Moving to Summer Bay

By James Leete

Published on Jun 12, 2020



This story is purely fiction, any elements of truth are purely coincidental. This story is in no way affiliated with the TV show Home and Away or any studios that produces it. I have used the setting and the characters but that is where the similarities end. This story is of my own doing.

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Series 1 Chapter 7

The next morning, which thankfully was a Sunday, I woke up to the sound of cooking. I grabbed my robe and ventured out into the Kitchen. "VJ?" I said seeing him in White Calvin Klein hipster boxes and nothing else. "Morning. I was going to cook you breakfast and bring it through." He said. "Well right now, sweet. I was actually going to take you to the diner". I said "well, that sounds even better. I haven't got very far to be honest. Just crack some eggs." He told me. "Well, you can toss them out. Let's get showered and head to the diner". I said "let's go". He replied. We shared a shower before getting dressed. I did lend VJ some clean boxers. I drove us down to the pier. I parked in salt carpark and walked to the diner. "Morning you too". Leah said when we walked in. "Hi Leah". I said as we sat down. She came over. "Son, where were you last night? You didn't stay at home". She asked. " I met James after he finished work. We hung out, had some beers and I crashed at his Place". He told her. "VJ You're only just filing for divorce. You can't be jumping into bed with someone straight away. And you, James, what about Mason?" She said. "Wait, Mom. Just wait. We didn't do anything. I slept on the sofa. Not all gay men sleep around, you know?" He told her. "James?" She said looking at me. "I swear on my life he slept on the sofa. We did not do anything even remotely sexual." I told her. " OK, I believe you. But if you get hit by lightning tomorrow, then I know you're lying." She said. "So what are you 2 up to today?" She added. "Well, I'm heading for the gym." He told her. "And I'm going to enjoy a well earned day off and do a spot of retail therapy." I said "oh, you going into the city". She asked. " I was planning on it, yeah" I replied. "Well, then what can I get you both?" She asked. "My usual With black coffee". Vj said to her. " I'll have the pancakes with berries and a flat white." I told her. "Coming up". She said. As we waited for our food, we chatted and swapped coming out stories. We laughed and joked that much that I hadn't noticed Mason come into the diner. "Well, I see you didn't waste much time moving on". Mason said coming over. "Mason" I said looking up at him. "What's the matter VJ had to have my leftovers. Mind you, you never did mind being second best". He said. This got me flat up straight away. "Back up leftovers. Is that how little you actually think of me?" I said. " James no, I didn't mean.... "He said before Vj Cut him off. "2nd best. Oh Mason, I was always number one. At least that's what Corey told me. The night that we Hooked up." He said standing up and facing him. "As for James, we never did a thing. I'm married. So get your facts straight before making accusations. This is 2 friends meeting for breakfast." VJ told him. "Do what you want." Mason said leaving. "What was that about?" Irene said bringing our food over. "Gay drama my love". I replied. "Say no more." She said heading back to work. We tucked into our food and continued to chat.

Once we finish breakfast VJ Took off to the gym and I drove myself into the city. It didn't take me long to find the clothing stores. Like a big kid at Christmas I hit the shops, finding loads of nice things. Credit card you're getting it today. I got some new work shoes, a new bag, couple of nice slim fit shirts and trousers. I also found a few nice pairs of shorts and a few Ralph Lauren Polo's and T shirts. My best find for the morning came when I spotted a gorgeous Wrist watch. I went into the jewellers and asked to see it. The guy brought over. It was a silver stainless steel watch. The face was dark with a lovely design. "This is our last Michael Kors watch for men". He said. "How much is it?" I asked noticing the Rose gold links that connected the main links. "$600." He said. "And we can alter it for free right now." He said. "I'll take it." I told him. "Awesome." The guy replied.

I spent the rest of the afternoon browsing and finding some bargains. By 4:00 PM I was done and headed home. On my drive home I called Irene. " Hi Doll". She said. " Hi Hun. I just wondered if you Leah and Marilyn had dinner plans." I asked. "Not that I know of. Why do you ask?" She said. "Well, I wondered if you three lovely ladies would care to join me for dinner at salt". I said. " That sounds lovely, doll. Let me ask". She said. A moment later, she came back on. "We're all up for that. what time?" She asked. Shall we say 7:30. I replied. "Sounds great, see you there." She said as I hung up. I smiled as I continued to drive home. By 5:00 PM I arrived home, grabbing my bags in the car. I had it inside. I unlocked the door and went in. I sat my bags down and closed the door behind me. I walked to the fridge and went to get a bottle of water when I felt something hit me over the back of the head. I instantly collapsed and passed out.

Elsewhere in the Bay.

When 7:30 PM arrived, Irene, Leah and Marylyn climbed the stairs to salt. "This was so nice of James to invite us for dinner". Marilyn said. " I guess he just wants the company after the whole Mason thing." Leah said. "Evening ladies table for three." Wyatt asked. "No, for four please. We're meeting James here. Has he arrived yet?" Irene asked. "Not yet, but I can seat you while you wait for him". Wyatt replied they nodded as he led them to their table. "Can I get you any drinks?" Wyatt asked. "Sure, I'll have a glass of red". Leah said. "Same". Irene and Marilyn both told him. "Just bring a Bottle." Leah said. "Will do". Wyatt replied heading to the bar. Pretty soon ryder came over with a bottle and three glasses. "Here we are ladies." He said. "Thanks rider. Has James come in yet?" Irene asked. "No, it's his day off". He replied. "we know that he invited us for dinner, but he's late?" Marilyn said. "Oh well, that doesn't sound like him. He's normally early". Ryder explained. "I'm going to call him, make sure he's OK". Leah said. She dialled James number, but there was no answer. "No answer, maybe he got caught in traffic." She said. "Not possible. Wyatt and I saw his car at 5 when we were on our way in". Ryder said. "Where?" Irene asked. "His place." He replied. "Should we go over and make sure he is OK"? Marilyn said. "Is that wise? He might just be choosing what to wear". Ryder said. "For two hours now I have a bad feeling. He hasn't answered his phone. That's not like him for a start. And remember what he told us about Luke booking flights. What if he's here and caught up with him?" Leah said. "You're right, let's go." Irene said. They all scrambled to their feet and head it off.

Back with me.

A big splash of water hit me in the face. I opened my eyes in shock. My head hurt. I looked around and saw that I was in a dark room with a light in the corner. It seemed very damp and dingy. I was tide to a chair. My arms and legs bound and my mouth covered with tape. I tried to scream but it was muffled. "Oh, there's no use trying to scream James. No one will hear you." A voice I knew so well. It was Luke. "So here you are living the life of luxury in Summer Bay. Nice place, nice car, a great restaurant. Looks nice by the way. Cute young barman working for you. As for me. Bailed from Magistrates Court awaiting sentencing at Crown Court. Forced to live and sleep each night in my flat whilst you get to Swan around living the life of luxury". He said now facing me. "You ratted me out, James". He said, ripping the tape off my mouth. "What do you have to say for yourself?" He asked. "You attacked me. You beat me up and to top it off, you raped me." I hissed "rape you loved that? Besides, we are together, it's not rape." He spat. "It usually considered rape when the other person doesn't get a say in it. Or when they start screaming no or when they're forced into it, Luke. And let's get one thing clear. We were together. I hate you. I've never hated someone so much in all my life. You know we could have been happy. But it all came down to the fact that I was doing well for myself while you bounced from one Crap job to another". I said "and you ignored me in the process. Climbing to your success". He said to me in a mocking tone. "Grow up, you sound pathetic. You called me weak, helpless that night. But it's you who is weak and helpless. What kind of a man attacks and rapes his fiancé because he was too busy making a living to have sex with him? You are no life, you pathetic. You're a..." I said to him. Before he cut me off. "Shut up." Luke said getting angry. "Weak, silly little boy who I used to love." I finished. " I said shut up". Luke Bellowed he rushed at me and punched me, knocking me out cold.

Back in the Bay.

As Irene, Leah and Marilyn scrambled out of Irene's car as they pulled up at James's apartment, there was severe tension in the air. They went running towards the door. As they approached, they saw the front door wide open. They RAN inside. "James" Leah shouted. Between them they searched the apartment. "He's not here". Marilyn said. They all stood in the lounge, thinking. "I'm going to call him again". Leah said. She dialled his number and when it began to ring. That's when they all saw and heard his phone on the table. "Where is he?" Irene said worried. "Look at this". Marilyn said as she went towards the open fridge door. On the ground with a small Patch of blood. "Call Colby. Tell him what happened. Tell him to get here now". Irene said. Within 30 minutes Colby Robbo Lance and another. Officer, we're in James's apartment. "When did you last hear from him?" Colby asked. "He called me just after 4:00 PM to ask me if the three of us wanted to join him for dinner". Irene said. "I've just had a quick look at his account. He last used his cards in the city. Last transaction at 3:35 PM where he paid for parking". Robbo said. "You said you think Luke? His ex might have something to do with this. Now we know their history. Did James ever tell any of you Luke's last name?" Lance asked "no, he didn't." Marilyn explained. "Hey Robbo. Look what I just found." Colby said he stood up after looking under the sofa. He held up a Holiday Inn Express key card. "So far that's our only lead. Will check it out. Ladies leave this to us. It's our top priority. Go home and we'll make sure to keep you updated." Colby said "find him guys. This Luke is dangerous. I don't know what he could do to James. His out For revenge". Irene explained. "We'll do our best." Robbo replied. Together they all left.

Robbo and Colby walked into the hotel heading for reception. " G'day gents, how can we help?" The man behind the desk asked. "We're doing some enquiries about a missing person. Can you identify this key for me?" Colby said handing it over. The receptionist ran it through a machine and worked his computer. "OK, so the key is for a room occupied by Joshua Hawkins". He said. "Did you take photocopy ID on his arrival?" Robbo asked. "Sure we have it right here." The receptionist said pulling out and giving it to Robbo. "Joshua Hawkins" Colby said looking at the passport photocopy. "We're going to need to copy of this. And we're going to need to take a copy of his registration card. Plus any credit card details you have for him." Colby told him. The receptionist did as asked. He handed them over as the pair left heading back to the station. When they arrived, they Headed to Colby's computer. He did a search for Joshua Hawkins. "OK, so Hawkins came in on a flight from Heathrow. Landed at 8:45 this morning. Ticket was paid for with the credit card that the hotel gave us." Colby explained. "Run a check on the card." Robbo said. Colby worked the computer. "Bingo. So the credit card is registered to Luke McMillan. flat 3. 291 Sedgemoor Road, Hammersmith, London." Colby told him. "I'm running a check on McMillan, but I think I found Our man." Colby said moments later he got a hit. "Double Bingo. Luke McMillan, 27, currently wanted for breach of bail ABH rape, theft. I've even got a picture. It matches Joshua Hawkins." He said. "We've got our guy. Now we can be sure James was kidnapped. Irene was right about the revenge idea. Now we can add fraud, forgery and illegally entering Australia plus kidnap to his list of charges. Now what we need to do is find him and hopefully find James". Robbo said. "Look at this. He spent £795 in an Apple store 9 days ago. My guess is he bought a new phone". Colby said as he delved further. A few minutes later he got it. "Yeah he has an E receipt for an iPhone 7 bought in Oxford Street Apple Store. And we have a serial number. Now if I can get onto Find My iPhone, I can track it." Colby said. "Do it." Robbo replied.

Back with me.

When I woke up, I remembered instantly what was happening. My jaw hurt like hell. "I see you still like to punch when someone pisses you off." I said "Yeah Well you shouldn't have said what you did". He replied. I looked at him. "Well, now I know I should never have met you in the first place". I told him. "Well, you did and now you've stuck with me. We're going to be together forever. I'm your boyfriend and you will learn to show me respect." He said. "Are you insane, truly? We are nothing. We ended the day you first used your fists against me. I do not love you at all and I will never be with you. Get this into your head, Luke. I absolutely despise you. I fucking hate You". I screamed at him. "That will change. I will make you fall in love with me again. You really don't have much of a choice". He said. It was at this moment that sudden realization actually hit me. I love Mason.

Back in the Bay.

"Hey Robbo, I gotta hit. The iPhone is on and is located at the apartment block where James lives. But it's not James his place. It seems to be some kind of storage unit at the back of the block". He said. "Let's check it out". Robbo said. They left the station as Mason, Dean and Willow pulled up. "Colby, Irene and Leah told us about James. Any news"? Dean asked while Willow Comforted an upset Mason. "Actually. Yeah, we tracked Luke's iPhone. He's Near James's apartment complex in some kind of storage unit?" Colby explained. "Alright. Will follow you." Dean told him as they got back into Mason's car And followed Colby and robbo to the complex. The short drive was intense For Mason. "We have to find him. I can't lose him. I love him". He told Willow "I hate to say this. Especially at this time. But I told you so. I knew you loved him." Willow said. Mason looked at her. "Well, if we get him back, I'll buy you lunch for a month." He said. "Done and done". She replied. "What about me?" Dean said. Mason smiled as they cruised along. Pretty soon they arrived at the complex. Colby and robbo were already out of their car with their guns drawn. Mason, Willow and Dean were hot on their heels. "According to Mackenzie. The storage unit should be locked, but if Luke has forced the lock. Then it should be wide open. Apparently it's there for storage. It should contain used furniture." Colby explained. They soon found the unit and quietly moved towards it. Robbo signalled for quiet as they heard a voice talking inside. "Do you fully realize how embarrassed I was when I was picked up by the old bill at the pub with people who know me staring"? A male British voice was saying. "It's nothing you didn't deserve." That was James. "You 3 go round the back. Going through the back door, try to head him off. He tries to escape. Take him down". Robbo whispered. They nodded and ran round.

Back with me.

"You think I deserved that kind of humiliation?" Luke said to me. " Yeah I do. So that people can actually see what kind of sick twisted piece of shit you really are". I told him. He lunged at me and struck me across the face. "Don't keep pushing me." He said facing me. At that moment, both the front and back door to the unit opened. Luke whirled round on his feet to see Colby and Rob are pointing guns at him. " Freeze." Robbo shouted. Looked grabbed me pulling a knife out and holding it to my throat. " OK Luke, take it easy". Colby said as he lowered his weapon slightly. This was now a hostage situation. " Back away or I will cut his throat". Luke said. I could feel the Sharp Cold Steel Blade against my throat. Sweat was pouring from my head. Fear Pulsing through my body. "Luke, you are in enough trouble already. You don't want to do this". Colby said Luke had his back to the rear door. I heard someone tap him on the shoulder. Luke turned as a fist, collided with his face. Struck with shock, Luke had dropped the knife and was down on the floor. Colby rushed over. " Luke McMillan you are under arrest for kidnap illegally entering Australia. Fraud, forgery and breach of your bail conditions. You will now be held by the federal police, in which you will be extradited back to the UK where you will answer for your crimes. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law". Colby said he placed him in cuffs. Robbo in the meantime was untying me. He helped me up. I turned to look around and saw Dean Mason And Willow watching Colby Arrest Luke. Mason seemed to be nursing his hand. I knew he was the one who had punched Luke. He looked over to me. " James" he said as he came rushing over. I threw myself at him, rocking my arms around his waist, hugging him. I began to cry. " You're safe now". He said clearly, crying himself. As he held me. "You wait. I'll get even. And when I do, you will both be sorry." Luke shouted. "Shut it." Colby said as he dragged him away. I let Mason go as I faced Willow and Dean. Thank you all so much. "I don't know what I would have done. I don't know what would have happened to me if you haven't come". I said drying my eyes. "Well, you can thank Mason. He was the one who insisted we look for you". Dean said. I turned to Mason. "You did that for me." I asked. "Of course". Mason said looking at Me. "Mason, I need to tell you something". I said he nodded. " OK." He replied. "When I was being held by him. I realized something. Mason, I don't want to be friends with benefits anymore." I said he looked away upset. "OK". He whispered. "I don't want to be friends with benefits anymore. Because I love you." I told him. "What?" He gasped. "You're the one for me. I love you so much. I want to be more than just friends. I want us to be together. But I understand if you don't want that. I understand if I've hurt you too much by pushing you away". I said looking into his eyes. He matched my gaze, taking both my hands in his. He smiled. "James I was so worried about you. I have to say this. I love you too. And nothing Would make me more happier. And to become more than friends with you. I understand fully now why you pushed me away before. But I want you to know that I will never hurt or leave you. I will never be like him". He said. He smiled at me. I "for God sake kiss each other". Willow said. " Way to kill the mood Willow". Mason said. I laughed. "Besides I'll have to ask this question first. James, will you be my boyfriend"? Mason asked me. I nodded instantly. "Yes. 1,000,000% yes." I replied. We instantly kissed holding each other. " OK guys that all". Dean said. We stopped kissing and split. Mason held out his hand. "Want to get outta here?" He asked. "Yes please". I said as I took off. Holding his hand.

We walked to the short walk to my apartment. Dean and Willow headed off home. When Mason said he would stay with me. Colby returned an hour later to tell me that Luke was being deported the next day. Robbo had apparently push things through with the AFP. Colby also told me he had been in touch with DI Corrigan. He would further arrest Luke for the offenses robbo had said about. He also mentioned that the police had requested that I travel home for the sentencing which was now being brought forward. "When will that be?" I asked. "A week tomorrow. Monday the 14th at 10:00 AM in Kensington Crown Court." He told me. "I guess I should book flights Home then". I said. "Want some company." Mason asked. " I can't ask you to do that", I replied. "Of course you can't. That's why I'm offering". He said. "Yeah, OK then." I replied, smiling. "And I'm sure robbo will approve your time off when he knows what it's for." Colby said "on one condition, though. I'm paying for the flights." I said. " No. No, you're not". Mason told me. "That's my condition too, you coming". I said he nodded, surrendering. " Right, well, I'll email Di Corrigan And tell her to expect you." Colby said as he left. I looked in the mirror and it was the first time I'd seen what he did to me. It wasn't as bad as I thought. I had a little cut on my lip and a lump on the side of my head. No black eyes or anything or anything broken this time. I was lucky. " Are you hungry?" Mason asked stood in the doorway. I looked at the Clock to see it was half 9. 4 hours this took. And it felt like less. "Yeah. I'll call salt, get him to do takeout". I said I called and ordered two pizzas. Ryder didn't ask any questions but seemed relieved to hear from me. Mason went off to grab it as I changed into a pair of lounge pants and vest. With no underwear, of course. I put the clothes away that I had bought earlier in the day. And the watch. Finally, I sat down to watch Netflix. Mason soon returned. And after getting changed himself into a pair of lounge pants and a vest. I could tell that he was commando. We ate pizza and finally cuddled on the sofa watching Big Bang Theory. We chatted for a while as well before heading for bed around 1am. We stripped naked and climbed into bed. I kissed him. "We don't have to. If you don't want to". He said. I smiled. "This is the reason I love you so much." He kissed me again. And he held me close. He was such a gentleman. I drifted off to sleep in his arms. Feeling so happy. And so content to have him back in my life.

End of episode 7.

Love to hear your feedback. Email me. Stay home and stay safe during this covid 19 crisis.

Next: Chapter 8

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