Moving to Summer Bay

By James Leete

Published on May 17, 2020



This story is purely fiction, any elements of truth are purely coincidental. This story is in no way affiliated with the TV show Home and Away or any studios that produces it. I have used the setting and the characters but that is where the similarities end. This story is of my own doing.

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Series 1 Chapter 3

I awoke the following morning to the sound of my alarm events of yesterday. Still fresh in my mind, I had to smile. My business was going well. I had started to make some good friends in the Bay. I was starting to really make a good life for myself. Yesterday with Ryder was certainly fun. It was the first time since I've broken up with Luke that I'd actually slept with someone. I had raging morning glory just thinking about it. I badly wanted to jerk off , but that wasn't wise before a gym session. I learned that a long time So I climbed out of bed, put the news on the TV. I've made myself some breakfast. After breakfast. I did some chores and tidied the place up. I packed my gym bag with work clothes and toiletries before changing into my workout clothes and heading out. I drove up to salt where I parked in my usual spot." Morning, James." Mr Palmer Shouted." Morning, John." I replied. I checked the time to say it was only 8:30 am I wasn't meeting Mason for at least another hour. I decided to head to the diner for a coffee. As I entered, I saw Irene and Leah running around working hard. I approached the counter where Marilyn was serving." Hi James, what can I get you?" She asked." I'll take an Americano. Please love." I replied." Coming up. Take a seat and I'll bring it over." She said." Thanks." I replied sitting down." Morning love how you doing today?" Irene, after she was clearing a table." Pretty good, thanks. Just killing, sometime before I meet Mason at the GYM." I told her." Sounds good, though. Good to see you." She said as she went back to work. Marilyn brought over my coffee as I sat and browse social media for awhile. I snapped a few pictures of the Bay for my Instagram page and watched the reaction from people back home. By 9:15 I decided to head to the gym. As I strolled down the beach, I run into Willow who was heading back from a Class." Hey." I said as I approached." How are you today?" She asked Me." Good feel ready and charged for Masons training plan." I replied." He just like to work people hard in the gym." She told me. I Chuckled." I noticed." I replied." He likes you. It could field both to have a friendship. He recently suffered a professional setback." She told me as we had it inside." How so?" I asked." Did you know he's a doctor?" She said." No I had no idea." I replied, shocked." Yeah, well, he's been trying to get into a hospital to start working. Pretty recently got arrested for producing cannabis oil." She told Me." Why was he doing that for?" I asked." His sister Raffy. She suffers with epilepsy. The oil was helping her control her fits." She explained." Wow, that's a really big thing he did there for her." I responded." It didn't help as well that he was involved in an accident a few years ago, so he knows what it's like to overcome an illness. Or a problem?" She told me." What happened to him?" I said curious." He was involved in a car accident and he was paralyzed from the waist down. It took months of recovery, but he finally managed to start walking again. And now he's right as rain." She told me." Wow, sounds like he's been through quite a lot." I said" Yeah, so you see why I say he could do with a good male friend. He's had relationships with girls before. But they never seem to last." She told Me. Well, there goes my idea of getting into his pants." Absolutely, and for what it's worth, I like him too. He's a cool guy." I said she smiled as we entered the gym.

As I walked in with Willow, I saw Mason speaking to Robbo." Hey guys." Mason said." Hi." I said smiling." So ready for this workout?" He asked." Definitely." I replied." Hey Mason, think about what I said. The offer still stands. Good to see you James." Robbo said." I will mate, thank you, I'll let you know by tonight." Mason replied. Robbo smiled." I'll leave you guys to trio training." He added as he left. I scanned in and headed into the locker room with Mason. We put our stuff in our lockers and hit the ground running with our session. We went from cardio to weights to sit-ups and burpees. He was Really putting me through my paces. When it was over, we did a few cool down stretches." That was a good session." I said noticing his now sweaty glistening body. Man was this guy trying to kill me. As we were working out, Mason had told me about his job worries and how he felt like. He had wasted his time at University. I assured him that it was worth it and that one day he would make a brilliant doctor. We entered the locker room. I shed my workout vest as I opened my locker, taking a big gulp of water from my water bottle."" You have a great body man." He said to me. I smiled." Thanks." I replied. He removed his own vest." Pretty good yourself to be fair." I added." Cheers." He replied as we smiled at each other. I took out my towel and toiletries and got ready for my shower. He was playing around on his phone in his locker and had his back to me. He didn't notice me, removed my shorts and boxes. I wrapped the towel around my waist and headed for the shower." So I was.... Hey where you go?" He said." Shower." I replied." Oh. 1 sec ill join ya. "He said. The shower area was a separate area with a row of showers on the wall. All open plan." So as I was saying, one night we should hang out, watch a movie, have some beers." He said. He hung his towel up next to mine, where I got a great view of his round and smooth tight ass. " Yeah, sure you can come to mine." I said testing the water." Awesome, sounds good. When are you free?" He asked me." Sunday is my night off." I said I was now washing my hair but could feel him stood next to me showering himself." Perfect, I'll bring the beer. You supply the pizza and ice cream." He said." Deal." I replied watching the soap out of my hair." So what did robbo offer you?" I asked." He offered me the full-time manager role here." He said." That's cool." I said" Yeah, I'm thinking I'll take it just so I have some job security for awhile." He told me. " It sounds like it could be good for you." I said he was now washing his hair and had his eyes closed. I took this moment to look down and tried to catch a glimpse of his manhood. If only just to see what he was packing. I moved my head slightly and at last I saw it swinging between his legs. It was the same length as me, just slightly thicker. He had a good set of low hanging balls on him and like me, he was totally Hairless" So what did you think?" He asked. I turned my head away." Well, as long as the offer Comes with a good salary. You should take it." I told him." No, not that. What do you think about what you were just looking at?" He asked. Busted." Well, I. Well." I couldn't get my words out." Listen, Mason, I'm sorry I didn't mean to." I trailed off. He laughed." Don't panic, it's natural. I've checked yours out to looks good." He said with a cheeky smile." Thanks. I have to say yours does look good too." I said blushing." So anyone on the scene at the moment?" I asked." Nope, no completely single." He told Me. Of course there wasn't. He Is Hot? Single. A heart throb. But naturally straight. I guess my bad luck follows me wherever I go. " Yeah no lady or man on the go for me at the minute." He said. This surprise me. " Come again." I said still trying to process what he just told me." I thought you must have picked it up. I'm Bisexual. Had an idea when I was younger. But I found out for sure when I went to University." He told Me." Oh, I See." I said so many thoughts raced through my head at that one moment." So there was another thing I was hoping to ask you." He said." Fire away." I replied, showering myself off." I know this may seem a bit forward. But if you're single and I'm single. Ann, we become good friends. Maybe we could become friends with benefits." He said. Oh wow, now I was shocked." Of course." I started to say." I get that it's totally out of the blue and I understand that it might be too much for you or to fall on. And I get that it's also might be a bit quick. And I understand if you're not interested in me like that, I just... Well, I like you. And I'm a pretty good judge of character." He said." Mason shut up and kiss me." I blurted out. I didn't know how he would take that. In that instant, I felt like the world had stopped. And I was either waiting for him to punch me. Or kiss me. He moved closer. Grabbed me by my waist, smiling as our lips met and we made out under the hot jets of the shower." I'll take that as a Yes." He said when he finally let me up for her." Oh hell yeah." I replied. I couldn't stop grinning. He kissed me again. When we broke that second kiss, I looked down to see he was now rock-hard And I was no better off." So Sunday night it's a date." I said" totally. I look forward to it." He said to me as we kissed again." Now, as much as I'd love to stay here and do so much more with you right now. I really need to get ready for work." I said" You're right. Plus it's a bit public here." He said. I smiled." Oh, and for the record, when I say friends with benefits, that doesn't mean we're exclusive, does it?" He asked me." Of course not." I said." Awesome well go get dressed to work, otherwise I'll be tempted to take this further." He said. I finished showering and then dry it off before dressing in my work stuff." So damn sexy. You know, last night when I saw you working insult, I had to hide at least three hard ons." He told me. I finished starting my hair and looked at him." Yeah, well when I saw you when I first came in here I had to do what I could to stop from pouncing on you." I said he laughed at me." That could have been fun. Oh, and just to put it out there, I'm versatile." He said. I smiled." Glad to hear it because so am I." I said giggling like a little girl. Once dressed and finished, I grabbed my bag." I'm heading off you coming up for lunch." I said" Yeah, I just want to head home and change." He said." Cool, see you up there." I replied. We kissed one last time before I left.

After I left the gym, I went out to the car and swapped my gym bag for my laptop bag. Heading back into the surf club, I headed straight up to salt." Morning, James." Leo, who was one of my part timer said."Hey Leo." I replied." Where's Harry?" I asked." Kitchen." He replied as he seated somebody for breakfast. I had it into the kitchen where Harry was stood." Hi everyone." I said" morning, James. What can I get you?" Carlos asked." Eggs Benedict. Actually no eggs Florentine. Just been to the gym." I said" coming right up." Carlos replied." Harry, anything to report." I asked." Now quiet morning, the post is in your office. Here's today's delivery notes." He said handing me them." Nice one. Carlos, I've done a table for 10 on Friday night at 8:30. I've told him the need to pre order. When do you want them in by?" I asked him." Ideally by Tuesday. And thank you, you're a legend. Mac never believed in pre ordering." He told me." You're welcome. I'll be getting balloons and cakes for them as well, so I'll need to keep the cake in the fridge." I explained." No problem. Who is it for anyway?" Carlos asked." Some guys from the AFP. Robbo is organizing it." I said" cool, well, I'll bring you breakfast out. "Harry said." Thank you." I said leaving the kitchen." Mitch, will you do me a flat white please?" I asked." Show boss." He said. I looked at him. He realized what he had done." Thank you." I replied. I grabbed the post from my office along with the Schedule. I set myself up at a table. Going through the post, there was a lot of stuff basically saying I was now the owner of salt welcome letters from the bank, etc. I put those in my laptop bag. I then sent robbo an email. With the menu confirming the prices, we had agreed and explaining I needed it back by Tuesday latest. It didn't take long before Harry appeared with my breakfast as I was confirming delivery notes against purchase orders and entering delivery note Oh, the joys of accounts. Thankfully this lunchtime I had Harry, Mitch and Leo working. And Rider was due to start at 12:30. I ate my breakfast whilst I continued to work. It didn't take me long to demolish it. I was starving. I worked on a few other trivial things whilst I settled into the shift. Mason, of course, had been distracting Me by texting me a few times, explaining that Willow and Irene knew about our friends with benefits agreement. Hoping I didn't mind. I told him it was fine. He also sent me some naughty pictures of him. This again Distracted me. But I wasn't complaining. At 12:30, lunch was getting off to a start. Ryder appeared and headed behind the bar. " Hi mate." I said smiling." Hey, how's it going?" He said happily." Christ rider, you're happy for a change. What happened? Did you get a blowjob last night or Something." Leo taunted him." A man never kisses and tells. But yes I did." Ryder said happy with himself." Fair Playmate you needed it." Leo replied as he went off to greet some arrivals." So you're happy." I asked." Actually I am yeah. You made me realize what I had been hiding. It's actually what I want all Along." He said." Well glad I was able to help." I replied." Can you believe I actually downloaded Grindr?" He said." Wow, so you're embracing things." I said" sure am. In fact I found someone there who is local someone I actually never expected." He said." Oh really, can I ask who?" I asked." Promise Me You won't tell." He said I nodded." Wyatt" he said." Wyatt as in...." I said. He nodded." Wow, I didn't realize he was." I said" well, he's bisexual like Me. But it's on the down Low." He explained." Well, I hope things workout between you. Just don't let it interfere with your job. And I should be saying the same to him tonight when he comes in. Your colleagues first and foremost. And I don't want things to be upset if you don't work things out." I told him." There's somebody else I saw on there last night." Ryder said pointing. I looked saw Mason walking in." Well, if you would excuse Maine, I've just seen my friends with benefits walk in." I said walking over to Mason." Hi doctor Mason." I said approaching." Hi." He said flashing his sexy smile." So where do you want to sit?" I asked." In the corner is good." He said." I let him over and he sat down." What can I get you to drink?" I asked." Definitely a diet Sprite please." He asked me." Coming up." I said heading for the bar. I turned my head slightly to see him watching my ass as I walked away. I smiled." Diet Sprite Please Rider." I said" coming up," he replied. He went about making the drink." I knew it was going to happen." He added." What's That" I said." You and Mason you're so suited for each other." He said." Yeah, you think?" I asked." Totally, you get on so well. So are you exclusive? Ryder asked." No way too early for that at the moment, right? Just casual friends with benefits." I said" awesome. Well, I'm happy for you." He said handing me the drink. I smiled." Well, thank you." I said taking over to Mason." Here you go." I said setting it down." Are you ready to order?" I asked." Actually Robbo is meeting me here. I'm going to take him up on his offer." He explained." That's great. Well, I'll wait till he gets here. In the meantime, relax." I said." Oh, I will. The view is great from this angle." He said. I blushed." Well, enjoy it." I said walking away. It wasn't long before Robbo arrived, and after bringing him a beer, he had Mason ordered lunch. Food service was in full swing and there was a lot of diners in. Likewise, there were a lot of orders coming in thick and fast over the phone. When Willow arrived, she smiled at me. She said hi to Mason and robbo. And then came over to me at the bar." Hey James." She said with a coy smile." Hi Willow" I replied equally as coy." I'll just grab your order." Ryder said behind me. He took off and headed for the kitchen." So rumour has it you had a good gym session earlier." She said." You could say that." I replied. I looked over at Mason." Did a bit of kissing did we. We are friends with benefits agreement." She said. " Yes, yes." I said surrendering." Well, I'm happy for you both. Who knows where this could lead?" She said." Slow down, it's just friends with benefits right now." I told her." I know. I hear you two are having a date." She said." Did he tell you everything?" I replied." Pretty much he is my best friend. He wouldn't tell me anything else though." She said." I'm glad. Well, yes, I'm happy, and he certainly seems like he is too." I told her. I looked over him again as our eyes met. We shared a smile. He stood up and walked over to the bar." Hey guys, what are you 2 talking about?" Mason flushed." Willow here was just being all coy and love-struck." I said" Willow, Please don't make this into something big. We're just friends." Mason said." Yeah, with benefits." She added." Yes, and that. Anyway, don't you have to work?" He asked her." I'm waiting for Ryder to bring out my order." She told him. He was desperate to get rid of her." I'll go chase him up on that one." I said running into the kitchen. I caught him heading out with it. He handed it to Willow, and as she paid. Went back to work." Sorry about that. She doesn't come with the filter." Mason said." I think it's sweet." I said he returned to his lunch with Robbo and pretty soon I saw them shake hands, obviously agreeing on a contract.

The afternoon went smoothly from there on and once lunch was over I helped set up for dinner before grabbing myself a chicken wrap. As I was eating Mason text me a few times. Ryder also took his break with Maine and we chatted about how he and Wyatt were going on a date. Whilst we were eating I notice someone stood at the bar. What happened next shocked me. The person leaned over, took a bottle and put it inside their coat." Hey." I shouted, but the person darted. I got up and run after them. I made it down the stairs and caught up to them grabbing their arm and spinning them around." Bella" I said." Let me go.!" She exclaimed." Give it to me." I Barked." Let me go." She repeated." James, what's going on?" Mr Palmer said coming over." This little thief just stole a bottle of vodka from my bar." I told him." Come on mate. Bella wouldn't do that. She's a good kid, and her brother is a cop." Palmer said." Oh, really. So what's this?" I exclaimed grabbing her other arm, pulling the bottle out from under her jacket." Bella why?" He said to her. She remained silent." Will you take this back up for me please? I want to handle this myself." I said handing the bottle over to him." Sure." He said." We'll see what Colby has to say about this." I said to her, dragging her out of the club and along the pier towards where they lived." Please don't tell Colby If you do, you'll regret it."She said." Oh, really, how so?" I said stopping." If you tell him I took the vodka. I tell him you tried to hit on me." She said. I smiled and carried on dragging her to the apartment, still holding her arm. I let her up the stairs and knocked the door. Colby soon appeared." James, hey, what's going on?" He asked looking from me to Bella. I let her inside." What's happened?" He asked as we came in." Your sister decided it would be a good idea to come into salt and Steal a bottle of vodka from behind my bar." I said." Bella, is this true?" He asked, clearly shocked." No, I swear. He has a grudge against me because I said no when he tried to hit on me. He clearly wants me." She said, causing me to smile." You're lying." Colby said which now shocked Bella. " What do you mean? I'm not lying at all. How could you say that?" She said trying to fake tears." Don't give me the false tears, Bella. You want to know how I know you're lying. James is gay. He's not into women of any age. You're grounded. I'm taking away your phone, your laptop, everything. You will not leave this apartment except for school. And there will be no TV." He said sternly to her." Colby no, I'm so sorry." Bella said." Now you're not. Now go to your room." He shouted. As she turned, I spoke." Oh, and one more thing. Bella, you're barred from salt until I deem fit." I said" like I care." She said storming to her room and slamming the door." James, I'm so sorry about all this." Colby said" it's not your fault, honestly." I said as I left.

I returned to salt and after filling Ryder and the team in on what had just happened. We started to get ready for dinner service. I was lucky as tonight I had rider Wyatt, Lee and Stephanie. On with me. Lee and Steph were key holders. Basically, supervisors. They knew how to close up and Cash. Up. I also knew how to do the reverse. By 7:00 PM, dinner was well underway. And we were all having a good time looking after our guests. Roo Came in and was having dinner with Mr Stewart. Dean and Ziggy were also having dinner on the terrace. People were happy. Ryder and Wyatt kept making eye contact and smiling a lot, each other. I also notice Wyatt spending a lot more time around the bar." Hey Wyatt, Will you help me clear the terrace?" I said as I walked past the bar. It was now 10:00 PM. And the place was starting to die down. Dean and Ziggy had gone and there was no one on the balcony. Wyatt and I walked out onto the terrace and began to clear plates and glasses." Stop a second Wyatt. I need to have a Word With You." I said" sure, have I done something wrong?" He asked." No, of course not. It's just that Ryder and I had a chat. He's told me about the pair of you." I said he immediately tensed Don't worry, your secret is safe with me." I said" thanks." He said, relaxing." All I wanted to say was please don't let this interfere with your work. That includes hanging around the bar unnecessarily." I said" sure, sorry it won't be an issue. It's just that Ryder is a great guy and I like him a lot." He said." I know, and I'm not saying You can't have those moments, just try to keep things professional. Outside of work, you can do whatever the hell you like." I said" thank you, James." He said taking the plates in. I finished wiping tables and took the glasses inside. The restaurant didn't have many people left." Haley why don't you guys start setting up for breakfast?" I said rubbing my eyes." Already done. Listen, James, you've been here all day. Why don't you finish up? We can close up." He said." You know what I think I'll do that." I said smiling." I'm sure they won't be, but if there's any issues, call Me. And let rider cash up." I told them." No worries." Lee replied so I went to my office, grab my laptop. Put it in my bag and Headed out." Thanks guys, see you tomorrow." I said as I left. I Headed out of the surf club. And over to my car. Mason was on my mind. Screw it. I took out my phone and called him." Hey." He said Chirpy." I was just thinking about you." He added." Oh, really, it's funny. I was just thinking of you too." I said" So what do I owe the pleasure?" He asked." Well, I've got off work early and truth be told I don't think I can wait until Sunday." I said nothing more had to be said." 20 minutes and I'll be at yours." He said without hesitating." Someone's eager." I said" I guess I am and you would be too if you hadn't had sex in three months." He said." Well then I guess I should say get moving." I said as I hung up. I started the car and drove home. Thank God I cleaned up this morning. When I got in, I quickly headed into the bathroom to freshen up and douche. It didn't take me long. I heard the sound of a car pulling up. I watched his Mason got out and walked round to my door. He knocked." It's Open." I shouted. He walked in and smiled." Hey you." He said." Hi Doctor." I said causing him to blush and smile." Take a seat, get comfy." I said" can I get you a cold one?" I asked." Sure." He said, taking off his red Gym hoodie I got up and grabbed his drinks as he sat down." So how was your day?" He asked. My heart melted instantly. This is just what I wanted with him and in one sentence he'd made my life so unbelievably true." Fine for the most part. Except a little incident with Bella." I told him as I handed him a beer." What happened?" He asked. I told him what went off." Man, I bet Colby is pissed" He replied." I'd say. He gave her a right dressing down." I said" I can imagine." He replied. We were sat side-by-side on the sofa just looking at each other. He leaned forward and gently kissed me." This never fails to surprise me." I said that we broke the kiss." What kissing?" He asked." More to the point, kissing you." I said." Well, the next part is going to rock your world. If that's the case." He said. He took my hand and we walked to the bedroom. We certainly didn't waste anytime in shedding our clothes. After all We haven't exactly been shy before now. Once we were both naked, I lay on the bed as he climbed on top of Maine and we began to kiss once again, my hands exploring his strong back and firm smooth Rear end. He gently began to kiss my neck before moving lower and lower. I felt his tongue circle, my nipples and this Sent Shivers down My spine. Before long he soon came face to face with my hard cock. He wasted no time taking hold of it and taking it in his mouth." Oh yes." I moaned as I watched his head Bob opened down. On occasion, our eyes connecting. He continued this action for a few more moments. I could feel myself building up quite quickly and I had to stop. I pulled him back up and kissed him passionately. Before performing my signature move and flipping him over onto his back with me now on top. I lightly kissed his chest, working my way down. Taking hold of his own Hard cock. I gently Run my tongue over the tip. He moaned at the sensation." Don't tease me." He whispered. I smiled as I swallowed his whole cock in my mouth." Holy shit" He moaned As I began to suck his dick My head bobbing up and down. I kept sucking. He ran his hands through my light soft blonde hair." Stop." He said. I instantly stopped and looked at him." Sorry, I was just so close." He said as I moved back up. I smiled. We shared a deep, passionate kiss." James" he whispered." Mason" I replied." I want you inside me." He said." Are you sure?" I asked." 100%." He replied. He spun himself around till he was on all fours. I took some Lube from my bedside drawer. I put some on my cock Paying close attention to the tip. I also put someone Mason's hole. I sent a towel down over the covers. Before sliding A finger in to loosen him up." You ready?" I asked." Yeah." He replied. I gently and slowly began to work the head of my cock inside him. He began to breathe slowly as I worked my way in." You OK?" I asked." Yeah, just forgot how much it hurt at first." He said." Do you want me to stop?" I asked." Are you mad? No way. Fill me up." He said. So I pushed in further. And before long I was all the way in. I then began to push back and forth. Working his tight hole. He moaned more and more. I began to pick up speed as I started to fuck him faster and harder." Oh yes, fuck me baby." He shouted. I picked up pace again, pounding his ass. "Oh yes, James." He moaned. Oh, I'm so close." He added." Same." I was barely able to say. My body is dripping with sweat. I grabbed his hair and gave it a last push and thrust. And pretty soon I exploded inside him. At the same moment he did the same shooting stream after stream over the towel that we had put down before we started. After I filled him up, I slowly pulled out. And stood up off the bed. As Mason got himself up and moved the towel away. We had it into the bathroom." That was just..." He said still catching his breath. I was punting so loudly trying to catch my own breath but all I could manage was." Yeah." We cleaned ourselves up before going back to the bedroom and collapsing onto the Bed" you're not going anywhere, are you?" I asked." Well, not if I'm invited to stay." He said." After what we just did, you're definitely invited." I replied." Then I'll stay. That was amazing by the way." He said kissing me." Glad to be of service." I said We cuddled up in bed facing each other just looking into Each of his eyes." Got any chocolate?" He said randomly." Chocolate. Now." I asked." When I need something to rebuild my energy after a workout like that." He said. I couldn't help but chuckle." Yeah, I have some Dairy Milk in the fridge. Brought especially from England." I said" I'll get it. You find something to watch before sleep." I said" on it." He replied. I got up. I went into the kitchen, opened the fridge and poured us both a glass of Coca Cola. I also found the chocolate." You like Brooklyn 99." He shouted from the bedroom." Yeah, it's funny. Either that or The Big Bang theory." I replied. By the time I returned, he opted for The Big Bang Theory. I sat down the Coke in the chocolate and climbed into bed next to him. We cuddled up. I haven't felt like this for such a long time. With his arms wrapped around me, I felt so safe and secure. I felt so loved and wanted. I checked my phone to see a few messages but nothing that couldn't wait. We ate chocolate. Drank Coke. And watched two episodes of Big Bang before we turned out the lights and fell asleep. His strong arms wrapped around me, holding me. I smiled to myself. I felt so happy.

End of episode 3!

Love to hear your feedback. Email me. Stay home and stay safe during this covid 19 crisis.

Next: Chapter 4

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