Moving to Summer Bay

By James Leete

Published on May 4, 2020



This story is purely fiction, any elements of truth are purely coincidental. This story is in no way affiliated with the TV show Home and Away or any studios that produces it. I have used the setting and the characters but that is where the similarities end. This story is of my own doing.

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Series 1 Chapter 1

As I came off the phone, I was so happy to finally know that my life was finally back on track. The sale had finally been agreed. The money had changed hands. The contract had been signed and now I was finally ready to move and to start my new life. I lay back on the sofa. There was so much to do and hardly any time to do it. I have flights to book my apartment rental agreement to give up saying my goodbyes, sell everything. Or maybe I just leave it to the next tenant. Next Stop Summer Bay Australia.

Maybe I should explain at this point. My name is James le

Leete I'm 27 years old living in London. I grew up with a loving family. My older sister, who is a nurse. My older brother taught English overseas and me. I'm a business management graduate who went into the restaurant trade. I went to work for a Michelin starred restaurant and worked my way up to restaurant manager overseeing all aspects, second only to the owner. I worked like a maniac for six years post graduation and saved my money with the hope of buying my own place when my ex boyfriend turned out to be a man who thought nothing of attacking me and beating me up, I decided I needed a fresh start. I was only 27 after all blonde toned 6 for a former swimmer with a good muscle definition and knew I was worth so much more. So I made the decision to find my own restaurant. My boss was thrilled, of course by this, so I spent months scouring the Internet until I found it. A restaurant in Summer Bay Australia called salt. The current owner, a woman by the name of Mackenzie was selling up so that she could focus on her real estate business. I made her an offer after sending multiple emails backwards and forwards when she finally accepted my offer of $165,000 ASD the ball was starting to roll. I emptied my isis savings accounts and came up with almost all of the money I needed. I was around 10,000 pounds short. Luckily my boss came to my rescue and agreed to loan me 20,000 pounds. I was thrilled. So now it was paid and done. I had my visa to move over with which would last 10 years. I cleared their security cheques, registered myself as the owner of salt online, opened a business account. The rest of it would be done when I got there, so now is ready to go. I've found a cute little apt 2 minutes drive away from the restaurant and online had signed for my lease for 12 months, which my parents had helped pay for. They were so supportive. I was now ready to spread my wings and fly.

So over the course of the next two weeks, I did everything I needed to do. The day finally came and my Entire family took me to Heathrow Airport. I was three suitcases heavy but ready to fly. After Check in, We said our goodbyes and I made my way through security and to my destination. 24 hour flight to Australia was my least favourite part, but when I finally landed I was so happy I had hired a car for a month to get me around until I bought a car. When I finally got to the Bay, the scenery was breath-taking. Beautiful beach front, great views and an abundance of flesh. Topless men in surf shorts and women in bikinis were commonplace. While it was around 4:00 PM, it was still gloriously sunny and so incredibly hott. I walked towards the beach and just took it all in. I took in the sea air and listened to the sound of the waves crashing. I looked around and saw the pier complex. I had read about online where there was a diner run by two local I then saw the surf club where my restaurant was. It was run by a local company who leased out areas. But the restaurant in the gym located there were independently owned and I was the proud owner of the whole second floor. There was some annual fees that I had to pay to the club, mainly maintenance and facility fees. " G'day mate "An older man said as he approached me. I came out of my deep thought and turned to him." Hi, how's it going?" I asked." Pretty good, something I can do for you." He said." Just taking in the views after my long flight, I'm James by the way James Leete" I told him. He shook my hand with a firm grip." Alf Stewart, Welcome to the Bay." He said." Thanks such a great place." I replied." Sticking around long." He asked." Sure am. I've just bought the restaurant salt." I told him." Of course, Mack told me she'd sold up or great to meet here. I'm the president of the board that on the surf club and I wrote run the local bait shop For fishing. "He explained." Great, well nice to meet you Mr Stewart." I replied." You too son. You'll meet Palmer in the club. He manages the day today, anything you need, let him know." He explained to me." I will thank you." I replied." Well get settled in. I look forward to sampling your new menu." He said as he went to walk away." Hey Mr Stewart, is there anything else you can tell me about Summer Bay?" I asked." Sure, son, I've lived here all my life. Over there is the pier has my bait shop and the diner plus a few apartments. Lea and Irene run the diner. Be sure to pop in. Palmers wife works there with them Marilyn. At the Surf Club, Palmer runs the juice bar and Ben has a space in there for his board shop and his assistant Dean does surf lessons. Do you Surf." He asked." Never. But I'd love to learn." I replied." Well, Dean is the man we need to see for that one. Also at the club is Summer Bay fitness gym robbo runs that. He's a former AFP Guy. Mason and Willow run that for him. Justin runs the local garage with his apprentice Ziggy, who is dating Dean and is also bens daughter. I'm sure you will meet everyone. Abbie Creek is the closest town for you. I also run the local caravan park. If you need accommodation. "He explained." Thanks, but I rented an apartment at the complex just down the Bay." I told him."" Nice, well enjoy. I'm sure I'll be seeing you." He said." Sure thanks Mr Stewart." I said as he took off.

I made my way over to the surf club and looked around. G'day mate can I get your something." Another older man asked." I'm James, the new owner of salt." I explained." How you doing mate? Names John Palmer. I managed the club welcome." He said." Thanks Mr Palmer." I replied shaking his hand." Well, anything you need let me know you will find this is a very friendly place and we welcome strangers from far and wide." He said, causing me to chuckle." It sure seems like it." I said. He left me as I walked up the stairs and into salt. The place was fairly busy With a few diners having drinks or light snacks." Hi, welcome to salt. Can I get you a table?" The server asked Me." I'm good, thanks. I'm actually looking for Mackenzie." I explained." Oh, she's at the bar." He said pointing to the bar." Thanks." I said heading over." I recognise that British accent anywhere, James High and Mackenzie, although everyone calls me Mac." She said as we shook hands." Well, welcome to salt, which is now yours I guess." She said. I smiled." Looks like a great buy. I love this place." I said looking around. The barman was also looking at me." Hi, I'm Ryder. I tend bar here."He said." Good to meet you Ryder." I said" Well, let me show you around and get you up to speed." Mackenzie replied" Actually have not long landed and I still need to Get my keys for my new place and go shopping." I told her." Sure, of course I remember when I moved here. I tell you what I'll do tonight and tomorrow as my last shift and we can hand over tomorrow evening." She told Me." You're a life saver. Thank you." I said" No problem, and as now as I'm now your landlord for the apartment, I'll take you to your new home." She told me." Lead the way." I said She smiled as we took off.

We took off to the apartment, walking down the beach front. We chatted all the way there and I learned more about the area and the people. Dean was her brother and then there was Colby who was her boyfriend And also the local police officer. I told her about my family and my life so far." So did you come here single?" She asked." Yeah, I recently broke up with someone." I replied." Well, there's lots of Single Ladies here for you." She explained. I chuckled at hearing this." No ladies for me, I'm afraid. I'm actually gay." I said" Oh, I'm sorry I didn't realise that." She said." Will people round here be okay with that?" I asked." Of course everyone is really chilled. Leah's son VJ Recently married a guy called Chris right here in the Bay. 20 years ago it might have been an issue, but not these days. Our gay pride is usually held in April, and Leah organises that. I'm sure she would love your input." She explained." Sounds great." I said" Well, here we are." She said as we approached the complex. I was on the ground floor of the complex that had 12 apartments or facing onto the shared pool area." So here you are." She said as we entered the apartment. It was furnished like advertised, very modern and fresh. There was a semi circular curved couch. There was a small glass type dining table. This was all open plan with the kitchen that had the big white goods like of Washer Dryer. American style fridge freezer and dishwasher. There was a big bathroom with Bath and separate shower, toilet and sink. Towards the back was the master bedroom of big double bed with a large triple wardrobe in the corner and a chest of drawers with two matching bedside cabinets." So what do you think?" She asked me." It's amazing I love it." I replied." I'm glad you like it. So your parents co-signed, and of course we won't have any issues there. They have paid deposit and six months worth of rent. So you're well ahead. Here's your Tenancy. Park and keys. Now I'm happy for this to be a long term lease, even though it says 12 months on your contract, we will just keep extending until you want to leave and then it just ask for a months notice, so that's it." She explained to me. I shook her hand smiling." Thank you so much." I said" You're welcome, well, I'll let you get sorted. I'm sure you will want to go shopping to get the place set up the way you want it. I'm sure you also know the warnings for snakes, spiders, etc." She explained." Yeah, the embassy gave me loads of information." I told her." Great, well, I'll leave you in peace." She said as she turned towards the door." Actually, I walked back with you. Need to get my car and in desperate need of caffeine." I said as she chuckled.

Once we walked back to the Bay, she went to salt and I headed for the diner." Hi love what can I get you?" A lady with pink red hair asked."" Coffee to go, please." I asked." Sure, let me guess from the UK, right?" She said." What gave me away?" I said smiling." So you must be the new owner of salt. Be the talk of the Bay, everyone Is so excited to meet you." She told me." Likewise." I replied." What I'm Irene and this Here. is Leah and Marilyn. We run this place." She told Maine." What is good to meet You" I said smiling." You too, it's James, isn't it?" She asked." That's right." I replied." Well, you're welcome here anytime." Leah told Me." Thank you, I've already met Mr Palmer and Mr Stewart. Now you guys and so many people in the Bay." I explained." A little overwhelming at first I can imagine." Marilyn said." Yeah it can be." I said this with a broad smile." Oh Roo Maggie come say hello.", Irene said, Gesturing to two women at the door. " This is James, the new owner of salt." Irene said introducing me." Good to meet you both." I said shaking their hands." Same here, I'm Maggie. I'm the principle of the local high school." She said." And I'm roo. I teach that you have my nephew Ryder working for you and my dad is the president of the surf club. "She told me." Yeah right, I met Mr Stuart. when I arrived." I told her." Well, welcome." Maggie said." Thanks anyway, what do I do for the coffee?" I asked Irene." 1. 80" She responded. I opened my wallet and pulled out my debit card. I tapped it And as I put it away, the picture fell out the top." Who's this handsome guy?" Marilyn asked as she picked it up." Oh that's Luke and he's my ex partner." I explained putting it away." I take it he isn't joining you here." Maggie asked." I hope not. He wasn't a nice guy as it turned out." I explained." While we're here for you, love, you have just become part of the biggest family around. We all have each others backs here." Irene told me." I also organised local gay pride and I'd love to get your input close to the time." Leah said." Absolutely. I'm more than happy to help." I told her." Anyway, ladies, I need to head off into Abbey Creek to Purchas things from my apartment. Can you recommend any places?" I Woolworths is your best option. It has everything, clothes, groceries, houseware, electronics. You will find Everything." Irene told me." Thank you ladies see you soon." I said as I took off.

After jumping into my car, I dropped off my suitcases at the apartment and then headed for Abbey Creek. When I got to Woolworths I was gobsmacked by the sheer size of the store. I had it inside and soon found the home section. I notice at the apartment that there were blinds up and curtain poles up, but no curtains. So I started by buying two sets of curtains for the lounge and bedroom. I then moved onto bedding and towels. I'd grab some lamps and bulbs for the bedroom and a couple floor lamps. I found the decorative aisle and picked up loads of stuff I liked. Then going on to bedroom bits like mirrors, clothes hangers, ET cetera. Finally I hit the electronics area. I got a 50 inch TV. DVD player, Kettle toaster and other general housing bits like vacuum and iron. I paid for all this first and then went to take it out to the car where I had to play Jenga with. The boxes. I went back in and started on kitchen stuff. I powered the trolley high with everything from cups and glasses to utensils, pans and cooking and baking stuff. I bought everything. I took all this to the car and realised another trip would be needed. I drove it all back to the apartment before going back to Woolworth's. Next was cleaning stuff and food shopping and a second TV for my bedroom. Finally, 3 hours later, I returned to the apartment and began to unpack. An hour into it, there was a knock at the door." It's Open." I called out as I was trying to connect my TV to its stand." Hi, love how you getting on." Came Irene's voice." All good, just trying to set up." I said." Blimey, did you buy the whole store?" She asked. I chuckled." Almost yeah." I said As she saw all the boxes and bags stacked up." Do you need a hand?" She asked." Now I'll be fine, but thank you." I replied." No worries, love. Well, I brought you some food as I figured you hadn't eaten all day." She said handing me a bank. My face lit up." You are my hero, I'm famished." I explained." How much do I owe you?" I asked." It's on me, doll besides. I'm sure you. Spent a fair bit Today" She said." Yeah, thank God for credit cards, hey." I said she laughed." Well, I'll let you eat but drop by for breakfast in the morning." She told me." Will do." I said as she left. She had brought me a burger with sweet potato fries and a Coke. She was my Angel. Another two hours later and I was done. The place was clean, the bedroom was set up, the clothes were away. The lounge was done and my big *** rug was now finally down. I've connected everything to the Wi-Fi that came as part of the apartment deal. My kitchen was set up and my fridge and Cupboards now fully stocked. I checked the time to see it was 11:00 PM. I grabbed my laptop and headed for bed. I registered and gained my alcohol licence crossover from the UK to Australia. I also got all my other legal paperwork done for the restaurant. As a fully qualified accountant, I downloaded my account software and then registered a personal bank account. Which I would complete in Abbey Creek tomorrow. Finally at one am I was done. I set the laptop down and as soon as my head hit the pillow I was gone.

When my alarm went off the next morning, I felt so refreshed. Texts had come in from my parents and almost everyone in the Bay giving me their number. By 9:00 am I was showered and dressed in shorts and a nice top. I headed for the diner as promised where I met Irene and Leah. I opted for their pancakes with mixed berries. I also met Robbo and his wife Jasmine. Willow from the gym. Justin also introduced himself, as did Ziggy, then came banned from the board shop with Dean. Finally, McKenzie arrived and had coffee with Me." Hey Mac. How's it going?" A handsome cop said to her." Hey Colby, this is James, the new owner of salt." She said." How's it going mate?" He asked shaking my hand." Settled in OK." He added." Yeah, it's been a busy time. Setting up the new apartment, etc. Just got a few bits to sort today and I'm ready to give you your better half back." I told him. Mackenzie smiled." Quite the charmer." Mack said." I was introduced to Bella who I sent straight away. I would Clash with. She was Colby's 16 year old sister who I could see had an attitude problem." So what's your plans for today?" Mac asked." I need to head back to Abbey Creek to the bank, get my phone sorted, and find myself a car to buy so I can give the rental back and save some money." I told her." Sounds like fun. Will you be coming to the restaurant today?" She asked." Yeah, at some point." I told her." Moving can be so stressful. But you have literally moved countries. You're a brave man anyway, to make it easier, I have everything ready for you for a smooth handover." She told me." Thanks Well. I see you in a Bit." I said as I finished my coffee and head off.

That morning I went round Abby Creek. Starting with Westpac bank Where my personal and business accounts were. They thankfully printed your card there and then in the branch. Before I left, I moved all my money from my UK bank account into my new one and the man I dealt with made sure it was there and in the bank before I left, as well as giving me a little lesson in Australian money and cards. Most people used cash here . After that I went to Vodafone And got myself a business contract with the iPhone 8 plus. Once that was set up, I then text everyone my new number and made sure I was all set to go. Lastly, I went to a stationary store and bought some supplies from my Home Office as well as my work office. I even bought a printer for home. After I was finished, I went to a local VW garage where I found a used golf that was two years old that I instantly fell in love with. An hour of bartering and a test drive and I bought it on finance of course. The garage told me it will be delivered that afternoon. I was thrilled. In 24 hours I had done everything with the exception of sign up to the gym and surf lessons that was next on my list of things to do. So I headed back to the Bay. First stop was Dean." James mate, what can I do for you for?" He asked." Surf lessons, I hope." I replied." You want to learn to surf. I sure I'm the man who can help. What's your background?" He asked." Never served, but I am a County champions swimmer back Home." I explained." Sweet. While the rate is simple. $20.00 for an hours lesson or $30 for two hours lesson. I also do a deal 10 lessons, 2 hours each for $200." He told me." I'll go for the deal." I replied. I handed him $200 cash." Sweet, well I'll pencil you in for lessons. What times do you want and when do you want to start?" He asked me." Mornings are probably best. Can start maybe Friday. Give me a few days to sort the restaurant." I told him." Sure, I'll text you the details now I'll hand you to Ben, who can sort you out with a board And equipment." He said. Benefited me for a board and I bought one off him. Along with a few pairs of board shorts. My credit card was certainly taking a pounding. After I was done. And Ben offered to deliver my newborn shorts to the apartment. I went down to the gym called Summer Bay Fitness and run into Willow on my way in." Hey James, You decided to join up then." She said." Sure have who do I see?" I asked." Mason will sort you out." She told me. I smiled as I went In I'm headed for the main reception desk. I immediately saw Mason and boy was he hott. Muscly ripped. Literally A Greek God on legs." Hi Mason, Willow said you would sign me up." I said to him." Sure, James isn't it. Welcome to Summer Bay. Robbo, the owner must have known you were coming. He text me to let me know what that you would be coming and what rate to give you." He explained." Cool well hit me with what you got." I told him." Wow. Robber has given you our platinum membership which includes Unlimited 24 hour access to the gym. 10 free PT. Sessions of personal training plan reviewed every month and two free sessions at one of our classes. All of this for $40 a month. Plus no joining fee." He explained." Sounds great, sign me up." I said We completed the paperwork and I paid the first $40. He showed me around as well as the facilities." So lucky for you, I'm your PT as well." He said." That's fine by me." I replied with a coy smile. Man alive this guy was hot." So any man on the scene?" He asked. I smiled. Obviously my being gay had spread around the Bay." No single Pringle for awhile." I replied." Good for you mate." He answered." Anyway, I need to head up to salt catch you later. Pop up for a beer when you're done. On the House for sorting me out." I said" Sure will do." He replied with an equally coy smile as I took off.

I decided to swing by my apartment first to change into something more business-like. Thankfully, I had researched the weather before I left the UK, so had thrown out all my heavy suits and shopped for new trousers and light fitting shirts that showed off my physique. I took a quick shower, changed and did my hair. Just as I was about to leave, a man appeared with my new car. I was so happy. After taking delivery he took off. So I drove the hire car to work and on route called the rental company who agreed to collect the car free of charge that evening. I gave them the address for salt and explained how to find the When I got to salt. Mac was the first person to meet me." Well look at you handsome. If I wasn't with Colby, you would be right up my street." She said. I chuckled." And the fact that I'm into guys." I said" Well, yeah, there is that. Are you ready for the handover?" She asked." Let's do it." I replied, smiling. She showed me round, introduced me to my two chefs. One did breakfast and dinner, the other did lunch and dinner. My back of house support consisted of two women who worked alternate days. Then there were six part time waiters who worked shifts. Most of them were local young guys in college. There were also three full time staff members who worked five days a week. Lastly, I had an assistant manager who usually did breakfast and lunch. Mackenzie told me that when she run it, she did lunch till close and that worked for me. She showed me the supplier list her current accounts. And finally we did the transfer of funds from her business account to mine. We then logged on to the various websites that needed the new account details. I also changed the code to the safe. And took on the laptop for salt, which was all part of our contract. And that was that. I now officially owned salt. She had recently done a makeover which I loved and implemented a new epos system. Luckily I had used this before. Lastly, she gave me a print out of passwords and some general information I would need." So This Is It." She said." Why don't you stay for the rest of the shift? Then you can have your last day end on a high." I told her." I'd like that. I'll leave you to put up your new legal stuff." She said as she left the office. I did just that. Over the course of half hour I hung my Relevant certificates and checked through the paperwork. For the most part, she had paid all the bills for the last month, so anything new or outstanding felt to I want you to do a cheque on current. Australian wages And found the minimum pay rates for each category. Mack had explained she was paying cash, which suited me, and payroll was easy for me to do. I was very familiar with Australian employment law and taxes. Unlike the UK, anyone employed aged 18 or over. Had to declare themselves as my employees to the state tax office, and then each year they had to file their own taxes and pay a tax bill for employment tax. It was that easy. Now, Luckily, Mac had registered everyone. And also removed herself, so all I had to do is register as the Co owner which I had and then register for tax which I did last night. So in all I was on the ball and ready to go. I headed out into the restaurant. Ryder Was on bar. And I had three waiters in. A lot of people could be too much in a place like this. I had enough room for 50 covers plus the facility for ordering on the phone. And takeaway. The menu was ideal for where we were pizzas, burgers, steaks, fish dishes, Italian dishes, all freshly made. Now I learned early on that when it came to chefs, they knew what to order and when, and I stuck to that. I spoke to them both about this and they agreed to carry on as normal as long as they submitted weekly stock figures and purchase orders. I was happy to leave them to it. I also chatted with. Ryder." So now that you have passed your HSE what are your plans." I asked." Well, my aunt wants to send me to uni." He told Me." And what do you want?" I asked." Well, I've spoken to her and grandpa and agreed that I want to go travelling, but I need to save up, so I guess I will just keep working." He told me." Is this your way of saying you want more shifts?" I asked with a smile." Yes, please if you could that would be awesome." He said." Well, I know Mac has done the Rota for this week, but let me take a look for next week and I'll see what I can do. Which reminds me, do you have the numbers of everyone who works here?" I asked." Sure there is. A group chat, shall I add you in?" He asked me." Yeah please I want to meet everyone tonight if possible." I said" Well, they all live local. I'm sure they will come in." He told Me." Great add me in." I said" Already done boss." He answered." Thanks. Oh, and it's James, not boss." I told him." Sure thing James." He said as I smiled. I moved away and spoke to Mac."" What time do we normally close?" I asked." Monday to Thursday Open at 7:00 AM close at 1:00 AM. Friday open at 7:00 AM close at 3:00 Same for Saturday. Then Sunday Open at 8:00 AM close at 11:00 PM." She explained." Great, I want to bring all the team in tonight, so let's say 10:00 PM for them to come in and I guess that's when it will be fairly quiet." I said" Sure. I see Ryder added You to the group, invite them in." She said. I smiled. So I grabbed my phone and sent a nice simple message." Hi all. As I'm sure you have now heard. I'm James, the new owner of salt. I would like to ask that all staff members come to the restaurant for half hour at 10:00 PM this evening. Alla course pay you for this, and to Sweeten the deal, pizza and beer all round. See you all soon. If you can't make it, let me know ASAP. Thank you." I typed. It wasn't long before people replied that they would be there." Wow, I'm impressed. Full House of staff coming." Mack said. I smiled." Start as we mean to go on." I told her. I headed it for the Kitchen." Hey Carlos Josh, any chance you can..." I started." Maybe make. 10 pizzas ready for 10:00 PM. Already ahead of you, James." Carlos told Me." And that's why you're the chef, Carlos. I'm impressed." I said" You as well Josh." I added causing both of them to smile. I went back out to the bar." Ryder when the staff start coming in. Pour them a beer or soft drink. Then send them out to the Balcony.. We will meet out there." I said I checked the time and it was now 7:00 PM and dinner service was in full swing. There were a few locals in having dinner that I had met earlier. Ben and his wife Maggie were in a booth together." Hi guys, everything okay for you?" I asked." It's great thanks. Glad you have settled in. I'm sure you'll do fantastic, especially as you're the man with a first class degree in business management and accounting." Maggie said. I look shocked." How did you know?" I asked." I Googled. We all did. It's natural for a man. We don't know who's new." She told Me." Of course." I nodded." You did great at your restaurant in London." Ben said." Thanks." I replied, blushing." You will be great here and you have made a great impression on the locals." Maggie said." Thank you will enjoy your meal. If you need anything, let me know." I said Over the course of the next couple of hours, I really got into the swing of it from seating people to taking orders, serving food and drinks, and covering the bar. I've seen the last Prophet and lost and this place was a goldmine as it was the only bar and restaurant between the Bay and Abbey Creek. By half nine the place had quietened down. With only a few diners on desserts and some people having drinks. At this point, Mason walked in." Hey James, looking sharp." He said taking note of my outfit. I notice he had now changed into a pair of Beige Chinos and a tight V neck top showing his muscles." Hey Mason, thank you I dressed to impress. Beer." I asked." Sure, thanks." He said as I poured him a beer." So busy day." I asked." Yeah, usually is." He told me." But I'll be in for my first PT session in the morning." I told him." Great, look forward to it." He said, smiling. Boy, did he have the cutest smile." Hey James, thanks for dinner mate. I've dropped your board and shorts off at your place earlier." Ben saidAs he paid his bill." Nice one Ben, thank you." I replied." Take it easy mate." He replied as he left. Tips in the bar were divided equally among everyone and the jar was looking healthy. At 9:45 PM, the staff I had seen were arriving and heading for the bar, then onto the balcony. By 10:00 PM everyone was here and enjoying beer and pizza on the balcony. The kitchen had closed a few minutes earlier, however, I'd managed to convince the chefs To join us before they started to close down. Mackenzie agreed she would be happy to keep the bar going while we had the meeting. So at that I grabbed myself a lemon lime and headed out. As I sat down, they all started to go quiet." OK hi everyone, thanks for coming in at such late notice. I'm glad you could all make it. Now I'll try not to keep you as I know you will have lives to live and in some cases be back here in the morning." I said as everyone smiled." Now you all know Me.I'm James, and as of today I'm your new boss. First things first, as Ryder found out earlier I hate being called boss. It's James. Not Jim or anything else James. I'm here to make your lives easier. I want salt to be a fun place to work and from whatI've seen and heard you guys are the best and I'm glad. You all know your jobs, so I'm not here to tell you how to do it. I will watch your course and if changes can be made that I'll try to make it happen. Likewise, if you feel something can be changed, then I'd like you to tell me I'm all ears. I'm not your typical boss. I like a relaxed workplace and I hope you could all approach Maine should you need to. Okay, now the boring stuff. Payday Friday each week you will still be paid. And you will also be paid still in cash. I've not changed that. Schedules. I'd like you all to text Maine off the group with your availability each Saturday night. I like you also to text me your email addresses and I will email out the following weeks schedule by Sunday afternoon. If you need a shift changing, I need to know. Before closing on Sunday. Also, in that message, I'd like you to do one more thing, include a selfie so I remember who is who with your name. Now Harry, you're my day manager and your work times will stay as is. All I need to know is your days off you want. Same goes for my full timers. Now I know Lee and Steff. Are key holders So if Harry has a day off, you two will cover, same for evenings. If I take time off.. I'm adding a fourth full timer and that is. Ryder He will also be a key Holder for nights only. I'm going to be training. Ryder As a night manager just so I can have at least one day off a week. Everything else, as you know, will pretty much be. As you know it. So keep up the good work and I look forward to getting to know you all. Any questions?" I said" I have one." A young Lad said." Go for it." I replied." Are you reviewing pay rates at all?" He asked me." Yes, I will be at some point. Sorry, what's your name?" I asked." Wyatt" He told me." Yes, Wyatt, I will be reviewing pay rates next week and I'll let you know what changes I will be making if any." I told him." Any other questions?" I asked. Nobody spoke." Well, in which case have a good evening and I'll see youAll about the place. Don't forget the schedule texts by Saturday. Thank you." I said as they all finished drinks and took off. The staff, who were already on shift returned to work and. Ryder Went back behind the bar." Thank you James for this opportunity. I really appreciate it. I won't let you down." He said." Don't mention it and be sure you don't." I replied. The next few hours went by and I let Mac go home." Well, it's been a pleasure take care of this place." She said as she handed me her keys. I nodded. I could see tears in her eyes as she left. By midnight I let everyone go apart from. Ryder We chatted whilst I finished setting for breakfast. We had only two people left drinking. I saw two young lads around ryders age Come in and head for the bar. Keeping my distance I watched." Come on man." One said. I wandered over." I can't servee you, you're too Young." Ryder Told him " You know what will happen if you don't?" The other Lad said." Hi guys what's the issue here?" I asked walking to the bar." Who the fuck are you?" One asked me." Charming. While I'm James, the new owner of salt. Now. Ryder Has told you that he can't serve you because you're underage. So can I suggest you get out and don't ever let me hear you threaten a member of my staff again. He's doing his job and following the law. Now get out." I said." Or else what?" The more outspoken one said." Listen, Half wit I've put more of your kind in bandages and in hospital than I can remember. Do you really want to test Me." They both shook their heads." Wise choice. Now get out." I said as they both left in a Huff." Thank you." Ryder said." Anytime." I replied. At 1:00 AM on the dot, we closed up. I taught ryder how to cash Then put the takings in the Safe. For one day we had taken $4200. Not bad for a Tuesday night. After bidding ryder goodnight I walked up the beach heading home. When I got home, I was wiped out. I went onto my laptop and hooked the ecosystem to my account system. Which meant I didn't have to programme anything. Plus the old system Mac was able To be copied and merged with mine. By 3:00 am I had every system running my way and emerged my payroll system as well. Now I was in a position to make salt the best restaurant in the state. I climbed into bed butt naked, set my alarm for 7:00 AM and drifted off to sleep.

End of episode one.

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