Mr. Dillinger's Man

Published on Feb 10, 2020


Mr. Dillinger's Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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Frederic Dillinger was not even remotely related to the gangster. He was a shy, reclusive millionaire. While he inherited wealth, but he had earned hundreds of millions more. He had an interest in computers dating back to the Univac era in the 1960's. He invested well and had a good sense about which pie-in-the-sky computer geeks had a good idea and which were dreamers. He invested wisely.

I am Walter Smith, his butler-valet. While Frederic is a brilliant man, his ability to function do day to day tasks without assistance is limited. I run his penthouse in New York City and his camp in the Adirondacks. He loves the camp, which is in what I call the Millionaire Rustic Style. It sits on a 2000 acre fully wooded lot with a 50-acre lake and a modest ten bedrooms.

I had met Frederic twenty years earlier when I gave him a stunningly successful blowjob. While Frederic was a brilliant businessman, he had the social skills of a newt. He was stranded in a snowstorm and shared a room with me at a motel. We ended in bed with his cock in my mouth. When he shot off a new world opened for him. I later discovered he rarely jerked off. his ejaculated buckets of sweet, thick semen. I loved his extended orgasms and the taste of his home brew. We weren't exactly lovers, but we did get along. I was an outlet for his sexual needs.

I was basically a barely employable English major. I needed a job. I became his butler and drained his balls a few times a week. I am more adventurous than he, and he enjoyed that. While he spent most of his time running his business affairs. He had recreational outlet. Frederic enjoyed watching wrestlers. He enjoyed them a lot.

I am a fitness freak and went to a gym in Manhattan. It was exclusive and expensive. It was all male and open minded about their members' inclinations. It also had showers, a sauna and whirlpools. I am open minded and well equipped. While I am an ordinary guy, I or more correctly my cock tends to sparkle in the showers. I told Frederic the stories about my adventures. He enjoyed them greatly.

Several of the men were wrestlers and my encounters with them excited Frederic greatly. They were physically impressive but tended to work low wage jobs. Their focus on wrestling tended to exclude other interests. While I am not muscular, apparently a large cock is a good substitute for muscles. I came to know a few of the men well.

They liked to be as close to naked in the main exercise room. That showed off their impressive bodies. In the showers the subject of nude wrestling came up in the discussion of the ancient Greek sport. I also knew that the victor screws the loser in some informal bouts at home.

I told Frederic about this and of course he was interested as was I. Quite frankly, I am interested in anything even remotely connected to sex. Frederic had a more limited interest related to wrestlers. He wondered if he might possibility watch a nude wrestling match.

Several weeks later I had conversation with Boomer Bannon, one of the wrestlers. I told him of my employer's interest. He told me he liked wrestling nude, but it was hard to find a private place to wrestle. He also said it sometimes became intimate and not suitable for children, if I got his meaning.

I mentioned I had access to a secluded mountain camp. Perhaps, we could spend a long weekend wrestling and relaxing.

"That sounds interesting," Boomer replied. "You do know what I mean by intimate?"

I nodded. "You do know I am a butler. I can clean up anything that drips, drool's or spurts," I said. "That is anything I don't use for my own enjoyment." Boomer laughed. He knew that in the shower's I liked to taste the slippery stuff before it hit the floor.

"It will be really private?" he asked. I nodded. He told me he would check with a few of his pals.

I told Frederic about my meeting with Boomer. He was excited. He asked me to see what could be arranged.

A few days later Boomer sat next to me in the sauna. We were alone. "I've found some guys who might be interested," he said, "They had some questions."

"Shoot," I said,

"They wanted how private is private? They don't want anyone to know they are into that sort of stuff," he asked.

"It's safe to say that it couldn't be any more private. My employer feels the same way," I said.

"The second question is how naked? There is a difference between a muscle magazine's photo shoot naked and cum drooling from your ass you have been fucked," he asked.

"Nothing is out-of-bounds other than pain and photos," I said. "If you can do it with a cock, mouth or ass, it's okay," I explained. "Orgasms are definitely acceptable."

"Are you and the host going to participate?"

"I think you know me well enough to know I am open to the possibilities. The host may or may not participate. If I were to guess he will not, but his cock and ass may," I said. "He will pay all your expenses of course."

"The guys aren't rent boys," Boomer said.

I smiled. "I fully understand that. He pays me as a butler. The sex is free and mutually pleasurable," I explained.

Labor Day weekend was two weeks away and we decided to aim for that as a good time to get together. Boomer introduced me to the other men in the intervening period.

Killer Johnson was big guy who was the security man for upscale jeweler. His job was to look scary and stay close to customers who were acting up. He was blond and looked like a Nordic god, a mean Nordic god. Tony Venezolano was a buffed man, with more hair on his chest than on his head. Bobby Noble was a young, hyperactive guy. He was partially deaf and had been ignored until he discovered wrestling. Helmut Kohn was an older guy who had the body of a 30-year-old. I had seen them all at the gym. They seemed to be pleasant men.

I picked them up on Friday morning, drove them to an airport and we took a private plane to the Adirondacks. The nearest airport was twenty miles away, and we drove through thick forests. The men were all city boys and it was all new to them. We drove through a security gate to the house. It was named Camp Carefree and was a huge stone and timber pile.

Timber is not quite the right word. It was built of stone and tree trunks. If you wanted a house that matched the tastes of brawny wrestlers, Camp Carefree was a perfect match. They loved it. Frederic had restored the house and added a heated indoor swimming pool and an adjacent exercise room and shower facilities.

The fulltime resident of the Camp was Smoky Miller. He was an old Hippie type who like to hunt, fish and cook. The Smoky nickname was weed related. He was very laidback. When we arrived, he was swimming naked in the pool and greeted the men warmly. He was tall, thin and almost scrawny. His cock could serve as a third leg in an emergency. He tended to show it off.

Sometimes, I forgot that Frederic was a good-looking man. He was unpretentious, quiet and shy. He was good-looking but not stunning. He didn't intimidate. The wrestlers attracted him, so he overcame his shyness and talked with them. We had a lunch of beautifully cooked, freshly caught trout and fresh vegetables. That was exactly what the wrestlers would have expected in a rustic cabin.

We ate on a sunny terrace that overlooked the lake and the views were suitable for a picture postcard. There was a lower level terrace with wrestling matts. After eating and talking for a while, we moved to the lower level.

Boomer asked me if it was time to start the wrestling matches. I said that was up to him and his friends. Frederic asked if he had any problem with the onlookers being nude. Boomer said that was fine with him. The audience small with only Frederic, Smoky and his helper, Denny watching.

The first match was between Helmut and Bobby. Helmut was older and bigger; Bobby was much faster and more nimble. They were well matched, and both were athletic and handsome. Killer was the referee.

The match began with conventional, collegiate wrestling. Bobby added his own acrobatic moves. Helmut was a weightlifter and was able to bodily pick up Bobby. I have no real interest in wrestling, but I had to admit nudity made it more interesting. The cocks were still more soft than hard, but some of the actions gave us a clear view of the genitals.

I didn't know if Bobby and Helmut were close friends, they seemed to interact like friends. I didn't know if that was the case, or if nude wrestling encourages making friends quickly. That would seem to be counterintuitive but being up close and personal with another man's genitals would encourage me to get friendly.

Cocks touched, when Helmut was close to Bobby's cock, he quickly kissed it. I thought it might be a secret, little lick, but everyone in our select audience noticed. Both men's cocks filled out. We had a brief brake and the wrestling resumed.

By this time, both cocks were fully erect and there was no way to avoid contact. By this time. I was fully convinced that the two men were lovers. Bobby was tired and less acrobatic. There was far more body contact. Our little audience was excited too, as were Boomer and Tony.

Bobby slipped, Helmut saw the slip and quickly pinned him. The match was over. Helmut was pleased. I think the match was more difficult than he expected, and it was a good, solid win for him.

"We are going to have a little break now before Tony and I have a match," Boomer announced. "There are no official rules to naked wrestling. I was going to say there were no hard and fast rules. To tell you the truth, the rules would more likely be hard and slow. Helmut wants to take his victory poke later tonight."

"If any of you would like to console Bobby for his loss you could leave a little home-grown lube in his ass." Boomer added. "Boomer is a big boy and extra lube would be nice."

"Me first!" Denny said. Denny was thirty and was described as borderline. Smoky thought his problems were related to his parents, who didn't send him to school until he was nine years old when the county found him. He seemed child like sometimes, but his cock wasn't childlike at all.

Bobby and Denny got along well. Frederic watched them closely. He tended to be timid and he wanted to see what the wrestlers' sexual techniques were like. Smoky was next to them to give advice. There was no need for advice. Bobby sat on Denny's cock and then they traded places. It was obviously good for both men.

The second match featured Boomer and Tony. They were both big hairy men. Boomer had reddish-blond hair; Tony's hair was pitch black. Tony's uncut cock seemed to be larger than Boomer's tool, but they were almost the same when they were erect. Killer refereed. I had noticed he had been limping. Boomer told me he had twisted his leg and that was why he was the referee.

I thought seeing more men doing the same thing might be uninteresting. I was wrong. Wresting is all body contact and it seemed borderline erotic to me. Nude wresting is well over the borderline. Cocks are either in the limelight or almost trying to get out of the light. If you are gay, they are the main attraction. The complicated positions and hold are just a big game of hide and seek for the cock and the ass.

I had a strong feeling that all four wrestlers had more experience with nude wrestling than they told me. I didn't think the wrestlers were doing a stock routine. It looked spontaneous and unrehearsed. Boomer and Tony were sweating like pigs, and that added to the show. Frederic was in heaven; they took a break.

I suggested that we take a bigger break and go for a swim in the lake. Adirondack lakes tend to be very deep and cold. The Camp was on a rock ledge and there was some shallow water that warmed up in the sun. We played in the water until a thunderstorm appeared out of nowhere. The mountains were high enough to hide the approaching storm. We ran to the lodge sat in the great room. We decided to postpone Boomer and Tony's match until after dinner.

As is typical of mountain storms, the temperature dropped dramatically. Frederic started the fire in the oversized fireplace. It had become a dark and stormy night, but the house was warm and comfortable. It was the perfect image of a mountain cottage. I helped cook dinner with Smoky and Tony helping. It was freshly caught venison and a fresh fruit salad with just baked bread.

We were all laid back, and the atmosphere was informal. That was rare in Frederic's presence. He was almost always a bit tense and the tenseness spread. That might be because we were all still nude and his hard to pull rank when you are naked. Nudity makes all men equal.

We were all equal except for Boomer. He had three, thick inches of additional equality. Frederic asked Boomer if these nude matches were rare.

"They aren't exactly rare, but they aren't common either," he explained. It depends on the place and the interested parties. You might have one every six or seven months, or they might be monthly. If one of the westers had a suitable venue, it might be more often."

"Sometimes you get in with a congenial bunch of guys and it's pretty regular," he added.

"What makes a wrestler congenial?" I asked. "A good many wrestlers seem to be pretty aggressive."

"Aggressive is okay as long as it's a fair fight and you can admit you lost," Boomer explained. "Since you guys are open minded, I can tell you it's helpful if you can bottom. The man who loses the match takes the cock of the winner. Not taking the cock is as bad as when a betting man doesn't pay up. When you make a bet, you pay."

"Does the loser take the winner's load?" Frederic asked.

"Cock fun is one thing, sperm trading is another," Helmut said. "It changes plain old fun into something more intimate. It gets personal."

"That seems odd to me," I said. "Is it a love token?"

"Let's just say fucking a guy is one thing, seeding him is another," Boomer explained. "It's a little like being blood brothers in the old cowboy movies."

"Do you trade seed?" I asked.

"All wrestlers fight to win. But we all know that someday we're going to lose. Everyone gets hurt. Everyone gets old. If you lose to an old friend, a cock up your ass with a sperm chaser is in your future," Boomer said.

"I shot off in Bobby's ass," Denny said.

"That's different," Helmut said, "That is lubricant!" The men laughed. The dinner was good, and everyone was in a good mood.

Bobby was siting with Denny as Boomer and Tony got ready for the next match. Bobby leaned over to Denny and said, "Cum is the best lube." Denny smiled.

I suspected that fucking the loser was a tradition expression of dominance. Cocks seem to be free to enjoy anything they want. Maybe you want to dominate, but your cock might crave affection and intimacy.

Nude wrestling doesn't need to be pornographic. The normal moves and hold leave your cock and ass in either exposed or intimate positions. It is always sexually stimulating. Boomer and Tony used classic wrestling positions and it was stimulating for them and for our small audience.

The second part of the match was better and more sexual than the first bout. All the wrestlers and onlookers were excited. The match was a draw.

Boomer came forward. "We've had a good time here. It's been fun. We were wondering of you guys would like to join in? This would be a teaching session so we will be gentle." That suggestion was greeted with enthusiasm.

"There is one little quirk. Winning and losing like a man is important in wrestling. If you lose you might find one part of your anatomy stretched some. Do you understand what I am saying?" Boomer asked.

"That's a small price to pay for the experience," Frederic said.

"Just remember, some parts of us aren't that small," Killer Johnson added.

"I noticed. The big parts are why I'm willing to lose!" Smoky said. There was laughter and we broke up into little groups. The wrestler selected their partner.

I was surprised that Killer picked me. We got into position. I have a bad leg so be careful," he whispered. "You have a good cock. I wouldn't mind taking it after light's out. Do you think you can take mine?"

"I don't mind a challenge," I replied. I thought to myself that it might be unwise to encourage a gay named Killer Johnson, but it turned out that Killer Johnson the wrestler was a different man than Killer the fucker. While fucking the loser was expected, splitting him in half was not okay. We had a little wrestling session, but his cock had an almost magnetic effect on me. I couldn't get enough of it, and fortunately, Killer had a lot to give.

Next: Chapter 2

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