Moving to a New Town

By Stephen

Published on Dec 31, 2023


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Moving to a New Town Part 4

To the outside world I was a store manager. To my team I was "Boss Man." I was a good renter to my landlord. A good neighbor. I was Jay's friend, and he was mine. But make no mistake when he wanted me to be I was his. I was a throat for him to unload into. I was a cook when he was hungry. I was his fag. He knew it and I knew it.

This first time he made me acutely aware that I was his fag, and that I began to accept it, came during the holidays. As I recall, it was unseasonably warm for the time of year. People were running around in shorts, t-shirts, and flip-flops as holiday music blared across town from almost every stereo. Holiday trees, wreaths, and those inflatable lawn decorations seemed to spring up everywhere overnight. There were even neighborhood contests to see who had the most outlandish and tacky lawn decorations.

For my part I didn't decorate. No tree. No outside decorations. I didn't see the need to do so for just one person. Plus, I didn't get the decorating part of the gay gene. I took the week of Christmas off in hopes of returning home and spending time with my family. That, however, did not happen and is another for another time. Normally, I gave the team members with families and kids off and just worked all day through the holiday. I was salaried after all, so it didn't come off my bottom line. This particular year I was selfish. I hadn't had a Christmas off in ten years. So, I took it.

Of course, when Jay found out I was off he took full advantage. His wife had told him he needed to go on a diet and served him prefab protein shakes. What did he do? He came to my house every morning for breakfast. Waffles and sausage one morning. Pancakes the next. Biscuits and gravy. All with strong black coffee.

"Beats the heck outa these protein shakes she's been making be choke down," he said as he wiped his mouth and finished his coffee. "Heck, if I wasn't married, I'd marry you. You'd make a heck of a wife."

I blushed. "Thank you. But now you have to go to work, and I have a mess to clean up," I said as I touched his shoulder. It was a risky move I thought, but he reciprocated. He placed his hand on mine and thanked me for taking care of him. His eyes were soft. Then reality seemed to hit him. He abruptly pushed himself back from the table, stood, and made his exit through the back door. "See ya fag."

Of course, as soon as he left, he called, "Hello?" I answered.

"What up girly fag?"

"Nothing much. I just had a man leave. If he keeps on, he's gonna end up getting me pregnant," I pushed the envelope.

"You'd like that wouldn't ya?"

"He would for sure," I replied.

Our conversations went like this most of the time. Him insinuating he wanted more and me tempting him to take it if he wanted it. For the longest time he never seemed interested in taking it further. Sure, he would come over once or twice a week and I would blow him. I would find his used cum rags in the garbage or my bed unmade where he had used my house to bang some chick. But that was as far as he took it.

That all changed on Christmas Eve eve. I heard him come up the street. His little pickup had an unmistakable sound. I immediately opened the front door to welcome him. I truly wasn't expecting to see him until after Christmas. His face was red as he marched up my walkway and onto my porch. I tried to open the storm door for him, but he reached it before I could and yanked it open. "Move," he ordered. I obeyed.

"Close the door," he instructed as he removed his faded and sweat stained company hat. I again obeyed. "I'm so fucking mad right now," he said as he glared at me. Fear shot through me. "Is he mad at me?" I thought. I tried to reconstruct the previous week since our last face fuck session trying to remember if I had made any mistakes. Nothing came to mind.

"What's happened? Is it something with you and the wife?"

"No," his answer was unusually short. His demeanor was almost dark.

I crossed the room and came closer to him. I could smell his sweat and the laundry detergent his wife used. The combination produced that sweet smell that had filled my nostrils as he had plunged his dick into my throat. Before I could form the next word, he grabbed me by my arms and dragged me to my sofa. "Fag I'm in a bad mood. I need to take out my frustration on something or else I'll take it home. I don't wanna do that. So, I'm, gonna take it out on you."

In one swift move he bent me over his knee. "Now fag, I'm gonna spank you. I'm gonna spank you until yo ass is red and my arm is too tired to keep goin'."

"Jay. Please no!" I cried. I knew what I was in for. Jay was a powerhouse of a man. I had seen him move giant spools of cable like they were nothing. He once climbed a power pole bare handed. I was not looking forward to this. I tried to squirm and get away, but he held me firmly in place.

With one swift yank, he ripped my shorts off exposing my supple bare ass. "'s a shame not to smash an ass this purdy," he said. "Maybe I will one day," he said as his rough hand began to rub my ass in small circular motions.

"Uh oh, almost forgot. Gotta make sure you can't get away or make too much noise." He ripped my shirt off, tearing it in half. The first piece he stuffed into my mouth. The next he tied my hands above my head. Between the makeshift handcuffs and his powerful arms and body holding me, I couldn't move. He resumed making small circles on my ass cheeks.

"You ready fag?"

"Mmmmfrrr," I tried to say something, but I couldn't. All I could do was lay there. I could feel his rough blue jeans scrape against my body. They were rough in some spots and soft in others from many long hours of wear. Still, he rubbed my ass. I tried to look up at him, from this vantage point I couldn't see well but I could tell he was staring at my ass. He licked his lips.

Then it happened. It was like I was watching it in slow motion. As his tongue made a complete circle around his lips, he raised his hand off my ass and with one powerful downward swing he struck me. Whack! I immediately felt the sting of his hand. Tears filled my eyes and my face reddened.

"You like that fag?" he questioned as his hand rubbed the very spot he had just slapped. "Ima do it again, but harder this time." I tried to prepare myself. His lifted his hand. I felt the cool air on my ass cheek for just a moment. Whack! Harder this time. Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Five in a rapid succession. This time I whined as the pain radiated from bottom. My ass cheeks stung as my tears began to fall into the floor and onto his work boot.

Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Five more.

"Yeah. I think you like that fag. I can feel yur pecker gettin' hard on my leg." Was he right? Was I getting hard? I was! I was shocked as shit! "How the hell could this be turning me on?" I thought. Though, I didn't have time to think long as five more whacks came down harder than the previous ones.

That's when I noticed it. My cock head was rubbing against his jeans. Each smack of his hand caused his man spread to widen which ground my cock into his leg each time. Soon, I was fully erect.

Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! My whines turned morphed into moans.

Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! I was marching toward orgasm. My eyes rolled back into my head.

Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! I began to beg for release, "Pweease Jay, mwake mwe cum!"

Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! "I knew you'd like it fag."

Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Harder and harder. Closer and closer.

Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! My reddened cheeks glowed. I began to try and jiggle my ass for him. If I was his fag and I got off then he, as my master, should get off too I reasoned in my horny state.

Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Five more swats.

Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Ten this time. I was delirious with pleasure.

Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Then it happened. I didn't just say it, I screamed it. I begged for it. I couldn't take it anymore. I wrestled my t-shirt gag from my mouth. It was like I was watching a movie. Like, someone or something else was in control of me. His smacks had aroused something deep within me. My ass cheeks stung but my had come to life all on its own. It tingled and twitched.

"Jay, please fuck me. Please, please, please, please, fuck me. Give me your seed. Get me pregnant and make me cum."

The swatting stopped. He just sat there for a minute or two. It's like he was trying to comprehend what I had asked. His hand rested on my ass. I wasn't sure what to do, do I try and get up, or do I stay there?

With lightning speed, he stood up and threw me onto the floor. I landed on my back. My cock standing straight up and leaking more precum than I could ever remember leaking. He got on his knees as he straddled my abdomen and grabbed me by the jaw with the same hand, he had just beat my ass with.

"So, you do want me to fuck ya, huh?" He spit in my face. "That is what I think of your request." He stood, picking me up by the throat as he went. God he was strong. He slammed me against the wall, "But because it's Christmas and Ima good guy and all..." He forcibly turned me around and pressed me firmly against the wall of my living room. A picture of my father now just inches from my head. "If dad only knew..." I thought as I felt Jay's boot force my legs apart. I heard the jingle of his belt and then the sound of his jeans dropping as gravity did its job.

He spread my legs wider with his foot, kicking my feet out of the way to allow him easier access as he pulled up his shirt. I could feel the soft, hairy belly on my back as he inched closer to me. His scent was intoxicating. Then if felt it. What I had been waiting for, dreaming for, and wanting since I first saw him on the camera at the store, he began swiping the head of his uncut horse cock up and down the cleft of my ass cheeks. I almost melted.

"Yeah fag, you like that don'tcha? You want my baby makers swimmin' in yur gut?" he said with a low growl. He put his face next to mine and scraped my clean-shaven cheek with his four-day stubble as he made his way to my ear. He bit down on my earlobe eliciting a cry of pain and shock from me. It also resulted in my pushing my ass back which resulted in his cock burying itself between the folds of my ample booty. This time he moaned, uncontrollably as he thrust up between my ass cheeks on instinct.

"God..." his raspy whisper echoed in my house. His breathing was ragged. "I'm not gonna lie, your ass looks good with my handprints all over it and cock almost buried in it." He began to thrust which slowly picked up speed and the depth increased. Suddenly, he put me in choke hold and pulled me closer to him. He was sweating; I could feel his damp pit on my shoulder. My booty and his cock was slick with his precum, he leaked like a faucet. Time and again he teased my hole, each time eliciting a moan from me and grunt from him.

We stood there for what seemed like an eternity as he sawed up and down between my reddened and bruised ass cheeks. The only sounds were those of my moans, his grunts, and the squishy sound his cock made as it made contact up and down the crevasse of my bountiful mounds. He held me close and tight. My eyes were closed enjoying his embrace.

Suddenly, without warning he released me, forcing me out of my dreamlike state. I was forced against the wall once more by his large hand placed in the center of my back. Deeper and deeper he rutted and faster with shorter strokes.

"I'm about cum fag," he announced. "I'm gonna come all over your pretty fag pussy."

"Please put it in me sir!" I begged to no avail.

"You'll get that when I'm ready for you to have that," he took my face in his rough manly hands, turned my face toward him, and spit. "See, I've marked you as my own, and I'm about to do it again." The end of his sentence was marked by his voice raising two or three octaves and an almost whine of a moan.

His body stiffened and his rut of my ample ass cleavage ceased. "Oh God, OH GOD, OOOHHH GGGOOODDD!" he screamed and his lava like, life giving fluid spewed from his daddy cock and coated the clefts of my ass and back. He leaned forward into me and buried his face in the nape of my neck as his cock continued to spurt baby making juice.

After his orgasm subsided, he stood there for a minute recovering. He wrapped his arms around me and embraced me. Once again, I was enraptured by his touch. I was his fag. He was my, my what? I hadn't quite figured that part out yet.

He seemed to come to his senses or wake from his dream with a start as he removed his hands from me and gazed upon the mess he had made. Jay swatted my ass again, hard but playfully.

"God dang fag look at them rosey cheeks." I shook my butt as we watched my ass cheeks jiggle, he looked like a man that was starving seeing a steak for the first time in years. But he snapped himself out of it, walked into the kitchen and cleaned himself up before pulling up his pants.

"I'm outa here fag. I'll be back tomorrow or later in the week." He left me standing there, back and ass covered in cooling and drying cum. Even after I heard him start his truck and pull away from my house, I remained leaning against the wall. What the hell had just happened? And what had I gotten myself into?

Next: Chapter 5

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