Sir."

"You'll have to ask him for permission, Danny. Ask him."

I looked up at my friend. "May I suck your cock, Gino?"

Gino rubbed my head and, in a low voice, said, "Yeah, little brother. Suck my cock."

I lowered the fabric of Gino's g-string and his cock swung up. I managed to catch the club-like meat in my mouth, and quickly slid onto the shaft. I cradled his massive balls in my hands, and worked my lips and tongue up and down on his shaft.

"Oh, fuck!" Gino gasped. "Damn, little bro, that's so good!"

Mr. Dueño sat smoking his cigar and watching us cooly while I worked on Gino's huge cock, slurping and sucking until I hit a feverish rhythm. Gino moaned and held my head, his eyes closed. "Fuuuck, Danny!" I could feel him getting close, and I increased the speed at which I worked his shaft.

"Stop!" Mr. Dueño commanded. I froze, Gino's throbbing cock deep in my mouth. Had I done something wrong?

Gino screwed his eyes open and looked at the older man. Mr. Dueño had taken out is wallet, and was peeling off a series of one hundred dollar bills.

"...Eight hundred, nine hundred... one thousand." He put the ten bills in an envelope and set the envelope on the table. "Gentlemen, here is the one thousand dollars, as promised. You may take it and go, if you like. Or, you can stay and earn another one thousand." He took out another envelope and set it down.

Gino spoke before I could. "How?"

"I would like to watch you fuck your hermanito," Mr. Dueño replied, looking at Gino with a cool expression.

Gino looked at the money, then looked at me. He saw that I had an uncertain expression on my face. As much as I had fantasized about getting fucked, I never had.

Gino squatted down to my level and dropped his muscular arm around my shoulder.

"What do you think, little bro?"

I bit at my lower lip. "I don't know. I think I can."

Gino rubbed at my shoulders. "You sure?" he asked, and looked at me with compassion in his eyes. I melted at the sight of him. "I'm sure."

Gino stood up and looked at Mr. Dueño. "Deal. But I call the shots from here out."

Mr. Dueño nodded, ever so slightly, and said. "Deal."

Something suddenly came over Gino that transformed him. He stood up, pulling me up with him, and spun me around. I was facing Mr. Dueño, who sat watching from his armchair. From behind me, Gino skillfully peeled off my t-shirt and rubbed his hands all over my body. He massaged my neck and back, and slid his hands across my chest. His fingers explored my nipples while his cock brushed against the back of my pants. He ground his pelvis against my ass, as his fingers worked their way to the top button of my jeans, opening the waist, then all the smaller buttons along the fly. He slid his hands into my pants, then pushed down on my waistband until my jeans dropped to the floor. He stepped on my crumpled jeans with his right foot, and kneed the back of my legs, making me step out of the pants. He kicked my feet apart until I was in a wide stance. With his hands on my hips, he gyrated his rock hard cock against my ass crack. He nibbled on my ear, and, in a very low, course whisper, said, "I'm gonna fuck you good, muchacho."

In a swift and powerful move, he pushed my head down until I was holding my ankles. He grabbed the back strap of my g-string and ripped it off, then he held me by the sides as he humped his thick cock against my butt. He felt amazing. His hands held me firmly as his cockhead teased my asshole. Suddenly, he squatted down and spread my cheeks. He began to tongue aggressively at my exposed crack. I'd never had my ass eaten. It was incredible. I could feel a charge run from my hole to the tip of my cockhead. Gino grabbed my cock and balls roughly and rammed his tongue into me. My hole parted as his tongue pushed into me, deeper, deeper. Soon Gino was spearing my hole with his entire tongue while I panted in pleasure. He stood up and looked at Mr. Dueño and said, "I think his pussy's ready."

I'm not sure how it all happened. I almost blacked out. It wasn't pain. It wasn't pleasure. It was something else. It was like I left my body and became pure energy.

Gino sunk his highly valuable cock into my virgin hole in one swift, skillful thrust. I rose up on my toes as he rammed himself so deeply into me our balls banged against each other. He gripped me by the waist and began a savage assault on my ass, pounding me so hard I began to speak gibberish. "Oh! Uh! Fuh! Fuh! Fuck! Ngh! Ugh! His jackhammer thrusts made my head swing about. Gino's sweat rubbed into mine. Slobber was dripping from my mouth, tears fell from my eyes. I gipped my ankles and shouted, "Oh, fuck, yes! Fuck me bro! Fuck me!"

Gino shuddered and roared, "Yeah, baby, take Daddy's cum!" I felt a hot gush of liquid spray up inside of me. "Fuck yeah, bro!" He shot again. And again.

When Gino finally pulled his half-hard cock out of me, cum was running down the insides of my thighs. I collapsed on the floor, panting. Gino lay on his back, next to me. "Damn, little bro," he said, winded. "Your ass is amazing." He slapped my bare butt cheeks, then craned his neck to look back at the gentleman. "See, Mr. Dueño, I told you so."

When we were back at the entrance to my apartment building, Gino pulled out the two envelopes. "It's an even split, a thousand each." He handed me one of the envelopes. "Here, little bro," he said. "Mr. Dueño said for you to take this one. Go ahead."

I took the envelope from Gino and looked inside. There were ten crisp one hundred dollar bills, and a business card reading "Señor Rodrigo Dueño" in brassy foil-stamp letters.

"He wants to talk to you about an arrangement."

I looked at Gino, confused.

"You should call him, little bro. He'd be good for you."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You're a natural-born cocksucker, little bro." Gino reached across the front seats and punched me playfully on the left arm. Then he rubbed my head, adding, "And a great fuck."

I wanted to tell Gino that I had never been fucked before, and that I was glad my first time was with him. I wanted to tell him a lot of other things, too, but I couldn't find the words.

Gino started the engine of his car. "Call him tomorrow," he said. "Now go get some sleep, little bro." He smiled at me. "It's been a big night."

Gino drove away, guitar music echoing in the nighttime street. I watched his car turn the corner, then I stood on the curb and counted the money. A thousand dollars! It was more than I'd ever made in one day in my whole life. In one week, even. I looked down at the gilded business card. "Señor Rodrigo Dueño," I read aloud. I flipped the card over. On the back, in the same brassy print, was a logo: a ring of thick chain.

Next: Chapter 8

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