Moving to Summer Bay

By James Leete

Published on Jun 11, 2020



This story is purely fiction, any elements of truth are purely coincidental. This story is in no way affiliated with the TV show Home and Away or any studios that produces it. I have used the setting and the characters but that is where the similarities end. This story is of my own doing.

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Series 1 Chapter 5


When I awoke with the next morning, all I could think of was the message I had gotten the night before from my ex, Luke. I lay for ages, dwelling on it before going back to sleep. When Mason woke up, I tried to act normal, but he could sense something. "James I know something is up. Come on, talk to me. I'm your friend." He said. I saw it in his eyes that he was worried and finally surrendering and showing him the message. "Oh wow." He said. By the look on his face, I could see he was shocked. "Yeah. Listen, can we just not talk about this or mention this today? I'd like to get over this in my own way." I told him. "But if he comes, I want to be here for you." He said. "I get that, but just for today I want to enjoy lunch with your family and not think about it. I just want to be able to spend some time with you and get to know you more." I said. He smiled. "OK, if that's what you want." He said. "Thank you." I replied. I got out of bed heading for the bathroom. I really wanted today to go well. So after taking my morning piss I went back into the bedroom to find Mason was up and had already made my bed. "Shall we go for breakfast?" He asked. "Sure, I'd like that." I said smiling. "Cool, but not before a shower. Care to join me?" He said with a cheeky smile. I smiled back. "I think I can manage that." I said. He took me by the hand and lead me to the bathroom where we shared a lovely hot shower. He gave me a gentle shoulder rub and was very tender and gentle. I physically could just melt in his arms. He did his best to make sure I was happy that morning, but in truth I just couldn't be happy knowing that Luke was on his way here. Something about him still scared me. I didn't want Mason to sense this.

When lunchtime arrived, I headed over to Irene's with Mason armed with my lemon meringue pie. "Hi guys." Leah said as we walked in. "Hi." I said putting on a brave smile and handing her the pie. "James, this looks wonderful. Take a seat guys dinner will be served in a few minutes." Irene said. We sat down as we were handed a beer by Willow. "So I'm assuming you 2 been together since last night." She said. I smiled, cracking open my beer. "Well, I got off work early and someone dropped by and never left." I explained. "You have got to give me your secret." She said. "What do you mean by that?" I asked. "Well, you have been in the Bay now for six days. You have a great place, a business and you've bagged a man." She Replied. "Willow, we're just friends." Mason said to her. "I know, I know, but still..." She retorted. "Right, loves dinner is served." Irene said. We all headed for the table. "James, Mason, you two sit here." She said pointing at Two chairs in front of us were big plates, chicken stuffing, mountains of veg gravy and Yorkshire puddings. "Well, here's to new friends and continued health and prosperity." Justin said raising his Beer bottle. "Cheers" we all said as we all talked into lunch. The food was simply delicious. Irene was by far the best Cook I've met so far. "Irene, that was simply wonderful." I said as I finished. "You're welcome, doll." She said as she cleared away plates. I offered to help but was knocked back. She then served coffee and my dessert. "James, this dessert is amazing. Where did you get this?" Justin asked. "I made it last night." I replied. "You baked this." Irene said. "Sure did my mother's home recipe. The whole thing from scratch." I told them. "Wow, you are a man of many talents." Leah said. As we rounded dessert off my iPhone Went off. "Sorry." I said as I checked it. It was another message on Instagram. `Look what I just bought. See you soon.' It read and following was a picture of a booking email for a flight. It was Luke. My heart sank and I felt tears start to run down my face. "Can you excuse me for a minute?" I said as I ran out crying. "JAMES!" Mason shouted after me. I ran down Irene's driveway and sat against the fence on the ground, sobbing. I was never going to be free of him. "James." Mason said approaching and sitting next to me. He put his arms around me. "What's he sent?" He asked. I showed him the new message. "So he's coming." He said. "Looks like it." I replied. "Come on, let's go back inside. The others are worried about you." He said. Using his T shirt, he dried my eyes for me. And held my hand. As we headed back inside.

"Hi Doll." Irene said as we walked back in. "James is everything OK. You know you can always talk to us." Leah said. I looked at Mason Unsure of how to answer. "It might be wise for you to tell us. That way we can help." He said. "You're right." I said sitting down on the sofa. Justin handed me another beer. Taking a long sip. I finally worked up the courage to start speaking about what had happened to me months before. "I got a message from my ex Luke. He's coming to Summer Bay to find me." I told them. "But we will look after you." Justin said. "It's a bit more complicated than that, I'm afraid." I said "why did you guys end on bad terms?" Willow asked "I guess you could say that. For you guys to understand, I'm going to have to tell you the whole story. That way you will be able to understand why I'm like I am now." I told them. "OK love. But don't feel pressured." Irene said. "No, I want to. I need to tell other people this so they know just what he did. And the type of person he turned me into." I said. I looked down, took a breath and started.

3 months earlier

"James I could definitely do with an extra pair of hands in here. Could you please bring the agency and see where this temp chef is?" Adam said to me. "Sure." I said heading for my office. I picked up the phone and dialled. "Hi, this is James. I'm the general manager of Adam's kitchen. We ordered a temp shift to start at 3:00 PM today. And they still haven't arrived. I'm just following up on finding out where this person is." I said "I'm so sorry. Let me give him a call and I'll call you right back." The woman on the phone said. "Thank you." I said as I hung up. Today was supposed to be my first day off in months. And here I was still in work. Luke and I had argued yet again this morning about it all before I had stormed out. Makes me laugh me storming out of my own apartment. It was best just to let him cool off. Half hour later, the agency had called me back just as the chef turned up. "You're late." I said walking up to him. "I'm so sorry my train was delayed." He explained. "Well, you're here now. Get changed and see Adam. He's the owner and head chef." I explained. I went back to my office and finished the admin. I had to do. As I really wanted to go home. So an hour later. And I was done. "Right, Adam. Everything is caught up. Have a good service and I'll see you tomorrow." I said. "Thanks man, I really do appreciate it. Have a good night." He said. As the Master kitchen was on The lower ground floor basically in the basement. I made my way up the stairs Into the restaurant Where Claire, my assistant manager was checking the place over. "I'm off." I said to her. "Have fun, I hope Luke still isn't too mad at you." She said. I chuckled. "You and me both." I replied.

I left the restaurant and caught the tube to Kensington, where Mine and Lukes One bedroom apartment I say ours, it was technically mine. As he had his own place. As I walked in, I was met by the sound of the TV on. "I'm home." I shouted as I put my keys on the table and put my back down heading into the lounge. "Hi." I said seeing him sat on the sofa. He didn't respond. "Luke, come on, don't ignore me." I said. This must have got to him. "Why not you ignored me all day?" He said. "I said I'm sorry. It can't be helped. You know that. You know how much responsibility I have at that restaurant?" I told him. "Oh, that bloody restaurant. I'm sick of hearing it. That's all you care about. I'm just an afterthought." He said. "Oh come on Luke, don't be stupid. I love you. We're getting Married." I said. In that moment he seemed to switch. "What did you just call me?" He said bolting up. "I Didn't call you Anything." I said rolling my eyes. He had a look about him that I had never seen before. "You called me stupid." He said. "I didn't mean it like that. Look, why don't I take a shower? Then we can have a nice dinner and a chilled night in." I suggested. "Apologize." He said. "What?" I asked. "Apologize for calling me stupid." He said. "Oh, now you really are being silly. Look, why don't you just sit down and chill? I'll go and take a shower and then I'll cook us something nice." I said turning away walking towards the bedroom. "Don't you walk away from me?" He said marching up behind me. I turned and before I could react he grabbed me by the hair and threw me against the wall where I hit my head hard. "You think you can be in control of everything? I've had it, James, I'm in control." He screamed in my face as he punched me in the stomach. Wingding, me. I dropped to the floor. He was really starting to scare me. He had never been like this with me before. I dropped to the floor. "You're so weak and pathetic." He said as he kicked me in the chest with full force. I could barely breathe and could taste blood in my mouth. "I don't know what I ever saw in you." He said crouching to my position. He grabbed my hair again and with the full force Of his fist he punched me clean in the face. "You're nothing to me anymore. So weak to even defend yourself. Never thinking of my needs." He said. He punched me again, making sure to slam my head in the wall. Tears were streaming down my face. I didn't know how to react. I didn't know what to think. I didn't even know what to do. It was like my whole body had become paralyzed. I felt blood running down my face and down the back of my head. "And what about our sex life, huh? Non existent. But I've stayed faithful." He said spitting in my face. "Luke, please I....." I said through muffled tears. "Oh save it. You fucking piece of shit. I've had Enough." He said. He grabbed me by the hair and pulled me no dragged me to the bedroom. He threw me to the bed. I felt so weak and pathetic. He pulled me fully up onto the bed. "Now you will give me What I deserve." He said maliciously. He gripped my trousers and pulled them apart revealing my ass Still in boxers. He pulled those apart too, now revealing my bare ass. I felt helpless and unable to move. I heard him drop his jeans and boxes. And I knew what was coming next. He climbed on top of me, making sure he pinned my legs down. He grabbed my arms behind my back, twisting them, causing me pain. The pain was only minor, but it was nothing compared to what was coming. "I'm going to enjoy every minute of this." He hissed in my ear. He shuffled around A bit before I knew it, I could feel his raw unlubed cock pushing against my hole. I screamed out in pain, but he pushed my head down into a pillow. He continued to push inside me, forcing his way in. He slammed in and out roughly. "Oh, you love this?" He said as I continued to scream. Into a pillow. I cried my heart out. It wasn't long before he cummed. He climbed off Me. "'bout time you gave that up." He said. "Well, I'm going out for food. Don't wait up. Get yourself cleaned up as well. I'm going to want round two when I get back." He said as he pulled his jeans up and grabbed his jacket and left.

I was shaking. I didn't know what to do. I eventually got up off the bed slowly. My whole body was weak. My bed was covered in blood. I walked to the bathroom and I looked in the mirror. My lip was cut and swollen. I had a black eye and cut some bruises everywhere. I moved my hand to my ass and touched it gently. I was bleeding, I knew it but I had to check. My hand was covered in a mixture of blood and cum. I wiped it away with a tissue. I then took off my boxers and trousers. I grabbed some fresh ones from the chest of drawers and a pair of dark tracksuit bottoms. I threw on a hoodie. I knew what I had to do. He had gone too far this time. I mustered up all my strength. And through the pain I went out the front door. With me I had my phone, my keys, my wallet and the trousers and boxes and a few other things. That I've just been wearing. It was time to turn him in.

I walked down the street with my hood up, hoping I didn't run into him. I could only imagine the consequences if I did. I was in so much pain as I walked down the street. I eventually got to the police station. I breathed as I walked in. I approached the desk where an officer sat. "So I'm going to need to takedown your hood." He said. I lowered my hood. "I, uh. I need to report a crime." I said in a shaky voice. The officer looked at me, his face in horror mode. "Absolutely, of course. Take a seat and I'll get an officer." He said. "I'll stand." I said still shaking. Pretty soon 2 male officers emerged, one I recognized. "James how?.. What happened to you? Where is Luke?" The younger one asked. "Not you." I said shaking. He was Luke's best friend. "Come again." The other officer then asked. "I want a different officer. I don't want him." I said. "can I ask Why?" The officer said. "Because his best friend did this to me." I told him. "Luke did this to you." His best friend said to me. "PC Lloyd Get me someone else then returned to holding." He said. "Yes, Sir." He said leaving. "James, is it?" The other officer said. I nodded. "I'm Sergeant Ashworth. Please follow me." He said. I walked slowly with him into a side room. "Please take a seat. Can I get you anything?" He said. "Just some water please." I said "sure." He replied. He left the room and soon returned with some water and a female officer. He handed me the water. "Please sit down." He said. I moved to the chair, afraid to sit down. "Is there a problem with sitting?" The woman asked. I slowly nodded. "I'm afraid too." I said in a low voice. "Well, you can stand if you want." The man said. "Now, can you tell us what happened to you? You told PC Lloyd that someone called Luke did this to you. Who is he?" Ashworth asked "my boyfriend." I said "so you're saying this was domestic violence?" He asked. "Yes." I said my voice shaking. "Before we continue, I have to ask. Was there any sexual assault?" He asked. Unable to speak the truth, I simply nodded. "Right, James I need to stop you there. I need our CID team to come in and arrange for a rape test and interview." Ashworth said. "I'm going to leave PC more here with you. I'll be right back." He said as he left. I sipped my water. "Has this happened before?" More asked. I shook my head indicating no. "Is that why you won't sit down?" She asked. I nodded. "OK, CID won't be Long." She said. I nodded tears streaming down my face. Pretty soon two officers arrived with Ashworth. "James, this is Detective Inspector Corrigan and Detective Constable Butler. They're going to take your statement. He told Me. There's also a nurse waiting to do a test on you. Now before I leave, did you get attacked in those clothes that you're wearing?" He asked. "No, I have them here." I said handing him a bank which had my trousers, boxes and blood soaked shirt in. "Thank you." He said as he left With PC more. I spent the next hour and a half reliving every detail for the detectives. My emotions running high. "OK, we have everything we need. I'll get officers to pick up Luke tonight. In the meantime, do you have anywhere to stay?" Corrigan asked. "I'll go to a hotel." I said. "OK, I'll take you to the nurse for the test. We will then escort you to the hotel. We will contact you when we have made the arrest." She told me. "Then what? After he's been arrested. What if he comes looking for me?" I said getting upset. "Don't panic about that. If he is bailed. He will be subject to conditions such as not to contact you. Who rents your flat? Is it a joint tenancy?" She asked. "No, he has his own place in Hammersmith." I explained. "Well, that makes things a bit easier for us. We will make sure to include a residency clause to his bail." She said. "We can arrange for a locksmith to come change your locks." She added. She led me to the nurse who did a full examination. Nothing broken, thank God. Just some bruised ribs and cuts and scratches. He also did the Test which confirmed that he had Sexually assaulted me. He took a swab of Luke's cum And left me to clean up. They also took my DNA.

Later that evening I was escorted to a Premier Inn on Oxford Street and left in peace. I showered and cleaned myself up. I didn't change my appearance too much, but it was better than it was. When I was in the shower, all I could think of was that there wasn't water hot enough to wash away what he doing to me. And despite the shower, I still felt dirty. I lay on the bed and tried to watch TV for a while. And it wasn't long before my phone Rang. Came up with the no caller ID. Which I recognized as the police. I answered. "Hello." I said. "James this is Sergeant Ashworth. I just wanted to advise you that we have arrested Luke. He's being remanded into police custody for the next 24 hours. Officers have searched your home. We have your bed sheets as evidence and a towel with blood. We have retained your keys from Luke. But I've been told that your locks have been changed and keys have been left in a sealed envelope at your hotel reception." He said. "Thank you." I replied. "We will be in touch about the outcome." He said. "Thank you, I appreciate It." I said hanging up the phone.

Back to present day

"So there you have it." I said. "What happened to Luke." Irene asked. "Well, he was bailed with the conditions the police told me. He pleaded guilty in Magistrates Court, but they decided not to sentence him there. So they moved it to Crown Court." I explained. "He is being sentenced in October." I said. "I see. James, this is absolutely awful." Leah said. "Anyway, I took a few days off work, went back home. Packed up Luke stuff and we never spoke or sore each other again until now." I explained. "Well, we will make sure he is not welcome here." Justin said. "Thank you." I replied. I looked around and saw their faces. "Well, I didn't mean to bring you all down with me. I feel like I killed the mood today. Which is the last thing I wanted." I said. "You didn't." Willow said. "Well, I guess I should head off." I said. "Yeah, thanks for lunch, Irene." Mason said. "Anytime. James, just remember we're all here for you. You can count on us remember that." She said. I hugged Leah and Irene Goodbye. "Thanks." I said leaving with Mason. We drove back to mine In silence. He was trying to make sense of what happened. And I was relaxing knowing that it was all out there. But I needed to do this alone and I had a very difficult choice to make now.

When Mason and I returned to my place, we entered my apartment. "You've been quiet on the ride over here." I said. "Well, it was just a lot to deal with. And hearing that." He said. "But it's not yours to deal with." I said "What do you mean by that?" He asked. "Listen, Mason. We need to Cool things." I told him. "What, Why?" he said, shocked. "Listen, Luke is coming here. I need to be able to deal with this on my own. We just need to end things here and now. I can't have you around for all this." I said. "You can't be serious. You know this isn't right. We are great together." He said. I couldn't believe what I was about to say. "Mason leave. We are over." I said. He looked away. "James I care about you. There was no reason to end this." He said. "Mason, please. Until I can deal with Luke, I need a clear head free from distractions. You need to just leave me alone." I said as I turned away. "This is crazy and you know it. But if it's what you want, then fine. So long." He said as he walked out, grabbing his bag, leaving me stood there. I was alone. Now What?

End of episode 5.

Love to hear your feedback. Email me. Stay home and stay safe during this covid 19 crisis.

Next: Chapter 6

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