Mr Haywoods Awakening

By Max Ollsen

Published on Nov 30, 2016


"Mr. Haywood's Awakening"

Chapter Two

By, Max Ollsen

Copyright (c) 2016 by Max Ollsen. All rights reserved. Except for the use of less than two pages in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical, or other means is forbidden without the express written permission of the author. Express permission is granted to The Nifty Erotic Stories Archive for storage, indexing, retrieval, and display of this work.

Disclaimer: The material in this work is for mature audiences only and contains graphic sexual content and language. It is intended only for those aged 18 and older. All of the characters in this work are assumed to be at least 18 years of age.

This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and settings are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, names, locales, organizations, or persons living or dead, is entirely coincidental. In the real world having sex without using a condom can be very dangerous to your health.

All trademarks used in this work are the sole property of their owners and have been used without permission or endorsement.


Dean's crew of workers had been at Rod's house now for well over a month. It seemed with every step forward the, a problem with the house set them two steps back. First the floor was rotting, then the pipes needed to be replaced, mold behind the walls, the list went on. Rod was starting to wonder if there were actual problems, or if Dean was just looking for some more ways to drain Rod's wallet. It didn't matter though, the bathroom was close to completion, and all that was left to renovate was the guest bedroom.

Rod was on his way home from the gym. Since his bathroom was being renovated he was forced to go to the gym more so he could actually shower and use the facilities, he didn't like using the guest bathroom at his place. Even so, forcing himself to go to the gym was paying off, after only a month Rod was seeing nice improves. He felt better, he looked better, and it gave him something to do to stay out of the house while Fin was there. He liked the guy, but he was uncomfortable around him and didn't know why.

Rod pulled into his driveway and saw the construction crew was still at his house for the day. He stepped out of his car and made his way into his house. When he walked inside he could hear some hammers banging and a power drill whizzing. Rod figured it best not to interrupt the workers, so he went into his kitchen.

"Oh, hey there Mr. Haywood," it was Danny, one of the workers at his place, nice guy but a little dumb, "Hope you don't mind, a few of us just wanted some water."

"Hey Danny," Rod smiled, placing his gym bag on the kitchen island, "Not a problem at all. You guys can help yourselves."

Danny gave Rod a dumb smile, and turned toward the sink to fill his empty glass. Rod made his way over to the fridge to grab a protein shake. When he opened the fridge door he heard a door open from the guest bathroom on the first floor. He didn't think much of it, and tried to decide what flavor protein shake he wanted. When he finally settled on vanilla he grabbed it and closed the fridge door, when he turned around Fin was there, opening his cabinet to grab a glass.

"Oh, uh, hey there Fin," Rod tried to look everywhere but in Fin's direction, "Didn't heard you come in."

"Oh, sorry Mr, Haywood," Fin paused mid-reach for his glass, "Didn't mean to scare you. I'm just really thirsty, hope you don't mind if I get some water."

"You're all good man," Danny chuckled, "Mr. Haywood is a cool guy, he let me get some water already."

Danny raised his glass to show Fin proof.

"Just wanted to make sure. One complaint to Mr. Mitchel and our asses are out of here." Fin replied, while grabbing his own glass.

"You guys don't have to worry," Rod reassured them, "I'm not going complain. You guys are doing some great work up there. Feel free to come and get some water whenever you need it. Hell, make yourselves some sandwiches if you want."

Fin and Danny both smiled as they gulped some water down.

Rod couldn't help but look at Fin with his arms raised to drink. It lifted his shirt and gave the slightest peak at his midriff. He scanned upward to see rings of sweat at his collar and armpit, and the veins of his muscular arms bulging.

"Were you serious about the sandwiches?" Danny asked Rod, bringing him back to reality.

"What?" Rod was a little flustered, "Um, oh, uh, yeah, help yourself."

"Cool!" Danny smiled as he started to search Rod's cabinets for some food.

"Mind if I grab an apple?" Fin asked Rod, pointing at the fruit basket on his kitchen counter.

"Like I said," Rod gave Fin a quick glance, trying not to stare too long again, "Help yourselves."

Fin nodded as he grabbed an apple, giving Rod a quizzical look.

Rod picked up on the slight tension in the room and decided to change the subject, "So, uh, how's the master bath coming along."

"It's going well," Fin took a bite of his apple and gave it a couple chews before swallowing, "Should be done the master bath in a day or two. Then we can start the guest room."

"Yeah," Danny agreed, while absolutely memorized by the monstrous sandwich he made.

"Jesus Christ, Danny!" Fin yelled, "Mr. Haywood said help yourself to some food, not clear the pantry."

Danny didn't know what to do, he was mid bite, so he just scanned the room looking back and forth at Fin and Rod to gauge their reactions.

"It's fine," Rod stated, "it really is."

"Okay man, it's your food bill." Fin replied after finishing his apple, "Where's your trash can?"

"Over here," Rod pointed Fin in the direction towards the trash can next to him.

"Thanks," Fin smiled as he made way over.

Rod noticed his smile and looked away quickly.

"Hey, Mr. Haywood," Fin said softly, now standing next to Rod, throwing away his apple, "I just wanted to say sorry if I did something to offend you or piss you off."

Rod was taken back, and didn't know how to respond.

"I know I was late the first day," Fin continued, "That wasn't professional, and it wasn't a great first impression at all."

"Fin, I told you, it's fine." Rod was blushing a little, he was never one for confrontation.

"Really?" Fin cocked his head to the side, "Are you sure? I can't help but feel there's a tension whenever I come in the room. The last couple of weeks I've wanted to say something. I ever considered asking Mr. Mitchel to switch me to a different job site."

"No, no." Rod was embarrassed now, he didn't mean to make Fin feel like that, he didn't know why Fin made him act the way he did, "Don't do that Fin, I've just been on edge since my divorce settlement, nothing against you."

Rod didn't know what else to say, he was hoping Fin bought his lie. He couldn't tell Fin that he had to stop himself from visually undressing him every time he saw him.

"Oh," Fin replied, looking down at his feet, "That makes sense. Guess I was just making something out of nothing."

Rod could tell he wasn't buying it, and that made him feel worse.

"How about this," Rod smiled as he put his hand on Fin's shoulder, "Why don't I make it up to you guys. You've all been working hard here, and I don't want to be the asshole customer making your lives hell."

"That sounds cool," Fin smiled, looking up at Rod.

Rod made eye contact with Fin, looking into his warm browns eyes. He started to scan his face, he noticed a small scar under his right brow that made a small cut into the hair. He also noticed the light freckles scattered Fin's face that even seemed to make their way onto his upper lip. Rod couldn't help but notice how nice Fin's lips were, they looked soft.

"So what's the plan?" Once again, Danny interrupted.

Again, Rod was startled back to reality, and broke eye contact with Fin.

"What?" Rod asked Danny.

"You said you were gonna make it up to us," Danny gave another one of his dumb smiles, "Because of how awkward it's been between you and Fin, Mr. Haywood."

"Danny," Fin hissed, "Shut up. Get back to work."

"No, he's right," Rod agreed, "I haven't been the nicest of customers, I should make it up to you guys. What do you say I order us some pizzas and pick up a couple six packs?"

"Mr. Haywood, seriously it isn't -" Fin started but Danny interrupted him.

"Sounds awesome," Danny cheered, "I'll go let the other guys know!"

Danny threw his dirty plate and glass in the sink and scurried his way throw the kitchen and hallway to make his way up the steps.

"You don't have to do this," Fin plead, "It really isn't necessary."

"Fin," Rod tried to give his best blank expression, "Don't worry about it, really. I'd be more than happy to."

Fin tried to argue again but Rod stopped him.

"Go get back to work, the food we'll be here in an hour or two."

"Alright," Fin gave a nod as he turned his back, "thank you."

Rod's eyes were glued to Fin's jeans as he watched the way they hugged his butt. It took a second before he caught himself.

"Seriously, Rod?" He asked himself, "What is wrong with you lately?"

To be continued...


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Hey everyone, it's Max! I hope the pace I'm taking is worth it! I want to build a relationship before I jump into things. Please feel free to contact and give me feedback or say hey!


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Next: Chapter 3

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