Moving to a New Town

By Stephen

Published on Dec 26, 2023


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I apologize for the delay in getting Part 2 to you all. I never dreamed I would actually write a story or that anyone would be interested in anything I wrote. Thank you for your kind emails. If there is something you would like to read, please let me know. Also, please support this site not only to keep it free but also to support free speech.

Moving to a New Town Part 2

I couldn't believe it. I had moved away from home. Not far, forty-five minutes or so. But still... Except for college I had never lived more than fifteen minutes away from my parents or family. Now, I was in a town where I only knew the people who worked with me, my customers, and Jay.

After the blowjob we loaded his truck, trailer, and my car with all my belongings. I turned off the lights, cut the water off at the meter, and dropped the key into an envelope I had prepared and placed it into the mailbox. I had found this studio apartment on craigslist five years earlier. My landlord lived in South Carolina, and I would mail him a money order every month for the rent. The only problem was that in the five years I rented from him, he moved six times. He was usually johnny on the spot about giving me his new address, the last time he forgot, however. It really wasn't that big of a deal except I didn't know that he had moved until I got a text from his wife asking for the rent. After I explained that I had mailed it she asked what address I sent it to and informed me that they had once again moved and demanded that I provide proof of payment. This is when I decided to move and not tell them.

So, here I was in my new place. A small, two bed, one bath 1940s wood frame house. It had a small yard, and needed some TLC as did most of the houses in the neighborhood. But for the price I couldn't refuse. It was a roof over my head, cool in the summer, warm in the winter, and most importantly five minutes from work. It was a place to sleep, shower, and eat. What more could I ask for? As instructed, I provided Jay with a key. This helped him and me. It helped him by providing him with a place to chill out and hide when things at the cable company were slow. It helped me by making sure I had a reliable person to let me into my place when I locked myself out, which has happened more than once...more than it should have happened.

In the couple of months after I moved, I didn't see Jay much. He didn't come into the store. We texted, but all I got was that he was busy. I didn't even see him around town, which was saying something considering he was the only cable guy in our town of four thousand people. As it turns out, his company had bought the rights to expand into the next town over and he had been sent to supervise the project since his company had contracted the work out. That, and some pretty significant weather events and it was no wonder no one saw him for months.

Then, just as suddenly as he disappeared, he reappeared. I saw him as I was going to work one morning at our local coffee shop/gas station. My cock instantly chubbed and butterflies seemed to take up residence in my stomach as time seemed to slow down, or maybe I slowed down as I passed by. He was wearing those dirty work boots, stained and faded jeans, a T-shirt. In one hand he had one of those small, white, Styrofoam coffee cups. The other hung loosely by his side, a cigarillo clasped between his index and middle finger. And that hat, that dirty, sweat stained, trucker style, company hat that he always wore sat snuggly on his head- backwards. God, I hated when he did that. I had come to believe he did it on purpose. He knew it got to me. He smiled at me as I passed by. His white teeth flashed and reached up and stroked his chinstrap beard and waved then grabbed his crotched and adjusted his cock. He knew exactly what he was doing. Before I topped the hill, I saw him jump into his work truck, a small Ford Ranger with a camper shell and his company logo splashed down the side. He was headed in the direction opposite me. I didn't think anything about it...

For those of you who live close to your work you know there is the perk of being able to go home for lunch. That is what I did. I would go home, fix a sandwich, and take a short nap before returning to finish my day. That was my routine. But not this day. When I pulled into my driveway, I noticed the screen door was ajar and was immediately uneasy. As I exited my car and made my way to the door, I tried to retrace my step from the morning, "Did I leave the door unlocked? Maybe my landlord has been over to check on things?" I cautiously opened the door. As I entered, I noticed a figure sitting on my couch. I froze. What felt like electricity swept through my body. But as my eyes adjusted, I could see it was Jay.

"What the fuck Jay? You scared the hell out of me!" I exclaimed.

"Watch your language queerbait. I'm just hiding out for a while. I been busy on the project and storm recovery and thought I could hide here for the day. I take care a my town. We ain't never got no outages here." He was right. We never had any problems with our cable or internet. "Besides, I was hungry and ain't got no money, so I figured you had bought groceries. I was right, luckily, and fixed a sandwich and got one a your drinks."

I didn't and don't mind feeding people so that didn't bother me. Nor did his commandeering my home as his hiding spot. It did bother me that he came into my house without asking.

I completely entered my home and closed the door. It was hot outside, and I was thankful for the cool air that seemed to wash over me. As I made my way into the kitchen I heard Jay, "Bring me another drink and those cookies you got on the counter."

"Yes sir," I replied as I fixed my own sandwich and returned to the front room. Jay had sprawled out even more than before and removed his work boots. Surprisingly, there was no odor. "Here," I said as I handed him his drink and the cookies.

"Thanks fag," he replied. "You're like a woman, you feed me, suck my cock, swallow my load, heck, I bet you'd give me that booty. I could breed you and not have to worry about getting you pregnant."

I nodded in agreement. I knew all of this was just physical for him, but for me, it was quickly becoming something more. I wanted his load, his swimmers, his daddy juice in my guts.

"By the way, you might want to wash your sheets. I brought Ralph's granddaughter over here and used your bed. Let me tell ya, she's a freak hoe. It's true what they say, red in the head, fire in the bed." Ralph was an old guy at the coffee shop that everyone in town knew. His granddaughter was a petite redhead that just turned twenty-one. She was a cheerleader at the local community college.

I was turned on, disgusted, pissed off, and jealous all at once. I was turned on because I had been sleeping in his cum. I was disgusted because I had been sleeping in her cum. I was pissed off because this meant that he had let himself into my house more than once without my permission. And I was jealous because I wanted him to fuck me on my bed like I knew he had fucked her.

He obviously could see my expression and knew what was going through my mind as he stood up and began unbuckling his belt and removing his blue jeans exposing his thick white thighs that were covered in an ever so slight dusting of black hair. As his pants fell around his knees, he lifted his shirt and exposed his belly. His treasure trail was where the fuzzy dusting of dark hair was thickest as it connected his pubes to his chest. From there the dusting splayed out over his pudgy man tits. From his belly button the same dark hair that concentrated at the trail leading to his prodigious daddy meat widened to cover his beer belly.

He looked at his thickening cock and then at me. "You want this fag? You want another gullet load of my daddy juice?"

I couldn't deny it. I did, in fact, want it, and so much more. I stood and began to cross the room, but he stopped me. "Crawl fag. Crawl over here on your knees."

I obeyed, lowering myself to my knees and crawling over. I was once again face to face with his eight- or nine-inch uncut man cock. The tip glistening with a drop of precum.

"Ole red was an easy score. I fucked her pussy in your bed until she came everywhere and so did I. But I gotta give you credit. You suck cock better than she does."

I was delighted at the compliment and smiled with pride.

"That's right you mighty morphing rectum ranger. Be proud. Ain't nobody been able to take this cock like you have. Now get on it. I need to drain my nuts."

I again obeyed, taking the head into my mouth, and was immediately rewarded with the salty flavor of his precum. I began to slowly work my head up and down the length of thick uncut cock, paying special attention to the underside of the head. Every time my tongue would swirl the underside he was inhale sharply and his daddy meat would pulse and grow just a little thicker.

After getting warmed up, I decided I was ready to take him into my throat. I closed my eyes and pistoned, taking more and more into the back of my mouth with each downward push. More and more, faster, and faster, farther and farther his cock would go until I felt his pubes on my nose. With one final push I took all of him and held him in the recesses of my throat.

"Oh fffuuuccckkk," he moaned as I began to swallow and hum around his throbbing member. I could feel his heartbeat in the back of my throat with each pulse of his cock. I slowly began to rock my head back and forth while humming and swallowing.

"Jesus Christ, what are you doing to me?" he exclaimed as the contractions of my throat muscles did their duty.

I pulled off and looked at my watch. I didn't have long before I had to be back at work. I looked up at him, he had turned his cap backwards and was smiling at me. My eyes crawled across his dadbod, memorizing every inch of him before returning to his thick daddy man meat.

"You really like what you see don't ya fag?" he questioned as he stroked his cock. "Tell ya what, since you gotta go play bossy man, Ima treat you like the prize fag you want to be. But if I do, you gotta promise to be my fag, and only my fag. We gotta deal?"

"Ye sir," I said. My voice scratchy and throat sore from the deep throating I had just given him. I didn't know what he had in mind as he stood and shuffled over to the end of my sofa.

"Over here," he directed me, pointing to the space between my bookshelf and the sofa. A space too small for a chair, but the right size for a prize fag to kneel and get his throat fucked. I assumed the position and placed his callused hands on either side of my head. His thick cock head oozed precum profusely as he directed it to my waiting mouth.

"Ima be rough with you. If it's too much, deal with it. Ima empty my nuts in your gut. You exist for me and only for me from now on. Got it?"

"Yes sir," I replied as I tried to prepare myself for what was about to happen. I opened my mouth and once again was rewarded with the saltiness of his essence. I was unable to enjoy it much as with one quick thrust of his hips, his entire eight or nine inches were once again filling the recesses of my throat. This time I wasn't in control and my mind and body quickly went into panic mode. I began to freak and tried to struggle against him. I was, however, securely pinned between him, the wall, and my sofa and bookshelf. The more I struggled, the tighter his grip on my head got and deeper his cock seemed to slide into the throat. Tears began to stream down my face. Snot billowed out of my nose. Once again, I thought I was as good as dead.

"That's right fag," he said. "Struggle. Try to get away." Deeper and deeper his cock seemed to go.

"You ain't got nobody here to save you. Your family is in Mississippi. Your neighbors are at work. Your employees don't care what happens to you. It's just you and me." He began to slide his cock out of my throat. I opened my eyes to see his saliva covered daddy meat. It looked thicker if that was possible. I coughed and struggled to catch my breath as he loosened his grip on my head, I slumped forward.

"Good fag. That was just the beginning. Get ready. Open up."

I looked up at him. He had pulled the bottom of his shirt up over his head. He was smiling down at me as he repositioned his backwards baseball cap.

"God this man is sexy," I thought. No sooner had I finished my thought than he began his assault on my throat again. This time, however, he slid his entire length in, and then started jack hammering my head, face, mouth, and throat. His grip on my head once again tight. His assault

seemed like it lasted for an hour or more. In reality it was only five minutes or so.

"Oh God fag, you ready? You better get ready," he said as the tempo of his thrusts quickened and the timbre of voice became an octave higher. He was sweating. His belly had been planted against my head the entire time and now my hair was wet with a mixture of mine and his sweat. Still, he pummeled my throat. Faster and faster, he got with shorter and shorter strokes.

"Fffuuuccckkk, here it comes fag. You ready?" I could only mumble in the affirmative as he extricated his cock from the deepest part of my esophagus leaving just the head of his meat in mouth. Quickly he pulled the foreskin back so that the entire head was exposed in my mouth.

"Hold it in your mouth until I tell you to swallow. I want to see it," he instructed as his cock seemed to become twice as thick and curve upward. Shot after shot flooded my mouth. I tried to count how many there was, but I was too tired from the abuse I had just endured that I just knelt there and let his man seed fill my mouth.

"God damn fag. God damn," he said as he finished. "Open. I want to see my baby batter." I obeyed my new master. "Good. Savor it. Saaavor iittt. Now swallow." I enjoyed the flavor of his salty seed and swirled it around in my mouth before gulping it down. I was exhausted.

"Well, shit bossy man. You gonna be late getting back from lunch. You better hurry." He laughed as he stuffed his softening cock inside his jeans and lowered his shirt. I got up, sore from being on my knees for that long and began to make my way to my bathroom to get cleaned up a little. "No fag. Go back to work like you are." I stopped and caught a glimpse of myself in the reflection of a portrait I had hanging on the wall. My hair was a mess. My lips were red and puffy. My shirt was wet from the slobber. My pants were dirty at the knees. I was a mess. But I obeyed. As I exited my house, I looked back and saw him stretch out on my sofa, "I need a nap now. By fag," he said as I closed the door.

I tried to dust off my pants and fix my hair as I got back into my car and drove back to my store. As I pulled back into the parking lot and into my spot, one of my employees was out front smoking as I parked and got out of my car.

"You look like shii.." she trailed off as she realized what I had done on my lunch break. "Looks like somebody had a good time," she posited with a smile. I gave her a grimacing smile and walked into the store to finish the day.

When I returned home that evening there was no sign of Jay. In fact, there was no sign he had even been there. I changed clothes and began to fix supper when I noticed that I had only half a role of paper towels. I knew I had just bought them, and I hadn't used them. I began to look around and noticed a wad of paper towels in the garbage can. I picked them up to examine them. There were several cold damp spots on them. As I put them to my nose, my nostrils filled with the inescapable smell of cum. I pressed my tongue to the damp spot and was rewarded with the familiar salty flavor. I held them up to the light and could see wet ropes of cum that were drying.

Just then I received a text. It was from Jay. "I left you a present in the trash can for being a good fag today."

"Thank you, sir," I replied as I made my way to the bedroom, paper towels in hand, and jerked myself off to the salty taste and smell of Jays cold cum. I couldn't wait to find out what he would do next.

Next: Chapter 3

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