Moving to Summer Bay

By James Leete

Published on Jun 13, 2020



This story is purely fiction, any elements of truth are purely coincidental. This story is in no way affiliated with the TV show Home and Away or any studios that produces it. I have used the setting and the characters but that is where the similarities end. This story is of my own doing.

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Series 1 Chapter 8

When Mason and I woke up the next morning, I instantly Felt at ease. "Morning". He said kissing me. I was looking into his eyes as we lay face to face. "Morning". I replied. "How are you?" He asked. "Fine. Feel a lot better than I did yesterday". I told him. "Good. So what's the plan for today?" He asked. "Work, it is Monday after all". I replied. "Are you sure you want to do that, given what happened?" He asked. I sat up. "Yes babe. Luke ruined my life once before. I'm not letting him do it again. Besides, I'd be letting him win if I hid away." I told him. " That's why I love you. You never let anything get you down." He said. " Is that the only reason?" I questioned. "No. It's just how much I care about you. And your hot body. And then there is your big cock." He said as he kissed me. "What time is it?" I asked. "Just got a 9. I don't start until 11:00 AM. Fancy breakfast at the diner". He asked. "Sounds like a plan. But first we need to shower". I said "I'm with you on that". He replied as we headed for the bathroom. We had a lovely hot shower before I got dressed into trousers and a shirt that I bought the day before. Plus my new work shoes and New watch. "Now that is just a picture of my ideal man". He said kissing me. He, in turn was dressed in shorts vest and a thin hoodie. All bright red. " I do love seeing you like this." I said as I kissed him. " And guess what I do love you too. Crazy. You've been here three weeks and I found the love of my life." He said. "What's crazy is you meeting my family next week." I said. "Oh yeah, that will be fun." He replied As we headed out for the car. "Not as much as you might think. We're going home to England in the middle of September. It's going to be a lot colder than it is here." I told him. "That's fine, I don't just dress in shorts and T shirt. You know, I do have warm clothes." He replied. "Good." I said as we headed off.

When we got to the Bay, I parked in my usual spot as we walked hand in hand to the diner. Apparently, news of what had happened had reached everyone as when I got to the diner, people were staring at me. " Oh James, thank God you're okay". Leah said coming from behind the counter to hug me. "Darl you're alright, thank heavens." Irene said also hugging me. " We were so worried, love. When you didn't show it salt and then when we saw blood at your apartment we just knew you were in trouble". Irene explained. "Good to see you up and about son. Nasty piece of work that ex of yours." Mr Stewart said shaking my hand. "Good to see you looking well." Roo said hugging me. "And what's this. I saw you two holding hands walking in". She said gesturing to us. "Well, are you guys officially an item now?" Leah asked. I smiled and looked at Mason. "Yes. Yes we are". Mason said, putting his arm around my waist. " Well, that's brilliant news. Something good should come out of all of this". Leah said. " Sit down, I'll be able to take your orders in a few minutes." Irene said as we sat down. As he was sat waiting at the table, I couldn't help but smile. "What"? Mason said. " I was just thinking about something VJ said yesterday". I told him. "Oh him. What did he say?" Mason asked. " Just that Facebook should rethink its designed to something like Summer Bay. The information distributed round here is insanely quick." I told him. He nodded and smiled. "Anyway, what's the deal with you too?" I asked. He sighed. "He outed me to the Bay after we hooked up one night. Then when I started seeing a guy called Corey. He got upset that I ditched him so he slept with Corey behind my back." He told me. " Since then, there's been bad blood". He added. "Wow, I didn't realise that." I said "Well, you wouldn't, but besides, it's in the past now". Mason replied. "So what can I get you kids?" Irene said coming over. " Eggs Florentine and a black coffee for me please". Mason said. " Eggs Benedict and a flat white for me". I replied. "Coming up". She said walking away. "Hey James, how are you?" Robbo said walking over and sitting down. "Good. Colby filled me in on all the details last night". I explained. "Excellent, so you're going over." He asked. I nodded. " And I'm assuming given your new found relationship. You would like time off to support and go with him." He asked Mason. "Yes, but only if you can..." Mason started before he cut him off. "It's done. I'm giving you 10 days annual leave. Without any others can handle the gym and I'll be around." He explained. "Thank you so much. I'll let you know when we're leaving." Mason said. "No worries. Despite the court case, enjoy the UK. We can do a handover on whatever will be your last day". Robbo said as he stood up and left. Irene Brought our breakfast over and we soon began to eat.

After breakfast, which Mason treated me to he and I took a stroll along the beach. "Do you have a copy of your passport so I can book our flights"? I asked. "Yeah, there's a copy of it in my personnel file at the gym. We can go and grab it before you start salt". He said. "Sure." I replied. We headed into the gym where he pulled out his passport and copied it for me. " Here you go." He said, handing me the piece of paper. "Thanks" I said kissing him. "Going somewhere." Willow said, poking her head into the door. "I'm going to England with James for Luke's court case. So you and The others. will be running this place." He told her. "How long will you be off for?" She asked. "10 days. That's what robbo signed up for me." He told her. "Cool I wish I was going with you too, but you should have fun. Except for the court case". She said to Mason. "Well, I'm going to head up to salt." I said giving him a kiss. "I'll be up later for lunch". He said. "Have fun. Love you". I said "love you too." He replied. "Awwww" Willow exclaimed "shut up". Mason and I both said in Unison. " Rude." She said. I smiled. I headed out. "James, good to see you." Palmer said as I walked up to salt. " You too John." I replied. I entered salt and was immediately greeted by my staff and customers. " James, you're here. I wasn't sure if you would be in" Harry said. " Nothing can bring me down, Harry. I won't let it". I said he simply smiled. "Good to hear". He said. "Whilst I've got you. Can we have a quick chat?" I asked. "Sure Leo hold The Fort." He replied. Leo nodded as we went into my office. "So after what happened, I've been summoned back to England. So here's the plan. I will be booking flights to leave on Saturday. So from Saturday I will be off for 10 days. I will make sure the bar is well stocked. I'll do the schedule for the following week and on Friday when I do payroll, I will do double pay. And then make up the difference when I get back. I want you to continue doing breakfast and lunch as normal, but keep checking in. I will talk to Lee and Steph and Ryder Tonight about it and they will do evenings and cover you. I know you can all manage this". I told him. "We won't let you down." He said. "Good to hear. Now get yourself back out there and I'll be out to join you soon". I said "no problem. Oh, and one flat white coming up". He said smiling as he left.

I sat down at the desk and loaded the laptop. I went onto the Emirates airline website and found a flight leaving Saturday at 2:00 PM and returning the following Saturday. The price was not too bad either. $7900. That was for two return first class tickets. So I went ahead and booked them. "Can be a business expense". I said to myself as I pulled out my business debit card. I opened another tab on the web Explorer. Unlocked into my Westpac Bank online To see. my balance of both my accounts. $6341.20 in my personal account And $360,314.90 In my business account. I also checked my American Express online to see how much I had left. £12,410.60 was available. So I knew I was covered money Wise. So I went back onto the flights tab, entering mine and Mason's passport details and then paying. I next went to and found the Crowne Plaza on Oxford Street and booked us a room there for the Sunday, Monday and Tuesday night. I also added on for the Saturday night and left a note to say that will be arriving. In the early hours. After that I then booked us into the newly refurbished Golden Fleece Hotel in my hometown. In Yorkshire for the Wednesday, Thursday and Friday night and from there we would head back to Heathrow on the Saturday in time for our 6:00 PM flight. I also hired a car. From when we landed, dropping it off on the Saturday night at Heathrow. That was it. I was done. I did some other paperwork before heading out. As I went on to the restaurant floor, I was just in time for the start of lunch service. Pretty soon we were all in full swing and very busy. "Hi babe." Mason said walking in at half one. " Hi Baby." I said giving him a kiss. " Did you book flights?" He asked. "Yep, flights, hotels and car hire all sorted." I told him. "So organised." He said. "Got to be. We can talk about it tonight." I said. "No worries, can I get my lunch please?" He asked. I nodded and went off to the kitchen to grab it. I returned quickly handing it over. He tried to pay but I pushed him away. "Why you pushing my hand away?" He asked. "You don't need to pay", I said after a quick kiss. He smiled and took off back to work. Lunch service flew by. By 3:00 PM I finally sat down with Leo as we had lunch. Harry went home, Ryder came in with Wyatt Steph and Lee. They began to set up for dinner service and once Leo and I had finished lunch, we joined them. "Can I borrow you 3 for five minutes please?" I said to Lee Ryder and Steph. We moved out onto the terrace. "What's up, James?" Lee asked. "How are you feeling after what happened?" Ryder said. "Oh I'm fine. Better knowing he is now in custody". I said. "Anyway, on that subject, as of Saturday, I will be off for a week. I'm heading home for Luke's trial. Now, while I'm gone, you guys will be looking after this place with Harry. He and I have had a chat about what's the plan. Just work together and help each other out". I said "and as the three of you are here tonight. I'm going to finish a bit earlier." I said "no worries boss, we can handle this". Lee said. "Well, let's do this then shall we?" I said as we went off back to work. The evening service went well. We were pretty busy, but by 10:00 PM I was done.

Once the kitchen closed, I said my goodbyes and left. As I went downstairs, I headed into the gym to see a few people working out. And Mason sat in the office. " Knock, knock." I said "how are you? This is a surprise". He said. "Yeah, well rank has its privileges." I said heading for him as I stepped behind him and began to massage his shoulders. " That feels nice". He said sinking into my touch. "When do you finish?" I asked. "Sam is Due in at midnight". He told me. "Oh so 2 hours before you can join me". I said. "Sadly, Yeah". He replied as he continued to enjoy my massage. "Well, take a look at this." I said showing him the email booking confirmations on my phone. "I hope you're going to be driving". He said. "Of course." I replied. He smiled. "Well, I'll leave you to it. Will you be coming to mine later by any chance?" I asked. " Is that a trick question"? He replied, giving me his beautiful smile. "Oh, by the way, how much spending money will I need? Food, tourist stuff, ET cetera". He asked. "Well, I'm taking £1500 And I'll have my cards for the car hire and hotel". I explained. " I'll take the same then. Westpac bank have the best rate for customers, so I'll get mine there." He said. "Well, why don't you transfer the money to me and I'll get them when I do my business banking on Friday?" I replied. "That's a plan. I also want to give you some money for the hotels." He said. " Okay, it was £400 for the London Hotel and £200 for the other one." I told him. He typed something onto the computer. "OK so I'm sending you $2100". He said. " Are you sure?" I asked. "James, sit down and let me show you something". He said. I sat next to him as he logged into his online banking. I was shocked by what I saw. He had $7000 in his current account and over $50,000 in savings. "My mom and dad passed away and left me $200,000. I put myself through Med School and save the rest with the hope of buying my own place." He said. "Okay, I'll be quiet about this." I said. He smiled As we kissed. "So can I have your sort code and account number?" He asked. I gave it to him. He sent me the $2100.00 and then smiled. "There you go." He said. "Thank you. Anyway, I'll see you back at mine". I said "where are you going?" He asked. "Baby, you had your dinner. I made sure of that. I'm hungry so I'm going to McDonald's in Abbey Creek." He said. "Oh, that's not fair. I could totally murder a McDonald's right now." He said. I rolled my eyes and smiled. "Fine, I'll tell you what I'll go home and shower and I'll meet you back here at midnight and we'll go to McDonald's together". I told him. Like a big kid, he had a cheesy grin on his face. "Deal." He replied as I left.

Well, the rest of the week flew by. When I woke up on Friday, I went to my surf lesson with Dean before heading into salt. "Morning all." I said as I headed for the office. I sat down at the desk and began the payroll. This didn't take me long to enter it all. Then after printing out pay slips, I opened the safe and pulled out Saturdays Takings. I counted out the wages for each pay slip twice. And then typed up a note and printed it out explaining the double wage and what will happen. I finally did the tips and eventually had all the envelopes ready. I took mine and then text everyone saying that they were ready for collection. I then worked on the rest of the banking. $26,000 in cash to bank. And $34,000 in card payments taken. I then put together the schedule for the next week, which took me a little over an hour. Finally, at 2:00 PM I was done and ready to go to the bank. "Hi James." Harry said poking his head into the office door. "Yes, Harry, what can I do for you?" I asked. "Just wondered if I can grab my wages". He said. "Sure." I replied handing them over. "There's a bit extra in there for you this week. That's for you taking over from me. And also if you can hang back today. So I can go to the banking and handover with you Lee and the others." I said " sure, no problem". He replied. "Cool, in which case I'm going to the bank". I told him grabbing the big envelope. " See you soon." I said as I left. I drove to Abbey Creek and walked into Westpac bank I waited my turn before being served by a young guy. "Business or personal Sir?" He asked. "Both". I replied. He nodded. I deposited the takings and collected the change order which I had booked for the week. "What was the personal Sir?" He asked. "I need £3000 sterling exchange From my account." I said "no problem. Are you heading home?" He asked. "Yeah, taking my boyfriend for a visit." I replied. "Nice." He said. He pulled out bundles of notes. "How would you like it?" he asked. "1000 in 50s. 1500 in 20s. And the rest in 10s". I told him. He nodded as he split a bundle of 20s and 10s. "There we are, Sir, done at the customer exchange rate. Would you like an international travel note putting on your account"? He asked. "Yes please". I replied. "Done for you, Sir. Have a good trip", he said, handing me the cash. I left the bank and headed back to the Bay. When I got to salt, I found Lee Ryder and Steph Waiting for me. Wyatt and Sam were also floating around. " Guys in the office please." I said to Harry Lee Ryder and Steph. They all followed. I entered and put the change in itself and passed out wages. "Right, I'm leaving in a few minutes. So Lee you're in charge tonight. Support each other. Harry has overall charge. Whilst I'm not here. I trust you all. I've done 2 beer and spirit orders for delivery on Monday and Wednesday. The kitchen will continue to do their own orders any questions?" I asked. "I don't think so." Harry said. "In which case I'm off. Look after my business". I said as I grabbed my bag and laptop and took off.

I drove back to the apartment and went to work. I grabbed one of my cases and packed a weeks worth of clothes including jeans, hoodies, jumpers, a thin coat, plus some more smarter clothes. As well as tee shirts. I also put in a pair of smart shoes and a pair of trainers. I finally piled in toiletries and dugout my plugs on my laptop and phone and put them in. By the time I was done, my case was round. After packing, I blitzed the place, cleaning everything and doing the last bits of laundry. After two hours I was done. I decided to head for Mason. I locked up and got in the car. I drove to the gym and found him finishing up. "Hey babe." He said. "Hey you. Left salt in the hands of my team. I packed and cleaned my apartment, done the banking, and got our money." I said, "well, someone's been a busy boy". Willow said appearing " Of course. By the way, I have something to ask you. Would you like to stay at mine whilst we're away and look after the place for me? Gives you a bit of freedom away from Irene and everybody else coming in and out of your house". I asked. "Of course I'd be happy too." He said. "Great, I'll drop the keys to you in the morning. There's loads of stuff in and you have free Wi-Fi". I said "sold". She told me. I smiled. "Hey, did you remember to apply for your electronic visa for England?" She asked. "I'm a citizen. I don't need one." I replied. "You wont, but Mason will." She replied. "Oh God." I exclaimed. "No sweat. We can do it now. It's instant." She said sitting at the computer. She went onto the site and entered his details. Mason gave her his passport number. I entered my American Express card details as she hit submit. We waited as the page loaded. Soon in bright green letters. Came the words approved. I breathe loudly. "Thank God". I said. "Yeah." Mason replied he printed the sheet and handed it to me. I then looked to him "packed Yet?" I asked. "Um, not yet". He said. I shook my head and smiled. "When can you leave?" I asked. "Now." Willow said, pushing him out. "Are you sure you can manage"? He said to her. "Yes, now go. I'll see you both in the morning with James's keys". She said. He hugged her and we left. As his car was at mine, I drove us both to his house. He led me to his bedroom, which was really neat and tidy. He grabbed a suitcase and put in some T shirts, shirts, underwear, socks. Then he put in three pairs of jeans and three chinos. Finally, put in some hoodies and a few jumpers. Lastly, he added in some smart trousers, a shirt and a light jacket along with smart shoes and two pairs of trainers. "What about toiletries Chargers". I asked. He thought for a moment. "Babe can we go to Woolworths?" He said. I smiled "come on then". I replied. He smiled as we left and drove to the shop. When we got there, Mason got all of his toiletries, plug adapters and some bits he needed at home. Once we left, I stopped off and filled up the car. Once back in the Bay, we went and finished packing Mason's case. Once done, we had dinner with Leah and Justin. Before loading Mason's case into my car. We headed back to mine. From there, we showered and had an early night. Before sleep, Mason handed me his passport, which I put with mine.

The following morning we woke at 7:00 AM to my alarm going off. "Morning". I said "Hey sexy," he replied. We shared our morning kiss. "We need to get ready". I said "I'll shower first then." He said. He got out of bed, walking straight past me. Stark naked. His cock swinging between his legs. I couldn't help but stare at his perfectly formed bum. "It's rude to stare" he said without looking back. I smiled. We were clearly made for each other. I got up straight to bed and put on new sheets for Willow. I then finished packing my hand luggage with my iPad, laptop and portable charger. I had all our paperwork and both our passports in there as well. I separated out £1500 each and put mine in my bag. Finally Mason came out the shower and got dressed and I swapped and got in the shower myself. When I was done, I dressed in jeans, a tee shirt and a zip up hoodie. I cleared up after Mason. And I ate breakfast and soon we loaded my case in the car and we took off. We swung by the surf club where Willow took my Keys as well as Masons khaki. Colby Robbo Mac, Irene Leah and Marilyn came to wave us off. "make sure he goes down" Colby told me. I nodded as we drove off.

The two hour drive to the airport was filled with random chat. I filled in on my family setup and what to expect. When we arrived at the airport, we checked into our flight and went through security. We browsed the shops in departure's before we were called to board our flight. We got on board And were ushered. Up a flight of stairs into first class. "Wow" Mason said grabbing my hand. "Let's get you home". He said. I smiled. Within the hour we were airborne and on our way to England. This was it. I was going home to make sure that he was sent down for good. Mason looked over to me. "Feel like joining the Mile High Club". He asked. I couldn't help but smile. "Okay. But we're not going the whole way". I said he winked. He got up out of his seat and headed for the on-board toilet. Once he was in, I waited to see where the steward was. There Were None insight. I discreetly got up and headed for the toilet where Mason was gently tapping on the door. The door opened. And I climbed in inside with him. Immediately I closed and locked the door. "This is so risky", I said. "Yeah, but it's so hot at the same time". He said, pulling me in for a long, deep, passionate kiss. My hand went under his tee shirt and I played with his nipples and run my hands across his pecs. It wasn't long before I slowly undid his jeans and pulled them down along with his Calvin Klein's. His nine inches of solid meat sprang up. Positioning himself. To allow me access. I dropped to my knees. And engulfed it straight in my mouth. He let out a Low moan. He threw his head back. And enjoyed the sensation. As my head continued to pop back and forth. My tongue running over the tip. At one point he put his hands on the back of my head. And pushed it all the way in my mouth. I could feel myself wanting to gag, but loved it at the same time. It didn't take him long before he erupted in my mouth with shot after shot hitting the back of my throat. I swallowed every last drop. When I was done, I stood back up. "My turn". He said. He undid my jeans and pulled them down. Following suit. I positioned myself to allow him access. He immediately dropped to his knees and went to town on my cock. His head bobbing backwards and forwards as he engulfed the whole 9 inches himself. I loved the sensation. At one point he had both of his hands rubbing my ass. I felt one of his fingers slip inside. I very nearly came there and then. I badly wanted to scream and moan, but kept it muffled. Before long I exploded in his mouth. like me He swallowed every single drop. When he stood back up, we shared another kiss. "Now that was hot. Only one problem. How do we get out of here without being seen?" I whispered. We did ourselves up and made sure we looked presentable. I then slowly undid the door and went out, making sure to close the door immediately after me. Luckily there was no one around. In the whole first class cabin there were only six people, including Mason and myself. Mason immediately locked the door. And then a few moments later appeared. We returned to our seats. Both smiling each other. Knowing what we've just done. I couldn't wait to spend the rest of this week with him in England. This was going to be fun.

End of episode 8.

Love to hear your feedback. Email me. Stay home and stay safe during this covid 19 crisis.

Next: Chapter 9

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