Mr Konigs Sub

By Danny K

Published on Mar 1, 2021


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Thanks to all of you who've reached out to say hello! I welcome feedback from other subs like me, or from doms who have something to teach us. I enjoy connecting with other men, and I will respectfully respond to any and all messages. Please say hello. Humbly, Danny.

Chapter 5

Mr. Konig set his cigar down on the tray and looked at me. "That was one question. You may ask two more."

My mind was racing. Where? When? How? For the past five years my life has been focused on pleasing this alpha, on serving my king. I have constantly checked in with myself, wondering if I've done everything to please my superior, wondering what more I could do. So many questions came to mind, but the one that seemed most urgent for me to ask was, "Have I done anything wrong, Sir?"

"No, boy. You're a good sub. You're MY sub."

His reassurance was everything to me. Hearing Mr. Konig say "You're my sub" lowered my fear; I could feel the tension ease as I knelt before him on the floor. How much power he had over me!

"One more question, boy."

I did not have to think before my last question came. My years of training told me what to ask.

"What can I do for you, Sir?"

Mr. Konig told me to stand. I did, my hands behind my back, as trained. He got up from his chair and walked over to me. He put his strong hand on the back of my neck, and pulled my head against his chest. Feeling the mass of his body, I breathed in his masculine scent. I closed my eyes and comfort washed over me. His deep voice rumbled gently in my ear, "You're a good sub, Danny. And you're going to get even better."

I was told to go back to my room behind the kitchen and wait. When I got to my quarters I discovered they had been stripped bare, only my journal and a pencil were left behind. No bed, no desk or dresser. The window had been covered and my little clock is gone, so I have no idea how long I've been in here or what time it is. I've been sitting on the floor, still dressed in my clothes from the gym, my head spinning. I still have my boots, I still have Mr. Konig's cum inside me, but has the rest of me been erased?

Waiting here, in my empty room, reminds me of the summer before I left for college. My parents had moved out of state after my high school graduation, and our old house was still for sale. I was allowed to live there until I went to the university, since my tuition depended on me being a resident with an in-state address. For two months I hung out in what had been my childhood home, empty of all evidence that I or my family had ever existed. I spent a lot of time walking around the house naked. I slept on an old mattress on the floor of my old bedroom, passing the time by drawing dirty cartoons and jacking off to bodybuilding magazines. I wouldn't turn 18 until the day before classes started, I didn't have a car, and there wasn't a lot for a horny 17 year-old to do in my little hometown. The university and city life that awaited me my first fall semester seemed years away.

One hot afternoon in mid-summer I was doing pushups in my empty room when I heard a knock echoing through the house. I hastily pulled on some gym shorts and went into the vacant living room and opened the front door. Two men in tan work uniforms were standing there, and a white van was parked in the driveway. To this day I still remember the logo painted on the side of the van: a man's bicep holding a wrench, crossed with another arm holding a pipe. Underneath was written COMENCKY AND SON PLUMBING. I also still remember the men. One was older, thickly built with cropped hair, a round, tan, friendly face, and trim, blond-grey mustache. The other was stout and blond, with a crew cut and kind blue eyes. They looked like sexy twins born a generation apart.

The older man spoke, thrusting out a strong-looking hand. "Joe Comencky. Sorry to bother you, son, but the realtor sent us. Radiator work." I remembered my parents had said something about the sale of the house depending on some improvements. "Is this an okay time?"

"Um, yeah, sure." I looked over at the van. Underneath the logo was written US MARINE VETS OWNED AND OPERATED. "Yessir," I said, remembering my manners. "C'mon in."

The big man clapped me on my bare, sweaty shoulder as he stepped inside. "And this is my son, Joey," he said. The younger blond hunk smiled and said, "Hey there."

"Hi," I said. "Danny."

Mr. Comenscky, Sr. looked me up and down and said, "Looks like you're plenty warm right now, Danny."

I felt a little self conscious, half dressed and sandwiched between the two studs. "I was working out," I said. I could feel my face redden.

"You're gonna get a little hotter, I'm afraid, Danny boy." Hearing the big blond daddy call me "Danny boy" made my face redden more. He laughed, a deep baritone voice. "I have to turn on the boiler for a bit and let it run. Your system--is it in the basement?"

"Yes, sir," I said. I could hardly take my eyes off him as I spoke.

"Good boy," he said, and my cock twitched

Mr. Comenscky turned to his junior partner. "Son, go to the farthest room in the house and wait for the system to heat up. We'll see how well the line is running." For a fraction of a second, the older man grabbed at his own crotch. It was so quick, but the image etched itself in my brain. "Ask Danny to show you where the radiator is."

"Okay, Dad." The younger hunk watched his father head outside to the van, then turned to me. "Do you know which radiator that'd be, Danny?"

I swallowed and said, "Um, my room, I think. It's the back of the house."

"Cool," said Joey, smiling. "Let's go."

Seeing a buff man in his mid twenties strut into my bedroom was like something out of a wet dream. As he stepped into my nearly empty room, I marveled at his build. Through his work clothes I could make out his body. It was the kind I wanted to develop; manly and muscled, like a thick wrestler or rugby player. His short sleeves were pushed up over his tan biceps, and he had a bulldog tattoo on his arm. He strutted over to the radiator and squatted down, fussing with the valve. "It'll be a few minutes," he said, "until Dad gets the water going."

Joey sat on the radiator with his legs spread. I stole a quick look at his bulge. It looked big, like his Dad's. Joey looked around my room. "You the only one here?"

"Yeah, I said, standing nervously by my door, trying not to stare at him. "Just until the end of the month."

There was a silence that felt like forever. Being in the presence of this stud in my old room, me half naked, feeling awkward, was overwhelming. I was about to ask something obvious, like, "Were you a Marine?" or, "When did you get your tattoo?" when Joey looked down at my mattress on the floor. There was a magazine on the bed. "Muscle and Fitness!" he said, reaching down to grab the issue. "I read this too!"

"Yeah?" I said, steeping forward, relieved to have something to talk about

"It's a good one," he said, "Lots of huge dudes." He began flipping the pages. "Sonbaty!" he said, opening the center spread, taking in the photos of Nassar Sonbaty, the huge Egyptian bodybuilder. "He's one of my favorites."

"Me too," I said, boyishly excited to make a connection with the blond stud. In my nervousness I blurted out, "He's really hot."

Joey shot me a quick look. "You think so?"

I blushed. "I mean, he's really well built."

"Yeah," Joey said, grinning at me. I felt more self-conscious than ever. "I've been doing his workout routine. Check it out." Joey pulled at the armband of his right arm and flexed. The bulldog tattoo rose up past the fabric, a mound of hard, tan muscle.

"Whoa," I said, impressed. Joey grinned and flexed both arms as he straddled the radiator. He looked like the cover of a fitness magazine himself. "That's awesome," I said, staring, my mouth open. I could feel my cock getting fuller. I began to wish I had on more than just filmy gym shorts. I tried to turn away and discreetly adjust myself.

"You like big men, Danny?" the hunk asked, staring at me, still posing.

I could feel my stomach knotting up. "Uh, um, yeah, sure," I stuttered. I was so full of adrenaline my heart started racing.

Joey eyes held me. "You like big cocks?"

I stared, terrified, like an animal cornered in the woods. "I...uh."

In one deft move, Joey dropped his double biceps and unzipped the fly of his work pants. He pulled out the largest cock I'd ever seen. Golden skinned and cut, fleshy and full, it hung down between his legs and flopped on the edge of the radiator. "You ever see a dick this big?"

"No," I answered, telling the truth.

He stared at me and his smile faded to smirk. "It gets even bigger. Come here, Danny."

I don't remember how I walked over to him. It was like some automatic instinct took over my body. I remember hearing him say my name, and the next thing I remember I was on my knees between Joey's thick legs. His now hard whopper of a cock aimed at my face. How did I get here? I looked at his cock. There were blond hairs around the base of his massive meat, and the head was pink and swollen. I looked up at him, an Apollo on a throne. He nodded, a kind of reassurance in his eyes. "Be a good boy Danny, and suck my dick."

As many times as I'd jacked off thinking about sucking a man's cock, at 17, my mouth had never taken one. I had tried, many times. to suck my own dick. I could just get the tip of my tongue to flick my own cockhead, but I'd never felt more than that. Now, a big, beautiful young man was presenting his big, beautiful, young cock to me. I looked up at the handsome Marine. Was this really happening?

"Suck it, Danny."

Again, some automatic instinct took over. I wrapped my hand gently around the base of his shaft, and carefully slid my lips around the swollen head. As it pressed against my tongue, I wrapped my lips around my teeth, and pushed my head into his crotch. I managed to get the whole head in my mouth. Oh, wow! This felt so good! I slid my mouth back, and then forward again, sliding along on the hard meat. My own cock was hard and leaking, but my focus remained on serving this man's dick. My only desire was to please him. Not to get off, but to get HIM off.

Joey tilted his hips forward, and put his hand on the back of my head. Gently, he encouraged another inch of his cock into me, then held my head there. "Stay there, Danny." He paused in his motion. I looked up at him. "Danny, this is your fist time, isn't it?" he asked.

I nodded, his cock still in my mouth. He smiled at me, then looked up and said, "Dad! We got a newbie here!"

I spun my head around and saw Mr. Comencky standing in the doorway of my room, watching us. In a panic, I started to get up, but Joey held me in place. "Stay boy, we're just getting started here." Joey's Dad walked over to us, his heavy work boots thudding on my bare floor. "Leave it to my son to find the cocksucker."

I was terrified. Should I sputter out some (probably) lame excuse? Run? Beg? I was worried the big man would hit me, or worse, but instead, he petted my head gently, like petting a dog, and said, "A good-looking cocksucker, too." The Senior Marine squatted down on his haunches so that we were eye to eye. He looked right at me. He looked serious but kind, like a coach talking to his athlete, and said, "My boy needs to get his cock sucked. Think you can help him out, Danny?"

I nodded slightly and said, "Yes. Yes, sir."

The Dad smiled. "Good boy, Danny." He stood up, his own crotch at my eye level. As smoothly as his son had, Mr. Comencky unzipped his fly and pulled out his cock. It was almost identical to Joey's and was fully hard. "If you do a good job on him, you'll get mine next."

Mr. Comencky stood next to me, casually stroking his hard cock, as I began to enthusiastically suck off his son. Joey moaned as I worked my hands, lips and tongue along his huge shaft. The younger man bucked his hips and held on to my neck and shoulders while Joe Sr. watched us, saying, "Good boy, Danny. Watch your teeth. Open up, boy." Hearing the hunky man coach on how to suck off his son caused a rush of endorphins in me. I managed to get about three-fourths of the cock in my mouth and throat, and Joey felt harder than ever. His thrusts quicken, and I took in more of him.

"Fuck, Dad, this feels so good! Fuuuck!"

Mr. Comencky squatted down next to me again. "My boy's about to come." He looked at his son. "When I say." He looked back at me. "And when he does, Danny, I want to you to take every drop, understand, boy?"

I managed to look and the Dad and nod as I continued to work his son's throbbing cock. Mr. Comencky gave me a fatherly smile and said, "Good boy."

He stood up, stout and ridgid, and barked at his son. "Joey!"

"Yes Sir!" the younger man shouted.

"Shoot your load, Marine!"

"Sir! Yes, Sir!

Just then my mouth was flooded with warm, salty-bitter liquid. Joey moaned loudly as he shot his come into me, squeezing my shoulders and locking his dick in place. "Uuuugh. Fuck, yeah!"

Soon my mouth was so full with his load, some of the come made it to the edge of my lips. Remembering Mr. Comencky's orders, I gulped and swallowed, pulling it all in. I continued to gently suck Joey's cock until it was clean and beginning to soften. When Joey let out one last satisfied sigh, his Dad patted me on the shoulder. "Well done, Danny. Now it's my turn."

"Yeah!" Joey panted, smiling broadly. "Suck my Dad's cock."

I wish I could say I was an expert by then, but the older Marine really did the work. The man clearly knew how to fuck a mouth. He gently but firmly held my head as he pumped his cock into my mouth. He had such smooth power, I felt like I could be fed his dick forever. I submitted to the master, and focused all my being on taking his cock. A little more quickly than Joey had, Mr. Comencky reached a peak. He patted my face and said, grunting, "Here it comes, Danny. Take it all. Now!"

As he shot his load into me, I had a sudden, thrilling realization: I was taking the seed that made Joey, the man who'd just shot HIS load into me. Two generations of studs filling me with their cum. My cock was rock hard, and rubbed against the fabric of my gym shorts. Mr. Comencky held me in his grip so that the head of his big cock was at the top of my throat, and his cum pumped directly into me. I didn't even need to swallow.

"Fuck, yeah!" Joey shouted, standing next to his Dad as he drained himself in me. "Hoo-rah!"

Mr. Comencky let go of me, and I collapsed on the floor, sweaty and panting. I looked up at the two studs. They were smiling, and stuffing their cocks into their work pants. "Go out to the van, son, I'll be out in a second. I want to talk to Danny."

"Yessir!" The blond hunk smiled at me, and clapped my shoulder. "See you around, Danny."

"You did well, Danny," the older Marine said when we were alone. "Here, take this." He handed me a wad of money.

"What's this for?" I asked, confused.

Mr. Comencky laughed. "There's nothing wrong with the boiler downstairs. It's just that the gas is turned off. You obviously haven't been doing any cooking while you're here."

I hadn't. I didn't cook back then. I'd been living on protein shakes and pizza, and never had used the gas stove.

"This is our fee for coming out there today. Two hundred. I want you to have it, from me and Joe Junior."

"Why, Sir?

""Cause you're a whore, boy. A good one. And whores get paid."

I'd never heard the term used in a positive way, and I started to protest. "I'm not--"

With a kindly hand on my shoulder, the big man cut me off. "I know what you want to say, Danny. It's okay. You may not accept who you are yet, but trust me; you were made to suck cock. You were made to serve. Not everybody can be the general, you know. Somebody's gotta be a soldier. The sooner you learn to fall in line, the happier you'll be. Understand, boy?"

"Yes, Sir. I think so, Sir."

"That's a good boy, Danny. Now take your money, you've earned it. You did me and my boy a service, one I know we both needed. Use the money to get something that'll make you grow. Okay, son?"

"Yes, Sir."

At that moment, I wanted to live in the presence of that man forever. I'd never felt so connected to another male in my life. He smiled and gave me a bear hug. "Be a good boy, Danny. Be the best boy you can be." He put on a comic version stern face. "Or you'll have to answer to me."

I watched the work van pull away, then I went back to my room and sat down on the mattress. "I'm a cocksucker," I thought to my self, silently. Then I picked up the money, looked at it, and then said, aloud. "I'm a whore."

Next: Chapter 6

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