Mr. Brooks' Summer Camp

By Daniel Lawrence

Published on Nov 7, 2007



This is a work of fiction and should be treated as such. Any similarities to anyone or anything are purely coincidental. Remember that we live in a world of AIDS, and use a condom.

I'm Daniel - I'm 18 and this is my first story ever. Make sure you send any comments to, I can't wait to hear from you! Enjoy!

Mr. Brooks' Summer Camp By Daniel Lawrence

It was a hot summer afternoon and Jake felt like time has stopped while he was hiking through a forest and discussing Hamlet with Mr. Brooks. He was a part of Mr. Brooks' annual summer school for seniors, and was having a blast. He was a student at an all-boys school, and was hoping he would get accepted into an Ivy-League college. Jake and his peers were all talented, committed students who sacrificed some of their adolescent fun in order to go to this demanding boarding school. Mr. Brooks was their English teacher, and also their favorite. He was around 40, in shape and it was known that he actively took part in sports and worked out. He was one of those teachers who never hesitate to do or say what it takes in order for the kids to understand a lesson. He would often cuss in class, tell jokes, but he was also a no-nonsense kind of guy, and you really had to work hard in order for him to give you a good grade. However, the boys liked him, and considered him more of a friend, than just a teacher.

Earlier that morning, it was hot as hell. Jake was lying on his bed only in his boxers, smoking his third Marlboro and trying to finish his essay on Hamlet. He was supposed to have a one-on-one tutoring with Mr. Brooks that day, and it was crucial that he writes a good essay. As he was sweating over his papers and three different dictionaries, he heard the door of the cabin open and one of his roommates enter. He turned around and saw Dan, one of his mates, who was known for being obsessed with working out and who often said that he would get a sport scholarship if his dad wasn't insisting on education. The results of his hard work in the gym were obvious, and Jake had no problem witnessing them since Dan wasn't wearing anything. It wasn't anything unusual, though, since all the boys lived together for 4 years and were no longer the least bit shy with each other.

With a loud sigh, Dan dropped on the bed next to Jake and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Shit man, you're all wet," said Jake, kicking Dan's leg under a weird angle.

"Jake, just chill man, it's so hot you'll be dry in no time" replied Dan and reached for Jake's cigarettes. Lighting one, he added, "That outside shower is fucking fantastic, maybe you should try it!"

"No way, I have to finish this stupid essay. How was your private lesson with Brooks yesterday?"

"It was ok, I guess" replied Dan lazily. "We both knew I suck at writing essays, but he was helpful as always, and a little annoying, too. I mean, why can't he just accept I am never gonna study English?"

"I don't know, I guess he believes in you, or whatever" replied Jake. "Anyway, this is as good as it is gonna get. I wonder if I have the time for that shower you mentioned."

As he was finishing the sentence, the door of the cabin swung open once again and in came Mr. Brooks, dressed in his hiking gear - boots, shorts and a shirt.

"Parsons, are you ready? It's 11 already, we need to get going!" shouted Brooks, not paying attention to Dan being naked. Jake didn't know how Dan could be so comfortable with everybody - being naked with his friends was one thing, but he couldn't imagine himself being naked in front of the teacher. True, Mr. Brooks didn't seem to care, but.

"Yes, um. I'll be ready in a minute", replied Jake, collecting his papers and getting dressed. He put on some shorts and a T-shirt, and thought he was going to die of heat. While he was getting ready, Dan was chatting with Mr. Brooks about the essay he needed to rewrite. He put some socks on, tied his shoes and went out after his teacher.

"I thought we could brainstorm and keep in shape at the same time, what do you think Parsons?" asked Mr. Brooks.

"Um, sure. Where are we going?"

"There's a new trail leading through the woods, and I haven't hiked that way before. So we're in for a little adventure."

"Cool.", replied Jake and started into the woods behind his teacher.

It was afternoon already, and they haven't stopped once. Jake was exhausted, both physically and mentally, discussing Hamlet over and over again with Mr. Brooks, who didn't seem to get tired at all. He was also completely disoriented, since he had no idea where they were, and it felt like they were the only two people in the world, since there were no people here whatsoever. The cabins were located in a pretty secluded area, and since Mr. Brooks reserved all of them for him and his students, they were pretty much alone. Despite his being tired, he was having a good time with Mr. Brooks.

After walking some more, Mr. Brooks stopped and looked like he was concentrating on something. He suddenly changed the direction, went out of the beaten path and into the deep forest. Jake had no idea where they were heading, until he heard a waterfall. All of a sudden, they could see it - a small waterfall and a big lake in the middle of some trees.

"Isn't this ideal?" asked Brooks cheerfully and proceeded to some rocks right above the lake. "Care for a swim?" he asked, laughing at Jake's sweat-stained clothes.

"Um, sure, it would be great, but I didn't bring any swimming trunks", replied Jake, not knowing what Mr. Brooks was thinking.

There was a grin on his teachers face. "Neither did I, Parsons. But I thought we wouldn't be this bashful and just skinny-dipped? Is that all right with you?"

"Oh, yeah, um. Sure!" said Jake while he was getting over this embarrassment and pulling his sticky T-shirt over his head. Once he got it off, he could see the topless Mr. Brooks take his shoes off. He was really muscled, with hard pecs and a flat tummy. Jake unbuttoned his shorts and slid them down, then took them off. Then he sat down on the rocks and started taking his shoes. Once he was just in his boxers, he stood up, finding Mr. Brooks stark naked in front of him with another grin on his face. His cock was hanging low between his strong legs and his nutsack was hanging even longer. He had some pubic hair, but it looked like he kept it trimmed.

"Come on, Parsons, while we're young", said Mr. Brooks, approached him, and with a tug, yanked Jake's boxers down to his ankles. "Hmm, nothing I haven't seen before", said the teacher, and with a laugh and a slap on Jake's bare butt, he ran to the edge of the rock and dived into the water. Getting over yet another embarrassment, Jake stepped out of his boxers and dived too.

"Ah, feels good" said Jake, just to get a conversation started and to show that he was not a complete idiot.

"Yeah, it sure does" replied Mr. Brooks, swimming in a circle around Jake. Jake suddenly felt he was getting hard and there was nothing he could do about it. He never considered himself gay - he never considered himself anything really, since he has gotten hard when watching naked men before, but has so far only been with one girl, his only serious girlfriend who had left him for some loser 5 months ago.

Suddenly, Jake couldn't see Mr. Brooks anywhere around, and then with a splash, his teacher arrived to the surface in front of him after a long dive - maybe a foot in front of him. He spit some lake water playfully into his student's face, and then suddenly Jake felt his hard cock press against Mr. Brooks' stomach.

"Hard, aren't we?", Brooks said with a grin. He put his hand around Jake's cock and said "Yup, I was right!" For a second, Jake thought his teacher was going to stroke him, but just as suddenly as he grabbed his cock, Mr. Brooks put his feet on Jake's chest and propelled in the opposite direction. Jake felt foolish for even thinking Brooks was making a pass at him.

They swim for some 15 minutes more, when Mr. Brooks proclaimed he was tired, climbed the rocks and left Jake's sight. Jake swam for some more, finally losing his erection, and climbed the rocks after his teacher. He found Mr. Brooks lying on the rocks, his legs spread apart, sunbathing with nothing but a T-shirt across his face. His cock was really big, with a big mushroom head staring at him. His balls were loose and spread like a puddle around his big cock. When he heard Jake come up, he lifted the shirt and said "Why don't we sunbathe for a minute, and then go on once we're dry?"

"Sure", replied Jake, and got down on the rocks too, a few feet away from Mr. Brooks. He must have dozed off, because he felt his thigh get shaken, opened his eyes and saw Mr. Brooks' foot on it. He was still sunbathing in the same position and was probably too lazy to get up and wake him up properly.

"Put something across your face", Mr. Brooks said, "We don't want you getting burned. Do you wanna sunbathe some more?"

"Oh, no, I'm fine.", replied Jake dizzily. He was a bit blinded by the sun. "I must have dozed off."

"Yeah, you have. But it seems like you enjoyed yourself." said Mr Brooks pointing at Jake's cock, which to his horror, was fully erect again.

"You kinda started stroking it. Have you been jerking off lately?" continued Mr. Brooks. "When I don't jerk off for some time, I usually wake up with a hard-on just like that."

"Um, yeah, well." Jake started warily. "I do like to jerk off, but it's been us 3 guys in the cabin all the time, and."

"Oh please, don't tell me you guys don't play together!" Mr. Brooks interrupted. "When I was in school, I played with my friends all the time!"

Jake didn't really know what to say, but it looked like his teacher was waiting for a reply, so he simply said "Cool."

"Yeah, you bet it was cool! You want me to show you?"

Jake couldn't believe his ears! Mr. Brooks, his teacher, wanted to "play" with him, whatever that meant. And although he was in a state of shock, his cock wasn't - it was practically pointing at the sky.

"I see you're up for it." Said Mr. Brooks, slowly moving over to where Jake was sitting.

"First we would jerk off a little, just to relax, you know? Like this."

With that, Mr. Brooks spit in his palm, grabbed Jake's dick and started stroking him slowly, up and down, pulling his skin gently down to the very bottom of his dick and upwards to his head.

"Does that feel good? Relax, boy, you need to relax!" Mr. Brooks said. Jake closed his eyes and felt every finger of Mr. Brooks palm on his cock.

"Oh yeah, just you relax. I take it you're pretty tired from the hike and all that." Mr. Brooks said, not stopping for a second.

"That's it. Now, the next thing we would do when I was in school is, we would give blowjobs to our buddies after a long day of work."

I took a moment for Jake to realize what Mr. Brooks just said, but he suddenly felt his teachers wet mouth around his hard cock, his teeth which playfully bit him and his hand which never left his cock, but was now assisting his mouth. It felt so good. Jake spread his legs a little bit more, in order for Mr. Brooks to have more room. Mr. Brooks was on his knees, his butt sticking high up in the air, his eyes closed, enjoying the buffet. Jake put his hands on Mr. Brooks head, grabbed a little of his hair and rhythmically pushed his teacher on his cock.

"Oh yeah, Mr. Brooks. Suck my dick, Mr. Brooks."

Mr. Brooks lifted his hand, not stopping for a second, and raised it up towards Jake's mouth. Jake took it and licked it all over. Suddenly, he felt another sensation, a brand new one. Mr. Brooks had placed his wet finger inside Jake's asshole. It didn't hurt much, but Jake had to move a little bit in order to loosen up his ass, and in that moment, his cock popped out from his teacher's mouth.

"Was that good, Parsons? Now if you would just put your feet on my shoulders?"

Jake obliged. He put his feet on Mr. Brooks' shoulders. First, Brooks took his left foot and licked his big toe, than he placed it back onto his shoulder. He then dived into Jake's ass and with his tongue, he located Jake's hairy asshole. Jake couldn't help but moan. Brooks' tongue was like an explorer, and Jake's ass was a cave of treasures. It was the best feeling of Jake's life. He was in a complete trance, while Brooks teased him by licking the outer ring of his hole, playfully, not really going all the way yet. Jake wanted to cry, he needed that tongue in his ass so badly. Brooks than spread his hole a little bit with his two index fingers and went for it. It was unbelievable, Jake's whole body tingled while Brooks spit and licked on his boy pussy. Suddenly, he re-appeared.

"Now Parsons, there is nothing more important in friendship than fair play. I have sucked you and rimmed you, but now, there is something I want you to do for me. I want you to be my pussy bottom boy."

Jake was expecting this. He turned on his right, lifted his left foot and smiled to his teacher. Mr. Brooks said no more. He licked Jake's toes again, grabbed his leg, and slowly inserted his cock into Jake's virgin ass. Jake felt a shot of pain, but when Mr. Brooks' dick started going out, he felt incomparable pleasure. He moaned, and Mr. Brooks understood this as an invitation - without any reservations, he started pumping Jake's ass vigorously and moaned with pleasure while doing it. Jake was screaming with pain and pleasure, and Mr. Brooks was fucking him like there was no tomorrow.

"Oh yes, Mr. Brooks, fuck me, harder!" cried Jake, his forehead and hair all sweaty, his asshole wet with saliva and pre-cum. He felt like this was his reason on Earth, to be fucked mercilessly by this monster penis, its balls slapping against his butt cheeks loudly. He was an animal, his basic instincts was all he had, and they served their purpose when he contracted his ass muscles in order to give more pleasure to Mr. Brooks and relax to please himself. Finally, but unexpectedly, he felt his asshole being filled with sticky cum, and the rhythm of Mr. Brooks' penis fucking him slow down. He suddenly turned around got up on his feet and with a few strokes of his own dick, sent a long rope of cum onto his teacher face and chest. Mr. Brooks slowly grabbed his butt cheeks, and pulled him closer, inserting one finger into Jake's warm asshole, licking it and then letting Jake taste it. He pulled Jake down onto the rocks and put his head onto his hairy chest. They fell asleep there, a man and a boy, one filled and another splashed with cum. When they awoke, they didn't get dressed, but started back towards the cabins in the buff, thinking of the fun times they had and what summer had in store for them.

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