Moving to Summer Bay

By James Leete

Published on Jun 11, 2020



This story is purely fiction, any elements of truth are purely coincidental. This story is in no way affiliated with the TV show Home and Away or any studios that produces it. I have used the setting and the characters but that is where the similarities end. This story is of my own doing.

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Series 1 Chapter 6

It had been 5 days. Only five since Mason and I had split. We've avoided each other like a plague. Willow had been to see me and tried to find out what was going on. I had to explain to her. All of it. She understood why I did made the decision that I did. Thankfully, she didn't really take sides. Irene and Leah had also spoken to me and tried to tell me what was the point in ditching Mason. But as I explained to both of them, I did it to protect him. Of course, this had got back to Mason and caused a massive argument Between us in full view of everyone on the beach. I was still using the gym of course, but tried my best to avoid Mason. Of course this was difficult with him managing the place. I just finished my surf lesson with Dean and was changing at home. Heading to salt, I went about my Friday routine. I did the wages which took around an hour. I then did the banking another $32,000 in cash to bank and $47,000 in card payments. I then put in the order for the weekend beer and spirits order before heading for Abbey Creek. I made my way to the bank and did my banking, then heading for the balloon shop. I picked up the balloons for the AFP party tonight. I then went to the cake shop and grabbed the cake. As I made my way back to the car, I caught the glimpse of Mason. I opened the boot of my golf and put the bits inside. My Oh my, was this stressful? I managed to avoid Mason seeing Me. Before heading back to the Bay. When I returned to salt, I assisted with setting up the restaurant for tonight as Ryder Stocked the bar. He and Wyatt were now officially dating and I was happy for them. As staff came in in dribs and drabs to collect wages, I tried to keep my spirits up. By 5:00 PM everyone had collected wages and we were ready for the evening service. "All right team gather round." I said as my Staff gathered around for evening briefing. "So as we all know, we have the AFP table in of 10 people at 8:30. I will be looking after that. Ryder When they come in, you will handle their drinks orders. Leo he will handle the rest of the restaurant. You will both man the bar. The rest of you will We'll look after the rest of the restaurant And our other paying guests. OK, let's have a great shift." I said. They all moved off and went back to the shop floor. "Carlos, how are we looking with the food?" I asked. "Ready to go? How are you doing? I saw Mason in the gym earlier. He looks really Down". He said. "I'm fine. Let's just leave it at that." I said leaving.

When 8:30 PM arrived, the AFP boys arrived in force, led by Robbo and Lance Who I had met a few days earlier. "Evening Gentlemen, your table is ready. This seat is reserved for the birthday boy". I said pointing to the seat at the head of the table. The youngest guy with Brown hair sat down. "So drinks, what can I get you started with?" I asked. "Beers all around, I think." Lance said. "Bottle or..." I said. "I think bottles makes it easier." Robbo said. "You got it". I replied heading for the bar. "10 bottles, Ryder". I said to him. He served them up on a tray and I handed them out. "Well enjoy gents, your starters are being prepared. I'll bring them out when they arrive." I said. I went back over to the bar. "Ryder head down to the cellar and grab some more bottles ready". I told him. "On it." He said. I grab some more bottles and serve them round so that they were ready because they were all going through drinks very quickly. And not surprised with a load of straight men from the police. "James, Carlos said starters are done." Wyatt said as he was heading out with an order. I headed for the kitchen and there lined up was ten plates. With Ryder's help we served the starters. The guys were really enjoying their night. They were laughing and cheering, and in typical form of drunk men making lots of noise. I did have a discreet word in lances ear. Just asking them to keep things down a little bit and bear in mind that I did have other diners and he was more than happy to accommodate me. When it came to mains again, Ryder help me serve them. And they continue to drink bottles of beer like they were going out of fashion. At 10:00 PM the desserts were served just before the kitchen was closed. By midnight they were done and most with the exception of Lance, were nice and drunk. An hour later, they were the only ones left in the restaurant. "Right gents, that's time". I said to all the guys who were merrily singing away some old style Tune. "And there is still a bill to settle." I said. My staff are waiting patiently to sort the table out. "I'll sort the bill". Lance said. "Right you lot home." He told them. They all left the restaurant merrily as my staff started to clean up after them. "So the final bill comes to $795.36." I told him. "Can you add $100 tip to that and I'll pay my card" He said handing me his credit card. I did as asked. "James, we're done here". Wyatt said as I handed Lance the card machine to put his pin number in. They had all cleared the tables and turned it round in record time. "OK guys, I'll finish up here". I said to them. " Do you need me to stay to Cash up". Ryder Asked. "Mate you can go, I'll protect him". Lance said smiling at me. "Go Ryder before you do get Lance a drink." I said. "Yes, boss." He replied. He served Lance his drink. And took off as I began to Cash up. "So rumor has it your ex partner is looking for you." Lances said sat at the bar. "Yep, but I can handle him". I replied. "I'm sure you can, but just so that you know we can help if you need it". He told Me. "Thanks, but I think I'll be fine. It's not like he's dangerous. Jokes." I said as I finished cashing up. "So no wife or girlfriend waiting for you". I said desperately trying to change the conversation. "Not for me. I fly the rainbow flag." He told me. I looked up. "Oh, I didn't realize." I told him. "Why `cause I'm a cop?" He said. "Well, yeah, you're not exactly the usual type." I replied. "Should I be offended by that?" He said. "No, not at all. I just meant that you're very straight acting". I said. "Well, thanks you too, by the way. But from what I hear you have already banked a man in the Bay". He said. "Well, your info is slightly out of date as I'm single". I told him. I finished banding notes up into 1000's and placed them in the envelope. "Oh really, I thought you and Mason the gym guy were getting it on". He said. "We were, but not anymore." I replied putting the money Into the envelope. And heading for the office. Lance followed. I opened the safe and put the money in. "So if I were to kiss you, then nobody would get mad." He said as I Locked the safe. I stood up facing him. "I guess not no". I replied. "Good". He said grabbing my head and pulling me to him as I lips met. His lips were soft and his kiss was passionate. "Well, that was something I've been thinking about all night." He said when we finally broke the kiss. "And did it meet expectations?" I said "hell yeah, met more than my expectations." He said. "Just what else did you expect to do?" I asked. "Maybe we should go back to yours and you can find out". He said. "And what makes you think I'm that type of boy?" I said playfully. "The hard on in your trousers is a dead Give away". He said. I looked down smiling. "Bloody thing always rats me out." I said. "What is that a yes?" He questioned. "Grab, you're Coat you have pulled." I replied. He smiled.

Well, this definitely made my night. I locked the office and turned out the lights as we left. The short ride to my house seemed to take forever. When we eventually arrived, he walked in first and looked around. "Nice place." He said. "Thanks, it serves me well". I replied. "Well, make yourself at home. I just need to freshen up". I said heading for the bathroom. I quickly washed my cock and balls in the sink. Gave myself a quick douche. Then brush my teeth. I headed back out to the lounge to find lunch. I found Lance Still sat on the sofa, but this time wearing absolutely nothing. Naked as the day he was born. "Is this making yourself at home?" I asked. I couldn't help but notice he had a nice smooth body with a defined 6 pack. His cock was rock hard and at least 8 inches. "Well, I figured. Why waste time hiding?" He said. I couldn't help but grin. "Well, maybe you better come through to the bedroom." I said. He smiled and stood up and followed me into the bedroom. When we got to the bedroom I had already Undone my shirt and flipped it to the floor. By the time Lance came into the room, I had taken off my shoes, socks and trousers. Now stood in just my Underwear. "Well hello there, hot stuff." Lance said checking me out. "Just one thing hiding." He nodded to my lower part. I slipped off my underwear and now I was now naked. My 9 inch cock rock hard pointing straight at him. "Oh Mama". He said coming to me as our bodies embraced. We kissed as we collapsed on the bed me on top of him. I kissed his neck sliding down his body before taking his impressive tool between my lips and going like a pro on it. I looked up and down the length of the shaft sucking him. My head bobbing up and down. He moaned and as I continued to suck his cock was playing with his Smooth balls with my hand. "Oh man, this feels so good". He moaned. I slid back up and began to kiss him again. He moved me over with his heavy chest and began to suck me off. Once he slid down my chest. I moaned my legs twitching as his tongue run across the tip of my cock. He somehow managed to deep throat me, which made me gasp loudly. "I want you in me". I said. "Happily". He replied. As he pushed me forward onto my back. He climbed between my legs. I put one leg over his shoulder as he positioned himself ready. He spat into his hand and rubbed it into my ass. He soon began to push his way into me. "ohhhh" I moaned As I felt him Enter Me. "Wow, I... how tight you are." He exclaimed. Pretty soon he was all the way in. Even sooner he was building up speed more and more as he began to push in and out. I could feel it sliding in and out as he picked up more speed. In my G spot every single time. I continued To moan. and Groan loudly. He leaned forward, kissing me as he continued to punish my hole. He was going so hard at one point I thought he was in my ribs. "FUCK!!" I yelled. He pushed more and more. It wasn't long though, before he exploded inside me. I felt shot after shot Enter me. In turn, I shot my own load all over my chest. He gently removed himself from me. As he collapsed onto the bed next to me. "That was..." Lance Said trying to catch his breath. "Yeah." I replied also trying to catch my own breath. " Wow". I exclaimed trying to recover. My chest was covered in cum. "Let me grab you a towel." He said. He passed me one over before we head into the bathroom to clean up. And afterwards back to the bedroom. "Can I get you a drink?" I asked. "I'm good, thanks anyway I should be making tracks and head back to the van". He said. "Sure". I replied a little, relieved to finally have my bed to myself. He dressed and headed out. "Thanks for your hospitality. See you soon". He said as he took off. As I was wide awake, I chose to sit in bed with Netflix on and do the Schedule for next week.

I must have dozed off around 4:00 AM after finishing the Schedule. I woke up again at 10:00 AM. I dressed and headed off to the gym. I did my workout whilst avoiding Mason. When I finished, Willow came over. "So still avoiding each other". SHe said. "You know we are. And well, I know you mean well, but please don't. I'm not in the mood for your matchmaking". I said "You know, Mason said the exact same thing. That's how I know you guys are meant to be together". She said. "And I told you to drop it. You have a class waiting, so go teach it". Mason said appearing. She turned and walked away. "Sorry about that". He said to me. "Save it." I replied heading for the changing rooms. Luckily he didn't follow me.

After showering, I dressed and left the gym heading for salt. Went to the office and checked some emails. Printed the schedule for the next week as well as emailing it out. I ate my usual eggs Florentine before heading out to the restaurant in time for lunch service. And so I got stuck in. "Matt, can you cover Mitch on the Bar Whilst he has his break?" I said sure. He replied. Everyone was continuing to work hard. At 1:30 Robbo came up. "Hi James, got a sec." He said. "Sure, how's your head?" I asked. He chuckled lightly. "Still hurts. I was sent to collect Mason's order. Something about not wanting to come up here?" He said. "Sure Leo. Will you get Mason's order from the kitchen, please." I said he nodded and took off to the kitchen. "So did Lance settle up here last night?" He asked. "Yeah, he sorted it out. We've also still got half the cake left here." I told him. "Oh, I'll take that with me." He replied. Leo returned with the food. "Sorry Leo, can you grab the cake from the fridge?" I said again, he nodded and disappeared. After handing robbo the bag with Mason's lunch In. "So forgive me for prying, are you and Mason still avoiding each other?" He asked. "Yes, and please do me a favor. Don't say what everyone else has already said." I told him. " I wasn't about to actually explains why Lance looked super happy with himself this morning". He said. I blushed badly. He looked at me with raised eyebrows. He knew. "Oh God, Please don't say anything to Mason". I replied. "James, come on. I'm not that type of person. It's your business, not mine." He said as Leo came back with a cake. "Thank you." I said he nodded. "Check you later." He said leaving. "See you mate". I said as he went back to work. Leo looked at me with a funny Look on his face. "Back to work You." I said.

After lunch we set up for dinner and once the place died down me, Leo and Martin had lunch on the terrace. Once we've eaten we finished the final plans for dinner. Ryder arrived. He Relieved Mitch from the bar. Once we finish setting up for dinner. They did some cleaning of the bar as I did some paperwork and paid a few invoices. "Can I get a double vodka on the rocks?" Said a voice at the bar. I looked up to see a tall, slim young guy with blonde hair in a Justin Bieber style. "Ryder. ID before serving." I said "excuse me." The guy said. I stood up and moved over to him. "I said ID before serving." I replied. "Are you serious? Who even are you? Where's Brody?" He said. "I'm James, and clearly you're not up to date with a few things. I own this place." I said squaring up to him. "Well, James, I'm old enough and I don't need your crap." He said. He turned back to Ryder. " Now I said vodka on the rocks double?" He said to him. "Sorry man. He's the boss. I can't do it without ID." Ryder told him. "Ryder, we know each other. We went to the same school for goodness sake. I'm older than you are." He said "I know VJ But still...." Ryder said. "You know what? Screw this and screw you." VJ said to me as he left. I turned to Ryder. "Who exactly was that?" I asked. "That's Leahs son. VJ. Came back last night. He and his husband are having some marital problems. So VJ came back here for a while to take a break". He told me. "Christ does everyone round here, know each other's business". I said "pretty much it's a small place." He replied. "I Guessed That bit. I'll be back soon." I said leaving.

I walked along the pier and into the diner where I found Leah. "Hi James, can I get you anything?" He said. "Just a minute of your time, if you don't mind. I've just had your son in salt who nicely gave me an earful because I asked him for identification. When he tried to get vodka". I told her. "Oh James, I'm sorry. I'll talk to him. He's not in a good place at the moment." She said. "Please do I don't want to be known as a dick round here. I'm just upholding the law." I told her. "I know and he should know better than that." She told Me. "Thanks". I said leaving. "How is Mason" she called "Leah". I said looking at her.R"Right, sorry." She said holding her hands up. I walked back to salt and continued to work. By 5:00 PM we were starting to fill up for dinner. We were all working so hard from that moment on. Maggie came in with Ben for dinner. As did Leah, Tori and Justin. Mason was in with Willow who I managed to avoid serving all night. The Lady from my bank was even in with her husband. So many people enjoying themselves. We were packed. Marilyn and Palmer came in for dinner as well, so I was very happy to see so many locals were trying us out and giving me a chance. We had three sittings by the end of the evening. By 11:00 PM the restaurant had gone completely quiet. I sent everyone but Ryder and Wyatt home. Wyatt was taking drink orders while Ryder did all the orders at the bar. I worked at the side of the bar checking some bits on the account system and making purchase orders. By 3:00 AM we were closed and rider and I cashed up. $14,700 in cash and another $11,200 in card payments. Not bad for a day's work. I put the money in the safe and left for the day.

As I walked out the surf club, there was someone waiting for me. "Hey". A Voice said. I jumped at hearing this. I was still very much on edge. With Luke having got a plane ticket now to come to Australia. I turned to see VJ Up against the wall. "Oh, it's you." I said seeing him. "Well, good to see you too". He replied. "Look, if you come to kick off. I'm not in the mood". I said "actually I was hoping we could talk." He replied. "You want to talk at 3:00 AM". I Said. "Yeah." He said. "Come on, you can have a beer at my place". I told him. We climbed into my car and drove off to the apartment. Once there, he made himself comfy on the sofa. I handed him a beer. "So what do you want to talk about?" I asked sitting down. "Well, first I wanted to apologize about before. It's not been easy lately. I'm going through divorce" . He said. "I heard." I replied. "Oh yeah the Summer Bay gossip Vine." He said. I smiled. "What's so funny?" He asked. "Oh nothing. I was just saying the same thing to Ryder earlier." I told him. "Speaking of which, he's got a boyfriend now". VJ said. "And you and Mason. Seems like the whole Bay is gone gay". He said. I laughed. "Yeah, it certainly seems like it." I replied. "And As for me in Mason. That's not a thing anymore". I aadded."Oh, really. So you're free and single." He said. "I sure AM." I replied. "Good," he said moving forward and kissing me. I pushed him back instantly. "This is a mistake. It would be a rebound on both of our parts." I said "So what I enjoy rebounds. Close, I haven't had sex in over a week. So if you think about it, you would be helping someone in need". He said. "In that case, the bedroom is this way". I said taking his hand and leading him to the bedroom. I fell on the bed and he got On top I slowly worked my way up the bed. "God you taste so good." He told Me. I could feel his rock hard cock pressing against mine through his Shorts. I slowly removed his jacket and tank top to reveal his Flat, toned 6 pack. He removed my t shirt and threw it to the floor. He Then started to remove trousers and I arched my back and lifted my Butt off the bed to allow him to pull them all the way down and off. He Then got off the bed and took off his shorts and climbed Back on top of me looking into my eyes. He kissed me deeply and I opened My mouth to allow him to probe my mouth with his tongue. He slowly moved Down first munching on neck before going further down and licking my Chest. His tongue felt so good as it went over my abs and 6 pack. He got Further down and played with my cock through my boxers. "I can see why Mason Likes keeping you in bed" he said grinning. He pulled back my boxers and my 9 inch cock flopped out on to my stomach and he started to lick the tip. It Was heaven. He slowly began to take more in his mouth and worked on my cock His head bobbing up and down. After 2 minutes or so he came back up and Kissed me. I wrapped my legs around him and did my usual trick and flipped Him over so I was on top. He smiled as I went and munched on his neck and Moved down playing with his nipples with my tongue. I finally moved down His body and I removed his boxers to let his 7 inch cock flop out and his Low hanging balls to be released. I slowly placed my mouth over his cock And I slowly slid my mouth down his shaft wanting to make this last as long As possible. As I slowly worked on his cock my head bouncing up and down I Played with his low hanging balls. He was loving this. As I let his cock go From my mouth I moved even further down and sucked on his balls. He Squirmed as I did this exhaling in pleasure. I could see him tense up and Stopped moving back up his body and kissing him. "Not so fast." I said. He Smiled and I rolled off him and he got back on top of me. "Do you have Any..." he asked. "Yeah top drawer." I said pointing to my dresser. He went Over and took out a condom and some lube and came back. I rolled the condom Onto his cock and he lubbed up my arse. When I was ready after him sticking Two fingers inside me he worked his cock into my arse stretching my Hole. When he was all the way in he slowly began to fuck me. "Oh fuck" I Screamed. I smiled and really began to fuck me hard. I could feel all of His cock leave my arse and then re-enter me hard and fast. He was so Fucking hot. I could see little drops of sweat on his forehead as he really Began to work my arse. After about 20 minutes he announced "I'm gunna cum." I looked at him and said "Same." He came out of me ripped off his condom And began to jack off. After about a minute we both came together and I was Covered in cum. He collapsed onto the bed beside me and came in and kissed Me. "Wow, that was...." he said trying to get his breath back. "Yeah it Was." I said. He smiled. We head into the bathroom to clean up. "Want to stay over?" I asked. "Too late for me to go home now anyway." He said. "True". I replied. We finished cleaning up and headed to bed. As soon as we were in bed, he fell asleep. I lay there thinking. Five guys I had slept with five guys in a week. What a slut. But I didn't want to be. I wanted Mason. Once this problem with Luke was over. I was going to make sure we ended up together.

Meanwhile at London Heathrow.

"Enjoy your flight, Sir". Said the flight attendant as she handed back the ticket and passport. They hadn't spotted the fake. Luke was on his way to Summer Bay. Time for payback.

End of episode 6.

Love to hear your feedback. Email me. Stay home and stay safe during this covid 19 crisis.

Next: Chapter 7

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