Moving On?

By Chip Dyp

Published on Jan 14, 2000


The following program contains material suited for a mature audience. If you are not over 18 you should be leaving now. Of course I can't control you and neither can anyone else really. This story is entirely false except for the true parts. And now for our feature presentation. Viewer Discretion is advised...

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Moving On? 3 by: Chip Dyp (

I felt odd as I stood by Codie's car behind Blockbuster. Through the grapevine I'd heard that he had to work late. I was hoping that when he finished work, we'd get a chance to talk. I wanted to know why he was spreading lies about me. Earlier attempts to talk to Codie had culminated in me getting banned from Blockbuster for life, a punch to the head from Simon, and a threat from this big dude who was Codie's self appointed bodyguard.

Codie turned his back, locking the staff door after he had set the alarm. When he saw me standing by his car, he gave me a condescending smile and walked over to where I was standing. "Well, if it isn't the rapist. It's amazing; Simon wants you strung up by your balls. Who'd have thought he'd believe his boyfriend over his best friend?"

"It's really not that difficult to understand. He's very devoted to his boyfriends."

"Really?" Codie opened the back door of his car. "He was this devoted to you when you were going out?"

"You know he was. Why are you telling everyone that I raped you? I didn't touch you."

"I know that, and you know that, but everyone else doesn't. And that's the way it's going to stay."

"Simon's not going to believe you forever, Codie," I said coldly. "Sooner or later, you'll slip up and he'll nail you to the wall."

"Dream on, fuckhead. Right now, I could tell Simon that I'm pregnant with your kid and he'd believe me. You want to know the best part? He'd want to raise the kid as his own. You know, make sure he doesn't become one of those rapists like his father."

"I'm not a rapist!" I yelled.

"Tell it to someone who cares. As far as I'm concerned, you are a rapist."

"What have I done to you to deserve this?"

"Like you don't know."

"I don't know," I said emphatically.

"I'll let you figure it out. You're a smart guy."

"I didn't have sex with you, consensual or non-consensual," I said angrily.

"No, but you fucked me. You fucked me long and hard. And now, well now you are paying for it. And trust me, if I had my way this would hurt you even more." Codie tossed his backpack into the car and then turned back to me. "By the way, how's Shawn?"

I glared at Codie. "He won't talk to me."

Codie grinned back at me. "Probably a smart move. Who wants to be associated with a rapist?"

"I'm not a rapist."

"You just keep telling yourself that. Perhaps it'll make a difference with someone who cares. But, as nice as this little chat has been, I have to go."

"Not yet you don't," I said grabbing his shoulder. "We aren't finished talking."

"You have three seconds to get your hands off of me before I call the cops and have them arrest you for raping me. You think you have it bad now, what do you think would happen if I were to charge you? You'd be tried in the media and any money your parent's left you when they died would get spent funding your defence."

"I'll get you for this." I let go of Codie's shoulder.

"I'll let that threat go," Codie said sitting down in the car.

"Whatever," I walked away from Codie, so I wouldn't lose my temper and do something that I'd regret. I was so angry I was shaking.

Codie laughed at me as I walked across the street to where my car was parked. He knew he had me over a barrel. The only way out of this predicament that I could see was convincing Simon that I didn't sleep with Codie. If I could convince Simon, he could help me convince Shawn, and then... Who was I kidding? There was no way I could convince Simon that I didn't sleep with his boyfriend.

Feeling sorry for myself, I drove home. I regretted coming back to this shit town. I had never planned on moving back into town, let alone into my parent's house. When I returned from Europe though, I found I couldn't cut the ties to my past. Now all the ties had been cut for me. None of my former friends or acquaintances wanted anything to do with me.

When I got home, I stopped on my driveway and looked at the garage door.

There is big, bold, red letters was the word 'rapist'. Someone had been nice enough to brand my house so that the entire neighbourhood could shun me. I drove my car into the garage and shut the door. I checked the letters on the garage door, hoping they were chalk. They weren't, they were paint. I'd have to have my garage door repainted.

I banged my head against the door and yelled, "FUCK!" No one believed me, no one wanted to talk to me, and now they were going to harass me. I went slowly into the house, and checked my messages. Just when I thought that things couldn't get any worse, there was just one message. My ex-boyfriend, Will, had called. He left me a message asking me to call him back when I got in. I shook my head. Calling an ex-boyfriend was exactly what I was looking to do. Nothing like re-fighting old battles.

Reluctantly, I picked up the phone and dialled the number Will had left.

The phone rang twice, before a younger sounding man answered it.

"Hello, Will Robertson residence."

"Hi, is Will there?" I asked. I knew that it wasn't Will that I was talking to.

"Yeah, he'll just be a second."


I listened as the guy put down the phone. Giggling and laughing could be heard in the background as Will was informed of a waiting phone call. Finally, I heard the phone clank a few times and then I heard the voice that I knew so well.

"Hello, Will Robertson speaking."

"Will, it's Brandon. I'm returning your phone call."

"Brandon, oh wow. Thanks for returning my call. It's really great to hear from you."

"It's good to hear from you too."

"Look, I wanted to apologize to you. I was really angry when you broke up with me. I'd still like to be friends with you, if you'd like to be friends with me."

"I'd really like that," I said quietly. I debated telling him about Codie, but I decided it could wait till later. "I'm sorry that I didn't give you a better explanation when we broke up.

"Don't be, Brandon. I understand what you mean now. You were right, we weren't meant to be together. I mean, I loved you, and you loved me but like you said, 'Something was missing'."

"I thought you said that was a load of crap?" I asked coyly.

"It isn't. Brandon, I've got a new boyfriend. He's smart, funny, cute, and great in bed, just like you. But whenever we are together, we connect on so many different levels."

"That sounds wonderful, Will. I'm so glad you're happy, you deserve it." Everyone deserves as much happiness as they can get, even ex-boyfriends. I couldn't be mad at Will for finding someone who made him happy. I had found and lost someone that made me happy.

"Thanks, Bran. I hear you have a new boyfriend. How is he doing?"

I sighed and thought about the best way to tell Will about Shawn, Simon, and Codie. I decided to do it without embellishment. "He dumped me."

"Oh, Bran. I'm so sorry. I didn't know."

"It's all right," I said stoically. I didn't want Will to know how bad I was hurting inside. I had my pride.

"Why did he dump you?"

I didn't know whether or not I should tell Will about Codie's accusations. In the end, I decided that I should tell him. I figured maybe he could give me some tips or ideas to get Shawn back. "Because he thinks I raped Simon's boyfriend, Codie."

"Codie Ross?"

"Yeah, that's him. I guess you know him."

"Yeah, I know him. He's a lying bastard. Did you want me to call Simon and tell him that Codie is a lying shit?"

"It wouldn't do any good," I said despondently. I furrowed my brow as I thought about what Will had just said. "Wait, you didn't even ask if I did it, yet you called Codie a lying bastard."

"Brandon, I know you'd never rape anyone," Will chided me. "You are such a sweet, caring, gentle guy. That's why I loved you so much. You didn't make me feel like I was your bitch or your sex toy. You treated me as your equal. You treat everyone as your equal. Besides, Codie hates you with a passion."

"Why does Codie hate me with a passion?" I asked. Maybe Will could explain it to me, 'cause I didn't have a clue.

"Because he wanted to be my boyfriend when you and I were going out. He kept telling me that he was better for me that you could ever be. When you dumped me, he tried to grab me on the rebound, but I didn't want to have anything to do with the slut. Maybe he's trying to hurt you because he couldn't have me?"

"You think that could be the reason?"

"Makes about as much sense as anything else.

"I guess so," I said unenthusiastically. "I better let you get back to your boyfriend."

"I guess," Will said quietly. "I hope you'll call again, Brandon. I really meant it when I said I wanted to be your friend."

I tried to smile from behind the receiver, but I just couldn't do it. I was happy that Will wanted to be friends. It meant that I wasn't completely friendless. I still had Will. "So did I," I replied. "Have a good night."

"You too."

I hung up the phone and walked into the living room. I needed a drink--a nice, stiff, drink. Reaching deep into the dark recesses of the bar, I grabbed a full bottle of whiskey and a glass. This would help. I flopped down on the couch, and turned off the light. The amber liquid in the bottle looked so pure, so delightful in the moonlight. I cracked opened the bottle and poured four fingers into the glass. The whiskey went down so smoothly. I sat in the dark for five minutes before I decided I needed another drink. And then another. And another. And another. The bottle was nearly empty when I stood up and staggered off to my bedroom. It was very late and thanks to the whiskey, I was very tired.

I barely managed to undress myself before fell into my bed. I crawled under the covers and closed my eyes. I didn't know what to do anymore. I had loved Shawn with all my heart, and when he told me he didn't believe me he drove a stake right through me.

As I slept I heard this shrill shrieking. I didn't know what it was. I opened my eyes and slowly moved back into the realm of the living. There was a thick blanket of smoke hanging from the ceiling, and the air was so hot. My house was on fire! I rolled out of my bed and fell to the floor. My head ached from all the whiskey. I crawled along the floor to the door, and pressed my hand against the door. It was hot. I turned away from the door and crawled over to the window. I slowly stood and looked out into my backyard. The sky had started to lighten as the sun prepared to peek over the horizon. I quickly realized that the window was probably my best bet for escape. I pushed open the window and released the window catches so I could get out. The cool air felt so good against my nearly bare skin.

There was a loud bang from the front of the house, hastening my exit from the burning house. I stepped up onto the ledge, and then slid out the window dropping the five feet to the ground. Turning around, I looked at my house. There were flames licking the roof, and I could see flickering lights through the kitchen windows. With the wailing of the fire department's sirens in the background, I dropped to my knees and started crying. The last pieces of my family were being blackened before my eyes.

A fireman came around the house and found me laying in the grass, crying. He helped me up and walked me around to where an ambulance waited. A paramedic wrapped a blanket around my body and began checking me out. She wanted to make sure that I hadn't suffered any burns or smoke inhalation. I sat there in the back of the ambulance, answering all her questions with one-word answers.

After the paramedic finished checking me out, she decided that I should probably spend the rest of the night in the hospital. I lay back on the gurney and let them take me to the hospital. The remainder of the night was spent on an uncomfortable examining table in the hospital's emergency ward. When the nurse woke me up the next morning, she told me I had a visitor. I sat up a little, trying to stay covered by the blanket as I looked towards the door.

"How are you feeling?" Shawn asked, hurrying through the door.

"I'm fine," I replied. I wished he wouldn't have come. I was tired of dealing with people who despised me.

"When I heard about your house, I needed to see if you were okay."

"Why?" I asked bitterly.

"Because I was worried about you. I...I still love you."

"You still love me?" My voice faltered as I finished the sentence. Shawn still loved ME!

"Yes, I still love you," Shawn said trying not to cry. He smiled at me and put his hand on my face.

"Do you think I had sex with Codie?" I asked, hoping against hope that he didn't.

Shawn just shook his head, "No, I don't think you had sex with Codie."

"You realize you are probably the only one in town who feels that way."

"No, I know there are others. One of Codie's co-workers told me that Codie had set you up, and I believe him."


"Really. Look, I know that I..." Shawn paused and furrowed his brow, "I know that I didn't believe you initially, but your best friend didn't believe you."

"It's all right." Shawn's excuses didn't matter, just as long as he loved me I was happy.

"I'm not so sure about that," Shawn said as he wiped away a tear, "I'm supposed to be your boyfriend. I'm supposed to trust you. I..."

I put my finger on Shawn's lips and shook my head. "It's all right. I know why you didn't believe me."

Shawn smiled and kissed my finger. "Where are you going to stay while you rebuild your house?"

"I'm not sure I'm going to rebuild."

"Why not?"

"Because, no matter what happens, everyone is going to think I'm a rapist."

"You can't let Codie win, Bran. Not everyone believes him anymore, and when word gets around, most people won't believe him. Did the police tell you that they caught the guy who started your house on fire?"

"No, they didn't even tell me it was arson."

"Ah, well they caught the guy who torched your house. Seems he wasn't to thrilled with having a rapist living in his neighbourhood."

"See, that's what I mean. I don't want to live here if I have to worry about my house getting burnt to the ground every time I turn around. If I move to a new city, I can get away from all these people and start over."

"Yes, but you'll be moving away from me and your friends. You'll be alone."

"Maybe that's for the best," I said quietly. Shawn stood up and walked towards a poster promoting healthier eating. He stared at the picture, not wanting to look at me.

"I don't think it's for the best," Shawn said quietly, but forcefully. "I don't want to lose you. I want you to stay here--with me."

I didn't say anything. It would be easier for me to run, like I did when my parents died. I was torn between my love for Shawn and my need to run from the pain. Shawn walked back to the bed and took my hand. "Will you at least stay with me until you leave?"

"All right," I said quietly as I squeezed his hand. "But I need you to do me a favour."


"I need some clothes. All I escaped with was my underwear."

"I don't know. I think you'd look pretty sexy running around in only your underwear."


"You know you love it," Shawn said as he hugged me.

When Shawn broke the hug, he gave me a kiss and told me he'd go buy me some clothes at the mall. I lay back down in the examination room, alone for all of five minutes before two police officers came in.

They explained that they had caught the guy who had set fire to my house. They said that the guy had claimed I was a rapist and wanted to hear my side of the story. I told them about Codie and what had happened between us. How he was telling everyone that I had raped him. The officers took notes as I told them the whole story. They told me that they didn't expect any problems putting the arsonist behind bars, as he had confessed. They thanked me for my time and were just leaving when Shawn came in with some clothes for me.

"The Gap?" I asked as I looked at the bags, "Please tell me you didn't buy me khaki's."

"No, I didn't buy you khaki's. I bought you a plain t-shirt and some jeans. I figured you and I could go shopping for some clothes later today. How did the interview with the police go?"

"It went okay. I don't know if they believe me, but at least they know my side of the story."

Shawn put the bags down and gave me some privacy while I pulled on the clothes. It was completely unnecessary. I mean I wouldn't mind him seeing me naked.

When I had finished dressing, Shawn came back into the room and had me twirl around. "They look good on you."

"Thanks," I said shyly. "I'll have to take you shopping tomorrow to buy some more clothes.

"We'll have to go shopping today. You'll need some more clothes for tomorrow."

"I guess."

"Don't sound so enthused," Shawn said with a laugh.

Shawn and I spent the rest of the day, replacing my clothes, and buying some toiletries. I also set up an appointment with my insurance company so they could tell me how much I'd be getting.

That night, Shawn let me make supper for him, as a thank you for buying me the clothes and letting me stay with him. I was grilling up some chicken, when Shawn came up behind me and wrapped his arm around me.

"Hey, hey, hey. Get your hands off the cook," I said without turning around.

"Well, why doesn't the cook turn off the grill, and take care of this piece of meat?"

I turned around and took my first real look at my boyfriend's naked body. He had tufts of hair poking out from under his arm, and a thick bush around his swollen cock. His hard pink nipples were jutting from his nearly hairless chest. Shawn tilted his head and smiled at me. I smiled back and then whispered in his ear, "Why doesn't my beautiful boyfriend go lie down in the bedroom, and I'll come take care of his little problem."

"Little problem?" Shawn said with a pout.

"Go," I said, smacking Shawn's bare ass. He giggled and went back to his bedroom. I turned the grill off and walked towards Shawn's bedroom. As I went deeper into the apartment, I took my clothes off letting them fall to the floor. When I finally reached Shawn's bedroom, I was dressed only in my socks and my briefs. Shawn was lying seductively on the bed. He grinned and patted the bed beside him.

I pulled down my briefs and let them fall to the ground. I was very hard. Shawn had made me so hot. I lay down beside Shawn and pulled him close. I began kissing him passionately, desperate to touch him, to feel him next to me. Shawn responded in kind, gently cupping and squeezing my cheeks. He ground his cock into me and moaned. I kept kissing Shawn, making him my own. Shawn kissed my neck, and then nibbled on my ear. I let out a quiet moan, and gave Shawn a kiss on the nose.

"Lie back," I said as I released my hold on Shawn. "I want to give you something."

Shawn smiled at me and leaned back against the pillows. Spreading his legs, I crawled between them and began sucking his nipples. Shawn twitched, and groaned. I kept kissing Shawn's chest, driving him wild with desire. Slowly, I began kissing lower and lower on Shawn's chest and then his belly, until I reached his erect cock. Gently, I pulled the skin taut and took the glistening head of his cock into my mouth.

Shawn moaned and thrashed and cried out as I kept sucking his beautiful cock. I didn't expect Shawn to last long but he surprised me. When he finally did cum, he filled my mouth with his hot, thick, seed. I licked my lips, making sure that I didn't waste a drop of his creamy ejaculate. I slithered up his torso, sucking on bits of flesh. When I reached Shawn's face, I lay at his side. Shawn leaned in and gave me a kiss. I felt his tongue as it gently swiped the cum that stuck to my teeth.

"So that's what cum tastes like," Shawn said as he leaned back.

"Well, yours tastes that way," I said with a smile.

"Really? Well then I'm going to have to find out what yours tastes like." Shawn pushed me off of his arm and had me lay back. I spread my legs and sighed as Shawn took my cock into his mouth. The only thing I could think of as I came was that I had gotten my boyfriend back, but I had lost a friend.

To Be Concluded.

Next: Chapter 4

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