Moving to a New Town

By Stephen

Published on Jan 17, 2024


Thank you for reading this chapter of Moving to a New Town, a mostly true account of my experiences once I moved away from my hometown. As always, I look forward to hearing from you and hope you enjoy. Also, if it is illegal or inappropriate for you to be on this site or reading this kind of material then please leave. Additionally, if you can support Nifty, please do so to help keep this site free.

Moving to a New Town Part 5

Other than my tryst with Jay, the holidays were uneventful. I did the usual Christmas thing of spending time with family, eating more than I should have, and watching cheesy Christmas movies. I only stayed Christmas Eve and most of Christmas Day. I was eager to get back home and see if Jay had any plans for me.

"God, I'm a slut," I thought to myself as I was packing up my bag. My butt tingled with the anticipation of another spanking. My cock stiffened and became harder than steel at the thought and I began to leak an obscene amount of precum. Fortunately, I was wearing black boxer-briefs and black sweats so no one would notice.

I said my goodbyes to my mother and sisters, threw my bag in the back of the car, and started the drive home. I texted Jay that I was headed home, still hard as a rock. A minute or two later my phone vibrated, "Good. Let me know when you're home," he replied. This caused me to speed up. My phone vibrated again, "Let me know when you make it home," this time from my mother. I made it home in record time. Obediently, I let Jay know first I was home, then like a good son, my mother.

"Good deal, I love you," mom replied.

"Good. I'll be over later," Jay replied.

I went inside, unpacked, showered, being sure to clean myself out, and changed. I put on a pair of shorts that were easy to remove and turned on an old movie to watch while I waited. Three hours went by. Then four. Not a word. Five, it was getting late. Then my phone vibrated, it was Jay, "On my way." I immediately got hard again, and my butt tingled in expectation of another spanking.

"Door is open," I replied. On a whim I unlocked the door and left it slightly ajar. Next, I grabbed some lube from the bedroom and hid it in the sofa. Then, I pulled down the loose-fitting shorts and got on all fours, face down, booty up and facing the door while I waited. I had decided that we had played long enough. He raped my throat so many times I had lost count. He had spit on me. Given me cum facials and put gallons of his baby makers in my stomach. I decided this time he was either going to spank me again or fuck me.

I heard him pull up and his truck door slam. His heavy boots trudged across my sidewalk and up onto the porch. As he approached, I heard him talking to someone, "Yeah, give me a couple a hours, then it'll be ok." He ended the call and opened the door seeing me waiting for him, "Well, well, well, what have we here?" he queried as he closed the door, locking it.

"Waiting for you sir," I replied.

"And what exactly do ya thank Ima do?"

"Just giving you options sir. If you want to take out your frustration on me or something else."

He crossed the room with what seemed like lightning speed, as he raised his left hand, I closed my eyes in anticipation. He brought it down fast and hard on my ass cheek, whack! It echoed. The sting caused a moan to escape my clenched jaw and my achingly hard cock to twitch, a glob of precum spilt onto the rug beneath me. My eyes closed; I heard him moving behind me. I heard the jingle of his belt buckle and what sounded like him removing his boots and jeans. The suspicion was confirmed when I felt him push my legs apart with his knees and place both hands on the bulbus globes of my ass, spreading my cheeks as he knelt down behind me. The air contacting my exposed hole and taint caused a gasp to rush over my lips.

"Yur finally getting' it fag. "You exist fur me and only me," he said, almost softly, as he continued to massage my mounds. He scooted up closer behind me, I felt his cock head make contact with my hole causing my entire body to shudder. "Yeah, you like that, don'tcha fag?" he said as he slapped my ass again. "Damn, my handprints look good on that ass," he praised his handwork.

My eyes were still tightly closed as he continued his ministrations on my backside. I was moaning, he was grunting and rubbing his cock up and down the valley of my ass. Suddenly, he stopped. I opened my eyes as I realized my ass was devoid of his presence. I looked back and he was stroking his fat uncut cock to full hardness. Pressing my luck, I handed him the lube I hid in the sofa, "Take me. I'm yours. I'm your fag to do as you will with," I said.

Jay took the lube, opened the bottle, and squirted some directly on my hole. His fingers were thick and manly, made thicker by years of manual labor. He began to work circles on my hole with his thumb, eliciting gasps and moans from me. I squeezed my eyes shut as the entire situation washed over me. Jay then pushed his thick thumb into my hole snapping me out of my sex crazed trance and causing me to cry out in a moment of discomfort.

"You think my thumb is bad, just wait bossy man. You gone be poopin' pancakes for a week when I get done with you."

His thumb was then removed and replaced by his index and middle fingers. He sawed them into me, then twisted his hand first to the left, then to the right to loosen me up. "I don't want you rippin' my dick off cause yur too tight girl. Gotta, get you loosened up first." He then inserted three fingers. I gasped as the sudden increase in girth as his thick fingers moved inside of me. Deeper and deeper they seemed to go making a squishy sound each time he retreated and forced his way back inside me. I felt so full, and I could tell he was digging for my prostate. Simultaneously he was still stroking his cock.

While it was true, he had pumped gallons of his cum down my gullet many times, and he had stretched my lips, jaws, and throat to their absolute max, his cock looked even more monstrous as he prepared to make me his. I opened my eyes and looked back, the foreskin slid effortlessly back and forth over the swollen head with precum adding lube. "Gawd, you feel like velvet in there bossy man. My cock is gonna make you a real girl tonight." he chuckled, removing his fingers. I felt empty and cold suddenly.

As I rested my head on the soft seat of my sofa, I closed my eyes. I heard him stroke his cock faster and felt him repositioned himself closer to my backside. His large cock head once again contacted my most intimate part. "Ready fag?" he whispered. "This is what you was made for." He affirmed my reason for existing.

"Yes sir," I replied. Then I felt it. The thing I had wanted since I first saw this hunk of a man in my store. His spongy cock head made full contact with my waiting boy pussy. God awful pain shot through my body, radiating from my rectum as he pushed his behemoth man meat inside of me. I cried out, "Oh God! Stop!" as I tried to get away from him, but he quickly grabbed both of my arm and pulled me back. The backwards motion forcing more of his thick manhood deeper into me.

There was an audible pop, "There, now the head's in," nine inches to go," he said sounding almost happy as searing pain continued to radiate outward from my ass. I screamed again, "Please take it out! I'll be your bitch another way!" as tear filled my eyes, and I began to hyperventilate.

"Nuh, ugh," he said. "I done had enough a yur mouth bossy man. Now I wantchur ass. Besides, after this time, you'll be blowed out and I can fuck you anytime I want." He lunged forward, pulling me backwards onto him as more of his thick cock forced its way into my ass. I lowered my head and began to sob uncontrollably biting down on the sofa cushion.

"Pweese stwop!" I begged as I crammed more of the sofa cushion into my mouth. Jay steadily shoved another inch into me forcing my already dilated hole to stretch even further. I had been topped many times and even had a large dildo, but nothing compared to Jay's size. Another inch slipped inside. By my reckoning I had at least five inches to go, maybe more. I had never felt so full.

"That's right queer boy, take my cock." He pulled back slightly, then with a shard thrust of his hips, shoved what felt like a mile of cock into my burning and tired asshole. "Almost there girl, almost there," he encouraged as he again retreated and then made another assault.

"Ooohhh ssshhhiiittt! I screamed as he pushed all the way inside me. His completely buried cock now filled my abused and wrecked anus. The sharp pain that seemed to lap and lick from ass up my body like flames reaching for oxygen was replaced by the dull ache that lets a good bottom know they have officially been made into a bitch.

"Ooohhh my God. Ooohhh my God. Fuck, that is sssoooo sssooo big," I managed to say between deep breaths. I had managed to stop sobbing.

"That's a good fag," Jay said as he rubbed my back and patted my ass. "Not even my wife can take all of me and we've been together since we was 13." I took it as a compliment and smiled weakly.

"I'm gonna start fuckin' ya real nice and slow. Don't wanna rip ya on our first time. Then, I'm gonna aim for your g-spot and massage it with my cock head. Yur gonna cum which is gonna cause yur ass to clamp down on my dick which is gonna make me shoot my babies into yur gut and hopefully outchur mouth." I listened to him spell out my fate. I had never shot handsfree from being fucked. I wondered how straight guys knew about the male g-spot. Did Jay play with his g-spot?

My thoughts were unraveled as he pulled himself almost completely out of me, leaving only the head inside me. With one savage motion he pushed himself back into me causing me to lose my breath. "HHHHOOOMYGOD!" I exclaimed. I tried to scream, wanted to scream but nothing came out.

"That's a good fag," Jay encouraged. "Here we go again." Again, he withdrew, and again he replanted himself deep within me, this time with a grunt. "This is what you were made fur. To please a real man." He repeated this process nine or ten times. Each time knocking the wind out of me. I began spewing profanities. Each time he insulted me.

The last time, he paused. "I gotta rest if I'm about to hit yur g-spot bossy man." I felt his pubes on my butt cheeks. To say I felt full was an understatement but at least the dull ache was less intense now. "God girl," he sighed. "Your insides feel like velvet hugging my dick."

Just then, he began flexing his dick inside me. Up and down, it went encased in my hole. On the second flex he hit my prostate. Instantly a low moan escaped my mouth and before I was aware of it I was begging him for more. "Do that again," I moaned.

"Faggy bottom boy likes that huh?" He flexed again and again he rubbed my prostate. Again, I moaned. This time my whole body shuddered.

Jay began to saw in and out of me painfully slow. Each time he forced himself back into me and when he was buried to the hilt, he would flex his cock producing a moan, a cry really, from me as I sought to burry my face deeper into my sofa cushion that was wet with my tears and saliva.

"Yeah, you like that bossy man?" Jay said as he seesawed faster and deeper into me with each thrust.

"Yyyeeesss," I cried. This time it was tears of happiness that streamed down my face. I was finally getting what I had wanted all along as waves of pleasure washed over me and forced my senses into overload. I saw stars and he expertly nudged my prostate repeatedly and smacked my ass, the sting causing me to clamp down on his pecker each time his hand made contact.

"That's right girl, squeeze the cum outa my cock and bring me that ass." I hadn't noticed but I had started rocking myself back onto him, meeting his thrust with equal force.

Suddenly he picked up the pace and began to grunt more loudly with each thrust. The slapping sound of his pelvis hitting my ample ass cheeks filled the room. "Yeah, bossy man, you ready to take my load? I'm gonna fill you with my swimmers. You gonna taste my baby batter coming up the back of yur throat."

"God yes," I said between moans. "Give it to me Jay, please make me your bitch." I begged.

Faster and faster, he fucked me. Deeper and deeper his cock went. Heavier and heavier we both breathed. I saw fireworks and moaned like a whore each time his cock touched my prostate. Suddenly, I felt like the most wonderous feeling I have ever felt, a warm, tingling sensation began washing over me, starting deep inside me and working its way to my balls, then up through my body and head. It caused me to shudder and moan even more loudly, "Jay, what are you doing to me man?" I asked. The feeling then intensified and moved rapidly to the head of my dick. I shot off like a cannon, screaming as I came. One, two, three, seven, eight, nine ropes of cum painted the front of my sofa and puddled in my floor as the smell of man sex filled my nostrisl. I shuddered again as I came down from my orgasm and goose bumps covered my body.

Immediately Jay cried out, "Fuck man!" As he buried himself deeper in me than he had the entire night and began to coat the inside of my bowels with his life-giving cum. I could feel the warm liquid flooding my most private parts. When he finished cumming, Jay laid down on top of me, his hairy belly to my back with his deflating cock still lodged deep inside of me. I don't know how long we stayed that way. I loved it though.

Finally, he slipped out of me and raised himself up off me. He swatted my ass, jiggled my cheeks playfully, and said, "Thanks fag. I needed that release." He stood, pulled up his pants, and left. I heard him pull away in his truck as I stayed in that position, kneeling in front of my sofa. Jays cum had started leaking out of my ass. I was just about to get up and get cleaned up when my front door opened. I looked over my shoulder in horror to see who was invading my home. It was Sean, a young guy who worked for me. He was about 6'5 and lanky, his nickname was beanpole. He had just turned 19.

"Well, shit boss man. Today's my lucky day," he said as he closed the door behind him and began removing his shirt exposing his dark happy trail.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 6

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