Moving to Summer Bay

By James Leete

Published on Jun 21, 2020



This story is purely fiction, any elements of truth are purely coincidental. This story is in no way affiliated with the TV show Home and Away or any studios that produces it. I have used the setting and the characters but that is where the similarities end. This story is of my own doing.

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Series 1 Chapter 10

When the plane eventually touched down, I was so happy to be back. As we taxied to the gate, Mason smiled to me. "Welcome back", he said. "Home" I replied. He held my hand. "Home", he repeated. When we were able to finally get off the plane, we passed through border control, grabbed our bags and left the airport. We took a shuttle bus to the car park and soon we were back in my car and on our way to the Bay. "So nice to be back," he said. "Yeah, it's nice to be warm again", I told him. We chatted for a while as we headed for the Bay. By the time we pulled into my apartment block, it was just after 9:00 AM. We climbed out the car and headed inside. Willow must have gone off to work as all of her stuff was gone and the place was Immaculate. "So good to be home", I said again landing on the couch. "Thank you for coming with me. I really appreciate it". I told him. "Anytime. Besides, I had a blast. Meeting your family, seeing the UK it was great. And thank you for making one of my fantasies come true", he said. "Well joining the Mile High Club was not exactly planned, but I enjoyed it," I replied. "Well, thank you anyway", he said kissing me. "There's something else I've been wanting to ask you", he said. "Go for it" I replied he paused, thinking. "How would you feel if I started looking again for a position in the hospital? Just talking with your sister just made me realise how much I want to be a doctor again." He said. I looked at him. "I would 100% support you with all my heart" I told him. "Great, because I kind of have a confession. Whilst we were on the flight I searched for some jobs and found a junior doctor post in the city in the neonatal unit. I sent my application in Whilst we were on the plane". He told me. "Babe, that's amazing". I said as I began to unpack. "You're sure." He said. "Of course I'm so proud." I told him. "Oh thank God." He said. I kissed him. "You're going to be an awesome doctor". I told him. I put some of the clothes in the washer in the case and started out with the gifts. By the time I was done, Mason had watched an episode of Big Bang. "Done," I said. "About time I'm starving," he said. "Diner" I asked. "Yeah", he replied.

We headed to the car and took off, making a stop at Mason's to drop off his case. I pulled up in my usual parking spot and we walked down the pier, hand in hand towards the diner. As we walked in, We were greeted by a beaming Smile from Leah and Irene. "Your back." Irene said, giving me a hug. "How was your trip?" Leah asked as we sat down. "Great good to show Mason my Homeland over him to meet my family". I said smiling. "And how is the court hearing?" Irene asked. "Hey James, Mason, you're back. How did it go?" Colby asked, coming over. "He was handed 10 years in total. But has to serve 2/3 of it before a parole board can decide it be suitable for release. It means that he would have to serve longer rather than an automatic release at halfway". I explained. "Oh, that's wonderful news." Irene said. "Yeah, I'm really pleased". I replied. "Do you both want your usual" Irene asked? "Please", Mason said. I also nodded. "So tell me, what else did you both do in England"? Leah said. I was about to answer when Masons phone began to ring. "Sorry I should take this." He said moving away onto the terrace. "What's all that" she asked? "I'm not sure" I said as I began to fill her in on our trip. "Sounds wonderful". She said as Irene brought our food over. Mason soon returned. "What was that about" I asked? "I'll tell you later when we are alone," he said with a wink. "Secrets Mason that's not like you." Leah said. "Not a secret, just not ready to reveal just yet," he said. " Fine, well I should get back to work. Be sure to say hi to Justin when you see him. He's missed you". Leah said to Mason. I smiled as we talked in an 8. "Fancy the gym later." I asked. "Yeah, sounds like a plan", he replied.

As we left the diner, we walked along the beach. "Your back," Willow said, hugging us both. "So how did it go?" She asked. "Mason James Hey". Dean said coming over with Ziggy. "10 years". I said "that's awesome mate. You must be happy about that". Dean asked. "Yeah, I'm over the Moon" I replied. We chatted for a while with them before heading further down the beach. "So what was the call"? I asked Mason. "That was the director of Neonatal Division at City Hospital. He wants to meet me for an interview". He told me. "Oh my God Mason, that is amazing. When is this happening" I asked? "Tomorrow 10:00 AM." He said. I threw myself at him. "I'm so proud of you". I explained as I hugged him. "I couldn't have done it without your support". He said kissing me. "This deserves a celebration", I said. "Maybe we should wait till after the interview. I don't want. To overstep plus, I want to be well rested tonight". He told me. "I couldn't agree more". I said kissing him. "Would you mind taking me? I'd be so nervous just driving there". He said. "Absolutely, I'd be happy too". I told him. "Awesome, but I'm going to head home to unpack and get my suit ready. I'll see you in a bit for the gym." He said. "Sure", I replied. He kissed me goodbye and headed off. "It's not good to be ditched by Mason, Is It?" a voice said behind me walking over. It was VJ. "Come again", I asked looking at him. " Mason ditched you. Have you guys broken up"? He asked. "If you must know, we have just got back from England. He's gone home to unpack". I told him. "Oh nice. So I guess he told you all about us." He asked. "Yeah it came up. That was a real bad thing that you did. Sleeping with somebody he was seeing". I said "well, it takes 2 to Tango. I'm not the only guilty party in this". He said. "True. Anyway, I'm going to check in at salt". I said "see ya". He replied, walking Off.

I walked into the surf club and up the stairs into salt. It was pretty busy. "James hi, we weren't expecting you until Wednesday". Harry said. "Don't worry, I'm not stopping. I just came to see how you all were". I said "all good we received your Rota for this week". He said. "Good and the beer and wine delivery". I asked. "Received this morning. We're doing well. How was the hearing" he asked? "Good, he received 10 years" I told him. "So glad to hear it", he replied. "Well, in which case I'll leave you to it. Otherwise I'll end up getting dragged in. But I'll see you all on Wednesday". I said leaving. Since arriving, it was the first time I felt like I had nothing to do. So I left the surf club and drive home. When I got there, I went into the apartment and loaded the next lot of washing. I eventually sat down and breathed. "Knock knock" came a voice at the door. I turned and found Dean in the doorway. "Hi, come in." I said he came over and sat on the sofa. "What can I do for you," I asked. "Well, I've been thinking about what happened." He said, looking awkward. Yeah. I said I knew exactly what he was talking about. "Well, I've been thinking about it a lot. And I want to do a lot more. Well, to be honest I want to do everything. So I wondered if you and Mason. Would be up for a 3 way". He asked. "Well, I don't know that might be something we can talk about when we're all here or I can just mention it to Mason if it would make you feel more comfortable." I told him. "Yeah, I think I prefer that. One would be good", he asked. "Well, I'm meeting Mason at the gym later. Why don't I text you"? I said "Yeah, okay, I'll wait to hear from you". He said. He left as my phone went off. `Meet at the gym in 10' the message said. I smiled. I grabbed my gym bag, got in the car and took off. When I pulled up at the gym, he was stood there ready to greet me. "Hi babe", he said coming over. "Hey, did you get your stuff sorted" I asked? "Yeah, it's all at home ready. We can swing by to grab it after". He asked. "Sure. Dean wants to see us". I told him. "Oh, really, what about?" He asked as we walked hand in hand. " Do you remember when we were talking on the flight to England about Dean?" I asked. "About you blowing Dean." He said. When we were on the flight Mason and I had come clean about who we had booked up with in the Bay. I admitted to everyone. "Yeah, but remember that one is secret." I told him. "Of course. So what does he want?" Mason asked. "A 3 way" I blurted out. "But I thought you said he wasn't interested in pursuing his Bisexual side". He said. "Well, when he came by the apartment earlier. He told me that he's ready to dry more". I explained. "How much more" he asked? "Everything". I said "oh, really", he replied with a wicked smile. "Yeah, and as he knows us and trust us. He wants to try it with us". I said "and you want to see how I felt." He asked. "Yeah, exactly." I said "truthfully," he said. I nodded. "Sounds kind of hot". He admitted. "Oh, really, how so?" I asked. "Well, the idea of me with you doing him. Or me and him spit roasting you. It's hot". He said getting excited. "Okay, easy sailor. We don't want this standing to attention". I said as I grabbed his cock in his shorts. "That doesn't help", he said. I could feel it thicken up. "Oh God, already" I said teasing him. "Just think of me in the shower water cascading over me as I Lather Soap over my body." I said "Jesus, that also isn't helping", he said. I looked down, he was now stood at full attention and his shorts were massively tented, showing The outline. "Hey James." Ryder shouted coming towards us. Mason quickly moved behind me to cover himself. "Hey Ryder, how's it going?" I said try not to laugh at Mason. "How was your trip?" He asked? " Awesome, we had a wild time. Apart from the court case, we had a truly relaxing time". I said Mason was still behind me and desperately trying to get his dick to deflate. "Mason, are you okay? You look super uncomfortable". Ryder said. "He's got an issue," I replied. "Anything I can help with?" Ryder asked. I let out a laugh. "What" he said. "Nothing, it's just his issue is not something anyone else but me can deal with". I said "confused". Ryder said looking unsure. "Oh for god sake Ryder Give me your hand". Mason said. Ryder moved closer and held out his hand. Mason took it and shoved it on his shorts. "Oh my.... Wow." Ryder said. "That's huge. Almost as big as you James". Ryder said. "Thanks. So you see now why he stood behind me." I said "Oh Man, I've been there. When the random ones come on, they're the worst. Why don't you give him a BJ? I'll stand guard". Ryder said. "No, it's fine, I got it". Mason said. I heard his waistband snap and he let out a moan in pain. "What happened", I said, looking? It was gone. "It's in my waistband now". He said moving out from behind me. "You'd never tell," Ryder said, checking him out. *We should go train". I said "see you mate" Mason said as we walked towards the gym leaving Ryder. "So as far as Dean goes, yes is my answer. If you're cool with it as well, then set it up. For after tomorrow. Tonight we need sleep". He said. "With that thing popping up every two minutes, you might need something before sleep", I said. He smiled as we entered the gym.

We had a brilliant workout to say, neither of us had done any training, really. A big workout whilst we were in England. We trained hard. Doubling up on everything. Now that we were back. "That was intense". I said as we headed into the locker room. Both of us dripping with sweat. "Yeah man, I ache in places I haven't for awhile". He said. I smiled. We had a great hot shower. "I needed that." I said as I dried off. "Yeah, we haven't trained like that for a while", he agreed. "Just what you needed before your interview", I said. He nodded as we started to get dressed. We finished getting ready and took off. We stopped off at his and grabbed his suit and overnight bag. Before heading back to my place. We chilled out for a while, watching TV draped over each other. "You know this is my idea of a perfect chilled evening", he said. "Me too", I said moving over and kissing him. "Knock knock" came Deans voice from the door. "Hey Dean, come in". I said is Mason set up. "Hope I'm not intruding", he said creeping in. "No, of course not. In fact, we are glad you came by". Mason said, gesturing for him to sit down. "Oh, really". He asked. "Yeah, so I talked to Mason about what we talked about earlier" I said. "Oh okay". He replied. "Well, we decided that it would be kind of Hot to have a 3 way with you. So our answer is yes." Mason said. "Awesome", Dean said, smiling. "With the only rule being, it stays between the three of us". Mason said. "Of course, and it would be only one time thing". Dean said. "Exactly" I replied. "Okay, then, when shall we do this" Dean asked. "Well, we haven't actually worked that bit out yet. It would have to be an evening. We just don't know when" I said. "Okay, what I can do any day other than Saturday," Dean said. "Sweet well, shall we say Sunday". Mason said. "Yeah that works", Dean replied. "Sorted for Sunday then." I replied. "Look forward to it. Anyway, I'm heading off to meet Ziggy. I'll see you guys later." Dean said leaving. I checked the time and it was just gone 6:00 PM. "What are we doing for dinner?" I asked Mason. "Fancy Chinese" he asked. "Oh my God, yes, I haven't had Chinese in forever". I told him. "Awesome, I know this great place that delivers". He said. He pulled out his phone and showed me the menu online. "I'll have the sweet and Sour Chicken Hong Kong style. Fried rice and prawn crackers". I said he grabbed my house phone and called the restaurant. He ordered himself the shredded crispy duck with plum sauce and vegetable Chow mein. "Thanks Ming", he said as he hung up. "Half hour" he told me. "Awesome. So what can we do for half an hour"? I said with a cheeky smile. "I have a few ideas" he said as he climbed on top of me. We began to kiss. I could feel His growing hardness through his short. I moaned as he began to massage my cock through my own shorts. I slipped my hand down the back of his shorts as I began to Squeeze his firm butt. I pulled the waistband over his ass exposing his soft round Bum to the room. He lifted his hips off me and I managed to pull him completely off him without breaking the kiss. " I love you", he said in my ear. I was so horny right now. I pushed him back as he landed on his back. I shifted myself as I positioned myself between his legs as I began to suck his cock, my head bobbing up and down. "Oh, that's it baby suck my dick. Yeah take it". he moaned. I continued to take his cock in my mouth, moving up and down. I could feel intense up. He soon erupted inside my mouth as shot after shot of his hot cum hit the back of my throat. I swallowed every last drop. "That didn't take you long". I smiled. I sat back up. He slid off the Sofa as he yanked down my shorts and dove straight onto my own cock. His head bobbing up and down as he worked. The length of the shaft. "Oh yeah," a voice whispered. I opened my eyes and looked at Mason. He obviously heard it too. I turned my head and saw Ryder stood by the door. "RYDER!!" I yelled. "I'm so sorry I came by to talk to you and you were already sucking Mason off. And frankly, it was hot that I couldn't not watch". He said. I looked at his crotch and he was hard as a rock. I looked at Mason, who wiggled his eyebrows. "Let's have some fun", I whispered in his ear. "Oh yeah", he replied. "Ryder. Get over here". I said he moved over towards me.L"Lose the short", Mason said. He pulled down his shorts and there he stood hard as a rock. "You want to play", Mason said. "Sure," Ryder said. Mason grabbed his hair and kissed him. Mason was soon hard again. "Would you like to finish James off while I fill your ass". He said. "Spit roast hell yeah. Wyatt will be so Jealous he miss this"? Ryder said. "Well, hold on where is he"? I asked. "The beach." Ryder replied. " Mason, you thinking what I am?" I asked. "You handle Wyatt While I take care of this perv". He said. "Exactly". I replied. I stood up and grabbed my phone. "Ryder, why don't you suck my dick while Mason sucks you"? I said. Ryder wasted no time and went to work on my cock. Mason was soon sucking rider. I managed to snap a pic of the three of us. I put it in a message to Wyatt with the caption. Care to join'. I sent it. I instantly got a reply. Hell yeah'. Within minutes, my front door opened and in walked wired. "Look who showed up" I said. "This is so hot" Wyatt said. "Okay boys, get yourselves to the bedroom and Wyatt you need to strip. You best be on your knees waiting". Mason said. They both scrambled and run to the bedroom. I saw a car pull up. "I think food is here", I said. I put my shorts on and went to the door. I paid the driver and took the food. He smiled and left. And then we locked the front door. "Ready for this?" I asked. "Hell yeah," Mason replied. I kissed him. We stripped naked and went into the bedroom. Wyatt and Ryder were both naked on their knees, waiting. This was the first time I'd seen Wyatt naked. He was hairless, toned and had a good sized cock. I'd say around 8 inches. "You boys ready", I said. They both nodded in Unison. Mason stood in front of Ryder and me in front of Wyatt. "Then you know what to do", Mason said. They smiled. Wyatt went to town on my cock. And I saw Ryder do the same to Mason. Wyatt was certainly good at what he was doing. He worked my hard cock like a pro was amazing and I made out. We decided to stop them and ordered them to the bed. They side by side on the bed. Mason, I got on our knees and began to work why it's Cock Whilst Mason went to town on Ryder. "Holy Hell" Wyatt Moaned. "Oh yeah," Ryder exclaimed as they began to make out. Mason and I soon stopped. "Time for the main event," I said. Mason led ryder round to the other side of the bed and bent him over. I pulled wyatt up and bent him over so that they were now face to face. I grabbed some Lube and put it on my cock as well as Wyatt. I passed it to Mason and he did the same to Ryder. "Ready", I whispered to Wyatt. "Yeah", he mound. I lined myself up and began to push inside of him. "Oh shit!" He exclaimed. I noticed Mason was already in Ryder. He was trying his best not to scream at Mason size. I knew this all too well. Once I was all the way in Wyatt I went to the next level as I began to pump his ass. He and Ryder both moaned loudly. Taking both our cocks. I ploughed Wyatt ass as he moaned and screamed. "Switch" Mason said. "Oh yeah", I replied. We switched sides of the bed. I got behind Ryder and began to do the same as what I had just done to Wyatt to him. At the same time Mason was going to town on Wyatt. He was loving it. I saw wyatt had a look of a smile and pain on his face simultaneously. He was loving this. Mason and I high fived as though we were old Bros at College. Soon though, I had bust my nut inside Ryder as Mason did the same to Wyatt. We pulled out of them and lay on the bed. Wyatt mounted my chest as Ryder Mounted Mason and both began to jerk off and soon exploded over our chests. I pulled Wyatt down for a guess. He collapsed onto the bed. "Wow", he moaned. "That was insanely hot." Ryder said. "Yeah". I said trying to catch my breath. I looked at Mason who was smiling. "Hell yeah" he moaned.

After we cleaned up, the boys joined us for food. " I never expected that" Wyatt said. I smiled. "Just remember at work, I'm still the boss. And we don't want this being the bays gossip either". I explained. "Oh God, we wouldn't". Ryder said. "And I totally understand about work". Wyatt said. "Cool, can we do that again sometime"? Mason said. "Fine by us" Ryder replied. I smiled as we ate and Ryder and I spoke for awhile about his concerns about managing the restaurant and what he thought he needed to know. Eventually, though, at 10:00 PM they left happy. Mason, I stripped off and climbed into bed. "Well, that was unexpected", Mason said. "Yeah," I replied. He held me as we drifted off to sleep. When my alarm went off at 7:00 AM the next morning. Mason was up like a shot. "Oh Lord, Today is the day". He said. I smiled. "Shower". I told him. He went to the bathroom, but I heard him in the shower sprouting facts. I made coffee and did him some cereal. I ate my own breakfast whilst I waited for him. He emerged from the shower I made his way over to me and ate his cereal. I went to the bathroom and showered myself. By the time I was done, I entered the bedroom to see him dressed in his suit. "Well hello, handsome" I said. "Do I look okay", he asked? "Oh yeah," I replied taking him in. I dressed myself in a pair of shorts and a polo top. Soon we were on our way to the city in the car. No one knew about this, so he relaxed a bit. It took just over an hour to get to the hospital. We pulled up at just after 9:30 AM. "Here we go". He said, I kissed him. "You will do fantastic. I'd say good luck, but I doubt you need it." I told him. "Thank you, baby". He replied he climbed out the car and headed for the hospital. I grabbed my phone and uploaded some of our pictures from my trip to my Instagram and Facebook. I also checked my accounts on the app and did some emails. After two hours I spotted Mason walk up hospital with a blank expression on his face. Oh no, it didn't go well. He opened the door and climbed in. "So how did it go?" I asked. "Well, professor Peters and I got on well. He was impressed by my dissertation". He explained. "So did he say when you will find out," I asked? "Well, I didn't have to wait long put it that way. He already told me". He said. "And." I asked. He smiled. "I got it." He said. I squealed hugging him and giving him a kiss. "Oh baby, congratulations. You deserve this". I said "thank you, but I couldn't have done this without you." He said. "So when do you start" I asked. "One month" he explained. "And salary wise." I asked. "I start on $52,000", he said. "Wow, so you're happy," I asked. "Over the moon", he replied. I kissed him again as we drove off back to the Bay.

When we arrived in the Bay, we headed for the diner for lunch. "Hi guys. Mason, you look very smart". Leah said. Justin and Tori walked over. "What's going on, mate"? Justin asked. "Maybe we should sit down", he said. We sat at a table with Irene, Justin, Leah, and Tori. "So whilst we were away, I applied for a junior neonatal doctor post at City Hospital. We just came back from the interview." He said. "And how did it go?" Tory asked as she was nursing grace. Mason looked at me and smiled. "He got it," I explained. "Oh Mason that's wonderful", Leah said, hugging him. "I'm so proud of you", Justin said also hugging him. "This is a cause for celebration. Allow me to cook dinner for you all tonight." Irene said. "Actually Irene. Can I make a counter offer? Salt tonight all of us for dinner." I said. "Even better no, washing up", Irene said, smiling. "Yeah, sounds great." Justin said, smiling. We grabbed a coffee and he filled them in on the details. People from the Bay such as Alf, Palmer, Maz, Ben & Maggie all offered their congratulations one by one. When Robbo came in With Jasmine, Mason took him to one side to speak to him. "You know, James I have to say after Mason was arrested and went to court for the cannabis oil he's been so down in the dumps. But since you came along he has found a new lease of life and that's down to you. So thank you." Justin said to me. "He's done the same, if not more for me. I love him," I said. " And I know he loves you. You make each other so happy". Justin told me. "You will always be accepted into the Morgan family". He added. I smiled. Mason came back over and sat down. "So what did Robbo say?" I asked. "He's happy for me. I said work my months notice. He wants me to train Willow to takeover as manager". He said. "That's great news", Irene said. Willow soon arrived and Mason told her what was happening. She was thrilled. "Salt tonight 8:00 PM. To celebrate". I said "I'll be there", she replied. I text Harry and told him to set a table for Seven people for 8:00 PM. He replied and said, sure. That night we enjoyed a brilliant meal and celebrated Masons success. "Thank you," he said at the end of the night as we walked home. "What for?" I asked "For everything. But just being you." He said. "Mason, I love you. I'd move heaven and Earth for you. You are my soul mate," I said. He took my hands with a tear in his eye. "When I was convicted for the cannabis oil, I thought my life was over. Then I met you and everything fell into place. You are my today, my tomorrow and my future. I'm nothing without you. You are my soul mate. We were meant to find each other." He said. Tears flowed from my eyes. "That was beautiful. I love you", I said. "I love you more." He replied as we walked home, hand in hand.

End of episode 10.

Series 1 has now come to an end I hope for those of you who have been reading have enjoyed it. Thanks to Lucas for your messages on twitter. Series 2 will be along soon. For those who read my other stories My Maquis Lover will be coming to a close soon. So watch out for up coming chapters

Good night and god bless

Love to hear your feedback. Email me. Stay home and stay safe during this covid 19 crisis.

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