Moving to Summer Bay

By James Leete

Published on Jun 16, 2020



This story is purely fiction, any elements of truth are purely coincidental. This story is in no way affiliated with the TV show Home and Away or any studios that produces it. I have used the setting and the characters but that is where the similarities end. This story is of my own doing.

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Series 1 Chapter 9

The 23 ½ hour flight was so long. Mason and I filled the time by reading, talking, watching movies, sleeping or working. Thanks to free on board Wi-Fi, I was able to see how the restaurant was doing. At 3:30 AM local time, we touched down at Heathrow Airport. Both of us were exhausted. At this time of the morning, Heathrow was very quiet. When we left the airplane. We headed for security. As I had my UK passport, I was able to use the E-Gate. However, Mason had to be seen by an agent and show his visa. As I was through quicker headed for baggage reclaim to get our cases, and by the time Mason was cleared and joined me, I had both of them ready. "Good timing," I said as he walked over. He grabbed his case with one hand and held my free hand with his as we left the Baggage Hall and made our way out. "Welcome to England". I said as we stepped outside. "It's so cold", he replied, putting his hoodie on. I smiled. I led us to the car rental desk. "Good morning, do you have a reservation?" The Lady asked. "Yes, under the name Leete." I explained. She worked her computer. "Lovely, can I have your passport, driving licence and credit card please?" She replied. I gave her what she wanted and soon was signing the rental agreement. "Okay, that's all sorted head for the collection point and your car will be waiting for you." She explained. "Thank you", I replied as we left. When we got to the collection point, we found a brand new three series BMW waiting. We soon climbed in. Once I set up my phone and start now we were headed off. "Very nice", Mason said he chose the music. We got closer to the centre of London Where I explained to Mason how to pay the congestion charge. He did as he was told and soon we arrived at the hotel. I parked up in a multi Storey car park opposite the hotel and we walked in. "Good morning Sirs. How can I help?" The man behind the desk said. "We have a reservation under the name Leete But it was for arrival last night. However, I made a note to say that we would be coming in from Australia on an early morning Flight." I told him. "Yes Sir, I have that here. Let me get you checked in." He said. After Checkin was done, we had it up for the room and one was the door was closed. We collapsed onto the bed. "We need sleep." Mason said. "Yeah, but not for long. We need to sleep tonight ready for court in the morning." I told him. "Well, it's five am now. Let's say we sleep until 10 and then you can show me London." He said. "You're On" I replied as we kissed.. We unpacked fast, made use of the safe in the room before stripping off and climbing into bed. I set my alarm for 10:00 AM. As soon as we cuddled up when I had to hit the pillow, we fell straight to sleep.

The sleep didn't seem to last too long. We soon were woken up by the sound of my alarm. "Hey" I said kissing him. He stretched. "Hi beautiful, I needed that." He said sitting up. "Yeah, and now we both need a shower" I told him. "Can't argue there." He replied. "You go, I'm going to call home and tell him we landed." I replied. "Okay, don't be long". He said as he climbed out of bed and into the bathroom. I grabbed my phone and called home. "Hello" Came my mums voice on the other end. "Hi", I said. "James, my boy, how are you?" She asked. "I'm good, we're good". I told her. Mom knew about Mason, of course. "Good, when did you land?" She asked. "Half three this morning we just had a few hours of sleep." I explained. "I bet you needed it. We're looking forward to seeing you both." She said. "We are too. I'm just about to take Mason on a little tour of London and have some lunch. Then we're out for dinner this evening". I replied. "Where are you having dinner?" She asked. "Adams kitchen where else?" I said "bless well have fun. Let us know how tomorrow goes." She told me. "We will do." I replied. "Take care son, we love you." She said. "Love you too," I replied. "Tell Mason we asked after him". She told me. "I will do. Bye." I said as I hung up. I climbed out of bed, still naked as Mason emerged from the bathroom, draped in a towel. "Feel better", I asked. "Yeah, even better seeing you like this", he said to looking at my naked body. He undid his towel and it fell to the floor exposing his hardening cock. I went over to him and kissed him while it gently taking hold of his cock in my hand. "Do we have time" he asked "Not really, if you want food" I replied as he was now fully hard. It was pressing against my own. "I want food, but I also want you to." He said grasping my own cock. "Well, let's get food now and we can do other stuff. Tonight," I said between kisses. "Deal." He said letting me go. I strolled to the bathroom. "It's rude to stare". I said "how did you..." He started as I turned back and winked.

After my shower we both dressed in jeans and a hoodie. And we took a walk down Oxford Street. "It's so not like I expected." He said. I smiled as we walked hand in hand around. We headed for the tube station where I showed Mason how to buy and top up an Oyster card. We then took the tube over towards Buckingham Palace and around the Royal Parks. Before we walked heading into subway for lunch. "So what did you want to see First" I asked as we ate. "How bout we do Buckingham Palace? Seeing as we're so close and then go to do the eye?" He said. "No problem." I replied. So after lunch we headed for the Palace. I explained some of the history of the Royal family as best I knew it. About the Palace itself. Then after 2 hours we left the Palace and caught the tube over towards the London Eye. Between us will be being Selfie happy. On the eye was no exception. He really took my mind Off the pending court case. At around 6:00 PM we eventually walked back to the hotel. We chilled out for a while watching TV and I introduced Mason to some different British sitcoms. At 7:00 PM, we showered and dressed for dinner. We both opted for Chinos, a shirt and light jacket. We headed out of the Hotel to the restaurant and caught the tube to Knightsbridge. We eventually arrived and walked along the street heading for the restaurant and my former workplace. "So you excited to go back". Mason asked as we walked. "Yeah, I'd like to see if Claire is coping". I said "I'm sure they will be happy to see you". Mason replied I smiled as we approached. We walked in and were immediately greeted by Claire. "Hello stranger", she said as we hugged. "Hi babe", I replied. "So good to see you back. Are you here for Luke's court case?" She asked. I looked at her odd. "It was on the news, but you weren't named for legal reasons". She replied. I simply nodded. "Well, yeah, that's it." I said. "And who is this beautiful specimen?" Claire said looking at Mason. "Hi, I'm Mason". He said shaking her hand. "Sorry Claire, I'm being rude. This is Mason. Mason, this is Claire, the new manager. Mason is my new boyfriend". I replied. "Good Lord, your taste have gone up." She said. This caused Mason to blush. "But your table is ready". She said as we walked through the restaurant. I spotted a few of my original staff. "Claire, I asked for Table 6." I said. You've been moved. She said as we went through a door and down the stairs. "To the chefs table". She said as Adam stood there and greeted us at the bottom of the stairs. After introductions, we sat down as Pierre. The French sommelier approached and took our drinks order. Adam then came over and we ordered from the new menu. "So tell me, how is your new place doing?" Adam asked as he served our starters. "Brilliant business is going well. I've got a great Team. Great menu, it's all I could have dreamed of." I told him. "I'm so glad to hear that we miss you here, of course, but it's what you needed," Adam said. "Thank you. By the way, whilst I'm here, I'd like to take care of some business." I told him. "Of course, but for now, enjoy your food and let me cook for you for a change." He said as we ate. Despite the nap earlier, I was beginning to feel the effects of the time change. We were served our main meal, followed by my favourite dessert item made. A malteser chocolate lava cake with homemade fudge ice cream. It was heaven. I put some on a spoon and fed it to Mason. "Oh my God, this is amazing." He said enjoying the mouthful. "You have got to get the recipe." He added. "I wish I've been trying to get that recipe for the last six years." I told him. He smiled. Once dinner was over, we got presented with the bill. Adam had graciously given us 50% off. I went to grab my wallet. "Don't even think about it. This one is on me." Mason told me. I held my hands up. "You win. Well, while your do that, I'll be sorting something with Adam." I said okay babe, he replied kissing me. I got up and headed for the office. "James come in". Adam said. "Dinner was wonderful. Thank you my friend." I said "anytime my friend." He replied. "So let's talk about this loan". He added. "Sure, I can pay it back in full now." I told him. "Are you sure? I don't want you to leave your business short?" He said. "Believe me, that won't be a problem," I replied. "Okay," he said. "What do you need?" He added. "Account number and sort code". I said. He passed me his Business debit card. I logged into my online banking on my phone. I entered his details and soon I paid him the £20,000 he lent me. "Pleasure doing business with you." I said "that's received with thanks my friend". He told me. "No, thank you. It was a great help". I explained. "Anytime. I never liked Luke. So I hope he gets his just desserts tomorrow. But Mason, I can see how much you mean to him just by seeing the glint in his eyes. Let me know when the wedding is." He said. I chuckled. "We're not quite at that stage just yet," I said. "Not yet, but give it time," he said. I smiled. "I'll let you know" I said laughing. "Goodnight my friend." He said as we shook hands and parted company. I rejoined Mason and we left the restaurant with a goodbye to Claire. We caught an uber from outside and Headed back to the hotel.

When we landed in the room, he grabbed me and kissed me. "You're so wonderful", he said as we broke our kiss. "You are amazing, Doctor Mason. And I'm so lucky to have met you". I said as he smiled. "Well, you're going to be even happier that you met me in a minute," he said. "Oh, really", I asked wrapping my arms around his waist. "Oh yes", he said as his hands began to unbutton my shirt. "And Will you be happy you met me?" I asked."Oh I will show how haooy I am thst I met you." he said peeling my shirt off. We kissed as I undid his shirt. I soon had it off him but ehilst I was doing that he had already moved lower ad was undoing my chinos. He began to massage my cock through my boxers making me rock solid. The boxers didn't stay on for long as he pulled them down and with a little kick I had tossed them to one side along with the shoes and socks I had on. He rest his hands on my ass and began to kiss my kneck. And before long he had worked his way down my body and was on his knees engulfing my throbbing 9 inches down to the base deep throating me his head bobbing back anf forth with both of his grabbing my round bubble butt. He edged me right to the limit but didn't let me cum. He soon came back up and kissed me. He broke our kiss and dropped his own chinos and boxers revealing his throbbing piece of manhood to the room. Our warm skin pressed against each other. " Fuck me baby." I said. "Already, what ever my prince wants he gets." he replied. He led me to the bed and pushed me gently on to it. I flipped over on to all 4's. I braced myself for what was to come. He grabbed both my ass cheeks abnd spread them apart. Before I could react his tongue was probing my hole making it nice and wet. "ohhh" I moaned feeling his tongue flick against my hole. "urghhh" I moaned more. "please stop teasing me." I moaned as I breathed heavily. " you want this." he whispered playfully in my ear whislt he ran his cock agiainst ass. "yes baby oh yes please I want it." I begged. "well then here you go." he said and like a magnet to metal the tip of his cock found my eagerly waiting enterance as he pushed his way inside me streching my tight hole. I moaned as I felt him work further and fuirther inside me. His hips girated as he began to pick up speed."ohhhh" I moaned again. He grabbed a clump of my hair and picked up speed more and more and he was slamming in and out of Me. "FUCK" I screamed. "Take it baby", he said as he continued to plough me. He was so good at making me feel alive. I took him more and more until he finally said "I'm ready to burst." I smiled. He pulled out of me as I flipped over. He stood over me jerking his cock as I lay there doing the same. It didn't take long before I exploded all over myself. He followed suit and shot his load all over my chest, our cum mixing together. "Oh my God." I moaned as he collapsed onto the bed next to me. "I love you so much". I added kissing him. "I think we should break up," he blurted out. "WHAT?" I screamed. "Yeah, because if you carry on doing that to me, you're going to be the death of Me," he said, smiling. I finally realised he was joking. "Oh, you fucker. I thought you were being serious." I said "oh baby, you're too gullible", he said kissing me. "Shut up and get me a towel". I said smiling. He got up and threw me a towel. I cleaned up and then climbed into bed with him. I put my phone on charge and set my alarm for 7:00 AM. I love you, I said. I love you too, he replied. Kissing my neck. He held on to me tightly as we drifted off to sleep.

The following morning, when my alarm went off, Mason was already awake watching me. "You look gorgeous, whilst you're sleeping", he said. "Thank you," I replied as I sat up. "Are you ready for today?" He asked. "Yes, I want to see him go down," I replied, "then let's get this day started." He said as we got out of bed. I got straight in the shower Whilst Mason shaved.Once we both showered with dressed in shirt and trousers and tie, I checked the time and it was just after 8:00 PM AM.And ready before heading down to the restaurant for breakfast. I just about managed toast and a coffee. "It will be fine", Mason said reading my mind." I know I just want to make sure. He gets as long as he can." I said "he will." He replied. Pretty soon we left the hotel. And walked to the tube station and got the tube to Kensington. We arrived at the Court at 9:45 AM. "Hold my hand" I asked Mason. He took my hand and we walked in. They passed through security and then found which court he was in. "Court 4" a voice behind me said. It was Lukes best friend Sean. The police officer that I rejected at the station when I first reported it. "What are you doing here", I asked. "Came to watch my friend get sent down for something so stupid" he said. "Yeah, well he deserves it." I replied as Mason and I walked off. "James" another voice called over. It was DI Corrigan. "Hi," I said. Shaking her hand. "I trust PC Lloyd wasn't giving you any grief", she said, gesturing to Sean. "Nothing I can't handle". I said "but he needs to leave. He shouldn't be here," she told me. "Why not" I asked? "All I can say is too close to the investigation." She said. "Excuse me," she added heading off to Sean. Mason and I headed off to sit outside the courtroom. As we sat down I looked across and saw more people I didn't want to. "Oh God", I said. "What" Mason asked, I gestured across. "Who are they," he asked? "That's Lukes parents." I told him they spotted me. "James," his mum said to me. "Tracy, Andy," I said. "Decided to show your face." His dad said. "Andy". His wife replied. This got me angry instantly. "Look, your son is guilty. He attacked me twice now. Raped me. Broke his bail conditions and fled to Australia to follow me. He deserves everything he gets." I said they moved away. "All parties in the case of Luke McMillan. To courtroom 4." A voice over the tannoy I said. Mason took my hand as we headed upstairs and into the Gallery. I took a seat where I could see him and the judge with Mason next to me. We waited for a few minutes whilst Luke was brought up from the cells. He was dressed in a suit but looked like hell. Prison wasn't kind to him. "Mr. McMillan, you appear before the court today to receive sentencing in the matter you previously pled guilty to in Magistrates Court. However, there are other charges now to which we must ask you to enter a plea for." The Clerk said. Luke nodded. "To count 1. A breach of bail. How do you plead?" She asked. "Guilty". He said. "To count two of kidnap, how do you plead?" she asked. "Guilty", he answered. "To count three of fraud. How do you plead?" She asked guilty, he answered. "To count 4 of possessing a forged passport, how do you plead" she asked? "Guilty", he answered. "To count 5 of illegally entering Australia. How do you plead?" She asked. "Guilty", he answered. "So entered. Your honour the charges have been read, and Mr. McMillan has pled guilty to all charges In addition to pleading guilty to ABH, rape and resisting arrest. May he be seated." The Clerk said. "Mr. McMillan. Be seated", the judge said. "Let's hear from the defence." The judge then added. "Your honour. Mr. McMillan has admitted to his crimes, and Whilst he knows he has done wrong, he has said that he would not have engaged in any of this had he neglected to take his prescribed medication that particular day. We asked that this be taken into account. When passing sentencing. As for his other actions. All we can ask is that he plead insanity. Mr. McMillan suffers with mental health issues. Some of which make him do things that ordinarily he wouldn't do. We believe this should also be taken into account when sentencing is passed." Lukes barrister said sitting down. "Prosecution" the judge said. "So we have an admission of guilt. When one reflects on the nature of these crimes and to the degree to which Mr. McMillan went to in order to make sure he caused Mr. There was significant injury which was extreme. He abused the relationship that Mr. Lete believed was loving. And broke that even more by committing the most heinous of crimes. That of rape. To add insult to injury, your honour when Mr Leete took his leave to recover. Mr. McMillan pursued him. Committing additional offences." The prosecutor said. "We ask that you pass the maximum sentence possible when you calculate his sentence," he added. I smiled seeing Luke Shudder at hearing this. Mason held my hand. We waited as the judge read some papers. He could hear a pin drop in the courtroom. "Mr. Swift, you mentioned that Mr. McMillan was on prescribed medication. However, the CPS has obtained Mr. Macmillan's medical records. It has been noted that he does suffer with mental health issues. However, the records also show. That he was not prescribed anything at the time of either offence. Do you wish to retract your statement?" The judge asked. "Yes your honour." The defence quickly said. "Very well. Mr. McMillan. Please rise." The judge said. This was it. I held Mason's hand tightly. "Mr. McMillan to the charges of a BH and rape. I sentence you to four years for each charge to run consecutive. To the charges of resisting arrest, fraud. Possession of a forged passport. I sent us you to 18 months each to run concurrent with the foyers charges. Finally to the charges of illegally entering Australia, kidnap and breach of bail. I sentence you to two years each to run concurrent with each other. However, these to run consecutive with the four year charges. This means Mr. McMillan I hereby sentence to 10 years custodial sentence eds. This final part means you have to serve 2/3 of your sentence before sitting at parole board to decide if you are suitable for release. Now I have determined the sentence based on your clear lack of respect for your victim and the clear violation of a domestic relationship," the judge said. "I hope in your time that you spend whilst you're inside that you learn from your mistake and you have enough chance to reflect on how much damage you have caused to a successful person. And how much worse it could have been had he not been able to escape? Take him down." He added. "All rise", the clerk said as the judge stood up and lacked. Tears flowed from my eyes. I looked to his mum who was also crying. Mason held my hand as we left the courtroom and I headed outside. "10 years," Mason said, looking at me. "I can't believe it". I said smiling. "You're happy", he asked. "I'm over the moon." I said hugging him. "James" Andy, Lukes Dad, said coming over. He extended his hand. "I'm so sorry for what my boy did to you. No one deserves that. I want you to know that me and Tracy are always. Going to regret his actions. I also want you to know that we always thought highly of you. I'm so sorry I raised a bully." He said. I shook his hand. "It's not your fault. He's unbalanced." I said "no argument here." He replied. "Take care of yourself," I said. "You too son. And I'm sorry, but I didn't get your name". He said to Mason. "Mason" he told Andy. "Mason look after him. He deserves happiness".he said as he walked away. "Well, it's done. What say we get out of here?" I said. Mason smiled. "Let's go," he said. I took his hand and we walked away.

For the rest of the day, we enjoyed being together. I was so happy at the result. I called my parents to tell them the news and they were thrilled at the outcome. That evening, after the best sex of my life, I slept better than I had in so long. He was facing his sentence. I was facing a life of peace without him. It was finally over. I didn't have to think back or reflect on anything anymore. He was facing a 10 year sentence from Hell. The next day we visited other London Attractions and did a spot of shopping, including getting some gifts for people back in the Bay. The following day, after checking out the hotel, we jumped into the car and began a 5 hour car journey to my parents. I was so completely relaxed and at ease. When we finally pulled up outside my parents House, Mason smiled. "This looks beautiful. Did you grow up here?" He asked. "Pretty much. We moved here when I was ten." I told him. "Wow." He said, looking around. It was just before 5. The sun was going down and a mild chill was in the air. "Hi son," my mom said coming down the driveway hugging me. "Hi kid," my dad said giving me a hug Whilst Mason stood next to me. "Well introduce us", my dad said. "Right of course Mason. This is my mum, Tessa. And my dad Royce. Mum dad this is Mason." I told him. "Hi", he said giving my mum a hug and my dad a handshake. "Come on in, there are some people inside waiting to see you", mum said. We walked into the House and there stood my sister and her husband. My aunt, my uncle, and my cousin. Plus my parents best friends. But most importantly my niece and nephew George and Ella. "Hi", I said shocked why everyone stood there. "So who is this?" My sister said seeing Mason stood next to me. "Everyone this is Mason. Mason. This is everyone" I said. "James, this isn't central perk." My sister said making me laugh. "I'm Sarah, his sister. This is my husband, Scott. This is our Aunt and uncle Caroline and Lee with our cousin Niamh. And family friends. Ian and Jan. Plus the two little terrors currently attacking their uncle are George and Ella." She said. She was right. George and Ella were fighting me for hugs. I scooped them both up and gave them both big kisses and hugs. "Who's he" Ella asked in a sweet voice. "Sweetie, don't be rude." My sister told her. I nodded to Mason. "I'm Mason", he said to George and Ella. "You talk funny," George said. "Well, that's because I'm from a place called Australia. It's a long way from here," he said. Kneeling down to them. "That's where Kangaroos and koala's live." George said. Mason chuckled. "That's right". Mason said smiling. "Let's sit down", my mom said. We were led to the lounge. "So Mason, What do you do?" My aunt asked. "Right now I manage the local gym in Summer Bay. But I'm looking for a job that actually uses my degree." He explained. "That's understandable. What's your degree in?" my mom asked. "I'm actually a neonatal doctor". He explained. My sisters ears soon pricked up. "You're a neonatal doctor", she repeated. "Yes, why do you ask?" He said. "I'm a Ward sister on a neonatal unit". She said. "Oh wow," Mason said. We continued to chat for a while as they got to know Mason. And it didn't take long before my dad took George Ella and my cousin outside. "So do we get to hear the news?" My sister asked. Everyone looked with bated breath. "He got 10 years. Of which he has to serve 2/3 before a parole board is able to decide whether or not he's able to come out." I told them. "But how do you feel about that?" My brother in law asked. "Relaxed, relieved. Happy. I feel like I finally got some justice." I said "he deserves all he gets hurting my boy." My mum said cuddling me.

That night we checked into the hotel in town where I was greeted by a familiar face. "When I saw the reservation, I knew I had to greet you myself", he said. "Robbie, so good to see you", I said. "You too", he replied, Hugging me. "This is Mason my boyfriend". I said introducing him. "Hi, I'm Robbie and the operations manager here." He said shaking Masons hand. We checked in and Robbie took us to our room. After a brief small talk he left us. "Who was he then?" Mason said smiling at me. "My very first boyfriend" I told him. "Thought so. He's Cute." He said. "Not as cute as you", I replied kissing him. We unpacked, then stripped off and climbed into bed. "I love you so much", he said. "I love you too." I replied. We spent the next two days with my family as they got to know Mason more. My sister and he got on so well. As did he and my dad. My niece and nephew were all over him. "I'm so glad you have someone so good in your life. He's lovely, your dad and I do approve." My mom had said as we went for a walk. The two days soon came to an end and it was time for us to leave. "Make sure you speak to your brother". My mom said as she was saying goodbye. "He's flying into the Bay next weekend for a visit". I told them. "Well we will be over in January". My dad said. "Look forward to having you." Mason said. We said our goodbyes and drove the six hours back to Heathrow. By 9:00 PM we had boarded and were on the flight home. Armed with duty free smellies and Masons new found love. English Dairy Milk. Scheduled for landing at 7:00 AM local time on Monday morning. I was so glad with the outcome of the trip and with Mason meeting my family. I was happier than I had been in a long time.

End of episode 9.

Love to hear your feedback. Email me. Stay home and stay safe during this covid 19 crisis.

Next: Chapter 10

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