Mr Haywoods Awakening

By Max Ollsen

Published on Aug 16, 2017


"Mr. Haywood's Awakening" Chapter Four By, Max Ollsen

Copyright (c) 2016 by Max Ollsen. All rights reserved. Except for the use of less than two pages in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical, or other means is forbidden without the express written permission of the author. Express permission is granted to The Nifty Erotic Stories Archive for storage, indexing, retrieval, and display of this work.

Disclaimer: The material in this work is for mature audiences only and contains graphic sexual content and language. It is intended only for those aged 18 and older. All the characters in this work are assumed to be at least 18 years of age.

This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and settings are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, names, locales, organizations, or persons living or dead, is entirely coincidental. In the real world having sex without using a condom can be very dangerous to your health.

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Rod sat in a dimly lit room listening to the sound of a miniature waterfall trickling down rocks into a basin of water, and he took a deep breath before speaking, "It' s been three months and it's all I can think about. I've noticed a change in myself, and even my sons have pointed out something is off."

Rod could feel himself tensing up, and he tried to breathe the way his therapist had taught him. He took a moment, took a deep breath, and allowed himself to relax into the leather chair of his therapist's counseling room.

"I understand," Rod's therapist affirmed him, as she gave him a sympathetic look, "That kiss completely changed your views of yourself. There's a whole new avenue for you to explore at this point in your life."

"I'm not exploring anything, Linda." Rod snapped back at this therapist.

Linda nodded, and breathed before speaking, "Rod, this kiss has consumed your life for three months now. You've even admitted it. You don't seem angry when you reflect on it, you seem confused, and unsure of yourself."

"I don't know!" Rod huffed, "I was married to a woman for half my life, I have two sons with her. I can't be gay."

"I never said you were," Linda relaxed in her chair, "Sexuality is a fluid thing, Tastes can change, there's so much gray area that was once taboo. Maybe you're not gay. Maybe you have bisexual tendencies you've repressed."

Rod remained silent while twiddling his thumbs.

"You said before that things with your wife always seemed off. And whenever you dated a woman in the past you always had the same feeling. You deserve to be happy, Rod. You should explore your own sexuality and see what there is out there for you."

Rod could feel tears welling up in his eyes. Every session with Linda was getting more and more intense. Over the two-month period he'd been seeing her she had done wonders for him, but this kiss was the thing that was really holding him back.

"Rod," Linda spoke in a soft voice, "Times have changed. There's no reason to be ashamed."

Trying to pull himself together, Rod rubbed his eyes before looking up at Linda, "What do you want me to do? Go to a gay bar to prove there's nothing wrong with me."

"Even if you were gay that doesn't mean anything is wrong with you," Linda spoke, "The way you speak reflects the way you think."

Rod rolled his eyes.

"That's not a horrible idea, though." Linda smiled.

"What?" Rod tensed up again.

"Going to a gay bar," Linda smiled, "Why not try it. Even if nothing comes out of it, it may be a good experience for you."

"I don't think so," Rod was getting tenser by the minute, "What if people I know see me there?"

"Do you have gay friends?" Linda gave him a quizzical look.

"Uh, no," Rod stammered, "I don't have any gay friends."

Linda smiled, "So maybe if you see someone you know there they won't be too quick to tell anyone"

Rod didn't smile, he just gave Linda a deadpan look.

"Give it a shot, Rod." Linda encouraged him, "Do it just to prove me wrong."

Rod rolled his eyes, "If I go to a bar will you drop it?"

Linda chuckled, "Yes, if you go to a gay bar, and stay for at least an hour I'll drop the subject."

"Fine," Rod huffed, before changing the subject.

"What the fuck am I doing?" Rod asked himself as he pulled into a parking lot.

Rod scanned the area and noticed there weren't many cars in the bar's parking lot. It seemed like the bar wouldn't be crowded on a Monday night which is exactly what Rod was hoping for. Driving an hour from home to go to a gay bar was the only thing Rod could think of to protect his anonymity in case one of his friends was secretly gay.

Rod looked around the parking lot one more time before opening his vehicle's door and stepping out onto the gravel. After closing the door Rod took a quick glance in his side mirror to check his hair and teeth, and then he started his way over to the bar entrance.

Stopping at the door, Rod took a deep breath and grabbed for the handle. With a quick pull the door was open, and Rod forced himself inside.

Once inside Rod glanced around, and it looked just like a regular bar he would go to with friends. If it weren't for the rainbow flag behind the bar Rod would have been fooled. Not only was the bar not what he was expecting, the patrons weren't either. There were pairs of men, and women sparsely scattered around booths and tables, and a couple single seaters scattered along the bar. None of them were what Rod expected to see. They were all dressed like how Rod and his friends dressed. It wasn't anything like what he expected from TV stereotypes.

Rod made his way over to the bar and took a seat alone making sure not to sit next to or near anyone else.

"What are you having?" A deep voice came from behind the bar.

"Huh," Rod asked, looking up at the bartender.

"What do you want to drink?" The bartender gave Rod a blank look.

"Oh, um, something with vodka I guess," Rod threw out the first alcohol that came to mind.

"Are you okay?" the bartender asked, "You seem a little tense."

"Nope," Rod scratched his head, "It's been a stressful couple of months."

The bartender nodded and went to go make Rod's drink.

"Hello there," A flirty voice came from behind Rod, and he felt a hand on his back.

Rod looked uncomfortably to his left and noticed a man sitting down directly next to him.

"What's your name?" The man asked with a cocky smile.

"Ted," Rod lied, looking directly ahead, trying to avoid any further communication with the stranger next to him.

The stranger put his hand on Rod's back again and nursed his own drink on the bar while he leaned in to speak, "Nice to meet you, I'm Marcus."

"Here's your drink, Ted," The bartender said, sliding a vodka cranberry in front of Rod, "You might want to shy away from him, Marcus. He's just been through a bad breakup. He's an obvious mess."

Rod was bewildered, and Marcus glanced back and forth between Rod and the bartender. Marcus gave Rod a pat on the back and left the bar to join a group of friends.

"You're welcome," The bartender looked at Rod's bewilderment.

"My name isn't Ted." Rod blurted out.

For the first time the bartender smiled, "Yeah, I figured."

Rod grabbed the drink the bartender made him and took a sip.

"So, if you're going to be sitting here at my bar looking miserable the least you could do is tell me your name," The bartender stated.

Rod took another sip of his drink and contemplated whether he should give his real name or not, "Um, my name is Rod."

"Nice to meet you, Rod," The bartender smiled and extended his hand, "I'm Keith."

Rod shook Keith's hand, "Nice to meet you, too."

Keith was a handsome guy. Probably in his mid 30's from what Rod could tell. He had nice black hair, and a 5 o'clock shadow to match. His arms were decent as well, and one was even decorated with a faded tribal tattoo.

"So," Keith looked Rod in the eyes as he leaned against the bar, "What's your story. Tonight's been pretty boring and if you give me something to listen to your next drink will be on the house."

"Oh, I'm not looking to drink too much tonight." Rod waved his hand at the offer, "Thank you though."

Keith rolled his eyes, "So why are you here?"

"Excuse me?" Rod didn't know what to say.

"You're here," Keith motion around the bar, "Sitting alone, looking miserable. You're obviously not looking to pick up any guys from how your interaction with that guy went. And now you don't even want to get drunk."

Rod was really at a loss for words.

"I just figured we could talk and get acquainted over some drinks," Keith shrugged his shoulder.

Keith went to turn away from Rod and focus on other patrons sitting at the bar, but something inside Rod told him to give Keith a chance.

"Wait," Rod said, "I'm sorry. I'm just... I'm new to this."

Keith's brows raised, and he turned back towards Rod, "Newly out?"

Rod gulped out some of his drink and wiped the wet away from his mouth with his forearm before he answered, "I'm not out. I don't know what I am. My therapist suggested I come here to explore my 'options'."

Keith gave Rod a sympathetic smile, "You're not alone. There are a lot of guys in your position. I'm going to make you another drink and we can get to know each other better."

"Alright," Rod finished his first drink and gave Keith a halfhearted smile back.

In between taking care of customers, Keith listened to Rod's story. From Rod's divorce to the kiss with Fin, and even Rod's deal to come to the bar. Keith listened to it all. It was hours of conversation the two had at the bar on a slow Monday night, and Rod was relieved to finally have someone else besides Linda to talk to. Keith was someone that understood some of the inner turmoil Rod was struggling with. Keith happened to be divorced as well, but much younger in life.

"I came out when I was 21 years old," Keith grimaced, "I was married for 3 years at that point. I also had a three-year-old daughter with my ex."

Rod was surprised to hear this, "Wow, that's brave. How did you know you were gay?"

Keith chuckled, "How do any of us know? We just do."

Rod nervously clinked the ice in his now empty drink.

"I get it," Keith leaned over the bar putting a comforting hand on Rod's shoulder, "You don't want to admit it to yourself. You were married way longer than I was. Your sons are much older than my daughter was when I came out."

"I don't know if I am," Rod paused.

"Gay," Keith said for Rod.

Rod flinched at the use of that word. He looked around the now empty bar so he wouldn't have to look at Keith.

"You can say it." Keith smiled, "The word isn't going to kill you."

"I think I've had enough to drink," Rod fidgeted out of his seat and grabbed his wallet, "How much do I owe you?"

Keith threw his bar towel over his shoulder and grabbed Rod's empty glass, "It's on the house."

"No," Rod was trying his best to focus on his wallet, clumsily sifting through bills, "How does $30 sound."

"Stop," Keith ordered Rod.

Rod finally looked up at Keith, nervously.

"I'll make a deal with you," Keith looked into Rod's eyes, "If you give me your phone number you won't owe me anything."

Rod went red with embarrassment and threw $40 on the bar before shuffling out as quickly as he could.

Once outside Rod made a beeline to his vehicle and unlocked it as quickly as he could. He slipped inside his car and took a deep breath trying to focus on the breathing techniques Linda has shown him to help settle his anxiety. Rod closed his eyes and put his hands on the steering wheel while he tried to the best of his ability to calm down.

Suddenly, there was a knock-on Rod's window that startled him. Rod glanced to his left and sure enough, Keith was standing there with a concerned look on his face.

"I have something for you," Keith pleaded with Rod, "Please take it."

Rod looked ahead into the night while he considered what he should do before finally opening his door to talk one last time with Keith.

"What do you have?" Rod sounded defeated.

Keith handed Rod his $40 back.

"That's yours," Rod stated, "You listened to me all night, and served me a lot of drinks. I can't take it for free."

Keith ignored Rod and placed the money on his lap before saying, "I have this as well."

Keith had a folded piece of receipt paper between his two fingers and placed that on Rod's lap as well.

"Don't throw it away. Just keep it in case you ever want to talk." Keith stated.

Rod took the folded piece of paper and unfolded it to read the contents. It was Keith's phone number.

"Why do you even care about me?" Rod was emotionally exhausted.

Keith smiled, "There's something about you that I like. Even if you aren't gay you're a cool guy."

Rod was tired and at a loss for words.

"I'll make a promise with you. If you come back tomorrow night I'll take your money." Keith winked at Rod.

"I'll consider it, I just need some sleep," Rod said while starting his car.

"Pinky promise you'll come back tomorrow." Keith extended his pinky.

"How old are we?" Rod was starting to get annoyed.

Keith didn't respond he just wiggled his pinky.

Rod gave a defeated sigh and threw his head back.

"Just come back," Keith begged, "Come back one more time."

Rod looked at Keith's hand with his extended pinky, "If I promise I'll come back tomorrow will you let me go home and sleep."

Keith didn't respond he just wiggled his pinky again.

"Fine." Rod sounded defeated once again as he extended his own pinky and wrapped it around Keith's.

"Sounds like a date," Keith smiled as he released his pinky and started to walk off.

Rod found himself being at a loss for words more and more often, and this moment was no exception.

"What the fuck am I doing?" Rod asked himself as he started to pull out of the bar's parking lot.

Rod pulled into his driveway a little after 3 A.M. and did his best to keep quiet coming into his house. However, someone seemed to still be awake inside the house. When Rod walked into his house he noticed a light on in the kitchen. Rod made his way through the hallway leading to the kitchen to find his youngest son sitting at the counter eating a bowl of cereal.

"Jason, it's 3 A.M." Rod was annoyed his son was awake this late on a school night.

Jason nodded as he scooped cereal into his mouth, and swallowed before responding, "Yeah, you were out pretty late, Dad. Michael didn't seem to care, but I wanted to make sure you were getting home safe."

"Michael doesn't seem on good terms with me or your mother." Rod sighed as he walked over to his son and placed his car keys on the kitchen counter.

"Yeah," Jason chuckled in between chewing his cereal, "A teen acting out after his parents' divorce. What a novel concept."

Rod gave Jason a concerned look, "You seem to be handling it better, Jason. You're not bottling anything up, are you?"

"No, are you?" Jason retorted.

Rod flinched at the question.

"You've been acting weird, Dad. Really, really weird." Jason stated, "I think she wants you back."

"What?" Rod was flustered by that statement.

"Mom," Jason smiled as he got up from his seat to take his bowl to the sink, "She still loves you. I think if you both put some more effort into things this time things will work out better. We could all be together again."

Hearing Jason say that made Rod nauseous. His son was so hopeful that he would get back together with his ex-wife, Anne, but deep down Rod knew it would never work. Things were changing whether Rod was emotionally prepared to change or not it was still happening. All Rod could think about was how nice it would be to talk to Keith again.

"I think you should go to bed, Jason. You have school in the morning." Rod couldn't look at Jason, he felt too guilty.

Jason shuffled over to his dad and gave him a hug.

"It's okay, Dad." Jason smiled, "I'm gonna head to bed."

Rod stepped back and smiled back at Jason, "Have a good night."

Jason shuffled off down the hallway and up the steps to his bedroom, and Rod stood alone in his kitchen reflecting on how his day had gone. Talking with Keith was a huge relief for him. Even though Keith had hit a sore spot it still helped a tremendous amount. Linda was a great therapist, but something about Keith comforted Rod.

Rod turned off the kitchen light and walked his way to his room with a dumb smile on his face. Once the door was closed Rod grabbed the paper Keith had given him from his pocket and unfolded it as he laid down on his bed. Rod entered the number into his phone and tried to think of what he should say to Keith.

Putting his phone down Rod got off his bed and stripped naked before slipping under his covers. Thoughts were racing through his head. Just talking with Keith gave Rod a feeling he never felt with a woman before. Not even Anne had given Rod this feeling before. It was an anxious feeling, but a feeling Rod wanted to keep experiencing.

"Maybe it's okay," Rod told himself, "What's the harm."

Rod grabbed his phone from his night stand and started to draft a text message for Keith. Rod typed and retyped his message repeatedly before deciding a simple message was the best way to go.

See you tomorrow! Rod sent the text message to Keith and rolled over in bed with a smile on his face.

To Be Continued...


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Hey everyone, it's Max! It's been awhile since I've updated Mr. Haywood's Awakening. School and work have really kept me from writing as much as I would like, but I'm hoping to really buckle down and get more chapters out there for all my readers. I'd also like to comment on this most recent update. I know it's not what many readers were expecting, and it may not be the pacing many of you are used to, but I feel like things need to start picking up. I mapped out how I'd like this series to go and it is a LONG map with many more characters I'd like to introduce. If this series goes the way I want it to we're looking at a 50-chapter story minimum, and yes, THE SEX IS COMING SOON! If you'd like to know more about me, the author, or the series I'm writing please check out the link to my blog listed below. Updates will be posted there regularly, and you can get previews to upcoming chapters. I appreciate all the feedback I get, and hope you all continue to enjoy my stories as much as I enjoy writing them for you all and myself.

  • Max

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