Mr Aeriel Youth - gay encounters

By Jack pawley

Published on Jun 15, 2008



My Television picture was not as clear as could be so I thought I would splash out and have the aerial redirected. I phoned 'Mr Aerial Man' for a quote.

"$260" an elderly voice told me.

"OK when can it be done?"

"Thursday at the earliest"

"I'll be home, give me a call if you can't make it"

It was a nice summery day in February when a young lad knocked on the door.

"I've come to see to your aerial, Sir". He said.

My eyes bulge out of the sockets at the creation stood before me, if there is a god he had been sent from him. He was 22. (I shan't describe him, just close your eyes and you can make up your own picture).

I showed him the television picture and the attic trapdoor where I said there was a multi-splitter box I had put in the ceiling many years ago. I had a ladder already so he could get up and check easily. (I was paying for time, and wanted the job to be as cheap as I could).

There he stood on the top of the steps with his head and shoulders above the ceiling, he either was as hard as a rock or he had a very big lunch box. He dropped a small screwdriver, so in haste I picked it up. I stepped up onto the first step, and grabbed the ladder but my hand slipped and I grabbed his leg.

"I am sorry". I said holding on for dear life.

Thinking I was going to slip more, I held on taking another good grip, this time it was his cock I held on to.

"It's ok". He said looking down at me. "It's not the worse thing that could happen".

As he finished saying that, the button popped on his trousers, sending them down to his ankles.

He wore sexy little hipster jockets barely covering his manhood. Yes, it was solid. This is when I left caution to the wind and lifted his cock out of this very thin material pouch. A loud moan trebled from his lips. His cock was hard as a steel pole and wet as.... Well, the pre-cum was oozing from his above average size cock.

My mouth covered the head, I enjoyed the sweet taste of this beautifully shaped cock, my tongue licking the under side, with it just inside my mouth. It was getting bigger by the second. Holding his ball sac, I let my fingertips caress the soft down between his anal and ball sac. I felt it starting to enlarge, I knew he was very close to orgasm, so I took his cock to the back of my throat and he started blowing, caressing his balls I squeezed as much as I could drinking him dry.

I let him finish the job he was here for. But, my cock was getting feral.

He set the television up perfectly. I paid him.

"If you would like to come and see me again I would love to have another meal from you, only when you are ready". I said patting on the bottom.

"I have a girlfriend". He said with a smile.

"Well, if she knocks you back, you know when she's on her monthly's I will be more then willing to make you happy. You have my phone number".

I had a wonderful orgasm straight after he left, and again later that night.

It would have been about a month later I had a phone call.

"Is it ok if I came around to see you today". His soprano voice came across the phone.

"Yes, of course you can I would be delighted to entertain you again". My cock was beginning to swell.

"I would like to try something which has been nagging my mind for some years". He said with some uncertainty in his voice.

"Yes, what ever you want to try I will be understanding and help you". I was a little uneasy with what I didn't know, but I thought it could be a challenge.

It was mid-afternoon when I heard a familiar knock on the door. As I opened the door there stood my angel dressed in school uniform,. I now know what he really wanted. It was only minutes after that he was inside my house. We didn't say anything I took command.

"You have been a very naughty boy, I have thought things out over this last week and will punish you, with my cane. If you would like to say anything in your favour now is the time". I hope I was accenting with the authority he wanted. I could see a rising of his erection in his pants. I waited a few seconds, to give him the chance of backing out if he wanted to, then, I said. "Bend over and touch your toes".

He did exactly as a schoolboy would have done 40 years ago, I wonder if he had done this before or just well versed with reading material.

His trousers pull tightly between his buttocks giving the well-rounded effect, and showing the outline of his underwear.

I am, by know means a Master or someone who is used to wielding the cane, but I did manage to get a swish and a crack and even a gasp as I gave him six of the best. I made them very soft strokes as I didn't want to damage the skin, or that his girl friend would see any suspicious marks. But never the less he gave a performance which would seem like he was being very harshly chastised.

When the sixth stroke was delivered I told him the stand up with his hands on his head. I didn't want his rubbing or caressing his sore bottom.

I put the cane away, and lead him through to the bedroom. We kissed, no, we kissed passionately. I couldn't wait to help him undress. Once he was stripped, he helped to strip me.

He gasped as my cock sprung from my briefs. "I have never seen an adult cock". He said. "An adult erect cock, I have never ever had one in my mouth before, but I want it".

With that he went down on my cock, doing exactly what I had done a month ago. We were laying on the bed me laying him hands and knees above me. He had the most extraordinary clean crack I have ever seen. I laid with his cock just inside my mouth, gently nibbling at the head and at the same time licking the underside. He was just wet, pre-cum oozing like slow running water. I was about the same. I watched his glory hole twitching and beckoning my finger. So, I gave in and gently poked my finger in, he took it with glee, I thought he was going to snatch my hand as well. I found his prostate gland and rubbed it softly. His cock expanded to almost twice its size then he pushed to the back of my throat letting loose the biggest orgasm yet. I gulped it straight down into my stomach. Just as I started my orgasm, he drank and drank as a little lamb, wasting nothing. We collapsed on the bed by the side of each other. And with a very deep passionate kiss we fell into a slumber. Gosh! It must have been an hour before we stirred. He was laying in my arms our cocks kissing each other. I said I thought we should get a shower and make ourselves decent.

All dressed and ready to go, he said he had had a very special afternoon and would love to do it again in perhaps another month's time. I watched him go to his van back out on to the road and away.

I have always loved married guys, or guys with girl friends, I think because they only come around occasionally and they certainly know how to excite another person....

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