Moving to a New Town

By Stephen

Published on Jul 9, 2023


This is my first story I have ever shared with anyone. It is true, though I have changed the names to protect identities. I would categorize this as an Adult Friends story. Please let me know if I need to correct anything. I love your site.

This story is about my experience with the man who would become my best friend the day that moved to my new town and some of the events leading up to that move.

I have wanted to write a story for a very long time. Every time I sit down and start to type something I get this sick feeling in my stomach, and I stop. I exit out of the computer program and delete whatever I have written. I have tried to write fantasy, mystery, and general fiction. However, my story never gets finished and ends up deleted. I thought that maybe I would write about my life. When I got started though, the sick feeling came more rapidly, and I exited the program and deleted it. So, I'll try to start again...

The story begins ten years ago. A little about myself: physically I fall into the bear category I am hairy. I stand 5'8, and weigh 220lbs. I have a belly, and wear glasses. I was blessed with thinning strawberry blond hair and have a beard that I keep trimmed. At the time this story begins I was 30 years old and had just been reassigned by my company to a small town in North Alabama, though I did not immediately move. I worked for a major specialty retailer and was asked by my district manager if I would take the assignment for a substantial pay raise. I agreed and that is how this story took place. Of course, for privacy reasons, I have changed the names of all locations and people involved.

My first day in my new store was very busy, as you might have expected. Not only did I have to learn where everything was inside the store, I also had to meet my new team and customers. There were also the periodic check-ins with my DM, and the weekly conference call with him and the other store managers.

After the call I noticed on the security camera monitor this really hot guy who looked to be in his mid-twenties walking up and down every aisle. I'll let you know I have a type, give me a guy in a baseball cap with a chinstrap beard or goatee, wearing a t-shirt, jeans, work boots and that tan that only comes from working outside and I'll swoon! And that is just exactly was Jay, I later learned his name, was wearing that day.

I exited my office because I just had to see him in person, and oh honey, let me tell you he looked even better up close. He had a little bit of a gut, and just a faint trace of chest hair sticking up from behind his shirt. And the tattoos, oh my God, I had a semi just looking at him. Of course, I looked at his crotch, you could tell he was packing so I walked up and introduced myself.

"Can I help you find something? I'm Seth, I'm the new store manager," I informed him.

"Naw," he said with a chaw of Red Bear Wintergreen Longcut Dip tucked away in his jaw. "My name's Jay. I'm the cable guy round these parts." "Nice to meet you Jay," I replied as I continued to scan him up and down. As I made my way up his body, my eyes met his. He smirked. He knew what I was doing. I was caught!

"Well, I got an appointment on the other side of town, I'll see ya later. It was good to meet ya," he said as he extended his tanned hand. I shook it and noticed immediately he had quite a grip on him.

He left the store, and my assistant manager Chuck approached me. He was an older man, older than me anyway, in his mid to late fifties. "I see you met the cable guy, Jay."

"Yeah. I noticed he was walking up and down the aisles. I thought he might be a thief."

"Naw, he ain't no thief. He's just bored. There's not much cable work somedays so he comes and hangs out here."

"Does he ever buy anything?" I asked.

"Sometimes. But not most of the time. He does help out on shipment day though. He knows where everything is, even behind the counter."

The manager in me came out. I was amazed that the team had been letting noncustomers behind the counter and into the parts of the store where the more valuable items were kept. I didn't see Jay for the rest of the day, but I couldn't keep him out of my head. Every time the door jungled I would look up hoping it was him coming back. Before I knew it was 5pm and time to call it a day. I greeted my closing team, gave them instructions and my expectations, then headed home. I had an hour drive. As soon as I got into my house, I immediately pulled out my uncut cock and jerked off thinking about Jay. I got out my dildo and fucked myself with it imagining it was him. I shot the biggest load I had ever shot to that point. Exhausted, I cleaned up and went to bed.

Fast forward about six months. I was getting comfortable in my store. I had hired and fired a few of the staff. Others had quit. You know how it goes in retail when a new manager comes along. I had also explored the town some on my lunch breaks. It was smaller than the one in which I lived, but still nice. It had everything a person would need and was closer to a couple of bigger cities so if I needed to get away I could.

Also, me and Jay's relationship had grown. I had come out to him which he was cool about. But that is when things began to change. He became flirtier with me, and more handsy. One day he came up to me as I was resetting a merchandise display,

"What up bossy man?" he said as he put me into a bear hug, almost knocking us both onto the floor. I could feel thick cock pressing into my thigh through our pants. It felt huge, at least nine inches long and almost as thick. He held us there for what seemed like an eternity before he leaned into my ear, "Did you like that?" I playfully pushed him back. But I knew what he was asking, and it made me sweat as my own cock began to swell. I had to escape to bathroom where I pulled out my hardening uncut cock. It's seven inches of thick bear meat was leaking precum profusely. It didn't take too many strokes before I fired off a week's worth of cum into the company toilet thinking about getting Jays hard cock into my mouth and ass. I vowed then I would get him to breed me. After I cleaned up, I exited the bathroom. There he stood with the same smirk on his face. He knew what I had done, "Everything c-u-m out ok bossy man?" I blushed and pushed past him as he grabbed his bulge.

Another time, he was in my store and one of my new hires changed the music from old 1970s country that Chuck had playing to something newer that you might hear in a club. As before I was resetting a display, Jay came up to me and began to grind on me. Again, I could feel his cock as he grinded on my ass. Only this time I pushed back on him allowing his jean clad manhood to slid up and down my pant clad ass crack. "Keep that up and you might make a mess," I said.

"You'd like that wouldn't you," he said as he grabbed my hips, thrust hard a couple of times, then turned and walked away adjusting his very visible erection trying to make it less noticeable.

This pattern of play continued. Sometimes my staff noticed with one even asking me if Jay was my boyfriend. As it turns out, Jay was very married and had a daughter. He never wore a wedding ring because of his job, he didn't want to risk electrocution or losing his finger if his ring got caught. I never knew he was married until he brought his wife and little girl into the store one Saturday morning.

During this time, I was ruining my car. I was driving 100+ miles round trip per day. I had to replace the tires once a year and my car had developed an oil leak that only became noticeable because of where I parked, you could see the oil stain on the concrete of my parking lot. After I got the car fixed, I began to look for a place to live that was closer to work. It was Jay that found a place...right down the street from Chuck. And it was Jay that volunteered to help me move. Sidenote here, none of my family or friends offered to help.

I moved on a Sunday afternoon after church. It was August and warm out. Yes, I am church going gay, I'm an Episcopalian if you must know. I gave Jay directions to my house and when I got home from church he was there with his big pickup truck and trailer in my yard. He was sitting on my porch drinking what looked like one of my beers.

"I hope you don't mind, but I let myself in," he said as he took a swig. He had broken into my home. "I wanted to get a look at what we were moving to see if it was going to take more than one trip."

"Help yourself," I replied trying to sound cheerful. In reality I was freaked out that he had broken into my home. I was also extremely turned on. "I think we can get it all in one trip. I don't have much." As I walked into the studio apartment that I rented, he followed close behind. I could feel him staring at me. "I'm going to change clothes, I'll be right back," I said.

"I'll be here," he replied.

I changed as quickly as I could. I was eager to get moved and nervous about being alone with Jay with no witnesses around. I returned to the front room and made my way over to the kitchen to get a beer from the fridge. I heard Jay get up. I assumed he was ready to start moving. When I turned around, he was standing in the door leading into the bedroom. His baseball cap was turned backwards making me hornier than ever. He had pulled his t-shirt up and exposed his white belly, he had just a slight dusting of dark fur that led into he pants. His thumbs were resting inside his belt and then I saw it. There it was. The thing I had dreamed of and beat off thinking about. I had the feel of it on my thigh and rubbing against my ass burned into my memory. It was the most beautiful cock I had ever seen.

He had pulled it out of his jeans. It was long, at least seven or eight inches, and thick, like energy drink can thick. Best of all, it was uncut with just the head peering out from beneath the foreskin. I was stunned and speechless for more than a minute.

"Well, get on it queer boy," he commanded. "Ain't this what you been wanting? Suck my cock bossy man. Be a good faggot."

I complied, still speechless. I placed my beer on the counter and walked over to him. I dropped to my knees and inhaled his scent. He was clean, his clothes freshly laundered. Then I caught a whiff of his body wash! He had showered before he came over. I realized this was his plan the entire time! The playfulness, the grinding, the name calling, all of it was a plan to get me alone with him!

Then I touched it. He inhaled sharply, "I ain't never done anything like this before. My wife used to give me head all the time when we were dating. Now that we're married, she refuses. You swallow?"

"I will for you," I said. He relaxed some and I felt his cock grow in my hand. The foreskin slid back even more as he continued to growing. I licked the head, a dollop of precum made contact with my tongue it's salty flavor sent chills through my body causing goose bumps to form on my skin. He noticed, "You like how I taste boy?" I nodded in the affirmative as I took the bulbous head into my mouth. He hissed his approval as a savored his taste. He tasted clean, yet musky. He tasted like a man.

We slowly made our way from the door to the bed where he fell back landing on top of my duvet. He momentarily popped out of my mouth. I took the opportunity and unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned his pants so I could pull them off. I then pushed his shirt up to his chin. I wanted to get a good look at the man I was about to suck the soul out of. He was perfect. His dadbod was covered ever so slightly in the blackest hair I had ever seen. It accentuated his man tits and belly. I allowed my hands to explore his body before I dove into his nipples and sucked them like I was a newborn calf craving its mother's milk.

He hissed again followed by, "Shit, nobody's ever done that before. DO NOT STOP!" I obeyed, only deviating from his instructions to move to the other nipple and then make my way to his furry pits where I sniffed, kissed, sucked, and licked.

"You like those man pits faggot?" he inquired.

"Yes sir," I said moving to the other one where I repeated my sensual repertoire before moving back to his nipples and then to his belly, stroking his man cock the entire time. I would run my thumb over the head as I bit down on his nipples causing him to moan and thrust upward at my touch. I had never felt so powerful and so turned on.

I worshiped him, moving from his belly to his trimmed pubes. I kissed and sucked the base of his cock before moving to his kiwi sized balls. I lavished them with my tongue. Jay whimpered as pleasure took hold of him. "Gawd, what are you doing to me?" he moaned as I took each perfect nuts gently into my mouth and sucked them. A small puddle of drool accumulated on my bed between his legs as I moved to his perinium and nuzzled his most private area.

"What the freak are you doin' to me? I ain't never felt so good before? Ain't nobody ever done that!" he exclaimed as my tongue touched his taint and I continued to make love to his most sensitive areas. I then felt the familiar warmth of his rough and callused hand on top of mine as I continued to stroke him. He tightened our grip and proceeded to increase the pace. His whimpering and moaning growing louder, "Yeah, just like that," he said.

He lifted his legs allowing me better access to his nether regions and exposing his furry hole. Like the rest of him, it was covered in a light dusting of dark hair. It smelled ripe, but not so ripe as not to enjoy it. I inched closer to my target before hearing, "Deep throat my cock faggot." I obeyed once again and returned to his big, beautiful, uncut cock which was leaking copious amounts of precum.

As I took him into my mouth I was immediately greeted by his salty flavor. He began thrusting upward and into the recesses of my throat. His girth caused me some discomfort, but I met his upward thrust with downward head action that only served to drive his cock deeper into me and deepen his pleasure.

"Yeah, queer boy, take this daddy dick! Suck it bitch! Get that daddy cum, that shit is life giving! I'm so potent I could get you pregnant!" His taunts only served to encourage me. I wanted to please this man. I wanted to make him feel good. I needed to ensure he was pleased at all costs. He took his rough hand off of mine and placed it along with the other one on the sides of my head guiding me up and down on his now very slobbery cock.

Then he did something unexpected. He held my head still, locking it between his powerful hands, and proceeded to fuck my face, driving his meaty cock deeper into my throat than before. I panicked. I couldn't breathe. I was trapped. Visions of crime scenes I had watched on tv flashed before my eyes. I thought this was it, I was going to die. I began to slap his hips, hoping he would get the idea and let me up. It seemed like he held me there and brutalized my throat for hours.

Then it happened. He let out the moaning growl as the pace of his assault slowed. His breathing quickened and his cock expanded even more. It became harder than steel and developed a slight upward curve as a torrent of cum filled every inlet of my mouth with each pulse. My head still prisoner of between his hands. The first of his cum strikes slid down my sore and bruised throat bypassing my tongue altogether. One, two, five, eight, eleven pulses of his nut juice entered my stomach. I didn't think it would end.

His cock slipped out of my mouth. Even deflating, it was still impressive. I licked up the last of his cum from the tip. He inhaled quickly and flinched as my tongue made contact with his sensitive head.

"God dang bossy man, that was...that was..." he had to catch his breath, "...that was the best head I've ever had."

"Thank you," I replied feeling very satisfied with myself as I began to wipe the spit and slobber off his cock and thick, hairy thighs.

"I guess we better get you moved now."

"Yeah. I guess so."

"By the way, I'm gonna need a key to your new place after this," he said as he got up and pulled up his jeans.

"Yes sir," I replied

Next: Chapter 2

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