Mr Haywoods Awakening

By Max Ollsen

Published on Dec 14, 2016


"Mr. Haywood's Awakening" Chapter Three By, Max Ollsen

Copyright (c) 2016 by Max Ollsen. All rights reserved. Except for the use of less than two pages in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical, or other means is forbidden without the express written permission of the author. Express permission is granted to The Nifty Erotic Stories Archive for storage, indexing, retrieval, and display of this work.

Disclaimer: The material in this work is for mature audiences only and contains graphic sexual content and language. It is intended only for those aged 18 and older. All of the characters in this work are assumed to be at least 18 years of age.

This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and settings are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, names, locales, organizations, or persons living or dead, is entirely coincidental. In the real world having sex without using a condom can be very dangerous to your health.

Don't ruin your life or your future. Slip it on before you slip it in.

All trademarks used in this work are the sole property of their owners and have been used without permission or endorsement.


Rod walked into his kitchen with a case of beer moments before his doorbell started ringing.

"Great, the pizzas." Rod walked to the front door and paid the delivery boy.

"Pizza's here, guys!" Rod shouted as he made his way to the kitchen with four pizza boxes stacked in his hands.

Out of the five workmen, only three ended up staying for dinner with Rod.

"Awesome," Danny cheered as he made his way into the kitchen, "Thanks, Mr. Haywood!"

Rod smiled, "No problem, Danny. Grab some plates for everyone, would you?"

Danny nodded, and made his way to Rod's dish cabinet.

Rod opened a pizza box. Then he started opening the case of beer when Fin and Jason, the third worker, walked into the kitchen.

"Pretty intense game on TV," Jason stated, "You mind if we eat and watch?"

"Uh, sure," Rod nodded

Everyone grabbed some pizza and a couple beers and made their way into the living room. Jason and Danny took both of the reclining chairs, and left the couch for Rod and Fin. Rod looked at the TV and noticed a ball being tossed, but wasn't sure what the sport was.

"It's rugby," Fin stated, after taking a swig of beer, "I'm guessing you've never seen or played it before from the look on your face."

Rod chuckled with a nod, "Have you ever played?"

"We used to play together," Jason interjected, but didn't bother to take his eyes off the TV screen.

"Yeah," Fin smiled, "Jason and me played in high school. I was going to play in college, had a scholarship and everything, but injured my back senior year of high school."

"Oh," Rod grimaced, "I'm sorry to hear that. Must've been hard to stop after injuring your back."

"I didn't stop," Fin smiled, "That was the real problem. My injury wouldn't have been a big deal, three weeks out tops, but I ignored it, and made things worse."

"You definitely fucked up," Jason tipped his beer at Fin before taking a sip, "You could've gone pro."

"What?" Rod asked, surprised.

Fin blushed, "I was good, but not that good."

"Bullshit, you were one of the best players in the state." Jason stated.

"I guess I'm modest," Fin blushed, but smiled, as he leaned back into the couch.

Jason rolled his eyes, and gave his full attention back to the TV. Rod tried to follow along but he couldn't comprehend anything that was happening, the game made no sense to him. Rod's eyes wondered from the TV screen and started to scan the room. Jason was enthralled by the game, completely on edge with every play that happen. Danny seemed to be as confused as Rod, between bites Danny's mouth was left open in confusion. Finally, Rod's eyes focused in on Fin sitting next to him. Fin was watching the game as well, but didn't seem to be as enthralled as Jason was. He smiled and gave a cheer every time something happened, but Rod didn't know enough to know what he was cheering for. Fin lifted his beer bottle to his lips and started to sip. Rod watched as his Adam's apple moved with each swallow. The light was dim, but the TV cast a light that highlighted Fin's face and neck. The stubble on Fin's neck looked rough.

Once again, Rod caught himself staring at Fin. This realization made Rod uncomfortable, and he shifted his body, but Fin took notice, and ended up making eye contact with Rod.

"Something wr-" Fin whispered, until Danny interrupted him.

"Why don't they throw the ball forward," Danny asked, "Doesn't make sense to run forward and through backwards."

Rod was embarrassed but shifted all his attention to Danny's question, "Yeah, I don't understand either. What's the deal with this game?"

Jason rolled his eyes, and ignored both Rod and Danny, but Fin was nice enough to answer them.

"I'll give you guys a crash course," Fin smiled, "You'll be rugby experts by the end of the night." --

Fin tried his best to explain the game of rugby to both Danny and Rod, but it wasn't the easiest to explain. Rod made a genuine effort to understand, he enjoyed listening to Fin talk about rugby. Rod could tell Fin was passionate about the game and everything that went into it. Danny seemed to be more concerned with what he could eat, leaving Fin's lesson to grab some more food and drinks.

After a few hours of watching and talking about rugby, the drinks flowed, and the food set in. Danny, Jason, and Fin all seemed to have passed out on the chairs and couch. Meanwhile, Rod was also having trouble staying awake.

Rod glanced around the room and saw the mess everyone has made. Napkins littered the floor all around Danny's chair. Empty beer bottles were everywhere as well.

Rod tried his best to get up from the couch as quietly as possible. When he glanced behind himself, Fin still seemed to be asleep still.

Rod made his way around the living room, and started picking up what seemed to be an endless supplied of empty bottles. He tried his best to stop them from clinking and waking anyone up.

"Hey," Fin said in a groggy voice, after waking up from the noise Rod has made, "Let me help."

Rod felt bad about waking Fin, "Sorry man, didn't mean to wake anyone. Wanted to clean up."

Fin got up from the couch and made his way over to Fin while he wiped crumbles off himself and adjusted his shirt.

"No big deal, I'm a light sleeper, and no one else seems to be awake," Fin whispered.

Rod tried to protest, but Fin insisted on helping clean up. Rod gave up, and let Fin help, there was no point in arguing it seemed.

Rod and Fin both did their best to collect all the trash and dishes in the living room, and then made their way into the kitchen.

"I'll get the dishes, Mr. Haywood," Fin said, walking with dirty plates to the sink.

Rod paused as he placed the empty beer bottles into his recycling bin, "First of all, call me Rod. Second, you don't have to do the dishes, I can take care of it."

"It's all good." Fin smirked as he started to run the water, "My mom would throw a fit if she knew you invited me for dinner and I didn't offer to help clean up."

"There's no point in arguing, is there?" Rod asked his rhetorical question.

Fin smiled again, and started to wash the dishes.

"So," Rod started, making his way over to the kitchen island, and leaning against it to talk to Fin, "You were a big shot rugby star back in your day, huh?"

Fin didn't turn around to answer, but Rod could tell from the back of his neck that he was blushing, "I guess I was decent."

"I'm sure you were better than decent," Rod smiled, and gave Fin a playful nudge. "Mr. Haywood, are you drunk?" Fin asked with a smile.

"It's Rod." Rod stated, and now that he thought about it, he definitely still felt a drunk, or at least buzzed, "Yeah, I may have had one too many beers."

Fin chuckled, and kept washing the dishes.

"Tell me more about yourself," Rod insisted, he wasn't sure why, but the buzz had taken over, and he wanted to know Fin more.

"What do you want to know," Fin asked.

"Let's play 20-questions," Rod smiled, "You game?"

"Yeah," Fin nodded, "I'm game. Hit me with your best shot."

"Okay," Rod started to think about anything and everything he could ask, "How old are you?"

"Damn, tough questions, Rod!" Fin joked, "I'm 25, though."

"Alright," Rod nodded, "How-"

"My turn," Fin interrupted with a smile, "Can't let you have all the fun."

"Oh, alright." Rod agreed.

"How old are you?" Fin asked.

"I'm a whopping 43 years old," Rod grimaced, "I'm ancient."

"No way!" Fin turned to look at Rod, "43? I would've guessed mid-30's."

"You're being polite," It was Rod's turn to blush.

"Nah, I'm serious." Fin smiled, as he dried a dish, "Hit me with your next question."

Rod took a moment to think, "How'd you injure your back?"

"I got too cocky during a practice." Fin looked at Rod, "I thought I could do what I wanted, I went into a tackle wrong, and screwed up my back."

"Didn't even happen during a game?" Rod asked, surprised.

"That's the worst part," Fin laughed at himself, "Couldn't even blame it on the heat of a game. It was all my fault. I got too cocky, thought I knew better."

"Geez, sorry to hear that." Rod said.

"I survived," Fin shrugged his shoulder.

Rod and Fin both paused, and there was a silence. Rod could tell that Fin's injury was a sensitive subject.

"How is it being single," Fin asked, "After all this time, must be crazy to be single."

"Wait, what?" Rod asked, "How'd you know?"

"Mr. Mitchel," Fin smiled nervously, not sure if he crossed a line, "He's a gossip, sometimes me and the guys overhear things."

"Oh," Rod wasn't sure what to say, "It's uh, different. It's new. I've been married half my life, there's some much out there I havent'gotten to experience yet."

Fin nodded, not sure how to respond.

"What about you," Rod asked Fin, "Are you dating anyone? Married?"

Rod had seen Fin blush before, but this time he turned a deep shade of red.

"Um," Fin glanced around the room, "I'm single, never been one for settling down."

"Haven't found the right girl," Rod chuckled, playfully hitting Fin's shoulder.

"What uh," Fin stuttered, "What about you, think you're gonna jump back into dating?"

"Me?" Rod pointed at himself, "Probably not. If someone catches my eye, but I don't see any girls doing that anytime soon. I've always had a weird taste, and I'm not even sure what my taste is."

"Fair enough," Fin awkwardly nodded.

"No one's caught your eye yet?" Rod asked, "You're a handsome guy, girls must throw themselves at you."

"Nah, I have a pretty specific taste as well," Fin continued to blush, "Though, someone has caught my eye recently."

"Yeah?" Rod smiled, "Who?"

Fin was silent, staring anywhere but in Rod's direction, "It's no one."

"Oh come on," Rod smiled, getting closer to Fin, and putting his hand on his shoulder, "We're two guys just shooting the shit here. No need to be shy, you can tell me."

With that, Fin looked up at Rod. This time it was Fin looking into Rod's eyes. Rod didn't know how to feel, he always felt embarrassed when Fin caught him looking. He was never even sure why he was so mesmerized by Fin. Now, when Fin looked at him, Rod felt relaxed, he felt okay, and clear.

Before Rod could really even process anything else, Fin leaned in, and pressed his lips against Rod's. At the initial moment of the kiss, Rod's body went ridged, but something came over him, a wave of relaxation. Rod's body relaxed, and he kissed Fin back. He could feel the stumble of Fin's face scratch against him, and the heat of his body coming off onto him.

Rod got lost in the kiss, it was a new experience. Never in his 20 years of marriage did any kiss with his wife feel like his. Any anxiety Rod had had over the last month vanished. Through shear instinct, Rod grabbed the small of Fin's back and pulled him in closer, letting his body touch against Fin's.

Rod could feel himself pulsating, he was so turned on, and never in his life had he felt such a passion before. Before he could do anything else Fin broke the kiss.

"I'm- I'm so sorry," Fin scrambled away from Rod, and grabbed the kitchen island, "I-uh I have to leave."

Rod wanted to stop Fin, but he was so stunned by everything that had just happened, he didn't know how to function.

"I'm really sorry, Mr. Haywood," Fin's voice cracked, as he dashed from the kitchen and into the living room.

Rod could hear Fin rousing the other guys awake. He could hear Jason and Danny asking why Fin was in such a rush.

With that, Rod heard the front door open and slam shut, with Jason chasing behind Fin, asking what was going on.

"Hey Mr. Haywood," Danny smiled as he made his way into the kitchen, "Just wanted to grab some pizza before we left. Fin seems to be in a rush, guess we overslept or something."

Rod was still stunned by what transpired between him and Fin.

"You okay," Danny looked as Rod, as he took a bite of pizza.

"I-uh," Rod tried his best to answer, "Yeah, good. Take the rest if you want."

"Cool," Danny smiled, picking up a box of pizza, "See you Monday, Mr. Haywood."

Danny smiled, and made his way to the front door.

Rod couldn't believe what had just happened, and not even that the kissed happened, but that he was so turned on by it, how badly he wanted Fin.

To Be Continued...


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Hey everyone, it's Max! Sorry to take so long between updates. It's currently finals week and I've been absolutely SWAMPED with work. I hope you all enjoy this new installment in the series, and feel free to contact me about anything you have to say! I love hearing from all of you, and I love the small community that's coming together on my Tumblr.

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Next: Chapter 4

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