Mr. Dillinger's Man

Published on Mar 3, 2020


Mr. Dillinger's Man 2

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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The next morning started with a good, hearty breakfast and a hike around the lake led by Frederic and Smoky. The wrestlers were not country boys, so it was new to them. Frederic and Smoky were good guides. Frederic was interesting and knew a lot about the Adirondacks. Smoky had personal stories of adventures and misadventures in the mountains.

When we got back to the Camp, we had a skinny dip and enjoyed the clear crisp mountain air. It was mostly enjoying the water and not sexual foreplay. Several of Frederic and Smoky's friends joined us for lunch. It was an odd, but successful mixture. Frederic's friends, Josh and Isaac, were corporate types who liked wresting. Smoky pals, Tank and Joe, were red-neck locals, and Denny's friends, Jack and Moose, were young guys on the wrestling team. Since we were naked from the swim, they stripped.

They all liked wrestling, but they also liked man sex. All of them had sexually connected with Frederic, Smoky or Denny. They all knew it was going to be naked wrestling with a naked audience. I made sure that Smoky and Denny's friends knew the winner fucks the loser tradition. Denny told me that was the way he made friends on the team.

The most of new guests were awed by the wrestlers' muscles and physiques. The wrestlers liked the admiration. No one avoided looking at crotches. I worried the wrestlers would object to the new guests. Wrestlers like bigger crowds. It was even better if the crowd was appreciative and naked.

Lunch was good. I heard Killer talking with Tank, one of Denny's pals. It was clear they were arranging a date. Tank was big and muscular and they got along well.

The first of the afternoon matches featured Boomer and Bobby. Bobby was much smaller than Boomer, but he was fast. Boomer showed off his muscles; Bobby showed off his gymnastic skills. The two men liked each other, and it was playful. Bobby paid attention to Boomer's cock, and even licked it a few times. The audience liked that.

The second round was more sexual and ended with Boomer pinning Bobby. As he pinned Bobby, Boomer managed to push his cock into Bobby ass. It was a lightning fast movement but turned into an unexpectedly beautiful fuck session.

The weekend was a total success. While the wrestlers mostly topped, they also liked taking a friendly cock for pure recreation and relaxation. Ivor fucked Tony. Tony said it was nice to lie back and relax, while Ivor got all hot and bothered. "Every time he seemed to get tired, I'd squeeze his cock with my sphincter, and we would be of to the races again," Tony said. "I counted eight to ten major ejaculations. They tickled and that was good too.

Boomer took Moose's dick. "He was willing to get fucked. Moose told me was used to losing and his hole had stretched some. I told him that I had as itch deep in my ass and wouldn't mind if he scratched it, Boomer said. I figured that since he was young, he would shoot off quickly. I was sort of right about that, he shot off quickly, but he didn't lose his erection. He shot of again a few minutes later and then a third time. I don't know if it was a three part orgasm or if it was a triple. It was good. I was just being nice, and it turned out to be great.

Bobby walked by me and I managed to snag his cock. He was drooling pre cum. As I sucked him, Isaac rear ended me. I had known him for years, but never been with him in a sexual situation, or even been naked together. Isaac was thin and tall. His cock head was large, but his shaft was thin.

"I asked Frederic if you were available for play. I didn't want to trespass on his special reserve. He said yes," Isaac said as his cock slipped deeper into me. I soon realized his cock had pushed past the previous record penetrations. He must have been nine or ten inches into me.

"I have an inch or two more, if you can take it," Isaac said. I told him to push deeper and then returned to sucking Bobby. Bobby shot off and I took his load. Isaac shot off a few minutes later. When he pulled out apparently Tank was in line and his fat knob was poked at my ass pucker.

"Are you ready for more?" he asked. I had thought I had taken my limit, but some how his cock head changed my mind. I nodded and he pushed. My sphincter was stretched and complained, but before I could react, my prostate yelled out, "Hello Big Boy!" Tank's bloated cock head made a direct hit on my prostate. I was in heaven.

Tank fucked my prostate, not my ass. His fat cock head was the tip of a six-inch, fat shaft. Tank later told me most guys had trouble taking it and even fewer enjoyed it. He pulled out a few times to let me catch my breath, and it was easier to take each time re-entered.

"Can I shoot off in you?" he asked. "I've never rear loaded a guy before." I said yes, and he was shooting a second or two later. Technically he shot off slightly before I said yes, but I gave him points for being polite.

Tank was a good wrestler, but he tended to win in inter-scholastic matches and loose in practices with his team. He was a big, clunky, shy guy who had trouble making friends. After most of his teammates had fucked him a few times, they became much more friendly.

It was getting late and the party broke up. Frederic fucked me that night. He told me that my cum-filled ass was a turn on. There was a pre-dawn outbreak of lust, but the wrestlers had to get back to New York, and the rest of the weekend was quiet.

Boomer was a big-time wrestler. He wasn't in the ring much anymore, but he had connections and arranged many successful events. They were popular and profitable for the wrestlers. Of course, he was connected to wrestlers who were into nude wrestling. Nude wrestling wasn't a profit source; it was purely recreational, a chance for the men to relax and have fun.

Mr. Dillinger's camp was an ideal site for naked events. It was beautiful, secluded and private. The wrestlers could let their hair down and keep their cocks up. They could be themselves without their fans discovering their secrets. The "bad boy" wrestlers could be on their backs begging the top to go deeper and no one would ever know. Everyone at the camp was versatile and friendly. You could suck very cock and fuck every ass. You could join in every group or stay with that special someone. Everything was possible.

Boomer was a promoter. He knew everyone. He didn't want a visit to the camp to be a profit center. That might be prostitution. He didn't like that, and most of the wrestlers would be deeply offended. They were jocks, not rent boys. Boomer thought the camp could be a free benefit of associating with him. The camp was a place to relax and get your rocks off with like minded pals.

Mr. Dillinger was interested, but only as an observer. If I made all the arrangements with Boomer, he was fine with that. In theory he would have nothing to do with the events. I wasn't happy with that, but my lusts and urges over came common sense.

Boomer's plan was to add other wrestlers to the original group. The original group knew the limits. Eventually we might build up the numbers, but that would take time. We had to make sure no one was hurt physically or mentally. We didn't want any jealous rages, or matches turning mean.

Three months later in the early fall, Boomer assembled a group of eight wrestlers. I was surprised to have two well known men in the group. Crow Magnum was a huge, hairy man who purported to be descended from cavemen. The other man, in public known as Master Ajax was impressively mean.

I was with Boomer when he met with the new men. Boomer made it clear that our event was for fun, not a win or lose battle. "You will get to fuck, but you had better expect to welcome a few cocks in your behinds," Boomer explained. They seemed to understand that. He also added that the select audience could participate and asked if they were only interested in other wrestlers.

"I limit myself to cocks that are hard," Crow Magnum answered. "I like it bareback. Is everyone tested?"

Boomer said they were all okay, and that every participant had to be tested by his doctor. They would be retested at the camp.

The other surprise wrestlers were the Kelly Twins, Ian and Fergus. They were small, muscular men who were regularly parts of tag team matches. They were usually paired with much bigger men and the matches had a comic aspect. They were sexually versatile, and flexible.

The last of the new wrestlers was Tyrone, the African Queen. He was a Black, cross dresser with enhanced breasts and a bouffant wig. He was also muscular and clearly well hung. He told us that he liked cross dressing, but when it came to sex, he was 100% gay. "I think of myself as being insatiable. I would love to be in a situation where I can test my limits," he explained.

The wrestlers arrived the camp on the last Friday in September. The trees had changed, and the colors were spectacular. The camp looked like a picture postcard of the glories of the Fall. The original group of wrestlers and the audience where there with the new men.

Joining the audience were two of Dillinger's friends, Ivor and Teddy. They were heirs of large fortunes and spent most of there time in clubs and on vacations. Tommy Virtue, a Broadway star was there. He was the baritone, romantic lead in several musicals. A man called Dudley Lamont was with him. Dudley had been a heart teen aged throb in movies 25 years earlier. He had aged. He still looked good for his age, but he was clearly older, and that was not sellable.

I was a bit surprised that Frederic, Smoky, Tank, Moose and Denny the regular guys at the camp were popular with the wrestlers. I think they were like many of their fans, so they were used to men who liked them.

It was an unusually warm day, so the men went swimming. That turned out to be nude swimming. Both the wrestlers and the guests admired the fall colors and the impressive male anatomy.

We had a superb dinner of venison and local produce. An hour later we had the first tag team match. Boomer and Ian versus Crow Magnum and Fergus. Killer and the African Queen were the referees. Boomer was old by wrestling standards, but he wanted to show he was a good sport and get the matches off to a good start. The African Queen was there to add comic relief. He had worn a bikini earlier. He was nude here and the combination of surgically enhanced breasts and a ten-inch cock were attention getting. Killer was serious about keeping the match friendly.

Boomer and Crow Magnum are massive, comparatively slow-moving men. The twins were gymnastic and quick. The first portion of the match served to demonstrate the wrestlers' skills and techniques. The Kelly twins could literally do summersaults over their slower opponents. When the bigger men caught them, they picked them up like dolls. It was both impressive and amusing.

We had a ten-minute break. Since the teams had one big and one small man, they were well matched. The second part of the match was more free wheeling and openly sexual. It seemed to be carefully planned beginning with a quick lick of the opponent's cock and moving on to sucking. The audience and the wrestlers got into it. The African Queen was fully erect and giving the audience few samples.

Some of the men had been uneasy about the African Queen. He said he wasn't a transvestite but rather a female impersonator. Apparently either was acceptable since he or she was sexually generous. Killer called Crow Magnum and Fergus winners. Fergus fucked Boomer, and Crow fucked Ian. After a few pokes, Crow fucked Boomer as Boomer fucked Fergus and Ian poked Crow.

When they broke apart, Boomer made an announcement. "Our official matches are over and will resume after lunch tomorrow," he said. "There are no official activities for the rest of the night. Feel free to chat or go to bed. I know many of you are city boys, and the fresh Adirondack air may make you sleepy." There was laughter. "If you want more strenuous activity you can stay me and make new friends."

"There are some house rules. Yes, means yes and no means no. It's nice it you are full service. I take and give. I am here to get hot, bothered and shoot off. Don't tell someone you aren't interested once something is on the dark side of your sphincter. Don't ask someone to not shoot off if he as already ejaculated once. One more thing. The African Queen likes to be the first in a virgin's ass. All the virgins here can get in line." From the laughter that comment generated, the line would not be overly long.

It turned out that while there were no virgins in the room, there were several men who had never taken a Blackman's cock in the ass before. I thought that all sperm is white, it made no difference in the color of the cock. A Black cock was exotic to some, but forbidden fruit for others. Frederic's friend Ivor told he could visualize his father spinning in his grave as the African Queen's cock popped into his ass and went way deep. "I shot off and Tyrone was pleased. He pulled out after that and told me he would give me a nice, long fuck complete with a sperm bath for my prostate later this weekend," Ivor said.

"You want that?" I asked.

Ivor nodded. "Sometimes cock's have personalities. Tyrone had a friendly cock. He was enjoying himself. I felt like we could become friends, or at least his cock could befriend my ass," he explained.

It is hard to keep track of the couplings of the next hour and a half. It might surprise some, but none of the guests or wrestlers decided to call it a night and go to bed. Tommy and Dudley gave a good demonstration on how to keep their fans' happy. Wrestler's aren't much into Broadway, and some of the guys were kids when Dudley was a star. He said he learned his sucking skills on the casting couch years earlier, and he hadn't lost the skill.

I was in a group of men that included Crow Magnum, Smoky, Tank, Killer, Tyrone, Teddy and Fergus. When you look at a man, you easily make assumptions about their personalities and sexual interests. Crow was a good top, but an even better bottom. He was always active when wrestling. He liked relaxing during sex and letting the other guy do the work. Smoky seemed like an old country boy. He liked to top and take the lead. Teddy spent a lot of time at the gym and had a beautiful body, but he was timid and shy. Fergus was aggressive and Tyrone was effeminate when he was soft, and a he-man when he was hard.

The event felt different this time. I had sex with Frederic once or twice a week and found a new playmate at the gym every year or two. Meeting new sex playmates was rare. The first nude wresting episode was new to me and exciting, but it seemed like a fluke, an unusual break in my well-ordered life. This was the beginning of what might become a regular event.

I thought of myself as being selective. At the last event I had several year's supply of cocks in my mouth and up my ass. I wondered if that was what I wanted.

I laughed to myself. The answer to my question was a clear yes. I liked meeting men for the first time and sitting on their cocks an hour later. I loved sucking a huge man, getting him off and taking every drop of his sperm. As I took his man juice, I felt him relax. The tension drooled from his body as I licked it up. If he filled my ass a second time, his cock would shoot as it gently massaged my ass. His cock was doing me a favor.

I hadn't realized the variety of cocks and sexual techniques. Every man has different hot spots and preferences, techniques and skills. I knew that even after my adventures with the wrestlers and staff, I had barely begun to explore the possibilities.

That night Mr. Dillinger was with Teddy and Crow Magnum. I spent the night with the African Queen, Master Ajax and Dudley. The African Queen told me he was Tyrone when he was hard. Ajax told me he preferred to be called Denny outside the ring. He also told us that he was almost all top, and if we had delicate asses, we might go elsewhere. Dudley told him that he lost his virginity on a casting couch when he was 15, and he hadn't missed it and he hadn't considered started looking for it yet.

I started sucking Denny as Dudley had what he thought was his first experience with a Black man's cock in his behind. He had been wild in his post movie star years, and his memories of that period were fuzzy. Tyron told him there was nothing fuzzy about his cock and promised it would be memorable.

Denny had a six-inch, uncut cock that was almost two inches in diameter. After I worked the skin back his cock head was sensitive and responsive to every movement of my tongue.

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