Moving to a New Town

By Stephen

Published on Mar 8, 2024


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Additionally, please know this is a work of fiction that is based on a fantasy of mine. The names have been changed.

Moving to a New Town, Final.

Before I knew it, three years had passed. Jay, Sean, and I had settled into a routine. Jay would come by at once or twice a week and either get sucked off or fuck me. He wanted sucked in the early mornings, 6am and to fuck in the evenings. Sean would show up randomly either when he didn't have a girlfriend, was drunk, or high. Sometimes it was on my lunch break or sometimes at 2am. Between the two of them, plus the occasional grindr hookup, my hole and my throat were kept satisfied.

The store was going well too. I had cleaned up the inventory problems and was well liked in town, so people and businesses did business with me. I had hired and trained my staff to the point where my store ran like a well-oiled machine, and it showed. We won several district and regional awards.

Everything was going great, on the outside. Inside, I was no longer satisfied. I loved getting fucked by Jay and Sean, but I knew that neither of them could give me what I truly wanted: a boyfriend. I loved my small town. It was close enough to family to be there if needed, but far enough away to have some privacy. I loved my store. I had a good team. But I wanted to grow professionally. So, I talked with my DM and applied for a logistics position in Jacksonville, Florida. Two weeks later, I received the news that I had gotten the job and was instructed to be there two months.

To say that I was elated would be an understatement. I immediately began looking for an apartment online and planned a trip to scope it out after scheduling a long weekend off. It was also family reunion time, so I planned to tell everyone, all 60+ of them, that I was moving. Allow me to venture off and explain something about my family, perhaps you can relate. My family is typically religious Southern family. For those of you who don't know what that means, it means that if you are straight and produce a grandkid, you get a pass. Cheat on your spouse? That's ok. Have a alcohol problem? No worries. Can't hold a job? You're okay. Be gay? Go to hell because you're dead to us.

In addition to being religious, they have an issue with family members moving away for any reason except marriage. So, for me to be gay was strike one. Moving to my small town was strike two. This was about to be strike three and I was going to be out of the family. Honestly, I couldn't wait.

The day came for the reunion. I prepared the food I was bringing and made my way to the church where we gather. It's the church my grandparents attended for over sixty years. It's the church my uncle and aunt and several cousins still attend. As I pulled into the parking lot, I saw several of the male cousins and some of their current wives or girlfriends standing around smoking cigarettes and sneaking beer or liquor.

I parked, politely said hello to everyone, hugged some, and made my way inside. It was a bright, sunny, May day so after I entered the fellowship hall my eyes had to adjust as the smell of home-cooked food filled my nostrils. I always loved this day of the year for no other reason than the food.

Once my eyes adjusted, I immediately saw him, I didn't know who he was, he looked familiar though. Of course, he was wearing a cap. It had some fishing logo on it. His dirty blonde fade revealed itself as it joined his chinstrap beard that made its way down the squarest jawline, I had ever seen complimenting his sun kissed face, cute nose, blue eyes, and the whitest teeth. The American flag T-shirt he was wearing filled out nicely as the sleeves hugged his biceps and revealed his pecs. I was suddenly envious black rubber watch band and even his black rubber wedding ring, to be that close to this godlike man. Continuing to drink him in, I moved to my favorite parts of any man, his quads. He was wearing those swimwear type shorts with the four-inch inseams. They showcased his quads and calves, both of which, like his face and arms, were kissed by the sun and revealed the faintest blonde hair.

"Hey you!" I was snapped out of my trance by my cousin, Brooke. I was genuinely glad to see her and relished in her embrace as she was one of the only ones that made me feel welcome.

"Hey!" I replied. "How have you been?"

"Good. Busy with the wedding stuff. You know how that goes, especially with your sisters." My older sisters were on husband number three and four respectively. Still better than being gay in this family though.

"Wedding? What wedding?" I replied as we moved closer to the blonde god. More family were coming in and we were blocking the door. My dick began to chub just bearing near him. I could now smell his bodywash or cologne. He glanced over at me and flashed that radiant smile that made butterflies spring up inside me.

"You didn't know that Caroline and Alex were getting married?" Brooke continued as she made her way over to the blonde god and introduced him to me. "This is Alex, Caroline's fiancé. Do you remember Judd and Maggy that used to live-

"Gosh yes!" I interrupted as I remembered who Alex was and as we say in the South, who he belonged to. The last time I saw Alex was at least a decade ago. Back then he was this chubby little kid who was annoying. He had clearly had a glow-up.

"Good to see you again, how old are you now?" I said as I extended my hand for a handshake. He accepted. His handshake was firm, his hands rough from some manual labor. "How's your mama and `em?" I continued with an exaggerated Southern accent.

"They're good," he replied as we exchanged pleasantries and caught up on the community and family. He said was 26. I also learned that was the new youth minister at his and Caroline's church. He and Brooke then told me how he and Caroline had started dating and how he had proposed. He also asked for my address for a wedding invitation. I had hoped to break the news right before I left the reunion. But now I had to reveal to everyone that I was moving farther away than any of us had ever moved before.

"Well, you see, that is something I wanted to tell everyone. I was hoping to do it later today but...well, I have accepted a position with my Jacksonville, Florida. I'm moving in a couple of weeks."

The room fell silent. No one could believe what they had just heard. The tension was palpable. It was Alex who saved the day, "Congrats man!" he said, as he pulled me into a bro hug. Everyone resumed their conversations, and it was like what I had said had never happened. While I appreciated his support, and him breaking the tension in the room, it was feeling his body against mine that I reveled in the most. I swear I could feel the cylinder of his cock pressing against me through his thin shorts.

I made it through the reunion by sitting with Brooke, Caroline, and Alex. Caroline was understandably excited about her upcoming nuptials and begged me to send her my address in Jacksonville when I got moved and begged me to come home for her wedding. When I got up to leave Brooke asked when I was moving and if I needed any help."

"I'm going to start packing next weekend. I've already rented a big U-Haul and should be able to fit everything in it. I will need some help, I was planning on asking some friends but I'm not sure if they'll be able to come or not," I replied.

"Give Caroline your address. I'll come over and help," said Alex, with a wink. He once again flashed his fantastic smile and my heart melted as my dick chubbed. I couldn't wait for the weekend. I returned home that night and jerked off three times thinking about Alex.

The week passed by rapidly in some ways and dragged by at a snail's pace in others. It seemed like I couldn't find enough boxes to pack everything, the U-Haul was going to be late, and everywhere I looked in my house there was more stuff. Finally, the weekend arrived. I was elated that I was going to be with Alex, alone for hours. I had a lite supper, and straightened up as best I could, considering I was moving. Saturday morning came and I got up early, showered and douched (just in case), changed the sheets (again, just in case), and sat down to a cup of coffee. It was 7am. There was a knock at my door.

"Who is it?" I sang, hoping it was Alex, as I made my way to the door.

"It's me, Alex." I immediately recognized the voice of the man who had intervened on my behalf the previous weekend.

I opened the door, "Hey! How are you? Thanks for coming to help!"

"Hey. I'm good. I'm glad I could help," he said as he stepped inside.

Offering him a cup of coffee, I sized him up. He was wearing the same hat and thin green shorts, only they seemed shorter and more revealing. The shirt he had on was one of those Ole Dixie shirts that highlighted his arms and pecs just as the one from the previous weekend had done. His sent filled the room. He smelled freshly showered and yet somehow had a manly musk to him.

He followed me into the kitchen, where I poured him a coffee. When I turned to give it to him was standing so close to me that I almost hit him with the coffee and knocked both of us over. "Sorry," he said, stepping back and flashing that smile.

"No worries," I replied. "Just so you know, the U-Haul will be late. I got the notice yesterday that they are expecting one the size I requested back this afternoon."

"That's no problem, if need be, I have a truck and trailer. I can move you."

I took a seat at my kitchen table, as did Alex, his quads stretching the thin material of his shorts. "Caroline and Brooke couldn't make it?" I asked, feigning disappointment.

"Naw, there doing wedding stuff."


"Tell me about it. Ever since I proposed every conversation has been about wedding stuff." He said as he removed his cap and rubbed his eyes. I took the chance to take him in without his cap. I admired his blonde hair. It was kept short, but not too short. As he rubbed his eyes with the palms of his hands, I was able to admire his bi's and tri's. His shirt sleeves strained to keep the muscles contained. "I'm ready for this to be over," he said, returning his cap to his head and taking a sip of coffee.

"I bet. I know it can be stressful. I do have sisters you know."

We had our coffee and discussed the plan for the day which was limited because of the U-Haul. I had boxed most of the small things up during the week, all that was left was the larger items such as my bed, dresser, and sofa.

"I don't think that there is much we can do until the truck gets here. I'm sorry you came all this way."

"I know something we can do," he said with that sexy smirk as his left hand cupped his crotch. "Ever since Caroline said she had a gay cousin, I knew I was going to get my cock down your throat," he said in a low, husky voice. I sat speechless. "Then I saw the way you looked at me last weekend. I knew then that I was going to have you so I convinced Caroline that I didn't need their help and they should go off and do wedding stuff," he continued as the tube of his cock grew down and out the leg of his shorts. "I come off as the good and caring fiancé helping out family while keeping her occupied miles away all the while I'm going to get my cock sucked by a fag," he said as he stood putting his now very tented shorts at my eye level.

"You can do more than that if you want," I said as I sank to my knees and pulled down his shorts. As they came down his cock flopped out and I was confronted with to this day one of the prettiest cocks I have every seen. Alex's dick was perfect in every way. About the size of a 12-ounce red bull can, six and half inches long and three or four inches thick. He was circumcised perfectly and had a couple of veins running along the top and side. His balls were egg sized and equally perfect.

I gazed at his manhood, then up at him. He had trimmed his pubes and had a light dusting a dark blonde hair on his belly and chest.

"We have all day to play," he said, "so take your time. Enjoy it."

I lapped his cock head with one long lick from my tongue eliciting a deep moan from him. "Yesssss, just like that," he said as he tilted his head back and broadened his stance. In one motion I took the head in my mouth and swirled my tongue around it before taking his full length into my throat.

"God damn, it's been so long since anyone sucked my dick," he sighed.

"I love sucking dick," I replied before taking him fully into my throat again. "And I have no gag reflex," I said as I came back up.

"I can tell. This feels so so good. You have no idea how stressful this wedding has been." Just then I pulled off his cock and began to nuzzle his balls and lick at his taint.

"Holy fuck, do that again," he almost screamed as I lapped that sensitive spot between his balls and hole. I obliged him and lapped his taint again before taking each of his hairless balls into my mouth and sucked on them.

"Why don't we move to the bedroom," I suggested. "You can lay back and enjoy yourself more while I relieve some of your stress." This time I winked at him. He smiled nervously and I got up and led him into the bedroom. "Lie down," I said as I resumed my position on my knees. I removed his shoes and socks, and God, let me tell even this man's feet were perfect. I next removed his shorts completely and began to massage him, starting with his perfect feet, then moving up to his ankles, calves, then quads. I repeated the massage on the other leg before resuming my oral stimulations.

Once again, I took his bulbus head into mouth eliciting a sharp inhale from him as I continued to massage his quads. "God, this is so good," he muttered. I wanted to worship this tan quad god for as long as I could. I continued to massage up his body to his obliques, then his abs before finally reaching his pecs.

The palm of my hand made a circular motion over his nipples. This caused another sharp inhale from him followed by a convulsion that rocked his entire body. As I massaged his pecs and rubbed his nipples, I mirrored the circular motion of my hands with my tongue over his cockhead. So, when he convulsed, I was rewarded with a copious squirt of warm and salty precum.

I gazed upon his beauty, and I took him deep within my throat once again causing him to cry out in ecstasy once again. He suddenly propped himself up on his elbows, "Yeah, get a good look at me fag. This is what a real man looks like."

Happily obeying, I surveyed the valleys of his abs and mountains of his pecs paying close attention to the details. I took him deep again, producing a guttural moan from within him as he laid his head back and closed his eyes, while "So, good," escaped his mouth.

Unexpectedly he rose up and looked at me, there was a fire in eyes. "Stop," he commanded. "I'm close and don't want to cum yet. Get on the bed on your back, legs up." I sat there stunned, still savoring the taste of his precum. "Did I stutter?" I shook my head as I continued to stare into his eyes. I obeyed and got on the bed with my legs up. Alex then removed my shoes, socks, shorts, and boxers and knelt. He was inches from my upturned ass.

"I'm gonna make you squeal like a pig, fag," Alex said as nuzzled my upended mounds. He inhales, "You smell good fag. Did you know this was going to happen or were just hoping it would?" He inhaled again as he smacked my ass. "Tell me fag, did you hope this would happen?"

"Yes, sir," I replied as I quivered in anticipation of him exploring my most secret parts with his perfect and ample tongue. I hissed as he made contact, first a long and painfully slow lap from my hole to my taint followed by small swirling circles on the entrance to my cavern. What he did next completely surprised me and caused me to moan so loudly the neighbors could have heard, he sucked my hole like a fucking hoover.

"Holy fuck!" I cried. "Daddy don't stop," I encouraged him. Alex used his tongue to pry open my innermost parts, darting in and out of me with rapid speed. My eyes rolled back in my head; I had never felt something so breathtakingly good. This man, this godlike man, was making love to my boy pussy with his mouth. I was in ecstasy as he jiggled my cheeks, slapped them until I was certain both supple mounds were bright red, and lavished me with long licks and laps, deep sucks, and gentle bites.

Only when he knew I was open and wet enough from the tongue bathing did he stop. Alex stood up, my legs still raised, and placed the tip of his cock on my well-prepared hole.

"You got any lube?" he queried. "Spit only goes so far."

"In the nightstand," I gestured causing him to crawl onto the bed, bending me almost in half. As he reached to open the drawer, I was given an excellent and awe-inspiring view of his body. I took the opportunity to help myself to his nipples and began to suck on one then the other.

"Fuck man," he said, as his cock twitched on my hole. I was so loose and wet from the rim job that the fat head of his manhood was already slipping into me. We moaned almost in unison at the sensation.

"I can't take it anymore," he declared, as he squirted lube on his member, the head of which was already inside me and providing sensations that forced sounds that I had never made before to exit my body as my eyes took up residence in the back of my head. The cold lube contacted my anal canal as Alex slid more of himself into me. I was surprised there was no pain, only a full feeling. Unlike Jay or Sean, Alex didn't ram himself into me, he took his time, a snail's pace, allowing me to adjust to him. Inch by inch, centimeter by centimeter, his perfect cock made its way, stretching my insides.

"I love your bussy," he reveled, "it's so tight, and warm, and velvety." Another inch. "If you weren't moving so far away, I would find time to come over and fuck your brains out every chance I could."

At that moment he slid fully into me. I cried out, "Holy fuck dude," as I felt his scratchy trimmed pubes contact my ass. "Uhhhhhh," he exhaled before beginning his assault on my voluptuous insides.

"Ho-o-ly, fu-u-uck dude!" I exclaimed as he pummeled me. Over and over, he sliced into me, his perfect cock nailing my prostate each time sending me over the moon as his perfect jumbo egg sized balls slapped my ass. Alex slowed his attack on my bountiful booty, ebbing our march to rapturous orgasm. He bent down so that we were face to face and once again his tongue invaded my mouth making me even more his hostage as his cock head slowly racked across my p-spot. I moaned into his mouth, "Oh gwad!" as our tongues dueled for supremacy.

In rapid succession he removed his tongue from my mouth, smile at me, then attacked my earlobe, my neck, and my tit before raising up and sucking my toes and making out with my foot as his manhood continued its conquest of my gut. I stared at him, observing every aspect of his perfect body and realized this man wasn't using me to simply get off, he was making love to me.

He picked up the pace and really began to ram into me. He was right on target with every thrust, massaging my prostate with his beautiful cock head. We were both moaning incoherently, and sweat was everywhere as I felt his cock swell and the speed of his fuck increased even more. Short, hard thrust were accompanied by the all too familiar slapping sound as his pelvis made repeated contact with my ass, my moans of, "Harder," and animalistic sounds coming from the deepest part of him.

I gazed into his eyes and saw a smoldering hot fire of lust. Faster and faster, he pushed himself into me. Deeper and deeper his growl became when suddenly that fire in his eyes exploded. His pupils dilated. His breathing became raged and almost stopped and his face reddened. He pushed deeper than anyone had elver pushed into me and unloaded his boiling hot seed. I felt his cock pulse, one, two, three, four, five shots of his cum coated and filled my bowels. His final push pushed me over the edge. I came harder than I ever have squirting cum between us.

Alex collapsed on top of me, "God damn, I've never fucked like that. Your hole was making love to my dick," he said as his cock began softening and slipped out of me. For my part, I was speechless. Even after his cock had slipped out, I could still feel it.

He fucked me once more before the U-Haul got there, pumping another load into me. He stayed and helped me load the truck and offered to help get me to Jacksonville, an offer I gladly accepted. I wish I could tell you Alex decided to stay in Jacksonville with me and that we lived happily ever after. Unfortunately, he went home, married, and had a kid. But he accepted a remote job based in Jacksonville and comes to visit once a month (insert evil grin).

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