Mr Black Sings a Sad Song

By moc.loa@nootacceMneerG

Published on Jan 18, 2005


This story is fictional. If you are not over the age of 18 or are opposed to this type of material please Do Not Read It. Also this story belongs to Green and reproductions without permission are not allowed.

Hi this is my story Mr. Black Sings A Sad Song. Please tell me what you think. Email me

I would like to thank George z for editing. (George email me I'm no longer on aol)

Mr Black Sings A Sad Song By Green

Chapter four

Brady Watched the truck pull away from him. There in that car left the one person that had been there, the only one who ever cared. "Why did I do it?" Brady asked himself as he stood transfixed on the now disappearing truck.

"Watcha standing there for? He ain't coming back. You with me now B," Terry said to Brady, breaking him from his trance. "Come on I got some stuff to make ya forget. You know how we need to fly, well here are your wings B." Terry handed him a couple vials.

"Leave me alone Terry," Brady said. "I need to go I have to get some money."

"Hey B I'm here you know, you ain't shit to that boy now. I'm here and I'm real."

Brady pushed him away. "I told you to leave me alone Terry. Between you and me it's over now, I don't want to be with you."

"Boy I know you'll be back, there ain't many johns out here tonight. You'll be lucky if you get one that's willing to let you suck his dick for change," yelled Terry.

Brady knew he was right, but he needed to get away from him. "Why does this shit always happen to me." He thought as he ran towards his spot. "I cant believe I let Terry get to me like that."

Terry was known for seducing people at the drop of a hat. He had at least four men that he frequented. Each one paid far too much for him and they knew it, but they couldn't resist that smile he gave them. Terry had his eye on Brady for weeks before he found his chance, Moving in real quick when Brian was taken away. Brady was easy to seduce, the boy was thirsty for affection.

Brady pulled his thin jacket close as the wind cut through it. The spot where he worked was empty. The snow had scared all the other boys away. He lit a cigarette as a car slowed down and the man inspected Brady, he kept on driving. "He'll be back," Thought Brady.

Everything was in perspective now, he knew where everything was and how it was going to be between Brian and him. Brian was gone for the second time, but this time it was his fault.

"Hey wanna go for a ride?" Brady asked the man cruising.

"How much?" asked the man.

"Ten a blow, twenty a fuck." Brady yelled back. Brady lowered his price to make sure the guy took him. The man nodded and Brady got in.

"I love blond boys," said the man as he guided Brady's head to his crotch. Brady nearly gagged from the smell of it, he hated doing it, but it kept him fed and drunk. Tonight he needed all the booze he could get. "That's right boy do it." It was repulsive, to Brady's relief the man was premature.

"That'll be ten bucks," Brady said, extending his hand to the man. The man fished out a ten from his wallet and handed it to Brady. Brady took it and headed right back out on the street to wait for the next guy that came around. This was his life and he expected it to be pretty much the same until he died or got old. Yet he knew he would die young, a sad fact all street kids know and understand.

Brady lit another cigarette as the next car approached. "How much," Was all the man said. Brady knew better than to take this ride. The man inside the car was known for beating the boys when he got them in the car. There was a rumor that he killed a couple of kids that were found in an empty lot a few months back. Those kids were Brady's friends.

"I'm not selling," Said Brady. The man however didn't move.

"I'll pay you triple your normal rate boy. I know you need it. They ain't much tricks out here tonight." The man said from the car. Brady contemplated it. He could use the money. Brady nodded and got in the car. Twenty minutes later Brady found himself bleeding on the sidewalk, his left eye was swollen shut. "Help!" he yelled. No one heard his scream.

Steven Omally's Car drove in the snow storm. Early that morning he had received a call, there was a boy that looked like he was dying. The call was from his friend Mike. Mike worked for the cities transit system. As he drove his route he spotted Brady lying on the ground, he Immediately called Steve.

Steve spotted the boy on the side walk. The boy was close to death and he was sure hypothermia had taken hold of the boy or was soon going to. He quickly got out of the car and picked up the boy, carrying him back to his car.

"Why do you do this? Because if you don't nobody else will," He said to himself as he drove to the hospital. The drive was slow because the snow had already accumulated six inches. "Thank god I just got my new tires," Steve said to the boy, but the boy didn't answer, he was sound asleep. "Poor thing."

He reached the hospital an hour later. Unfortunately the hospital's emergency room was full. He weighed his options and figured that the boy would be better off at his house.

City hospitals were always full, it could take hours for somebody to see him. It could take even longer for somebody to help him. Steve picked up his cell phone and called his daughter.

"Jenny I need you to do me a favor. I need you to draw a hot bath and set up the the spare room. I should be there in fifteen minutes," Steve said to the concerned fifteen year old on the other side.

"Ok dad, do you want me to call a snow day also?"

"Yeah, can you call mike and tell him I found the boy."

Steve drove back to his apartment as quickly as the snow would allow. He carried the boy into his apartment. The boy was lithe so he could walk quickly with him.

"Dad who is that?" asked Jenny as he walked into his apartment.

"He might be your new brother."

"Oh dad not another one. You know what happened the last time," Jenny barely coughed out before Steve gave her the death stare. The last time he had helped a boy as a favor to his mother. He let him live at his house until his mother got out of rehab. The boy repaid his kindness by stealing from him. He had no choice than to call the police and the boy was placed in juvenile hall.

Steve stripped Brady of his clothes and placed him In the bath. Brady began to cough. Steve left him soak for a few minutes as he put antibiotic on his cuts. Brady woke a few minutes later.

"Hi," Said Steve when the boy opened his eyes.

"Who are you?" Asked Brady as he took in the room he had just woken up in. "Where am I?"

"You are at my house. I found you this morning, you were near death. Here drink this." The man handed Brady a cup of hot tea. "That has medicine in it. It'll help you with your cold. Let the water warm you, I'll be back in a few."

"Why are you doing this? Do you want a favor or something."

"No I just want to make sure you are alright. I'm Steve." He said.

Every once in a while Steve found a boy on the streets that needed help. Sometimes these kids were far beyond the help he could give them so he took them to a state run home. This boy however he was quite sure he could help.

Steve called social services, he informed them about the situation. They would let the the boy stay with Steve until his parents were found or a permanent arrangement could be made, he was a certified foster parent. Steve then searched for some clothes that would fit the boy. As he threw the old clothes away a couple of vials of drugs fell out. Steve threw them down the compactor.

Brady noticed he was naked. "Where are my clothes?"

"I threw them out, they were a mess," Steve said as he walked into the room.

"But that's all I have to wear," Brady complained as Steve placed a set of new clothes next to him.

"Those should fit," Steve said as he sat next to Brady. "I need to know some things from you. First I need your name."

"My name Is Brady."

"Brady where are your parents?" Steve asked. That was the first part of the plan, most of the kids on the street were run aways and they ran from either abusive parents or felt they could have a better life on the street. The sad thing was that many of them really did have better lives on the street. If there was a chance his parents were looking for him he would have to go back.

"I don't know? I haven't seen them since I was twelve," Said Brady.

"Do you know if they are searching for you?"

"No they wouldn't want me back, they threw me out." Steve figured as much. Steve's father had done the same.

"How old are you?"

"I think I'm sixteen. I don't remember."

"Brady I found some drugs on you. I called social services and ," Steve was cut off by Brady as he got up from the couch.

"I can't go back there. I can't," Brady said as he put on the clothes.

Brady was taken from home to home until he had enough and ran away to the streets. The people they always placed him with were worst than his real parents. Most just did it for the money, others tried to use Brady as their own sex toy.

"Hey you didn't let me finish, I want to help you" Steve said as Brady walked out of the bathroom. Steve chased after him.

"Steve Thanks for everything, If you ever need me to blow ya let me know. I have to go though." That bothered Steve. He knew it was how these kids survived on the street, they had no choice, but they barely made enough to keep themselves in drugs.

"You aren't going back out there. I talked to Social services and they are letting me be your guardian until we can find your parents."

"Why are you doing this? My parents don't want me."

"Then you can stay here, all I ask that you help with the chores and do good in school."

"But I haven't been in school since I was twelve."

"That's Ok, You aren't going to a normal school, I run an alternative school. You can go there and graduate when you are ready."

The alternative school was financed by government grants and private donations, as long as students actually excelled in the program, the program would keep helping. Steve made sure the thirty kids that went there deserved to be there. If they failed a test they would have to retake it until they passed. The school had already graduated several students that went on to go to good universities and colleges and became successful professionals. Some of those students gave back to the school.

Steven was called Angel Steve by the students and faculty. He hated that name, running the school was just a way for him to repay what was given to him when he was younger. Twenty years ago when Steve was fifteen he was given a chance to live again. Steve was found on the street dying after his father beat him close to death. He was taken in by a family that happened to see him. When he saw Brady lying on the sidewalk it reminded him of that situation. He knew he had to save that boy.

"We however need to talk about those drugs. I need to know how long you've been taking them," Said Steve.

"I haven't. I was going to take them. Some of the other kids always use drugs I keep to alcohol."

"OK that's a relief, I really don't want to put you in rehab. That's a nasty place, you will however go to A A meetings. I need to go get you some clothes to wear cause you can't wear that every day. Come on we can go pick up some other stuff for you. I think the mall is open," Said Steve, motioning Brady towards the hallway.

"You don't have to do this, I can get some money," Said Brady.

"Brady don't worry I have money. I am your guardian now and I want you to trust me. Even if we have an argument and both of us get angry. I still want to help you and you are welcome here. I have a few rules I want you to follow but besides that I'm an easy guy to live with. You can ask my daughter?"

"You have a daughter?"

"Yeah she went back to sleep, snow day you know?" Steve had adopted his daughter from a friend that died from aids when she was one. Fortunately Jenny was born free of the disease.

"Are you sure we can drive in this?" Asked Brady as he stepped out in the snow.

"I drove you here didn't I? Come on the mall never closes in Christmas season.

"There you see that building right there? The white one? Brady nodded as Steve pointed to the four story white brick building as they drove past it."That's the school I run, your going to go there."

"I've seen that place before, I never thought it was a school," said Brady as he looked up at the building.

"Not many people know. It's better that way, trust me. I can run a more efficient program if no one knows what we are doing. If every body knew about it then every parent that thought their kid belonged there would come knocking. I can only handle a certain amount of kids."

Steve and Brady made it to the mall In about a half hour. The mall was crowded considering that they were in a snow storm. "Oh the power of Christmas," thought Steve as they walked in remembering a commercial about cheese he saw.

"OK let's go get you a pair of boots and a pair of sneakers," Said Steve. Brady however was transfixed on somebody he never expected to see again. There a few feet from him was Brian.

"Brady," Said Steve. He didn't answer. "Who is that?" He wished he didn't ask. The boy was with one of the last people he wanted to see.

"He was my boyfriend."

"Come on Brady we have a lot to do." Steve led Brady away from Brian. "I think it's best if you just stayed away from them." Steve had his reasons to walk away. He had great reasons, reasons that included his sister and her son Brian.

Steve led Brady from store to store. He bought him clothes and shoes. He also bought him a few things he thought Brady might like. "You don't need to buy me so much stuff really," Brady protested.

"Shut up Brady. You need these things, so let me get them for you and be grateful," Steve replied as he once again noticed his sister. Unfortunately she also noticed him. He quickly pulled Brady and walked away.

"Steve," she yelled but he kept on walking.

"Hey what's wrong? Does that lady know you?" asked Brady but Steve didn't answer, he led Brady to a record store.

"Here get yourself some CD's you are going to need them with that CD player I bought you."

Brady browsed around the store till he found a copy of a song Brian used to sing. As he picked up the song he saw Brian leaving the store. "Brian," he said to himself. "Steve I need to go see him."

Brady ran out of the store. Brian was by the malls front doors. "Brady!" Steve called when the stores alarm set off, Brady stopped when he heard it.

I should follow him, Brady thought as the store clerk walked over to him.

"If you don't pay for that I'll have to call security," said the store clerk.

"It's OK I'll pay for that," said Steve handing him a twenty. "Keep the change. Brady next time you run out of a store with merchandise make sure it's paid for."

"I need to talk to him Steve. You don't understand I love him more than anything in the world, I can't lose him."

"Ok come on let's go before they leave." Steve led Brady to the car, Brian and his family were parked near. Steve followed the Blue truck as it pulled out before them.

The truck pulled up at a restaurant. As everyone got out of the car Steve reminded himself why he wasn't a part of that family. His father had made it clear. "You can't be a part of this family if you are one of them," Those words rang in his mind every day.

"They are going into that restaurant," Said Brady as they got out of the The car.

"Come on they are having lunch. When their done you go talk to him. I'm hungry and I'm sure you are too. Let's go to that diner across the street."

Steve ordered for both of them. Steve ordered two chicken club sandwiches. He ordered coffee for him and a hot chocolate for Brady.

"So tell me about him?" Steve asked Brady.

"You want to know about Brian?"

"Yeah tell me about him."

"Well I met him a couple of years ago when he was kidnapped."

Steve's discomfort grew as Brady told the story, his nephew was kidnapped. "The man that did it raped him and then left him on the street. I felt bad for him so I helped him out you know? I showed him the ropes. He didn't want to go back to his house.."

Maybe dad did the same to Brian. Could it be? No that doesn't make any sense. Why is he back with them? Steve thought. "Did he tell you why?"

"Well he kept saying something about his family not caring for him. He said it was their fault he got raped but he didn't tell me how."

"So how did you two start dating?"

"Well Brian came up to me once and told me he loved me. I kinda knew I liked him the same but I never expected him to feel the same for me."

"So what happened how did he get back with his parents?"

Brady filled Steve in on the details. Then he filled him in on what happened the night before, an hour and seven cups of coffee and hot chocolate later the Blacks began to leave the restaurant. Steve froze when he saw his mother.

"They're coming out. Can we go?" asked Brady.

"Wait till we see him, it seems like they are all leaving without him." Steve Replied gasping as he saw all of his nieces come out with his sister.. They had betrayed him. Not one of them stood up for him when his father beat him. Not one of them went out to find him when his father threw him out.

Steve wondered for hours in the cold, collapsing when the cold took hold. He was only fifteen and a small fifteen at that. Luckily for him a family had seen him fall. Peter Shaw and his family took him in. They treated him as one of their own. Peter shaw contacted his parents and got adoption rights for Steve.

Steve never forgot their kindness and every chance he got he repaid them. Peter was a social worker and his wife laura ran several charities including a soup kitchen. It was their dream to open a school that would help street kids. He vowed to fulfill that dream. With the help of his adoptive brother Pastor Shaw he opened the school and named it the Shaw School.

Brady walked out of the diner, he waited for them to leave. He stopped once again when he noticed an attractive woman enter the restaurant.

"I can't do it."

"Brady you have to go in there if you want to talk to him."

"Can we wait a few minutes?" Brady asked Steve nodded.

They sat in silence and waited. Brady's attention was caught when he saw somebody pull up. His heart stopped when he saw the boy take out a present from the back seat of his car. "I have to go."

"Brady wait!" yelled Steve as he recognized Tyler, but Brady was already out on the street.

"Hey!" Yelled Brady. Tyler turned to see an angry Brady.

"What?" Asked Tyler in confusion. Brady Lunged at Tyler punching him across the face. Tyler didn't miss a beat and punched him back.

"What the hell is going on?" Yelled Brian...

Next: Chapter 5

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